Supply Chain Risk Mitigation and The App

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Supply Chain Risk Mitigation and the Application

Potential of Complex Systems Approaches

Zhengping LI 1, Rajpreet Kaur GULATI 2

Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075.

Abstract. Supply chains are becoming more complex and vulnerable. How to
mitigate supply chain risks (SCRs) becomes a critical issue in supply chain
management (SCM). This paper reviews the researches on SCR mitigation and
identifies the current status and limitations. A new framework on SCR mitiga-
tion is proposed which intends to draw a clear roadmap for identifying, priori-
tizing and mapping SCRs to mitigation policies, evaluating and implementing
related mitigation policies. Considering the complexities of SCR issues, the pa-
per also elaborates the application potential of complex systems (CS) approach-
es for SCR mitigation.

Keywords: supply chain, risk mitigation, complex systems, mitigation policy

1. Introduction

With the increasing scales and complexities of supply chains as a result of globali-
zation, outsourcing and lean initiatives, today’s supply chains become more vulnera-
ble [1] [2] and risk management has become a critical issue in SCM.
A risk management project can be divided into the phases of risk identification, as-
sessment, mitigation, and monitoring [3, 4]. Among which, risk mitigation is the pro-
cess of designing mitigation policies and algorithms to reduce related loss with mini-
mum cost. It intends to design, select, prioritize and execute measures which reduce
risk exposure with least cost [3, 5].
The classical mitigation policies in SCR management (SCRM) are the policies on
inventory, buffer capacity, dual sourcing, distribution and transportation alternatives
arrangements etc. [6] [7]. The policies help companies to protect against recurrent,
low-impact risks in supply chains but ignore high-impact, low-likelihood risks. Re-
cently, disruptions, both natural and man-made, have made organizations to rethink
on SCRM as they may rely on their partners spanning several nations and continents
with the globalization of supply chains. Disasters, such as floods and Tsunami in
Asia, had big impacts on the economy of the regions where they occurred. However,
these disasters also impact organizations in Europe and USA as their suppliers are in
countries such as China, India or South East Asia [8].
Researchers and supply chain managers have proposed many policies & techniques
on mitigating SCRs. However, an elusive question is how to design, select, match and
apply the right mitigation policy and technique to deal with a particular risk and this is
related to a number challenges.
First, SCRs are evolving with new uncertainties and disruptions. The most danger-
ous risk may not be the one with high impact and probability which can be detected
and identified with limited efforts, but the risks with low probability and detectability
[9]. The traditional mitigation policies by adjusting inventory, capacity, sourcing poli-
cy, and logistics alternatives become not so valid in dealing the risks. The design of
new mitigation policies and the selection of the right policies become challenging.
Second, lacking of professional knowledge with the complexities of SCRs causes
difficulties for companies to design and select the right mitigation policies. For exam-
ple, companies have never experienced risks such as the 2008 Financial Crisis and
2011 Thailand Flood before. They lack of the knowledge on these risks and related
propagations, not to mention selecting the right mitigation policies.
Third, the capabilities on designing effective mitigation policies for handling com-
plex SCRs are still lacking. Traditional analytical approaches have been used to pro-
vide exact solutions on optimizing supply chain strategies and operations. However it
is difficult to understand how a complex supply chain can work as a whole and what
are the interplays of various factors and components in complex risk scenarios. In
addition, the traditional approaches assume the structure and components of supply
chains are fixed and actually this is not true and supply chains are dynamic all the
time. To break the limitations, new approaches are needed to provide better choices
on investigating the collective behaviours of supply chains and enables observing
emergent behaviours in complex supply chain networks (SCNs) [10].
This paper conducts a comprehensive literature review, proposes a new framework
on SCR mitigation and elaborates on the potential of CS approaches for SCR mitiga-
tion. It is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews researches on SCR mitigation; Sec-
tion 3 proposes a new framework for SCR mitigation; Section 4 discusses on the po-
tential of CS approaches for SCR mitigation and Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Literature Review on SCR Mitigation

SCR is about any threat of interruption to the operations of supply chains. SCRs
can be classified as supply, demand, operational, disruption risks based on the sources
of the risks [7, 11]. Many literatures have analysed and modelled these risks and some
go further on the mitigation of the risks.

2.1 Supply Risk and Mitigation Policies

Supply risks are caused by multiple risk sources including supply yield-capacity
uncertainty [12], lead time uncertainty [12], price uncertainty [6, 12, 13], commit-
ment [6], shipment disruptions[9], lack of ownership [7] etc.
Resilience is considered as an important policy for dealing with supply risk. Tang
[12] reviewed works on supply management and suggested using multi-supplier strat-
egy to handle supply risk and using flexible supply contract to improve resilience.
Tang and Tomlin [6] proposed flexible contracts to mitigate supply risks and the ina-
bility to change order quantity once submitted. The paper provided a stylized model
for mitigating supply risk. Tang [13] suggested “flexible supply based” and “supply
alliance network” as mitigation strategy for supply risk. Hua Lee,1993 [14] proposed
mathematical model considering flexibility to deal with material shortage issues.
Supply chain redesign is used as a mitigation policy. Blackhurst [15] discussed
flexible and real time supply chain reconfiguration which takes effect once a disrup-
tion occurs. Agent-based P-Trans-Nets Models are used for task decomposition, dis-
tribution, and resource allocation. Blackhurst et al [16] proposed a 3-stage processes
for SCRM: disruption discovery, disruption recovery and supply chain redesign.
Redundancy has been applied in mitigating supply risk. ‘Redundancy’ approaches
such as the using of safety stocks or multiple sourcing are suggested by Thun [17]
who proposed empirical analysis models based on a survey of German automotive
industry to conclude that redundancy policies are effective means to deal with suppli-
er quality and unreliability issues. Carvalho [18] proposed alternative transport links
as policy for mitigating supply delay. They presented a simulation study for a case of
a Portuguese automotive supply chain. Kull et al [19] suggested network reconfigura-
tion to mitigate supply risk. Their exploratory findings suggest that increased invento-
ry in a tiered supply chain can sometimes increase supply risk rather than decrease it.
Other approaches have also been proposed. Jüttner et al [7] identified “Lack of
Ownership” as a supply risk and suggested policies including vertical integration,
buffer inventory and capacities, and contract requirements on suppliers. Oke et al [20]
discussed collaborative planning with supplier to mitigate the risk of supplier shut-
down and resilience policies for mitigating the risk of losing key suppliers.
Benyoucef, M. and M. Canbolat [21] quantified a comprehensive set of local and
global sourcing risk factors. A process failure mode effects analysis is used to rank
causes of failures, to calculate total risks in terms of dollars and to evaluate optimum
risk mitigation strategies. Swink & Zsidisin [22] hypothesized that the relationship
between focused commitment strategies to suppliers and buyer’s performance is non-
linear, taking the form of inverted u-shaped curves, with the exception of ‘quality’
which exhibits a positive linear relation. Sirivunnabood and Kumara [23] proposed a
multiple agent based approach to evaluate mitigation policies for supply risks.
Behdani et al. [24] suggested conceptual policies of excess inventory, alternative sup-
pliers and order reassignment for mitigating supplier disruption in a chemical supply
chain by agent-based modelling.

2.2 Demand Risk and Mitigation Policies

Demand risks are caused by uncertainties in demand volume fluctuations, changes
in preferences, cancellations of order, inflexibility and wrong order forecast. To miti-
gate this type of risk, different mitigation policies have been proposed.
Resilience has been identified as policy for handling demand risks. Doege et al
[25] investigated risk management of power supply market and discussed on the
hedging value of production flexibility. Tang & Tomlin [6] suggested that when sup-
ply is inflexible, one can use a pricing mechanism to influence customer demand so as
to reduce demand risks. Swafford [26] discussed supply chain flexibility which covers
procurement, distribution, manufacturing and product development functions and
represents abilities to reduce supply chain lead times, ensure production capacity and
provide product variety to improve customer responsiveness. Cucchiella and Gastaldi
[27] proposed resilience as a mitigation policy for managing uncertainties in supply
chains by utilizing real options theory to cover one or more risks inside the supply
chain. Ben-Tal et al. [28] considered resource flexibility for handling demand uncer-
tainties. They proposed a methodology to generate a robust logistics plan that mitigat-
ed demand uncertainty in humanitarian relief supply chains.
In addition, postponement has been used as a policy in face of increasing product
variety in demand. It is useful in handling demand variations in markets where a sin-
gle product may have multiple derivatives due to different language, culture, govern-
ment or technological requirements, and greatly reduces inventory carrying and trans-
portation costs. Whang and Lee [29], Jüttner [7], Tang & Tomlin [6], and Tang [12]
addressed postponement as a demand risk mitigation strategy. Yang and Yang [30]
proposed postponement policy and draw insights from NAT (normal accident theory)
that addresses catastrophic accidents and apply them to supply chain disruptions.
Supply chain redesign is used as policy for mitigating demand risks. Klibi [31]
proposed ‘SCN design’ as a policy to protect against fluctuations in the prices of fin-
ished products, energy costs, labour costs and exchange rates. Klibi [32] studies
modelling approaches to design resilient supply networks with location–transportation
problem under demand uncertainty and disruptions. They proposed several stochastic
programming models incorporating alternative resilience formulations. Pearson and
Masson [33] proposed an equilibrium model for handling demand variation and fore-
cast errors in a fashion SCN. The model can be used to examine contractual details as
well as strategic and game theoretical concepts of a network and agent-based simula-
tion was used in their solution. Baghalian and Rezapour [34] used network redesign
as mitigation policy and developed a stochastic mathematical model for designing
multi-product SCNs under uncertainty. The resultant model incorporates the cut-set
concept in reliability theory and robust optimization concept. Kumar [35] illustrates
that the ability to react to risk factors offers potential solutions to robust supply chain
design. Computational intelligence techniques such as genetic algorithms, particle
swarm optimisation and artificial bee colony are applied in solution evaluation.
Product substitution has been proposed as policy for mitigating demand risks. Tang
[12] show a firm can increase product substitutability by selecting a specific combina-
tion of products with similar features. Rajaram and Tang [36] presented a single peri-
od stochastic model that sells two substitutable products. They showed that the opti-
mal order quantity of each product and the retailer’s profit increase as product substi-
tutability increases. Bitran and Dasu [37] presented models for determining the opti-
mal production quantities when higher-grade chips can be used as substitutes for low-
er-grade chips. Pricing mechanism was used to entice customers to shift their demand
from one product to another, so the demand uncertainties can be mitigated ([38]).
Besides the above, other policies were proposed for mitigating demand risks. Tang
[12] studied supply contracts to mitigate demand uncertainties. The strategies on sup-
ply contract include flexible prices ([39], [40]), buy back contract ([41]), revenue
sharing contracts ([42]), and contracts with quantity flexibility (QF) and minimum
order ([43]). Li and Marlin [44] proposed a robust Model Predictive Control (MPC)
model for real-time supply chain optimization under uncertainties, which provides the
solution of a constrained, bi-level stochastic optimization problem. Ben-Tal et al [45]
proposed multi-echelon multi-period inventory control as an policy for handling de-
mand uncertainty.

2.3 Operational Risk and Mitigation Policies

Operational risks are caused by multiple risk sources, including uncertainty in
product safety, machinery / equipment breakdowns, production capacity problems [6,
27], material delivery / processing delays [9] and lead time uncertainty [15] etc. Dif-
ferent types of mitigation policies have been proposed in mitigating operational risks.
Quality control is identified as a mitigation policy for operational risks. Six Sigma
and regulatory compliance and analytical methods are discussed for operational risk
control [46]. Sun et al.[47] presented a quality risk management model for a supplier–
assembler supply chain. They develop a P-chart solution model to find out the optimal
due-date that minimizes the total cost.
Resilience is also used as mitigation policy operational risk. Sheffi & Rice [9] ar-
gued that ‘conversion flexibility’, which involves the use of standard processes across
facilities with interoperability, allows a firm to operate in another facility when one is
disrupted or to replace sick or otherwise unavailable operators. Tang & Tomlin [6]
and Thun & Hoenig [17] proposed flexible process strategies which allows the firm to
produce multiple products to compete on product variety and cost. Cucchiella & Gas-
taldi [27] addressed risks such as insufficient production capacity and delays in re-
ceiving critical information and examine ‘real options’ in risk avoidance policies,
such as deferring investment, outsourcing, scaling down and abandoning current op-
erations. They suggested that the real option theory allows increasing flexibility and
enable the selection of possible options to protect the firm against operational risks.
Supply chain redesign is used as mitigation policy for operational risks. Speier et
al. [48] develops a framework to examine the threat of potential disruptions on supply
chain processes and security. It focuses on supply chain design strategies to mitigate
these risks by integrating three theoretical perspectives—normal accident theory,
reliability theory, and situational crime prevention. In addition, Blackhurst &
O’Grady [15] proposed P-Trans-net model to identify those nodes along the supply
chain that contribute to the longest lead times and delays. Wang [49] discussed on
node overload problem in scale-free network by simulation and he suggested use
transhipment of workload in (supply chain) network.

2.4 Disruption Risk and Mitigation Policies

Disruption risk is due to natural disasters (fire, earthquake, flood, rock fall, land-
slide, avalanche, etc.), weather (iciness, storm, heat) and political instability (strike,
war, terrorist attacks, embargo, political labour conflicts, and industrial disputes).
Resilience has been used as important policy for mitigating disruptions. Klibi [31]
suggested flexibility such as ‘resource flexibility’ and ‘shortage response actions’ into
SCN design for handling disruptions such as social and political risks and natural
disasters. Braunscheidel and Suresh [50] studied disruption risk and suggested resili-
ence as the main mitigation policy with market orientation and learning orientation
model based on structural equation modelling technique – partial least squares (PLS).
Sawik [51] proposed a mixed integer programming model to determine resilient sup-
ply portfolios in case of disruptions. Ji and Zhu [52] developed supply chain disrup-
tion risk management strategies with the properties of efficiency and resilience ana-
lysed, and related with actual practice.
Redundancy is used as mitigation policy for disruption risk. Schmitt [53] studied
disruption risk in the production and distribution sections of a supply chain. Their
strategies take the advantage of the networks and include satisfying demand from
alternative locations in the network, procuring material or transportation from alterna-
tive sources or routes, and holding strategic inventory reserves in network. Schmitt
[54] studied risks from both supply disruptions and demand uncertainty and compare
their impacts and mitigating strategies. They analyse inventory placement and back-
up methodologies in a multi-echelon network and view their effect on reducing SCR.
Supply chain redesign has been used as policy for mitigating disruption risks. Klibi
[31] gave a review on design robust value-creating supply chain for tackling disrup-
tion risks and pointed out that most of SCN design literatures consider simplified
static and deterministic models. Ratick et al [55] suggested a ‘geographical disper-
sion’ strategy to spread risks associated with single point of failure events, natural and
anthropogenic events affecting the value stream or a node.
In addition, Kleindorfer and Saad [56] underlines the importance of collaborative
information sharing to manage disruption risk in supply chains under a cost-efficient
manner. Zhao et al [57] investigated environment risk and suggested manufacturers to
select mitigation strategies based on government rules. They proposed game theory
model for environment risk reduction by using the concept of ‘tolerability of risk’.
Zhu and Dou [58] also uses game theory to analyse the strategies selected by manu-
facturers to reduce life cycle environmental risk. They suggested subsidiaries and
penalties as mitigation measures in their evolutionary game model. [59] investigates
the methods for mitigating bankruptcy propagation through coordination and pro-
posed contract schemas as mitigation policies for a two-stage supply chain network.

2.5 Summary
As reviewed, the current works on SCR mitigation policies are mainly based on
analysis of the features of risks and most of them focus on traditional issues of supply
chain structure, supply contract, inventory policies, capacity buffers, and visibility
through IT and data analysis techniques. Traditional OR approaches are applied to
design the mitigation policies and algorithms. However, we observed a few limita-
tions on current SCR mitigation research:
1) Lack of consistent approach focusing on risk mitigation from risk identifica-
tion, ranking, matching, to the design, evaluation and implementation of mit-
igation policies.
2) Lack of the approach on mapping/matching SCRs to mitigation policies.
3) Quite some of the researches just proposed conceptual models and the mod-
els with algorithms are mainly based on traditional OR and simulation ap-
proaches that are with limitations in handling complex risk issues.
4) Although there are a number of researches on mitigation policies and algo-
rithms, there is still a gap in evaluating and validating the mitigation policies
/ algorithms before implementing them in practices.
This research caters for the above issues and proposes a new SCR mitigation
framework and then study on the potential of CS approaches for mitigating SCRs in
complex supply chain scenarios.

3. IRMEI Framework on SCR Mitigation

3.1 A New Framework for SCR Mitigation - IRMEI

As discussed, mitigation is the most critical process in SCRM since it reduces the
loss of SCRs directly. While there are many researches on risk mitigation, a consistent
framework focusing on the mitigation of complex SCRs is still lacking. An IRMEI
(Identification, Ranking, Matching, Evaluation and Implementation) SCR mitigation
framework is hence proposed (Figure 1). As shown in the Figure, 5 major steps are
included in the framework.

Figure 1: IRMEI Framework of SCR Mitigation

Step 1 –Identification: a supply chain is mapped and SCRs are identified with
communication to the people interviewed. Risk analysis and propagation need to be
investigated to identify critical risks and nodes in a SCN.
Step 2 - Ranking: SCRs are ranked and prioritized based on risk assessment ap-
proaches. Risks are ranked and prioritized based on their impacts (severity), probabil-
ity, detectability and other features.
Step 3 – Matching: the selected SCRs are matched to the right mitigation policies.
Mitigation policies should be designed and verified before adding them to a pool
ofpolicies. This step should also include the work of designing, categorizing and pool-
ing of mitigation policies based on research review and industry case studies.
Step 4 – Evaluation: to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation policies. The eval-
uation of the policies is mainly based on the efficiency of the policies and the cost of
Step 5 – Implementation: This is the step to realize the mitigation policy in a SC
with setting the necessary parameters and make resources available for mitigation.

3.2 SCR Identification

Developing a supply chain map which clearly shows the products (components),
nodes (partners) and connections (flows) can help to identify risks in a SCN. Given
the complexity of supply chains, the mapping can have the perspective of focus and
exclude non-critical entities. The processes of both developing and disseminating the
map should lead to a common understanding of the SCN that would include what was
deemed important to managing or monitoring the chain [60]. Available mapping ap-
proach such as Value Stream Mapping can add the risk hotspot to the map. The iden-
tification can involve various organization units and provides the opportunity for the
managers to be involved in discussing the risks which need to be highlighted. The
managers will also have the chance to tell why a risk is more critical than another.

3.3 SCR Ranking

Risk assessment is for prioritizing risks and allocating limited resources to mitigate
critical risks. Some previous works are conducted in our research. Li et al [61] re-
views risk assessment approaches focusing on the advantages, limitations and applica-
tions of the Risk Matrix Approach (RMA). The research then proposed an extended
risk matrix approach (ERMA) for the purpose of overcoming the limitations of tradi-
tional RMA and improving the applicability to RMA to SCRM. New dimensions of
risk metrics - detectability and recoverability - are incorporated to capture SCR com-
plexities. A case study was conducted [61] to demonstrate how to use user data and
rank SCRs by ERMA. In addition, a new quantitative method for SCR measurement
by Value at Risk (VaR) [62] has also been developed based on disruption recovery
models. It uses time equivalent derived from the recovery modes as a main measure to
calculate the VaR for disruptions.

3.4 Matching SCRs to Mitigation Policies

Mitigation policies can be categorized into major types based on the risk issues re-
lated to Structure, Visibility, Resilience and Buffer etc. Structure issue refers to weak
and risky supply chain topology and SCN redesign is a strategy about changing SC
structures. Visibility issue mainly refers to the risks due to the un-availability of nec-
essary information to aware the risks and the insight for sensing risks which are pro-
duced based on basic risk information. Buffer issue mainly refers to putting strategic
redundancy in inventory and capacities in key locations of a supply chain for dealing
with possible uncertainty and risks in future. Resilience issue is about improving flex-
ibility and agility of the supply chain with existing resources. With the growing com-
plexities of SCNs, resilience is considered as a more and more important strategy for
SCR mitigation and CS approaches may play a more active role on investigating the
resilience and survivability of SCNs.

Figure 2: Matching SCR to Mitigation Policies

The matching of risks to mitigation policies should be based on the consequences

of the risks and not the scenario ([7]). A risk may cause negative consequences on
performances, such as on cost, resource, time and product quality etc., and the select-
ed mitigation policies should be applied to reduce the impacts. For example, if re-
sponsiveness is critical for a supply chain and the focus of risk mitigation should be
mainly the impact to lead-time and the measure on reducing lead-time should be the
main mitigation policies considered.
Based on the consequences of the risks, Figure 2 shows examples on mitigation
policy matching considering risk type, consequence, issues and SCR mapping to poli-
cies. In case 1 (Tang and Tomlin [6]), the main risk is the delay of order confirma-
tion, and it may incur high cost on discarding products that may be outdated. The
mitigation policy is to postpone the final customization until the demand is confirmed.
This requires the resilience policy in product customization. In case 4, Tang [13] in-
troduces a case that air-traffic problem causes late delivery due to the problem in the
airport. The issue is a structure problem of the distribution network. So the mitigation
policy can be multi-modal and alternative routes in the distribution network.

3.5 Evaluation of Mitigation Policy

Evaluation of the effectiveness of mitigation policies should go beyond economic
losses and include also, but not restricted to, speed of recovery, extent of recovery and
reduction in losses. One of the simplest and easily understood methods is to consider
the cost-benefit ratio of the risk mitigation strategy. Rapid modeling and evaluation
methods for assessing complex SCN scenario are needed in assessing mitigation poli-
cies. Methods employed may include CS approaches in resource gaps analysis in the
wake of an event and comparing between the actual and estimated losses. Ni, Chen, &
Chen [63] proposed an approach on evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation poli-
cies. It starts with plotting the assessment results on the same graph followed by se-
lecting an appropriate graphics based on the arithmetic operation of the evaluation.
The graphical extensions (Figure 3) are useful as they maintain the ease of both un-
derstanding and performing assessment from RMA approach. This proposed approach
could be used together with Value at Risk (VaR) to evaluate mitigation strategies.

Figure 3: Evaluation of risk mitigation policies

4. The Potential of CS Approaches for SCR Mitigation

CS focuses on how parts at a micro-level in a complex system affect emergent be-

haviour and overall outcome at the macro-level [64]. It is a bottom-up approach that
attempts to understand how changes at the micro level and in the number of individu-
als can have emergent behaviours at the macro level. The increasing interests in CS
are driven predominantly by new trends, challenges and demands in practical systems,
e.g. economics and supply chain systems, where industries have the interests on how
to design, build and manage systems as they increase in scale and connectivity.
Tang & Nurmaya [65] reviewed more than 200 papers on SCRM and identified
that the trends on SCRM to be more on managing complexity, propagation, integra-
tion and networking with increasing scale and connectivity of the supply chains since
2006. So, new technologies for SCRM based on system complexities are more needed
by industry for the purpose of preparing the supply chains for unforeseen crises and
improving the flexibility and robustness of the supply chains. Li et al. [10] identified
5 major CS technologies for SCRM based on an investigation of the ScienceDirect
Database, include dynamic systems, agent-based modelling and simulation, network
theory, game theory and evolutionary computation.
Due to the limitation of traditional mathematical and simulation approaches in
meeting the needs for modelling and analysing the complex supply chains and design-
ing sustainable and self-adaptive supply chains, researchers have begun to use CS
approaches for SCRs mitigation and relief. Agent-based approaches are one of the
most used CS technologies. Giannakis & Louis [66] and Behdani et al. [24] proposed
multi-agent based decision support systems for risk management of manufacturing
and chemical supply chains. Sirivunnabood & Kumara [23] used an agent-based sim-
ulation to evaluate risk mitigation strategies for supplier risks. There are also applica-
tions of other CS approaches on SCR mitigation. Kumar [35] applied genetic algo-
rithms, particle swarm optimisation and artificial bee colony in robust supply chain
design and evaluation. Schmitt [53] used network theory approach. Zhao et al [57]
and Zhu and Dou [58] proposed game theory model for risk mitigation.
However, the researches on applying CS to SCRM are still on its starting stage.
There are still a lot of potentials on applying it to SCR mitigation.
First, how to make a supply chain resilient is a critical issue so that the SCN can
adapt to uncertainties and disruptions with the available resources and acceptable
costs. A potential to apply CS is to manage the increasing complexities in scale, con-
nectivity, range, system and risks in supply chains. Traditional SCR mitigation ap-
proaches should be enhanced to increase supply chain resilience through the man-
agement of multiple variables.
Second, rapid modelling and evaluation of mitigation policies is a potential area for
CS. Companies currently lack of technologies & tools for rapid modelling and evalua-
tion of mitigation policies in complex SCNs and hence cannot take immediate and
effective measures to mitigate the disruptions. Near real-time technologies are needed
and CS technologies with rapid inference and dependency analysis capabilities would
be good candidates for this purpose. In addition, supply chain with different struc-
tures, parameters and policies will present different performance behaviours in facing
disruptions and CS technologies could play an extensive role for evaluating the effec-
tiveness of the mitigation policies in these scenarios.
Third, CS technologies are needed to quantify disruption impacts and mitigate the
variations to hasten the recovery from disruptions, for example, technologies respond-
ing to “catastrophe” events and recovery based on catastrophe theory and multi-
objective optimization technologies. These technologies are also useful for contingen-
cy planning where leading companies deal with the SCRs by holding reserves. A
challenge is how to mitigate risk by intelligently positioning and sizing the reserves
without decreasing profits.
Finally, the validation of CS models for SCR mitigation is important for the de-
ployment of the technologies. Although there is a growing awareness of SCRM by CS
approaches and a number of conceptual models were proposed, effective validation
of the models for practical application are still lacking.

5. Conclusions

The paper proposed a SCR mitigation framework based on a comprehensive re-

view of SCR mitigation policies and studied the application potential of CS technolo-
gies to SCR mitigation.
Firstly it elaborated the challenges in SCR mitigation and clarified the objective of
the research. Secondly, literatures on researches of SCR mitigation approaches and
policies were reviewed. Thirdly, based on the reviews, a new SCR mitigation frame-
work -IRMEI was proposed. Issues on risk identification, ranking, matching to miti-
gation policies, and the evaluation of mitigation policies were elaborated. Fourthly,
the paper investigated the current states of CS technologies for SCR mitigation and
identified the potentials of using CS technologies for SCR mitigation.
In future work, CS technologies will be developed and applied to SCR mitigation
policy design, evaluation and validation. Especially, CS approaches will be used to
capture the dynamic and complex nature of SCNs for the purpose of designing effec-
tive techniques to improve the resilience of the supply chains.

This work is supported by A*STAR TSRP funding, Singapore Institute of Manufac-
turing Technology and Nanyang Technological University.


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