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Andante foal Bela Ti-glis del_Ta- mo yey Sohia ve fitness! Faircest daughter of the Grae - es, 1, thy cor? suade? Andante. (d= 69 —. ‘son de? ver- zi tuo con un dettayua det - to sol tw humble slave, in plore With one ‘ten-derword to joy re - pp dolce, puo - i le mie pe- ney le mie pe-ne con-se - lar. Vienige opilOFe— mevEnd the pangs, thepangs of un-re-quit-ed love. Of my ~ : Set aes 8 ‘seni delmio co-re il fre quonto_pal-pi - tary anguish seethe trices, Thee I treastre ‘alll a ~ dove. bi = >= od dettoyndet-to sol ta puo - i lemie pe - ne, le mie pe-ne_con-so- tender nord to joy re - store—__me,Endthe pangs, the pangs of un-requit- ed ‘Able ridowendh on roe iel nto woot ete Duke, I appreciate ouright-Iy)Allyousay is but to flatter Tar. ve ve, . ee ge Fe Madden quin-to wigal {o- sito gl-toypel re-do —tc) soappte- iP agit ni Sow tae ur dowd? ake PER o— me fir fintismehou Mt to! Words like these to” me were spokent ei, il plan-ge-re non Ya = Stience,thytears il not "tw Son av-vex -22,bel ‘1-gno ote.) SPTOUf mY gentle woo - ci, ta-ci, il pian-ge-renonw - lence, silence, thy tears will not a-vail ho SSS = seia non scop- piar, no, m0, non scop- for bliss T strove, ah, aby : all-in ad un si - mi-leschersa a "Gainst thy sweet and emp-ty noth - : T _tnow them Ba pe-ne con. s0- lar. Bel- fa fi. gila da Va- mo - lun- re-quit- ed love, Fair-est duugh-ter of the Grac ~~ ee faith = tess, Ablah' ri-do ben di co - re,ché tai ba-ie cvsten _po-co, 1 uppré-chate you right-ly, Allyou say is but to flattery a = 30 gon de vex zi two - thy hum - ble slave, im- plore ii - base = W980 Guan - to wi-gtil wo sto glo coy mel ore - de boychap-pres- ‘ab, tnagh®So anink how Sion -'y" Wet your tender tale ail ar. Songavvex-zayQel signo-Fey ad un si - mi~ Io scher- Tamproofiny’gen.tle won-er'Gainstthysweetanf emp | tm broof ny ren te w ty " dettoundet—to sol ta tender word to joy re - L —SSSS= — no, non seoppisr. fe-li - cece - rey cor ta —_ tis’ ‘allin'vain, isfalse, myheurt, my beart, Tore. Ablahl —ahleh! ri - > ings; taba, bahay 1 ‘pe- ne, Ie mie pene con-so- Is Abt pangsthe pangs of un-requit-ed love, ay BP con voce cupa ue Thee min ea-7h a eret - ‘Thou mast stun hin aad for- ~sela_ non ‘Scop - ‘or bliss r ra la von-det- ta @af-tret - him, Thy a -wea-ger Twill _ —~ gem a le tou mst sho tim ead for - ~ra la ven-det- ta @af-fret - bim, thy R-ven-ger Twill « ts re, in strove, for he is false, my heart is st ah! ah! ri-do ten di Iaugh, 1 ap-pre- ci - ate you ¢0- re, chd tai ba-1e co- stan right-ly; all you say is _but_to nie sen - th del mo agen = _guioh the tar. si, pron - = ta Prove. ‘The strength to —_ di - toy per ‘an-go - sola non acoppiar, 20, n0,n0n0, no, bro = ken, ab, im vain for Miss I strove, ah, "in pocoquanto val-ga il vo-stro giocoymeleredete,soapprezzar, si, Fah, 1 faagh to think how: your 0% flatter,ah, 1 tough to thi ‘many yet your tenderalemay’ a, yes, co-re il frequen-te pal - pi-tar, ah, al, trac- es, thee treasure all ‘above thy od, Tey Tia, pun. ish shail 15989 So-nqavver-2a, bel si-gno-re, ad un fi — mi-le schor— oof, my gentle woo-er, inst thy sweet and emp-ty prol- 10 fal- mi - nar, vow to 2 to ev- ty pow ev - ‘ry powr that rules xj{je__ee ET 5 eS f Pin - strove, my heart var, ah, ah, nothings, yee, con voce cupa ta - cke mia sa-ra le thou shalt shunhim and for - 190 PP. to, per = stia non ken, ah in vain for bliss fo al cor, ‘ht abt —_aust_tough, hha, ha, a ee det : ~ - to sol tu ten= : - ter word ree ar cra Is ven-det-ta daf-fret - veng-er Twill get him, ny TW — vo Tm ia fe = strove, is false, ta - che la thou shalt shun him ané for - 194 toy per fn - 60 ‘ecia_non loop - Ken, ah, in vain for bliss I jo di con ‘aht abl ri = - - —_must laugh, ha, he, 1 pe- = - pangs, = ra Is von-det-ta dat. fret - get him thy a= wenger Twill hm co ed wife - fle false, aht ri- do ben di co - re, chd tai ba-ie co- stan ap-pre-ci ate you rightly, all you say is but to nie seq - ti del my an - _guish see oss 193 = i to, per bro ken, ab, po- cosquanto fTiateier, I must laugh to think how man-y ' yet your a cele for in vain for lar, 10, 20, noMO, no, no, nd, strove, ah] tar, ah sly Tey ove, shy yes end > Ss —_—_ WI val~ gail vo- stro gio-Co, mel cre - de - te, s¢_ap-prez - ten-der_ ——w pal all ‘Sono avvez-za, bel si-gnore,ad un Mi thi -lescher. mrs, sk, _move, yes, yes, —___T mustlangh to think bow many yet thy ten-der tale will = fo oa - proklo fal-mi-nar, io eaprol-lo fl-mi- revs ny pe ry pow" that rules in-fe- i - ce cor re = di- to, per ango - scia non scop- he is false, my heart ro-ken, aby in vain for bliss Dbro-ken, ah 1 rae in’ sire io - co. Si ap-prez = you yet all —— co = Feil pal py pangs, the "pangs of us fe - quit - ed ta-cice mia sa - ra In cu-ra In venedet-ta daf-fret - ove, tho must shun him and for- get himythy a- veneer Iwill pian, in fe- li - ce cor tra-di-to. per ango - sclanonscop- strove, he is false, my heart is brockeny hy in¥ mar stro E10 move, to think how an ur, ~ ti co - Teil pal clove, the pangs was re = quit tur, tw -cie mia. sa - ra la cu-ra la ven-dei-ta dnf-tret ~ prove, thou must shun him and for - get himhy a-verger 1 will 1919) 194 iar, Hrove, il vostro gio - cosb_apprez-zer—— il vostro giocosd appreaza smovevah,I must 1aagh_ to thiak how man —y yet your tendertalewill move, vie=ni, vient, she_pares, ‘oh end

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