Unit 1 Short Test Grammar - Lesson 2, 3 Test - Ekowydruk

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Grupa A Klasa .................... Data ................

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 15 p. Ocena .............

1 Choose the correct option.

( ... / 5 p.)
Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1. What time does the bus to Lublin leave / leaves?

2. Tom, why are you smiling / do you smile now? Is there anything funny?

3. Fiona always wears / is wearing fashionable clothes.

4. You can talk to me, I’m not doing / I don’t do my homework at the moment.

5. Who does this pen belong / is the pen belonging to?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników w nawiasie.

1. ________________________________ (you / read) an interesting book at the moment?

2. Bill ________________________________ (not / know) the answer to this question.

3. We can’t go out now because we ________________________________ (make) something special for

supper today.

4. My uncle ________________________________ (not / live) in Warsaw, he’s on holiday there.

5. Where ________________________________ (she / go) right now? She must wait for us!
3 Translate the words or expressions in brackets into English.
( ... / 5 p.)
Przetłumacz słowa lub wyrażenia w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. We ________________________________ (nie lubimy) playing volleyball.

2. Suzy ________________________________ (zwykle pracuje) at home, but today she’s ill and is staying in

3. What ________________________________ (na co patrzysz) at? I can’t see anything interesting there.

4. How often ________________________________ (twój tata wozi) you to school?

5. Be quiet! The children ________________________________ (śpią)!

Grupa A | strona
1 z 2
Grupa B Klasa .................... Data ................
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 15 p. Ocena .............

1 Choose the correct option.

( ... / 5 p.)
Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.

1. Tom, why are you smiling / do you smile now? Is there anything funny?

2. What time does the bus to Lublin leave / leaves?

3. You can talk to me, I’m not doing / I don’t do my homework at the moment.

4. Fiona always wears / is wearing fashionable clothes.

5. Who does this pen belong / is the pen belonging to?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
( ... / 5 p.)
Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników w nawiasie.

1. Bill ________________________________ (not / know) the answer to this question.

2. ________________________________ (you / read) an interesting book at the moment?

3. We can’t go out now because we ________________________________ (make) something special for

supper today.

4. Where ________________________________ (she / go) right now? She must wait for us!

5. My uncle ________________________________ (not / live) in Warsaw, he’s on holiday there.

3 Translate the words or expressions in brackets into English.
( ... / 5 p.)
Przetłumacz słowa lub wyrażenia w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. Suzy ________________________________ (zwykle pracuje) at home, but today she’s ill and is staying in

2. We ________________________________ (nie lubimy) playing volleyball.

3. What ________________________________ (na co patrzysz) at? I can’t see anything interesting there.

4. Be quiet! The children ________________________________ (śpią)!

5. How often ________________________________ (twój tata wozi) you to school?

Grupa A | strona
2 z 2

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