Brandi Silverman CD 259-1 Teaching Interview

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Brandi Silverman


CD 259-1

Teaching Interview


1. What’s your teaching philosophy?

2. How long have you been teaching?

3. What inspire you to become a teacher?

4. What are your thoughts on classroom management?

5. What changes would you make in the education field?

6. What advice do you have for new teachers entering the field?

7. Since you’ve been teaching how is it working with children and their families?

8. What’s your teaching curriculum?

9. What are your traits you believe an effective teachers posse?

10. How long have you been working with the age group 3-5?


1. Believe in meeting children were they are and getting them to the next level by doing


2. Over 20 years.

3. Had amazing teachers while in grammar school and they inspire me to become a teacher.

4. Kids should be able to explore the classroom with supervision.

5. Teaching exams and policy for example children coming in sick and that all teachers in

the classroom should have the same responsibility.

6. Have fun, engage with the children, and show up for them also.

7. Good. I develop a report with the families, have a trusting relationship and understand

who they are.

8. Creative curriculum

9. Be a good listener, observer and motivation to the children and allow space for the

children and open to change.

10. Over 10 years but I have work at one school were the director had us teachers work in

every classroom each year I was there working so I work with infants, toddlers and 3-5

year old.

During my interview with Lottie Estes was very interesting. I learned she been in

the teaching field for over 20 years and that she is still in school for her PEL

(PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR LICENSE) which is a long time and it inspire me to

continue my education in early childhood education. One thing that stood out to me doing

this interview was when Miss Lottie mentions the teaching exam saying, “Its hard

teachers that’s been teaching for a long had to retake that exam at least three time, I had

to retake it several times I’ll prefer the exam be open book or upcoming teachers take

their time taking that exam.” As an upcoming teacher that was some good advice. We

both has the same thoughts about the creative curriculum but Miss Lottie mention that

some teachers don’t like creative curriculum. Creative curriculum is in my personal

philosophy of education which help children with their development domains. Overall the

interview was fun and I learn about Miss Lottie.

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