Diagnostic Test in Statistics and Probability Latest Edited

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Diagnostic Test in Statistics and Probability

SY: 2021 - 2022
Direction: Write only the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about random variable?

A. Possible values are not determined by chance
B. Typically represented by lower case letter, usually x
C. A random variable may be discrete or continuous
D. Represented by a negative value

2. Random variables can either be discrete or continuous. Which of the following best describes a
discrete random variable?
A. can assume an infinite number of values in an interval between two specific values
B. can assume values that can be represented by whole numbers
C. the time it takes a teacher to construct his test in Statistics and Probability
D. a variable that can only take a finite number of distinct values

3. Suppose you are taking a quiz with two multiple choice questions, and each question has 4
possible answers and only one of which is correct. Let x represents the number of correct
answers in the quiz. What are the possible values of the random variable x?
A. 0, 1, 2 B. 0, 1 C. 0, 2 D. 1, 2

4. Which of the following is TRUE about the properties of the probability distribution?
(i) each probability is less than zero (ii) the sum of the probabilities is equal to 1

A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

5. If a coin is tossed, which of the following is the probability of getting a head?

A. 0.25 B. 0.50 C. 0.75 D. 1.00

6. The mean or the expected value of the probability distribution is given by what formula?
A. ∑ [ x 2 ∙ P( x ) ] - μ2 B. ∑ [ x 2 ∙ P( x ) ] C. ∑ [ x ∙ P(x ) ]∗μ D. ∑ [ x ∙ P( x ) ] - μ

7. Calculate the variance of the probability distribution of the table below.

x P(x) x ∙ P( x ) x2 x 2 ∙ P(x)
1 1
2 4 1
4 2
1 1 1
1 1
2 2 2
0 0 0 0
A. 0.50 B. 1.0 C. 1.5 D. 2.0

8. A researcher surveyed households in a remote area. The random variable x represents the
number of high school graduates in the households. The probability of x is shown below.
x 0 1 2 3 4
P(x) 0.02 0.18 0.30 0.40 0.10
Solve for the mean of the probability distribution.
A. μ=¿2.38 B. μ=¿2.40 C. μ=¿2.42 D. μ=¿2.44

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9. Referring to the same probability distribution in (8), solve for the variance.
A. σ 2=¿0.93 B. σ 2=¿0.92 C. σ 2=¿0.91 D. σ 2=¿0.90

10. Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of the normal random variable?
A. The normal curve is bell-shaped.
B. The mean, median, and mode are at the highest point of the curve.
C. The area under the curve is 100
D. The spread of the curve depends on the standard deviation.

11. Which of the following best describes a normal curve?

A. The values of the area under the normal curve can be expressed as proportion, probability,
and percentage.
B. The normal curve is asymmetrical.
C. The width of the curve is determined by the mean only.
D. The standard normal curve extends indefinitely in one direction.

12. Which of the following normal curves corresponds to z is greater than the mean?

A. B. C. D.

13. Which of the following is the z-score if the raw score is 30, the mean is 35 and the standard
deviation is 2.5?
A. 2.5 B. 2 C. -2 D. -2.5

14. If μ=68 , σ=5 , and z = 1, what is the raw score?

A. 70 B. 71 C. 72 D. 73

15. Using the z-table, which of the following is the area under the normal curve between z = 0 and z =
A. 0.4452 B. 0.4566 C. 0.4455 D. 0.4987

16. If random samples of size 2 without replacement are drawn from this population consisting of 5
numbers, how many possible samples can be drawn?
A. 2 B. 5 C. 10 D. 12

17. Which of the following cases describes a parameter?

A. The manager randomly selected 35 employees to participate in the Sports Fest.
B. The Philippine Senate is composed of 24 senators.
C. It was found out that 10 of the teachers in a certain private high school have doctorate
D. Based on a sample of 900 elementary students, it was found out that 30% of them could not do
long division.

18. A population consists of 5 values (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Which of the following is the correct
population mean?
A. 4 B. 16 C. 20 D. 25

19. If a random sample of size 2 without replacement is drawn from the population in (18), find the
variance of the sampling distribution.
A. 0.75 B. 0.76 C. 0.77 D. 0.78

20. Which of the following sample sizes will give a smaller standard error of the mean?
A. 25 B. 20 C. 15 D. 10

21. If the variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is known, which of the following is
(i) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is the standard error of the mean.
(ii) The standard deviation of the population mean is the standard deviation of the sample

A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)
Statistics and Probability – Page 2
22. The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the sample mean is
approximately normal if ________.
A. the sample size is large C. all possible samples are selected.
B. the sample size is small D. the standard error of the sampling mean is small.

23. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means according to the Central Limit
Theorem is ___________.
A. close to the population mean if the sample size is large
B. equal to the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.
C. exactly equal to the population variance
D. exactly equal to the population mean

24. Samples of size 25 are selected from a population with a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of
7.5. What is the standard error of the sampling distribution of the sample means?
A. 0.3 B. 1.5 C. 7.5 D. 8.0

25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of t-distribution?

A. the t-distribution has a bell-shaped
B. the t-distribution is symmetric
C. the t-distribution has a mean of one
D. the t-distribution does not assume that the population standard deviation is known

26. What is the t-value of 90th percentile with n= 20 for two-tailed?

A. 1.328 B. 1.325 C. 1.725 D. 1.729

27. A student wants to know the point estimate of the ages of all the entering trainees in a boot camp.
Given the interval of 16.53 and 17.47 based on a sample size of 30, identify the length of the
confidence interval.
A. 0.93 B. 0.94 C. 0.95 D. 0.96

28. The interval between PhP74 and PhP76 contains the average cost of meals for students.
Compute the length of the confidence interval.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

29. What is the sample size when the length of the confidence interval (LCI) is 0.1406, the level of
significance is 1.96, and the standard deviation is 0.3?
A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80

30. You want to estimate the mean gasoline price within your town with a margin of error of 5
centavos. A local newspaper reports that the standard deviation for gas prices in the area is 25
centavos. What sample size is needed to estimate the mean gas prices at a 95% confidence
A. 98 B. 97 C. 96 D. 95

31. Dylan wants to replicate a study where the highest observed value is 13.8 while the lowest is
13.4. He wants to estimate the population mean with a margin of error of 0.025 of its true value.
Using 99% confidence level, find the sample size that he needs.
A. 107 B. 110 C. 117 D. 120

32. If the null hypothesis is false, which of the following is accepted?

(i) Null Hypothesis (ii)Alternative Hypothesis

A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

33. Which is the parameter to be tested in the given situation: “The mean age of 25 senior high
school students is 17 years”?
A. 17 years C. ages of senior high school students

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B. senior high school students D. students with mean age of 17 years

34. If the researcher wishes to test the claim that the mean of the population is 50, then what are the
appropriate null and alternative hypotheses?
A. H0 :μ = 50, Ha : μ ≤ 50 C. H0 : μ = 50, H a :μ≠50
B. H0 :μ = 50, Ha : μ ≥ 50 D. H 0 : μ = 50, H a :μ > 50

35. When n < 30 and the population standard deviation is unknown, what is the appropriate test
A. z B. t C. r D. ^p

36. Given the normal curve below, what is the rejection region?
A. -1.96 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ 1.96
B. 1.96 ≤ 𝑧 ≤ -1.96
C. 𝑧 ≥ −1.96 𝑜𝑟 𝑧 ≤ 1.96
D. 𝑧 ≤ −1.96 𝑜𝑟 𝑧 ≥ 1.96

37. Given the parameters: μ = 6, x = 4.6, σ = 1.5 and n = 5. Compute the t-statistic value.
A. -2.09 B. -0.93 C. 0.93 D. 2.09

38. A researcher believes that the mean IQ of 40 Senior High School students is lower than 99, with a
standard deviation of 15. When tested, it was found out that the average was 95. Is there enough
evidence to suggest that the average IQ is lower at the 0.05 level of significance?
A. There is enough evidence to reject the claim.
B. There is enough evidence to support the claim.
C. There is not enough evidence to reject the claim.
D. There is not enough evidence to support the claim.

39. A researcher reports that the average IQ level of students in a particular senior high school is 110.
A sample of 20 students has a mean IQ level of 106 with a standard deviation of 9. At 5% level of
significance, test the claim that the IQ level of students in the school is 110.
A. The IQ level of students is more than 110.
B. The IQ level of students is less than 110.
C. The IQ level of students is 110.
D. The IQ level of students is not 110.

40. Which of these problems uses z-test statistic?

(i) The mean content of 25 medicine bottles is 55 ml with a standard deviation of 9 ml at a 5%
level of significance.
(ii) Forty students have been enrolled in Field Study with an average grade of 88 and a
standard deviation of 6 at 99% confidence.
A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

41. Which of the following normal curve illustrates a rejection region at 90% level of significance?

A. B. C. ` D.

42. Dr. Zamora claims that 10% of all people exposed to a COVID positive patient will be infected
with the virus. If a random sample of 5 out of 18 people exposed to such a virus feels the
symptoms, test the claim of Dr. Zamora at a 1% level of significance.
A. The computed test value is 0.05, Dr. Zamora is not true.
B. The computed test value is 1.05, Dr. Zamora is not true.
C. The computed test value is 1.25, Dr. Zamora is true.
D. The computed test value is 1.55, Dr. Zamora is true.

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43. Using a 0.05 level of significance, compute the z-value given the following: n = 74; ^
p= ;
p0 = 10%.
A. -0.87 B. -0.89 C. -0.91 D. -0.93

44. Juan Direction asserts that fewer than 5% of the bulbs that he sells are defective. Suppose 300
bulbs are randomly selected, each tested and 10 defective bulbs are found. Does this provide
sufficient evidence for Juan Direction to conlude that the fraction of defective bulbs is less than
0.05 = 0.01?
A. There is no sufficient evidence that the defective bulbs are less than 5%.
B. There is sufficient evidence that the defective bulbs are less than 5%.
C. There is no sufficient evidence that the defective bulbs are 5%.
D. There is sufficient evidence that the defective bulbs are 5%.

45. Which variable illustrates the nature of bivariate data?

A. attendance, quizzes, recitation, and grade C. profit and marketing strategy
B. age, sex, and grade D. competency-based instruction

46. Which describes the type of correlation between blood pressure and cholesterol levels of an aging
A. positive B. zero C. negative D. low negative

47. Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient using the scores of five Grade 11 students in
Chemistry (X) and Pre-calculus (Y) as shown in the table below.
Student 1 2 3 4 5
X 12 10 9 7 3
Y 9 10 8 8 5
A. 0.60 B. 0.70 C. 0.80 D. 0.90
48. A canteen manager wishes to find out whether there is a relationship between the age of the
workers (X) and the number of sick days (Y) they incur each year. The data for the sample is
shown. Solve for the correlation coefficient (r).
Worker A B C D E F
X 58 53 48 39 26 18
Y 2 6 5 9 12 16
A. -0.98 B. -0.97 C. -0.96 D. -0.95
49. Which pair of variables corresponds to the ordered pair (independent, dependent)?
(i) (study habits, grade) (ii) (sunlight, growth of plant)
A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)
50. The table below presents the Practical Research 2 (X) and EAPP (Y) scores of ten Grade 12
students in the Post-test. Predict the EAPP score of a student if the Practical Research 2 score is
78 using regression analysis.
Stud 2 2
5 6 336 360 348
8 0 4 0 0
6 6 360 422 390
0 5 0 5 0
7 7 490 518 504
0 2 0 4 0
6 7 462 490 476
8 0 4 0 0
6 6 396 435 415
3 6 9 6 8

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6 6 435 462 448
6 8 6 4 8
6 6 422 462 442
5 8 5 4 0
6 7 476 504 489
9 1 1 1 9
6 6 476 476 476
9 9 1 1 1
7 7 504 504 504
1 1 1 1 1
6 6
43,6 46,3 44,9
Total 5 8
01 56 47
9 0
A. 77 B. 78 C. 79 D. 80

Key to Correction

1. C 11. A 21. A 31. A 41. C

2. D 12. D 22. A 32. B 42. D
3. A 13. B 23. D 33. D 43. C
4. C 14. D 24. B 34. C 44. B
5. B 15. A 25. C 35. B 45. C
6. C 16. C 26. D 36. D 46. A
7. A 17. B 27. B 37. A 47. D
8. A 18. A 28. B 38. C 48. A
9. B 19. D 29. C 39. D 49. C
10. C 20. A 30. C 40. B 50. B

Prepared by:
Eway, Lauriano
Falible, Rosita C.
Lorenzo, Jennifer D.

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