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1. WRITE THE SENTENCES IN PAST CONTINUOUS. Napisz zdania w czasie Past Continuous.

1. she / speak / to / her mum / at 7 p.m. / .

2. I / write / the essay / all evening / .

3. they / drink / beer / yesterday at 8 / .

4. Greg / cycle / home / at 2 /.

5. you / tidy / your room / all weekend / .

6. Megan / wait / for / Alex / 2 hours / .

7. it / rain / all day yesterday / .

8. Amanda / listen / to music / all evening / .

9. Tracy / not / eat / pizza / at the party / .

10. Morgan / play / basketball / last Tuesday / ?

11. we / swim / yesterday / at that time / .

12. I / not / talk / on the phone / on Monday evening / .

13. they / prepare / to the exam / all weekend / ?

14. who / Nathalie / dance / with / at the party / all night long ?

15. he / not / read / the book / at 4 / .

2. MATCH THE BEGINNINGS (1-10) TO THEIR ENDINGS (a-j). Dopasuj początki zdań do
odpowiedniego zakończenia.

1. I was watching a. plants all day?

2. Erwin’s brothers were b. were doing the shopping two days ago at 9p.m.
3. Were you watering the c. a cake with Lucy all morning?
4. Why was d. an essay all evening?
5. She was doing e. not playing volleyball.
6. Mark and Donna f. doing last Monday at 3?
7. Was Adam baking g. the laundry for 5 hours!
8. Was Nick writing h. all afternoon?
9. What were they i. the news on TV yesterday at 6.30.
10. Was I checking the tests j. our son crying all night?

3. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES. Przetłumacz zdania.

a) Martyna czytała gazetę całą noc.

b) My nie biegaliśmy po parku o świcie.

c) Ja nie prasowałam wczoraj o 8.

d) Czy rodzice Diany czekali na nią cały dzień?

e) Dlaczego jego mama płakała w swoim pokoju?

f) Czy oni naprawiali samochód cały tydzień?

4. CHOOSE ONE OPTION. Wybierz jedną odpowiedź.

1. Maria was cleaning / were clean her house.

2. His grandma were listening / was listening to the radio all evening.

3. Were you looking / Were you looked for a job last month?

4. Why was Leon shouting / Leon was shouting?

5. Nancy was not polishing / weren’t polishing her shoes.

6. I were do / was doing the washing-up all evening.

7. My neighbours weren’t sleeping / was sleeping last night because they was having / were having a party.

8. We was dancing / were dancing all night long.

9. What was Dora watching / Dora was watching?

10. You was / were smoking at school!

zapisz używając Past Continuous.

1. Greg and Laura ………………………………………. (talk) all night.

2. ………………………………………………….. you (play) with your children all morning?

3. I ……………………………………………….. (mop) for 3 hours yesterday!

4. …………………………………………… they (drink) coffee together for 2 hours?

5. My father and my mother ………………………………….. (quarrel) all afternoon.

6. She …………………………………………. (sleep) very long.

7. Olivia’s friends ………………………………………. (not/do) their homework at 5. They

…………………………… (play) computer games.

8. …………………………………………………….. he (walk) through the park at 6 a.m.?

9. Your relatives …………………………………….. (not/watch) the film with you.

10. ………………………………………… I (relax) at 2 two days ago?

6. CHOOSE ONE ANSWER. Wybierz jedną odpowiedź.

1. While Sandra ……………………….. dinner, her boyfriend ……………………………. their car.

a) were cooking, was reparing b) was repairing, was cooking c) was cooking, was repairing

2. Jola saw her teacher while he ………………………………………… the shopping.

a) was does b) was doing c) did doing

3. My parents ……………………………………. TV while I ………………………. my homework.

a) were watching, was doing b) was watching, were doing c) watched, doeing

4. They ……………………………….. pizza when I entered.

a) was not eating b) weren’t eating c) was not eating

5. …………….. we ………………… the film when our friends came to us?

a) Was, watching b) Were, watching c) Was, watch

6. Why ……………. Sara ……………………. when she saw Benjamin?

a) crying, was b) were, cry c) was, crying

7. Alex ………………………………………. while his sister ………………………………………. his


a) was sleeping, was ironing b) sleeped, ironed c) was slept, was ironing

8. What ………….. my sister …………………………. to yesterday at 9?

a) was, listen b) was, listening c) were, listening

9. ………… he …………………. his car all morning?

a) Was, washing b) Were, wash c) Was, wash

10. Who ……………. you …………………….. to when I phoned?

a) was, talking b) were, talk c) were, talking

Napisz zdania w czasie Past Continuous.
1. She was speaking to her mum at 7p.m.
2. I was writing the essay all evening.
3. They were drinking beer yesterday at 8.
4. Greg was cycling home at 2.
5. You were tidying your room all weekend.
6. Megan was waiting for Alex 2 hours.
7. It was raining all day yesterday.
8. Amanda was listening to music all evening.
9.Tracy was not eating pizza at the party.
10.Was Morgan playing basketball last Tuesday?
11. We were swimming yesterday at that time.
12. I was not talking on the phone on Monday evening.
13. Were they preparing to the exam all weekend?
14. Who was Nathalie dancing with at the party all night long?
15. He was not reading the book at 4.


-j). Dopasuj początki zdań do odpowiedniego zakończenia.
1. i
2. e
3. a
4. j
5. g
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. f
10. h

3. TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES. Przetłumacz zdania.

a) Martyna was reading the newspaper all night.
b) We weren’t running through the park at dawn.
c) I wasn’t ironing yesterday at 8.
d) Were Diana’s parents waiting for her all day?
e) Why was his mum crying in her room?
f) Were they repairing the car all day?

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