Conditional Sentences Type 0

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I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Interpret when and how to use the conditional sentences type 1
- Ditinguish conditional sentences type 1 with other types of conditional sentences
II. Teaching Aids: Textbook, workbook, chalk, handouts ...
III. Skills: Integrative skills
IV. Settlement: Greeting, checking students' attendance.(1’)
V. Checking: Ask Ss to do the exercises during the lesson.
VI. Teaching method: PPP: Presentation – Practice - Production


Stages Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

Warm -up - T asks Ss whether they remember the conditional sentences type 1
(5 min) - T lets Ss play the game “ Chain conditionals” Take part in the game

+ T prepares a paper ball. T writes down a “If clause” on the board, then throws the
ball to one student.
+ The duty of the student holding the ball is to create a new sentence by using the end
of the previous one. For example, T gives the first “If clause”: 'If I go out tomorrow
'If I go out tomorrow, I’ll go to a beach.' The next person in the team relay must
then use the end of the previous sentence .. If I go to the beach, I’ll sunbathe….. If I
sunbathe, I’ll get burnt… If I get burnt, I’ll go to a pharmacy….
+ The last student who cannot make a sentence in 10 second will be punised. The
punishment is to write his/her name with his/ her ass.
 T asks Ss to tell the use of conditional sentences type 1: Diễn tả điều có thể
xảy ra ở hiện tại/ tương lại
 T leads to the topic of the lesson: We will learn another types of conditional
sentences: type 0

Presentation - T presents knowledge related to the form and the use of conditional sentences type - Ss listen to the teacher
(15 min) 0. Then, T provides Ss with several examples - Take notes and give examples

- Then, T asks Ss to give some examples.

1. Form (cấu trúc)

If + S + V (present simple), S + V (present simple)

2. Use (Cách sử dụng)

- Dùng để nói về các phát biểu khoa học hiển nhiên đúng hoặc những sự việc luôn
luôn đúng.

E.g: If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

- Chúng ta có thể dùng “when” thay cho “if” trong loại câu điều kiện loại 0.

- Câu điều kiện loại 0 thường được sử dụng để đưa ra lời chỉ dẫn, và thường sử
dụng câu mệnh lệnh trong mệnh đề chính (mệnh đề kết quả).

Eg: If you feel tired, please take a short rest.

If Bills phone, tell him to meet me at the cinema.

Exercise 1: Complete the zero conditional sentences with the verb in Work individually

brackets. If you press that button, the light (come) on. Expected responses
Exercise 1:
1. It's easier to sleep if _________________ (you / not / be) stressed.
1. You are not
2. The teacher gets angry if______________ (we / not work) hard. 2. We don’t work
3. If ___________(I / go) on a boat, I always feel sick. 3. I go

4. His mother always gets annoyed if ____________ (he/ be) late. 4. He is

5. It turns
Practice 5. If you freeze water, _____________ (it / turn) to ice.
(23 min)
Exercise 2: Match the two halves to make a complete sentence.
Exercise 2:
1. h
2. g
1. If we don't feel well, a. if you cross an international date line. 3. i
2. If plants don't get enough water, b. if you drop it on the floor. 4. f
3. We easily get tired c. if you heat it to 100 degrees. 5. b

4. We become ill d. if you drop it in water. 6. j

7. e
5. The cup breaks e. if she eats too much chocolate.
6. If iron gets wet, f. if we eat dirty food. 8. c

7. My daughter has a stomache g. they die. 9. d

10. a
8. Water boils h. we see a doctor.
9. Ice floats i. if we work under the sun.
10. The time changes j. it rusts.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer among A, B, C and D Exercise 3:

1. It would have been a much more serious accident……… at the time. 1. C

A. had she been driving          B. was she driving      2. D

3. D
C. she had driven        D. she drove
4. A
2. Can I borrow your car for this evening? – Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she 5. C
………. it back, you are welcome to borrow it. 6. C
7. A
A. brought                  B. would bring             C. will bring    D. brings
8. A
3. If energy…………inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be 9. C
A. is                           B. will be                     C. were                  D. would be C

4. If you (heat) ……….ice, it (turn) ……….to water.

A. heat – turrns B. heat – will turn       

C. heated – would turn    D. had heated – would have turn       

5. If I………..the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in
life as well as you have.

A. have                   B. would have C. had had           D. should have

6. If anyone …………. for me, please tell them I will be back in the office at 4

A. would ring B. will ring C. rings D. rang

7. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) in the fridge.

A. looked B. will look C. looks D. would look

8. If you ……………enough sleep you ……………….a headache.

A. don’t get/get B. don’t get/got

C. don’t get/will get D. get/will get

9. If you eat fast-food everyday you…………………fat.

A. would get B. gets C. get D. would get

10. If you…………… (multiply) 6 to 8, you…………… (get) 48

A. will multiply – get B. multiplied – would get

C. multiply – get D. had multiplied – would have got

Cznsolidation T sums up the lesson Take notes

(3min) Homework: Ask Ss to learn lesson and assign exercises (if necessary)

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