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Exercise 1: Complete the summary of the graph by writing the correct form of the
verbs in the brackets.
Khi mô tả line graph cần chú ý 3 điểm:

Điểm đầu = năm đầu - Phải đưa số liệu bắt đầu

Điểm giữa = năm ở giữa - Đưa các số liệu đặc biệt: số liệu đạt
Nên lấy mốc năm có sẵn/năm có điểm
- Phải mô tả được xu hướng
đặc biệt (số liệu đạt đỉnh/đáy, hoặc sau
đó xu hướng bị thay đổi)

Điểm cuối = năm cuối - Phải đưa số liệu kết thúc

Exercise 2: Describe the chart from exercise 1

The report of the line graph shows that 4 thousand male students graduated from the
faculty of science in the Cullum University during a period of 1995.
In the couple years, this trend increased slightly by 4.3 thousand before experienced a
little dip to 4.1 thousand in 1999. After this period, the number of graduated males
increased to almost twofold as the peak year.
Between 2005 and 2007, this figure dropped dramatically by about 1500 students.
Since then, the number leveled off by 6 thousand male graduating from the faculty of science
Cullum University.
Exercise 3: Describe the following charts:

1. The number of people visiting Tabard Towers Theme Park

2. The average number of annual hospital visits per capita among Glasglow

In 1960, a normal person in Glasgow went to hospital for approximately 2.3 times yearly.
Then, the number witnessed a slight decrease in the next 10 years.
This figure was followed by a steady growth until it stood at roughly 3.2 times in 2010.
3. Fish and meat consumption
(Mô tả 4 điều riêng rẽ)

In 1979, a person used roughly 150 grams chicken weekly.
Then in the next 20 years, this figure grew considerably before reaching a peak of
just under 250 grams, after which it fell slightly to approximately 240.
In 1979, a person consumed about 220 grams beef on a weekly basis.
Then in the next 5 years, the number of beef consumption fluctuated wildly before going
down periodically to approximately 100 grams.
The number of weekly lamp consumption per capita was about 150 grams in 1979.
From this time, this figure plunged steadily before reaching a number of just over 50
The number of weekly fish consumption per capita remained stable at around 50 grams
from 1970 to 2004.
NOTE: Một số cấu trúc đặc biệt:

Tăng gấp đôi To double

To increase twofold

Tăng gấp ba To triple

To increase threefold

Tăng gấp n lần To increase n-fold

Giảm một nửa To decrease by half

To halve

To decrease by 50%

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