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• How do I feel while working with my flower pot?

- While working with my flower pot, I feel excitement and joy. I feel
excitement especially in the part of making an origami flower for my
flower pot because it would make my flower pot more beautiful and
colorful. I feel joy of course because I'm in the last part of making my
own flower pot and I do really enjoy in the making of this kind of
project, there are also lessons I can catch from this activity and I feel
grateful because of that.

• How would I describe my flower pot?

- I would describe my flower pot now as ingenious. Ingenious means

showing skill and inventiveness to something. I made my own flower pot
that's why this pot is called "Niño's Ingenious Flower Pot". I am very
proud to say that I made my own flower pot beautiful and ingenious of
course. This pot also describes as what kind of person I am, a person
with a colorful life because of some things that has meaning to me and
that's what I have painted in my flower pot. This pot also has a origami
flower that would also describe my flower pot as beautiful as a real

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