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Best Foot Forward: Video Observation Toolkit | Center for Educat... https://cepr.harvard.



Best Foot
Forward: Video
This toolkit provides practical guidance for education
practitioners on using video observations  to help
teachers accelerate their development.  Inside you will
find four sections to help you start video observations
in your school community. Each section includes
a  discussion of important lessons from the Best Foot
Forward project, a study of digital video  in classroom
observations, and adaptable tools for implementation.
Leveraging Video for Learning: Strategies for Using
Video Observations for Professional Growth
How can you employ video for teacher development?
In this section you will find multiple models for using
video, including self-reflection, peer collaboration,
and coaching and evaluation. You will access
research findings that demonstrate the promise of
video technology to aid teacher
innovation.  Download the tools.

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Best Foot Forward: Video Observation Toolkit | Center for Educat...

Cultivating Trust in Video Observations:

Turnkey Technology: Recommendations for Setting

up Schools for Effective Technology Implementation
Poor tools in the hands of the best-intentioned
educators can stymie success. Good tools poorly
implemented will have little benefit. Learn how to
select the right hardware and software for your
purposes and train educators to implement the
process with  parents, and protect those who are
willing to use video to make a difference in
classroom instruction.  Download the tools.

Measuring Readiness and Success: A Guide to

Piloting and Large-Scale Implementation
Is your school, state, or district ready for successful
implementation? This section includes tools to
gauge readiness and measure successful
implementation.  Download the tools.

Learn more about the Best Foot Forward project.

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Best Foot Forward: Video Observation Toolkit | Center for Educat...

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