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Lesson 1

Lesson 1:

Objective: To be able to introduce themselves in an

appropriate way.

Lesson Proper:
Part 1

Hi, I am ______________.
You can call me _________________ for your convenience.
I am currently living in (Ex. one of the beautiful places in Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh).
I am (employed/studying) at ______________ since ______.
I am interested in (hobbies).
During my free time, I usually _____________.

Lesson 1
The sports that I am really into are ____________ and ___________ but I don’t like
I love watching (Genre of movies) but I don’t watch ___________.
The dish that I usually crave for is _______________.
I (don’t love/am fond of) travelling. I had been to ___________.
The things I love the most in my country are __________.
I want to learn English because __________.

Part 2
How to Make Questions
 You have to make questions and ask your partner.
 Then you have to answer your partner’s questions.
 Have a look at this information.

Example of questions: Example of Answers:

1. When are the English 1. The English lessons are
lessons? on weekdays after 6 p.m.
2. What is the name of 2. The name of the teacher
the teacher? is Richard Wilson.
3. What is his telephone 3. His telephone number is
4. The English lesson costs
4. How much is the cost?
£18 per one hour.
5. Where will the teacher
5. The teacher will have the
have the class?
class at home.

Lesson 1

Arrange the words to form a good question.

1. that / boy / is / Who? - My brother Tom.

2. is / party / When / the? - On Friday at 2 o’/clock.
3. on / is / What / the / table? - There is a pencil.
4. late / Why / you / are? - Because I missed my bus.
5. is / apple / Which / it? - The green one.

Part 3
How to Form Essential Types of Questions
1. Asking YES/NO Questions

It is windy today. Is it windy today?

She is sad. Is she sad?
He can bake. Can he bake?

2. Asking 5-WH Questions

- What? Which? ---- to ask about things
- Where? ---- to ask about locations
- Who? ---- to ask about people
- When? ---- to ask about time
- Why? ---- to ask for the reason
- How? ---- to ask about the way things happen or

Lesson 1
- How many? How much? How often? ---- to ask about the
number or amount

3. Using Indirect Questions for Polite English

“Where is the bookstore?” “Could you please tell me where the
bookstore is?”

4. Asking Tag Questions

Ex. It is raining, isn’t it?
They are playing football, aren’t they?
He is not studying today, is he?

5. Asking Negative Questions for Confirmation

Ex. Didn’t you hear the news?
Haven’t you seen him the whole day?
Wouldn’t you like another cup of coffee?

Confirmation Hobbies Interested

Crave Convenience Currently
Employed Trip Museum
Essential Genre negative

Lesson 2

Lesson 2:

Objective: To be able to identify the different kinds of works at home.

Lesson Proper:

Part 1

1|Pag e
Lesson 2

Part 2
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Complete the sentences
by choosing the word above.

1. Ana is ________ meals for her family.

2. Mom and Lea are _______after their


3. Son is ______because it is dusty.

4. Bao is ________ because it is dirty.

5. Om is ________ to make his garden


2|Pag e
Lesson 2

Part 3
Conversation: A woman talking to her son,
Chris, about the things he has to do.

Woman: Chris, remember at eleven o’clock this morning you

have to call your grandparents.
Chris: Yes, mom.
Woman: At twelve, can you do something for me? Can you take
Fiona to the pool using my car? She’s meeting a friend there.
Chris: Okay. I wanted to watch some TV but it can wait.
Woman: Can you get some stamps too? The post office closes at one
o’clock, but you’ll be there at twelve thirty if you go straight from the pool.
Chris: Okay. Anything else?
Woman: There are some library books to return, but I’ll do that on
Monday. Can you wash the car? If you do that at the garage at one
o’clock, you’ll be back here at lunchtime.
Chris: Alright. So, I’ll see you at half past one and we’ll eat then.
Woman: Yes, don’t be late.
Chris: I won’t be, because at two o’clock there’s a football match –
it’s a really important game. I can see it on television. After that, can I
use the car to visit some friends?
Woman: Yes, okay.

Words to Remember
Household Sweep Feed Mow
Lawn Babysit Gardening Tidy
Lay Dust Vacuum Identify
Conversation Remember Grandparents Stamps
Garage Lunchtime Late important

3|Pag e
Lesson 2

Part 4
Interview Questions
1. Do you have a maid at home?
2. Do your grandparents help with chores?
3. What are some chores that your parents have to do around the house?
4. What chores do you do that your parents didn't have to do when they were
growing up?
5. If you could have a robot to do all your chores, what would you choose for it
to do?
6. Which chores do you not like to do.
7. Can you name some chores that need to be done everyday?
8. What is something you hate doing when you get home?

Part 5
Grammar: Learning the Forms of the Verb
Present Past Past Present Past Past
Participle Participle
Admire Admired Admired Swim Swam Swum
Call Called Called Eat Ate Eaten
Bake Baked Baked Awake Awoke Awoken
Clap Clapped Clapped Fall Fell Fallen
Clean Cleaned Cleaned Come Came Come
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Begin Began Begun
Earn Earned Earned Keep Kept Kept
Help Helped Helped Sweep Swept Swept
Wash Washed Washed Drink Drank Drunk

4|Pag e
Lesson 2

Examples of Sentences:

Present: The parents help their children in their homework.

Past: The children played in the rain yesterday.
Past participle: The flowers were bought in the supermarket.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

A. Use the past form of the irregular verbs above B. Write the past form
to complete the sentences. of the following
regular verbs.
SWIM SELL 2. Carry
3. Stop
1. Dave …………. a bath. 4. Decide
5. Play
2. Owen …………... the homework. 6. Work
7. Enjoy
3. The couple …………... on the bench in the park. 8. Fix
9. Scream
4. Last night Dave …………… a slice of pizza. 10. Cry
11. Clap
5. Paul and James …………… presents to each 12. Wash
13. Study
other. 14. Drop
15. Destroy
6. Leila …………... in the sea.

5|Pag e
Lesson 3

Lesson 3:

Objective: To be able to express their feelings and


Lesson Proper:
Familiarizing the feelings and emotions by gestures.

1|Pag e
Lesson 3
Part 1
Interview Questions
1. Are you annoyed when your partner, husband, or wife flirts with someone else ?
2. Do bad mannered people upset you?
3. Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you when you are speaking?
4. Does it upset you when you see people hitting children or animals?
5. Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money?

Part 2
Complete the sentences by filling out an
appropriate emotion/feeling showed.

2|Pag e
Lesson 3
Part 3
Choose a word in the box to complete each

1. I feel ________ when I have too much tasks to do in my work.

2. I feel ________ when I do something really good, like when I got promoted.
3. I feel ________ when someone do something bad to me, when he/she
betrayed me.
4. I feel ________when something good will soon to happen, like when I get
married next month.
5. I feel ________when I see another person with something I want, like lots
of money.

Part 4
Fill in the blanks

3|Pag e
Lesson 3

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of

pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper
picked a peck of pickled peppers. Where’s the peck of
pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

4|Pag e
Lesson 4

Lesson 4:

Objective: To be able to use appropriate lexical resources in

a topic.

Lesson Proper:

Part 1
Familiarizing different vocabularies for Weather.

Blew Degrees Celsius Several
Clear Shining Melts
Temperature Snowstorm Gusts of wind-strong
blowing of wind
Slush-partially melted snow Nasty-unpleasant to see

1|Pag e
Lesson 4

Part 2
Conversation: It has snowed, and Lin is excited as it is
the first time, she has seen snow.
Lin: Hi, isn’t the snow great? I’ve been playing in it all morning.
Andrew: Yes, new snow makes everything look pretty and white. Snow is nice at the
start, but when it’s turning to slush, it gets nasty.
Lin: Maybe, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It’s great.
Andrew: Do you ever have snow in Vietnam?
Lin: No, we never have snow. It’s too hot.
Andrew: So, this must be fun!
Lin: Yes, very fun. I stayed up late last night watching the snowstorm as the gusts of
wind blew the snow.
Andrew: Then this morning the sky was clear, and the sun was shining on the new
snow. That was good to see.
Lin: How long will the snow last before it melts?
Andrew: If the weather and temperature stay cold at about zero degrees Celsius
then the snow could be here for several days or week.
Lin: Great. I want to play in it as much as possible. Do you want to come outside with
Andrew: Sure, I can do that. That’ll be something good to do.

Follow-Up Questions:
1. Why does Lin feel excited about the snow?
2. What did she see last night?
3. Is it beautiful to see the snow after many weeks?
4. How long will the snow melts?
5. What will Lin and Andrew do?

2|Pag e
Lesson 4

Part 3
Answering the questions using the words above:
1. What is your favorite type of weather?
2. What was the weather like yesterday?
3. What type of weather is most fun?
4. When was the last time it rained?
5. Would you like to be a meteorologist? Why?
6. What type of weather do you not like?
7. What do you think the weather next week will be like?
8. Do you like going outside when the weather is bad?
9. Have you ever seen snow, and what was it like?
10. Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?


1. Weather 7. Slush
2. Foggy 8. Celsius
3. Temperature 9. Stormy
4. Snowstorm 10. Nasty
5. Degrees 11. Shining
6. Lightning 12. Thunderstorm

Part 4

ADJECTIVES – words that describes the noun.

3|Pag e
Lesson 4
Hot Cold
Dry Sunny
Stormy Cloudy
Foggy Windy
Rainy Snowy
Nasty Clear
Shiny Slushy

Examples of Sentences:
1. I feel hot today.
2. The weather in Hanoi during nighttime is cold.
3. I couldn’t see the buildings because it is foggy.
4. The children enjoy playing outside when it is sunny.
5. The hair of Ana is shiny when she uses hair conditioner.
6. Predictably the winter will be snowy, sleety and slushy.
7. Lin has a clear pronunciation.
8. I hate to experience a stormy weather during my
9. The sun can make your clothes dry.
10. The kite flies so high when it is windy.

Betty Botter bought some butter. But she said the

butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my
TONGUE TWISTER batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my
batter better. So, it was better Betty Botter bought a bit
of better butter.

4|Pag e
Lesson 5

Lesson 5:


Objective: In this lesson, you will learn numerous words to

describe season.

Lesson Proper:
Part 1
Interview Questions

1. What do you think of when you think of winter?

2. What are some things your family did when you were a child during spring,
summer, autumn and winter?

3. What is the worst season in your country?

4. Does it snow in your hometown in the winter? Did you use to make

5. What is your favorite thing to do in summer?

6. What festivals or celebrations does your country have during the changing
of the seasons?

7. Do you ever go hiking when the leaves change in fall?

8. Where is the best place to be in summer? How about winter?

9. Does your country have a special food for any of the seasons?

Lesson 5
Part 2
Identifying the Season

Part 3
Cue-card Activity
Describe your favorite season in your country?
You should say:
 When that season is
 What the weather is like at that time of year
 How that season is different from other seasons
 And why it is your favorite season

Lesson 5
Part 4
Picture Description
Describe all the information that you can see in the picture.

Compare this picture to the first picture.

Lesson 5


Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Holiday Beach Apple harvest Boots

Rainbow Camping Falling leaves Snow
Rain Bikini Pumpkin Log fire
Butterfly Drink Halloween Snowman
Flowers Sunglasses Back to school Socks
Grass Ice cream Corns Skiing
Ladybird (U.K)/ Park Polar bear
ladybug (U.S) Swimming pool Jacket
Mushroom Garden Scarf
Nest Travel Snowflake
Bird Sledge (U.K)/Sled
Bee (U.S)
Hot drink

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

TONGUE TWISTER woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he
would, as much as he could, and chuck as much
wood. As a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could
chuck wood.


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