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Lesson 14

Lesson 14:

Objective: In this lesson, you will learn the importance of


Lesson Proper:
Part 1
Two-way Discussion



Follow-up Questions:
1. What qualities are you looking for a friend?
2. Can you imagine how you feel if one of your trusted friends betrayed you?
3. Do you think childhood friendship can last for long?
4. Do you think it is good to marry a childhood friend?
5. Does friendship change as you grow older?
6. Do you have a lot in common with your friends?
7. Do you share joys and sorrows with your friends?
8. Do you call first when you fall out with your friends?

Lesson 14

Formulate your own sentences.

to keep in touch with enjoy each other's fair-weather friend:

someone: to maintain company: to like spending someone who is your
contact with someone. I time with each other. Stevefriend only when you are
keep in touch with my and Noah are always cheerful and successful. A
friends from high school, together, they definitely lot of John's friends turned
although we graduated five enjoy each other’s out to be fair-weather
years ago. company. friends. They were with
him when he was rich and
left him when he went
to have a lot in common: get in touch with near and dear to
to have similar interests. somebody: to contact someone: very important
somebody. I plan to get in to someone. Her parents
touch with my friends when are the only people who
I return home. are near and dear to her.
shoulder to cry to be through thick and to lose touch with
on: someone who is thin: to have some good someone: to lose contact
always ready to listen to times and difficult times with someone. I lost touch
your problems. I'm so glad together. Your parents are with Mary since she moved
my boyfriend is so kind married for 15 years, they to Canada.
and sympathetic, it's good must have been through
to always have a shoulder thick and thin together.
to cry on.
to break up: to end a to get on well with to fall out with: to quarrel,
relationship. It is hard to somebody: to have a to have a conflict. He ​ left
believe that Jacob and good relationship with ​ the party after ​ falling
Sarah broke up. They were somebody. I'm an outgoing out with his ​ girlfriend.
dating since high school. person and I easily get on
well with new people.

Part 2
Let’s talk about your friends!

A. What can you say to these sayings about friendship?

1. A friend in need is a friend in deed.
2. Lucky are the people who have friends.

Lesson 14
B. Do you have friend who …..
1. who is lazy and lies a lot on the sofa?
2. who chats a lot?
3. who likes to work and to gain result?
4. who helps people?
5. who always tells the truth?
6. who isn’t light-minded and funny?
7. who doesn’t like to communicate a lot?
8. who wants to know a lot of things?

C. Fill-in the necessary words:

1. My neighbor Peter is my best friend, we have a lot in c……….. We g………
on really well and we always find many enjoyable things to do together.

2. In my opinion a real friend is a person who is always there for you when
you are upset, who s……. joys and sorrows.

3. My best friend Kate is a very h……… and s………… girl.

4. Only an h…………. person can be a real friend whom you can s………..

5. Sometimes we f……… out with my friends but we never leave each other


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