Trends Q1-W3

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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist

Trends, Networks, and Critical


 in the 21at Century
First Quarter – Week 3

Strategic Analysis and Intuitive




Parent’s Name/Guardian


Date of Retrieval


School: Grade Level: Grade 11/12

Teacher: Learning Area: Trends, Networks, and

Critical Thinking in the
21at Century

Teaching Date: Quarter: 1 Week: 3

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking;

2. Apply strategic analysis; and
3. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the
community using a map of social networks

A. Content The learner understands strategic analysis and intuitive

Standard thinking.

B. Performance The learner draws a color-coded map of the networks of

Standard power relations (political, economic, cultural, and kinship
ties) within a particular community.
C. MELC Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking; apply
strategic analysis; and apply intuitive thinking in solving a
problem in the community using a map of social networks

Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century Grade 12 Self-Learning Modules (2020).
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Strategic Analysis and Intuitive
Thinking, pp. 4-20. Department of Education-
SOCCKSARGEN. First edition.
a. References
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material (2020).
Quarter 1-Week 3: Emergence of Trends and Patterns
pp. 13-15, version 1.0, first edition.. Department of
Education Region IV-A CALABARZON, Philippines.
b. Materials Learner’s Activity Sheet (LAS), Study Guide

c. Integration Reading, writing, creativity, Media and Information

Literacy, Social Science

ACTIVITY Activity 1: The learners will choose among the images

(DO) which one they like the most by ranking them, then reflect
on their answers.
Activity 2: The learners will read, analyze and illustrate
the given case. Then, answer the question that follows.
Activity 3: The learners will explain at least two (2) data
emerging pattern that closely applies to thier present
situation in this time of pandemic.

ANALYSIS Guide questions for:

Activity 1: What do you think are the factors that make a
simple impulse emerge a pattern and become trending?
What are the causes and consequences of this impulse?
Activity 2: Do you know any situation that emerge
because of this pandemic?
Activity 3: What major changes you have experienced
in school because of this pandemic?
ABSTRACTION Differentiate analytic/strategic and intuitive thinking and
(LEARN) apply it creating solutions to a problem. Refer to the LAS.

APPLICATION The learners will identify the possible causes and

(APPLY) effects of the continuous low performance of the
students in Modular learning. Then, answer the
question that follows.
IV. ASSESSMENT 1. Which part of the activities you find most interesting?

2. How significant is this topic nowadays?

____very significant
____slightly significant
____not significant


Dear Learner,

Good day!
Welcome to our Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
subject. In this activity, you will have an understanding of the Strategic Analysis
and Intuitive Thinking. Please read, understand, and follow carefully the
instructions provided for you. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this activity sheet, do not hesitate to ask for support from your parents or anyone
you think can help you do the activities. Always bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT
ALONE. Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities. I hope you
will experience meaningful learning and gain a deep understanding of the relevant
competencies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Say to yourself with confidence, “I
CAN DO IT!” Stay safe! Stay learning! God bless!

Your Teacher

Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Activity 1

Direction: Take a look at the picture and examine its details. In your
notebook, construct a descriptive paragraph about the picture. Also, answer
the questions that follow.

Source: issues/2019/09/03/154425/

slave-to-sachets-how-poverty-worsens- plastics-crisis-philippines/

1. What do the children do?

2. Do you think they have access to education?
3. How can the government and other social institutions help them?

Let’s Learn!

Whenever people are faced with different kinds of problems, it is very

crucial to think of means of addressing them and preventing those
circumstances from happening again. But solutions are greatly influenced
by the manner in which one defines the problem and adopts a solution
based on his/her own understanding. There are basically two different
perspectives in addressing the problem.

1. Analytical thinking is a kind of logical thinking that addresses the

problems or issues by breaking it into its component parts. It uses
scientific methods of research and adopts frameworks or models to solve
the problems. Managers, especially those running big companies or
projects, tend to use this thinking strategy to pursue changes in directing
plans and goals.
Analytical thinking focuses and deals with concerns at a particular
time. It also contains time, is deconstructive, but is subject to
disorientation, brain- centered and tends to the abstract. It is considered
efficient in the following conditions: sufficient time, relatively static
conditions, a clear differentiation between the observer and the observed.
It is best suited for dealing with complexities, and works best where there
are established criteria for analysis (for example, rules of law). It is
requires an explanation, seeks the best option, and can be taught in
classroom to beginners.

2. Intuitive thinking is the kind of thinking that helps one understand

reality by perception or intuition without logic or analysis. It derived its
confidence from experiences. There are no analytical steps or methods
but based its action from observed indicators in the organizational
environment. It allows individual to develop his own mode of solution in
addressing strategic issues. Intuitive approaches are personal and
custom-made. It some- times derived a problem-based solution that is not
quite easy to share and at times too difficult to copy or adapt. Managers
utilized the power of persuasion to get people agree rather than the logical
sense of com- ing up with an action.

Intuition works best where the observer has the same experience in
the particular situation. It is difficult to teach in the classroom, has the
tendency to work on feelings in favour of a more workable solution.
Intuition is experience translated by expertise to produce rapid action.

Key Components of Strategic Analysis

There are lot of factors to be a strategic thinker. Strategic thinking

understands and examines to see the big picture of an organization or a
The following are the key components of strategic analysis:

Tool Strategic
Rationale Systematic Goals
analysis Planning

Analytical process usually involves the following steps:

A. Identifying the problems and the issues surrounding them.
B. Information gathering or Data collection
C. Developing and Proposing solutions
D. Trying out solutions or new ideas based on data collection
E. Evaluating if the solutions worked and taking necessary measures.

Key Components of Intuitive Thinking

Intuitive thinking helps you understand reality because of its components.

Laack of Non- Quick Gut Feel Experiences

Rationalization sequencial Insights

Creative solution using Intuitive thinking

Intuitive thinking is the ability to understand the reality without using

logical reasoning. It uses years of experiences and your senses to create
solution to a certain problem in the community.

Intuitive thinking can actually create solution without using tool

analysis as long as there’s a lot of experiences and expertise and at the
same time social networks can be used to create solutions.

Charles Parselle, founding partner of Centers for Excellence in Dispute Res-

olution - CEDRS.COM , presented his comparison of the components of
Analytical and Intuitive thinking.


 No time

 Dynamic Non-linear

 Many things

One thing
 Big picture Non-focused
Small picture
 Instantaneous Perspective
 Experience taught Subjective
 Workable option Needed when action
No perspective Classroom taught required Constructive

 Pattern matching

Best option
 No clear objective/subjective Heart-
Needed when explanation required centered Oriented

 Concrete Historically old Firefighters
Object differentiation Objective/
subjective differentia- tion Brain-
centered Disoriented


Historically new


Activity 2

TRUE or FALSE. Identify if the following statement if true or false.

__________1. Quick insight is one of the components of strategic analysis.

__________2. Non sequential means a step-by-step process.

__________3. Intuitive thinking means using concepts and abstract in

__________4. Values is important in strategic analysis because it will be the
basis of
your practices to strengthen your organization.
__________5. Experiences make a good intuition.
__________6. Using strategic thinking means you are quick to analyze a
__________7. Being logical means you are an intuitive thinker.

__________8. Achieving goal is most important both in strategic and intuitive

__________9. Being trained of your experiences added by your senses are the
components in strategic analysis.

__________10. In intuition, you don’t need to identify prob

What’s More?

A social network is a set of social actors (such as individual or

organization, institutions) in a social structure that interacts with each
In the map of social networks, it helps us to examine and understand
situations which can identify problems/threats in a certain community,
since these networks are interrelated. Institutions like politics, economic,
cultural and even kinship ties help to examine and identify problems in
making creative solutions.

Politics Cultural

Economic Kinship Ties

Sample of Social network map (individual or institution)

Activity 3

Can you differentiate strategic thinking and intuitive thinking?

Direction: Make a story showing the difference between analytic thinking
and intuitive thinking based on the key concepts.

Rubrics for Story Making

Category Descriptions ! Points Score

It shows the content of the
Content 10
Clear and precise message
Creativity 10
of the story.
Over-All Clean, organize, attractive
Presentation and vibrant appearance

Let’s Summarize!

Strategic Analysis
• is a process of examining and identifying a problem/threats using
rational thinking, conceptualizing with systematic and step-by-step
• use to analyze an organization to formulate a strategic planning in
achieving goal/aims.
• A process of conducting research to identify problems in the
environment to formulate a strategy for creating solutions.

Strategic-analytical thinking involves time, uses abstract and criteria,

brain-centered to see the big picture of the environment to formulate
strategy in achieving goal.

Intuitive thinking
•  is a “quick and ready insight” (Webster’s New Collegiate
• a kind of thinking that examines and understands a certain

without using logical reasoning or rational thinking.
• It referred to as your gut feeling, your instinct, senses and years of 

experiences that can help to create solutions in a certain problem
in an organization or in the community.

Activity 4

Direction: Based from the given picture on the right, identify the problems
using PEST analysis sheet and create your solution.

PEST Analysis Sheet


1.Based from the result in PEST analysis, what would be the problem?

2.What would be your suggested solutions based from PEST analysis?

Rubrics for Creative Solution

! !3 ! 2 Approaching ! 0

Meets standards at a Minimal
Meets standard standards No attempt
high level understanding

The student
The student
demonstrates The student
provides mostly
some correct demonstrates some
The student provides thinking about evidence of intuitive
solutions and
correct solutions and solutions and thinking, but shows
strategies with
strategies. strategies. little understanding.
minor errors.
The student explains Student explains The student offers
The student
and justifies his/her their thinking but little explanation of No evidence of
explains and
thinking thoroughly it may be hard to his/her thinking or attempting the
justifies his/her
and clearly. follow. what is offered does task
The student connects The student not make sense.
The student
and applies the demonstrates The student
standards in complex partial demonstrates
mastery of the
ways. understanding of minimal or no
standards that
the standards that understanding of
were explicitly
were explicitly the standards.

Activity 5

Direction: Using social network map, draw any problem that you encounter
as a students, whether at school, at home, with your friends or personal
problem to understand the situation of the problem. Then propose an
intuitive solution to this problem.


1. Which part of the activities you find most interesting?


2. How significant is this topic nowadays? 

____very significant ____slightly significant
____significant ____not significant 

This LEARNING MATERIAL is developed by the

Learning Resources Material Development Team of Lanao del Sur I Division
✆ +63948-105-1098

(to be accomplished by a parent or guardian)

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________ Quarter & Week: ____________________
Subject: _________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Check (/) the appropriate observation that corresponds to your child's

performance while doing the activities.



Parent’s / Guardian’s

Bases for Evaluation Remarks


Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Activity 5

Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian


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