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Summary of laws particular to the City of Ptolus

It is illegal to:

    * Cast spells creating undead, spreading disease, causing mass destruction, or controlling the mind of
unwilling subjects
    * Consort with the Undead beyond the bounds of the Necropolis or dispose of bodies within the City
except at the Necropolis
    * Fail to pay tri-annual personal property taxes, import taxes, gambling taxes, delving taxes, or others
taxes levied by the City and Empire
    * Be a Dark Elf
    * Use Invisibility or similar spells in public places
    * Possess unlicensed firearms, thief’s tools, or sewer keys
    * Possess or use poisoned weapons
    * Cause the spread of fire, disease, or other contagion
    * Fail to present, upon request by City authorities, one’s citizenship and/or residency papers
    * Own, or traffic in, unlicensed slaves
    * Possess, trade in, or manufacture, the drugs Shivel, Nightsong, or any other drug which creates a
public hazard
    * Worship or consort with the deity Destor

You have the right of lethal self-defense and the right of victor’s privilege should you be attacked with
lethal force within city limits.

What happens in the dungeon, stays in the dungeon.

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