HRM 360 Assignment

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Task 1: Technology-driven work strategy-New challenge for HR

1. the actual situation in workplaces and identify what different sorts of restructuring
strategies that organizations are considering regarding such issues.
Science 2000, we see the rate and scale of change continue to accelerate, but in a pandemic
situation it is more used. Companies are facing a time of incredible change, opening up the rare
opportunity to refresh corporate restructuring strategies. As customer behaviors, regulatory
factors, and the entire business environment evolve throughout postpandemic recovery, learn
how these crisis management tactics can help you reshape the organization’s future. A survive
the pandemic, according to new research. Additionally, the survey found that 82% of HR and HR
leaders said telework has become ubiquitous in all organizations and that HR technology needs
to evolve to manage and operate. effective during the pandemic. The abrupt shift to remote work
over the past 18 months has been overwhelming initially for many businesses, but the data,
insights, and analytics powered by HR technology has become challenging. enabling
organizations to rapidly transition employees to work from home, HR leaders to stay and center
on digital transformation and innovation in sustainable and successful operations. But HR
leaders must continue to adapt to digital transformation and use technology to meet the needs of
the organization.
HR organizations what initiatives they had put in place due to COVID-19. HR leaders reported
the top initiatives they undertook were:
Increasing remote-work options and capabilities.
Implementing COVID-19 employee tracking, tracing and assessment tools.
Implementing new communications processes and technology.
Creating more flexible compensation models, allowing for bonuses, decreases and holds.
Creating pod-based work schedules and new teamwork environments to ensure critical
workforces are protected.
Implementing policies, technology and models for distanced and safe work environments.
Implementing new social responsibility standards, metrics and governance models.

2. logics in regard to the argument ‘Human centered or technology driven’.

Artificial intelligence, which is one of the most advanced and developed technologies today, has
been of great help in improving the human resources department. AI automates and performs the
majority of low-value HR tasks so that more focus can be placed on the strategic scope of the
job. Human Intelligence relates to adaptive learning and experience. It does not always depend
on pre-fed data like the ones required for AI. Human memory, its computing power, and the
human body as an entity may seem insignificant compared to the machine’s hardware and
software infrastructure. But, the depth and layers present in our brains are far more complex and
sophisticated, that machines still cannot beat at least not in the near future! Here is a timeline
predicting the whole idea of comparing both machine and human intelligence over a period of
time.In this situation HR have to sustain both AI and human empolyee
A growing number of organizations are switching to telecommuting as a precaution against
COVID-19 ). Businesses still struggle to manage operations in remote environments, but there
will be even more challenges post-pandemic. Today, employees who used to work remotely have
become accustomed to the remote culture, and many enjoy it. . To meet the demand for an
increasing workforce, companies need to be more open to working from home methods. Leaders
should look for opportunities to move away from their current organizational positions .
However, many companies that have transitioned to a remote work environment may not have
implemented remote work policies and procedures yet. It is therefore imperative that
organizations develop a strategy for remote work, which could pose a major challenge for policy
makers in the near future . Additionally, a distributed workforce poses many challenges for
organizations. With so many employees working from home, it becomes difficult to manage
human resources, payroll, attendance or leave management using traditional methods . Activities
that require paperwork or face-to-face interactions are no longer done the same way.
Communication is another big hurdle in remote work environments . Here, the HRM challenge
is to gain the trust of all employees using appropriate communication tools that are acceptable
to all . Additionally, remote workers will need to develop critical digital collaboration skills, and
HR will need to establish new ways of setting performance goals and employee evaluation
systems that are appropriate for remote work conditions (Baker, 2020). These rules should be
well communicated company-wide and in a timely manner. This means that the entire employee
lifecycle within an organization must be redesigned. So this is the time for recruiters to decide
what is acceptable going forward. relationship between technology and organization have
argued that the two aremutually interdependent: each shapes the othe.Engaging Employees with
Work as a Challenge.cent theories that explain the relationship between technology and
organization have argued that the two are mutually interdependent: each shapes the
other.Technology has its advantages, but it cannot replace the physical interaction and emotional
connection people experience in the workplace. Remote workers can miss even the little things
in their work environment that make them feel like a team, like: B. Lunches with teammates, co-
worker birthdays, celebrations, etc. . Employees will be suffocated by the restrictions of working
from home and feeling disconnected from their familiar networks. In this case, the organization
should monitor and be aware of employee isolation risks. Additionally, HR professionals face
the challenge of keeping employees engaged and aligned with the company's mission in a virtual
environment. Sticking to tight schedules and maintaining structured workflows when working
remotely are also problematic, especially when teams are cross-functional . Employees can drift
away from the organization's purpose if they don't feel as passionate about pursuing their goals
as they do in the physical office. Maintaining existing organizational culture will therefore be a
major challenge for HR professionals in a post-pandemic world. Additionally, companies today
are looking to save money by reducing training and other programs. This affects employee
motivation and retention, which in turn impacts organizational effectiveness and success, as
employees cannot develop without training In these situations, employers must ensure
employee engagement by being flexible and accommodating employee preferences . Regular
updates, briefings, learning sessions, and employee engagement initiatives should be in place to
keep employees productive post-pandemic. A leader must maintain collaboration with
distributed teams and influence her members on the team to sustain organizational behavior.
Therefore, HR must find ways to drive engagement through innovation and restore the status quo
in the near future.
3. potential challenges that a HR executive will confront in post-pandemic era.

Business-savvy entrepreneurs today recognize the power of information technology (IT) tools to
achieve their business goals. It not only helps you achieve your company's goals, but it also
optimizes your work processes.
Human Resource Management (HRM) includes activities such as recruiting, training,
developing and rewarding employees within an organization. HRM should aim to achieve HR
competitiveness by providing continuing education and training programs for the personal and
professional development of the organization's employees.
Information and communication technology (ICT) such as the Internet, mobile communications
and new media in human resources departments has long been proven to be a major contributor
to the realization of an organization's human resource policies. Technological advances can have
a huge impact on a company's human resources department. This enables companies to improve
their internal processes, core competencies, relevant markets, and overall organizational
Human Resources must primarily focus on the strategic goals of the organization. These
strategies should guide the integration of the organization's IT strategic plan. These are activities
related to the development of the company's technical systems, such as: B. Product Design
(R&D) and IT Systems.
Technology development is an important activity for the innovation process within an enterprise
and may involve acquired knowledge. In this context, all activities have some technical content
and can lead to greater technological progress.
Information technology can have a profound impact on organizations that exist in dynamic
environments. This increases the efficiency and effectiveness of your HR department.
Therefore, using IT applications for database management and advanced recruitment system
will increase the efficiency of the company. Such innovations, complemented by information
technology, have a positive impact on human resources. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, one of the
leading management theorists of the time, argued that the revitalization and success of a business
organization depended on innovation (developing new products, introducing new services and
methods of operation), entrepreneurship (taking business risks). , and claimed to be under
comprehensive control. ICT) can have a significant impact on talent management, including:
innovations in human resource management
4. potential manpower planning process to overcome those challenges.
Human Resource Management (HRM) includes activities such as recruiting, training, developing
and rewarding employees within an organization. HRM should aim to achieve HR
competitiveness by providing continuing education and training programs for the personal and
professional development of the organization's employees. Information and communication
technology (ICT) such as the Internet, mobile communications and new media in human
resources departments has long been proven to be a major contributor to the realization of an
organization's human resource policies. Technological advances can have a huge impact on a
company's human resources department. This enables companies to improve their internal
processes, core competencies, relevant markets, and overall organizational structure. Human
Resources should focus primarily on the strategic objectives of the organization. These strategies
should guide the integration of the organization's IT strategic plan. These are activities related to
the development of the company's technical systems, such as: B. Product Design (R&D) and IT
Systems. Technology development is an important activity for the innovation process within an
enterprise and may involve acquired knowledge. In this context, all activities have some
technical content and can lead to greater technological progress. Information technology can
have a profound impact on organizations that exist in dynamic environments. This increases the
efficiency and effectiveness of your HR department. Therefore, using IT applications for
database management and advanced recruitment system will increase the efficiency of the
company. But his innovations in human resource management can come in many forms. find
solutions quickly and flexibly during negotiations Identify new ideas for products and services
identify new markets Such innovations, complemented by information technology, have a
positive impact on human resources. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, one of the leading management
theorists of the time, argued that the revival and success of a business organization depended on
innovation (developing new products, introducing new services and methods of operation),
entrepreneurship (taking business risks), ), and that it depends on comprehensive management.
She (encourages all employees to participate in decisions about work). Information and
communication technology (ICT) can have significant impacts on human resource management,

Task 2 :Condition of Mental Health after Business Resumption-New Challenge for HR

1.the actual situation in workplaces and identify what different sorts of restructuringstrategies
that organizations are considering regarding mental health.
As employers plan to reopen their workplaces, they will need to make decisions about how to
rearrange their offices to prioritize worker health and safety. Equally important is how leaders
develop these plans to support the mental and emotional health of employees who are likely to
face concerns, stressors, and other concerns. The gradual return of workers to the office can
create new uncertainties about personal safety and how to adapt to new routines. Organizational
leaders can turn to psychology to find strategies to help employees feel less apprehensive about
returning and more optimistic about the office environment.

2. findings and provide justification about the role of HR shaping employee mental health.

Psychologists recommend that employers reduce uncertainty by giving each employee control
and decision-making power over where, how and when they work. Recognize that each
employee has had a different experience and response to the pandemic and remote work, with
each person facing their own unique stressors. Communicate regularly to reduce employee
uncertainty and create emotional support. Managers and employees will lead the most effective
strategies for getting back into the office and adapting to changes.

Empower direct managers and supervisors to help employees develop personalized plans.
Managers also play an important role in supporting mental health and wellbeing and are at the
forefront of recognizing employee mental health issues. Provide managers with training and
resources they can use to help their employees. Employers can create a supportive environment
by encouraging employees to take control of decisions about where and when they work.

One of those challenges is understanding the signs and behaviors that may indicate an employee
is struggling with mental illness. Human Resources plays an important role in ending mental
health stigma in the workplace because employees learn by example. If your HR staff perceives
people with mental illness as unhelpful or dangerous, this attitude will further complicate the
public perception of mental health. However, the right HR staff can raise community, local, and
workplace awareness, provide resources for struggling employees, and show empathy for those
in need.

Employee mental health Stigma around mental health exists due to misrepresentation,
misinterpretation, and misinformation. Chances are that one or more of your colleagues has a
mental illness and is afraid to speak out because of the stigma associated with having multiple
disorders and taking medications. It is important for HR to provide neutral responses to news that
their employees are mentally ill to increase awareness. No one questions the validity of a cancer
diagnosis, even if you can't actually see the tumor from outside the body.

Teaching your employees that mental health should be taken seriously will create a safer, stigma-
free environment for people living with mental illness. HR is responsible for providing resources
Unless your HR staff is practicing psychiatrists, they are not equipped to treat and diagnose
mental disorders.

employee mental health This mental health issue is very common as we all experience
relationship problems at some point in our lives. Providing support through an employee
assistance program That said, employers can give employees time off or cover their work while
they deal with personal matters. However, a better option would be to have an expert or advisor
assist employees through the EAP. A standard EAP program is designed to put employees in the
center of attention by providing appropriate support and guidance.

. 3. challenges of employee mental health and what manpower strategies should HRimplement to
confront these challenges in post pandemic era

If an employee seems stressed at work, it could be due to their financial problems. Taken
together, these factors can cause mental health challenges for employees, affecting their
performance at work and with co-workers. When dealing with employees who are experiencing
financial difficulty, it is best to refer them to a financial wellness program that provides specific
financial assistance. A financial wellness program can help employees relieve money-related
stress and consolidate their financial troubles into one.

This way, employees will be better able to manage their finances and overcome this mental
health challenge. There should also be educational programs for employees who want to know
more about different ways of managing finances. HR professionals and managers should step in
if they suspect an employee is suffering from burnout. However, burnout could be avoided if
employees could turn to HR professionals and managers sooner.
Business leaders have been challenged both to respond quickly to the crisis and to rethink their
workforce strategies in real time. Now, as organizations emerge from this response phase,
leaders are focusing on the next set of workforce challenges as they plan for recovery. therefore,
organizations plan for multiple scenarios and times as they transition from crisis response to
recovery. Organizations must prepare for different pandemic outcomes - mild, severe or severe -
and recognize that recovery must adapt to different situations in different countries and industries
In the world.

Other organizations, especially those that have grown in times of crisis, may be able to downsize
or adapt to Answers to these types of questions will help organizations redefine their workforces
and navigate how to thrive in the aftermath of the pandemic. It is not necessary for leaders to
have a detailed plan new working context at this time, but they must
4.HR department to develop better culture and overcoming Covid -19
insecurity among employees.
A company should think about the shortcomings and try to implement new strategies to improve
HR performance. Here are some helpful tips to improve HR efficiency. Improve organizational
communication Build an effective training program Provide more frequent feedback to
employees Building a corporate culture vision Use available technology Leverage data
Improving the efficiency of human resources mainly depends on the specific situation of a
company. For example, improving organizational communication depends on the size and
structure of the company; developing an effective training program requires the exact number of
new employees and their expertise; building a cultural vision based on the company's overall
mission and goals. Want to learn more about evaluating and improving HR performance? Click
here to contact a CoreAxis expert to measure HR performance and customize your improvement
strategies! The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Nothing (or may be
omitted) contained in this article shall be construed as legal advice and no attorney-client
relationship has been established.

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