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Developmental Psychology

1. Who is credited with conducting the first systematic study of

developmental psychology?
A. charles darwin B. jean piaget C. john bowlby D. lev vygotsky
2. One among the options is not dominated in the field with their extensive
theories of human development.
A. jean piaget B. lev vygotsky C. john bowlby D. b f skinner
3. The id is the part of our personality which is made up of …………….
A. basic B. unconscious C. instinctual D. conscious
4. Erik Erikson (1902-1990) proposed a theory of development which
emphasized the role of ………………….. .
A. cognitive and behavioural factors in development
B. cognitive factors in development
C. social and cultural factors in development
D. emotional factors in development
5. Stages of psychosocial development: industry versus inferiority
A. 6 to 11 years B. adolescence C. young adulthood D. middle adulthood
6. Stages of psychosocial development: Basic trust versus mistrust
A. 1 to 3 years B. birth to 1 year C. 3 to 6 years D. 6 to 11 years
7. Watson wanted to create an objective science of psychology and he
believed that ………………. events should be the focus of the study.
A. experimental B. directly observable C. inner mental D. cognitive
8. Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model of human development include
A. microsystem, mesosystem, exosystems, macrosystem, chronosystem
B. microsystem, mesosystem, ecosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
C. exosystems, microsystem, mesosystem, macrosystem, tetrosystem
D. microsystem, nanosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem
9. As per Piaget children's …… development is progressing through four stages.
A. physical B. emotional C. cognitive D. functional
10. Sensorimotor stage of development is lasting from …………….. of age.
A. birth to about 2 years B. about 2 to 7 years
C. about 7 to 11 years D. about 12 to 15 years
11. Vygotsky emphasis the role of …………… in development of a child.
A. cognitive element B. environment C. social interaction D. parents
12. Which is the developmental stage in Eriksons theory represent 1 to 3 years
A. autonomy vs. shame B. initiative vs. guilt
C. trust vs. mistrust D. identity vs. identity diffusion
13. In which stage of Ericksons development theory an individual develop
a sense of mastery over aspects of one's environment, cope with
challenges and increase responsibility.
A. autonomy vs. shame B. initiative vs. guilt
C. trust vs. mistrust D. identity vs. identity diffusion
14. An unconscious reflex action in newborn child i.e., If their palms are
touched, they will make a very tight fist which is called as.
A. unconscious reflex B. reflection action
C. none of the above D. darwinian reflex
15. Which achievement is considered an important milestone in fine motor
A. top-level reaching B. palmar grasp C. finger dexterity D. balancing
16. …. is a decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated exposure to the same
A. habituation B. extinction C. discrimination D. negative learning
17. Children are born with reflexes that allow them to suck and grasp and
they begin to follow objects with their eyes. What are these reflexes known
A. simple reflexes B. biological reflexes
C. motor reflexes D. primary circular reactions
18. Piaget’s had a background in Biology. What he called this theoretical framework?
A. emotional epistemology B. epistemology
C. genetic epistemology D. social epistemology
19. What was Piaget’s primary interest in human organisms?
A. how knowledge developed B. how language developed
C. how emotions developed D. how interpersonal relations developed
20. According Piaget the basic unit with which the cognitive structure is
built up is ……………………… .
A. schema B. accommodation C. equilibrium D. assimilation
21. According to Piaget biologically every living organism would like to
remain in the existing state of …………… without being disturbed.
A. accommodation B. disequilibrium C. assimilation D. equilibrium
22. Children of the same age may ……. in terms of possession of mental abilities
A. differ B. almost same C. equal D. none of the above
23. Sensory-motor Stage
A. about 2 to 7 years B. from birth to about 2 years
C. about 7 to 11 years D. about 12 to 15 years
24. Which stage the child begins to utter words to ask for something rather
than just reaching out to get it
A. preoperational stage B. concrete operational stage
C. formal operation D. sensory motor stage
25. His thinking becomes more logical and systematic
A. preoperational stage B. concrete operational stage
C. formal operation D. sensory motor stage
26. The developmental stage in which the child is no longer ego-centric in
his thinking. He does not think of himself as the centre of the external
world and does not perceive the world only from his own standpoint.
A. formal operation B. sensory motor stage
C. concrete operational stage D. preoperational stage
27. Generalizations and framing of rules by operating in abstract terms
become quite possible at this stage.
A. formal operation stage B. formal operation
C. sensory motor stage D. preoperational stage
28. Human languages have a ……………………. structure.
A. hierarchical B. vertical C. parallel D. long
29. The smallest speech units in a language that can be distinguished
A. phonemes B. morphemes C. grammar D. prefix
30. …………………………are the smallest units of meaning in a language.
A. phonemes B. morphemes C. grammar D. prefix
31. ……… is a system of rules that specify how words can be arranged into
A. syntax B. semantics C. morphemes D. phonemes
32. .…………………. is the knowledge, independent of semantics and
syntax etc, of what kind of response would be appropriate in a given social
A. semantics B. pragmatics C. morphemes D. syntax
33. …………………….. is the stage at which the individually meaningless
phonemes are assembled to produce meaningful portions of language,
called morphemes.
A. semantics B. morphemes C. syntax D. pragmatics
34. Attachment theory is the joint work of …… and Mary Ainsworth.
A. b f skinner B. j piaget C. john bowlby D. vygotsky
35. …………….. is a psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory
concerning relationships between humans
A. attachment theory B. emotional theory
C. learning theory D. developmental theory
36. Which mostly affects the development of emotional self-regulation?
A. temperament B. learning C. perception D. motivation
37. In child-to-adult relationships, the child's tie is called the "attachment"
and the caregiver's reciprocal equivalent is referred to as ……………….. .
A. attachment bond B. care-giving bond
C. relationship bond D. bonding
38. Who is known as the principle attachment figure?
A. father B. significant others C. mothers D. care givers
39. ……. is the anticipation or fear of being cut off from the attachment figure.
A. anxiety B. stress C. alarm D. distress
40. In which stage attachment behaviours such as clinging and following
decline and self reliance increases.
A. early childhood B. late childhood
C. middle childhood D. early adulthood
41. Types of Bowlby’s theory of attachment (Child and caregiver behaviour
patterns before the age of 18 months)
A. secure, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & organized
B. secure, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & disorganized
C. safe, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & organized
D. safe, avoidant, ambivalent/resistant & disorganized
42. In which attachment pattern of Bowlby children show a pattern of
alternate aggression and withdrawal?
A. secure B. avoidant C. ambivalent/resistant D. disorganized
43. Who extended the Attachment theory to adult romantic relationships?
A. cindy hazan and phillip shaver B. j bowlby and mary ainsworth
C. piaget and vygotsky D. none of them
44. In Freud's view, development is a …………….. process.
A. continuous B. discontinuous C. automatic D. loose
45. In Freud’s oral developmental stage the pleasure is centered around
the ……………..
A. mouth B. genitals C. faeces D. opposite sex
46. Freud's theory relied mainly on the use of methods such as
A. free association, empirical testing, dream analysis & introspection
B. free association, dream analysis, case study & empirical testing
C. free association, dream analysis, experiments & testing.
D. free association, dream analysis, case study & introspection
47. Who proposed the psychosocial theory?
A. erik erickson B. vygostky C. piaget D. freud
48. Watson applied ………….. principles of classical conditioning to
children's behaviour.
A. skinner’s B. pavlov\s C. bandura’s D. erickson’s
Answer: B
49. What is the name of the child whom the classical condioning was
tested by J. Watson?
A. albert B. sultan C. bob D. ted
50. Who proposed the operant conditioning learning theory?
A. pavlov B. skinner C. bandura D. j. watson

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