Rectangular Tank Design-Bluetax ETP

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Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of steel Fe 500

Length of wall l 1.5 m

Width of wall b 1.5 m
Height of wall a 3m
Density of fluid Ɣ 10 kN/m3

b/a 0.5
x/a for support 1
x/a for center 0.5

Case 1: At center along the length of wall

(i) At center along the height of wall

Vertical Moment coefficient 0.002 Vertical Moment

Horizontal Moment coefficient 0.006 Horizontal Moment

(ii) At base along the height of wall

Vertical Moment coefficient -0.0015 Vertical Moment

Horizontal Moment coefficient -0.003 Horizontal Moment

Case 2: At corner along the length of wall

(i) At center along the height of wall

Vertical Moment coefficient -0.002 Vertical Moment

Horizontal Moment coefficient -0.009 Horizontal Moment

(ii) At base along the height of wall

Vertical Moment coefficient 0 Vertical Moment

Horizontal Moment coefficient 0 Horizontal Moment

Maximum moment from above 1.62 kN.m

Q for M30 and Fe 500 3.99

d (eff) reqd. = M = 20.15 mm

Q X b

provideng clear cover = 25 mm

Providing d = 171
D (total depth) = 200 mm

Design of Reinforcement in wall

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pt = 50 fck/fy[1-sqrt{1-4.6xMy/fckxbxd^2}]
= 0.02 %
Min. Pt should be 0.24 %
Ast pt x b x d/100
240 mm^2
providing 8 mm dia reinforcement at 200 mm c/c
Ast provided 251.33 mm^2

providing base thickness as 200 mm

Page 2

0.54 kN.m
1.62 kN.m

-0.41 kN.m
-0.81 kN.m

-0.54 kN.m
-2.43 kN.m

0 kN.m
0 kN.m

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Design of Rectangular Underground Water Tank

Grade of concrete M 30 fck 30 N/mm^2

Grade of steel Fe 500 fy 500 N/mm^2
Density of fluid Ɣw 10.5 kN/m^3
Density of soil Ɣs 18 kN/m^3
Depth of water table 6m
Depth of water tank H 4.65 m Height of free board 1.3
Length of water tank L 2m
Width of water tank B 2m

L/B 1< 2
Therefor, Design H-h as continuous frame and h as cantilever

h = H/4
h 1.16 >1 m
provide h = 1.16 m

Permissible Stress in
(1) Design Constants Grade of compression in Concrete
σcbc σcc
For M 30,σcbc 10 N/mm2 M25 8.5 6
σst 130 N/mm2 M30 10 8
σcc 8 N/mm2 M35 11.5 9
m = 280
3 σcbc
= 9.33

k = m σcbc
m σcbc + σst
= 0.42

j = 1-k/3
= 0.86

Q = 1/2 x σcbc x k x j
= 1.8

The tank shall be designed for the following two cases:

Case1: Tank is empty and surrounding soil is dry/saturated

Depth of water table 6 m

Depth of water tank H 4.65 m

surrounding soil is dry

considered density of soil Ɣ 18

Page 4

Pressure at depth (H-h),

P = ka Ɣ' (H-h) + Ɣw (H-h)
Ka = 0.33
Ɣ' = 18
(H-h) = 3.49

P= 57.33 kN/m2

Fixed end Moments: A Lm

Mf AB = -PL^2/12
-19.11 kN.m
Bm Plan
Mf AD = +PL^2/12
19.11 kN.m

Distribution factor (D.F.)

Joint Member k ƹk DF = k/ƹk

AB 2 EI 0.5
AD 2 EI 4 EI 0.5

Moment Distribution (M.D.)

0 0.5 0.5 0 D.F.
- 19.11 -19.11 - FEM

- 00 - Balance
19.11 -19.11 Final Moments

B.M. At center of AB
= PL^2/8 – Ma
= 9.56 kN.m

B.M. At center of AD
= PL^2/8 – Ma
= 9.56 kN.m

Direct compression in long wall

= PxB/2
= 57.33 kN

Direct compression in short wall

= PxL/2
= 57.33 kN

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Design of Long wall

(i) At support
M= -19.11 kN.m
C= 57.33 kN Q factor
M = Q x b x d^2
Q= 1.8 20
d= 103.04 mm 25
Adopt d = 250 mm 30
Total D = 300 mm

Ast required = M
σst x j x d
= 683.22 mm^2

Provide 12 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on remote face)

Ast provided = 753.98 mm^2

check for compression

max. Comp. Stress = Force
= 0.19 N/mm^2

IS 3370, part 2, table 2 σcc 8 N/mm^2 ok

Minimum reinforcement, pt (min) 0.24 %

Total D = 300 mm
effective D = 150 mm

For one zone, Ast min = 360 mm^2

Distribution steel:
Min. Ast = 360 mm^2 for one zone (on each face)

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Horizontal steel on both face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

(ii) At center
M= 9.56 kN.m
C= 57.33 kN
Modified moment M-Cx
3.82 kN.m

Ast required = M
σst x j x d
= 136.64 mm^2

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Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on liquid face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

Design of short wall

(i) At support
M= 19.11 kN.m
C= 57.33 kN

M = Q x b x d^2
Q= 1.8
d= 103.04 mm
Adopt d = 250 mm
Total D = 300 mm

Ast required = M
σst x j x d
= 683.22 mm^2

Provide 12 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on liquid face)

Ast provided = 753.98 mm^2

Minimum reinforcement, pt (min) 0.24 %

Total D = 300 mm
effective D = 150 mm

For one zone, Ast min = 360 mm^2

Distribution steel:
Min. Ast = 360 mm^2 for one zone (on each face)

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Horizontal steel on both face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

(ii) At center
M= 9.56 kN.m
C= 57.33 kN

Ast required = M
σst x j x d
= 341.61 mm^2

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on remote face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

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Cantilever Moment
Pressure at base = ka Ɣ' H + Ɣw
= 62.8 kN/m^2

M= 14.14 kN.m
Ast required = 505.63 mm^2

Minimum reinforcement, pt (min) 0.24 %

Total D = 300 mm
effective D = 150 mm

For one zone, Ast min = 360 mm^2

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing (Both direction both face upto 1 m)

Ast provided = 523.6 mm^2

Case2: Tank is full no soil pressure outside

water pressure at (H-h) = Ɣw * (H-h)

= 22.97 kN/m^2

Fixed end Moments: A

Mf AB = -PL^2/12
-7.66 kN.m
Mf AD = +PL^2/12
7.66 kN.m

Distribution factor (D.F.)

Joint Member k ƹk DF = k/ƹk

AB 2 EI 0.5
AD 2 EI 4 EI 0.5

Moment Distribution (M.D.)

0 0.5 0.5 0 D.F.
- 7.66 -7.66 - FEM

- 00 - Balance
7.66 -7.66 Final Moments

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B.M. At center of AB
= PL^2/8 – Ma
= 3.83 kN.m

B.M. At center of AD
= PL^2/8 – Ma
= 3.83 kN.m

Direct tesion in long wall

= PxB/2
= 22.97 kN

Direct tension in short wall

= PxL/2
= 22.97 kN

Design of Long wall

(i) At support
M= -7.66 kN.m
T= 22.97 kN (Tension on liquid face)

M = Q x b x d^2
Q= 1.8
d= 65.22 mm
Adopt d = 250 mm
Total D = 300 mm

Ast required = M
for moment σst x j x d
= 273.7 mm^2

Ast required = T
for tension σst
= 176.68 mm^2

Total Ast
required = 450.39 mm^2

Provide 12 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on liquid face)

Ast provided = 753.98 mm^2

(ii) At center
M= 3.83 kN.m
T= 22.97 kN (Tension on remote face)
Modified moment M-Tx
1.53 kN.m

Ast required = M

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for moment σst x j x d

= 54.74 mm^2

Ast required = T
for tension σst
= 176.68 mm^2

Total Ast
required = 231.42 mm^2

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on remote face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

Minimum reinforcement, pt (min) 0.24 %

Total D = 300 mm
effective D = 150 mm

For one zone, Ast min = 360 mm^2

Distribution steel:
Min. Ast = 360 mm^2 for one zone (on each face)

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Horizontal steel on both face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

Design of Short wall

(i) At support
M= 7.66 kN.m
T= 22.97 kN (Tension on remote face)

M = Q x b x d^2
Q= 1.8
d= 65.22 mm
Adopt d = 250 mm
Total D = 300 mm

Ast required = M
for moment σst x j x d
= 273.7 mm^2

Ast required = T
for tension σst
= 176.68 mm^2

Total Ast
required = 450.39 mm^2

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Provide 12 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on remote face)

Ast provided = 753.98 mm^2

(ii) At center
M= 3.83 kN.m
T= 22.97 kN (Tension on liquid face)

Ast required = M
for moment σst x j x d
= 136.85 mm^2

Ast required = T
for tension σst
= 176.68 mm^2

Total Ast
required = 313.54 mm^2

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing ( Verticle steel on liquid face)

Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

(4.) Design of Bottom Slab:

consider thickness of slab = 0.25 m

Total H = 4.9 m

upward pressure when soil is saturated = Ɣw x H

= 49 kN/m^2

check for floatation of tank (when empty) :

F.O.S. Against floatation = Downward pressure

>= 1
Upward Pressure

or Downward pressure
< 1
Upward Pressure

Downward pressure
1) Weight of long walls = 181.35 kN
2) Weight of short walls = 139.5 kN providing all around projection of
3) Wight of bottom slab = 60.06 kN
4) Weight of soil on toe slab = 168.66 kN
Total Downward pressure = 549.57 kN

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Upward pressure = 470.89 kN

F.O.S. Against floatation = 1.17 Safe

Upward pressure for B.M. = 0 kN/m^2 (here, 0 is taken as no water surrounding the tank,

weight of soil on projected portion = 83.7 kN/m^2

Earth pressure at base of wall = ka Ɣ H Earth pressure

= 27.62 kN/m^2
Reaction on wall = 64.22 kN

acting at 1.78 from base

load transfer by wall per meter length of slab = weight of 1 m long wall
34.88 kN/m

Moment at center of slab = 44.67 kN.m

(longer dim.)
Check for thickness

M = Q x b x d^2
Q= 1.8
d= 157.54
Adopt d = 200
Total D = 250

Cantilever Moment at face of wall

M= 111.98 kN.m

Ast required = M
for moment σst x j x d
= 5004.13 mm^2

Provide 25 mm dia bars @ 125 c/c spacing at face of bottom main direction

Ast provided = 3927 mm^2

At the center portion:

Ast required = M
for moment σst x j x d
= 1996.33 mm^2

Provide 20 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing at center portion of bottom main dire

Ast provided = 2094.4 mm^2

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Distribution steel:
Minimum reinforcement, pt (min) 0.24 %

Total D = 250 mm
effective D = 125 mm

For one zone, Ast min = 300 mm^2

Provide 10 mm dia bars @ 200 c/c spacing at top of slab both ways and
at bottom in secondary direction
Ast provided = 392.7 mm^2

(5) Crack Width Calculation

Spacing between the bars (S) = 150 mm

Min. Cover to longitudinal steel (Cmin) = 44 mm
acr = 86.95 mm
Area of tension steel (Ast) = 753.98 mm^2
Area of compression steel (Asc) = 753.98 mm^2
a= 500
b= 10258.66 Es = 200000 N/mm^2
C= -1585682.96 Ec = 27386.13 N/mm^2

X1 = 46.98 mm
X2 = -67.5 mm

Depth of Neutral Axis (x) = 46.98 mm

Dist. Between Ext. Fiber and N.A. (y) = 253.02 mm

M= 7.3
Icr = 261560386.6 mm^4

Strain at Extreme fiber Ɛ1 = 0.0002704

Strain taken by section Ɛ' = 0.0006970

Average strain Ɛm = 0.0004837

Crack width (Wcr) = 0.0942 mm ok

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m (if fully filled, free board = 0)

Permissible stress
in steel
for HYSD bars 130 N/mm^2

surrounding soil is dry 18

surrounding soil is saturated 7.5

Page 14

Page 15

Q factor
415 500
2.76 2.66
3.45 3.33
4.14 3.99

Verticle steel on remote face)

Horizontal steel on both face)

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Verticle steel on liquid face)

Verticle steel on liquid face)

Horizontal steel on both face)

Verticle steel on remote face)

Page 17

oth direction both face upto 1 m)

Lm B


Page 18

Verticle steel on liquid face)

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Verticle steel on remote face)

Horizontal steel on both face)

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Verticle steel on remote face)

Verticle steel on liquid face)



oviding all around projection of 0.25 m

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as no water surrounding the tank, otherwise 10*H))

ka Ɣ' H + Ɣw H (for saturated soil)

face of bottom main direction

center portion of bottom main direction

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top of slab both ways and

bottom in secondary direction

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