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Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love

1. Describe the main character in the movie you watched.

2. What was his/her exceptionality? Describe.
3. What problems/difficulties did the main character experience?
4. Who provided support? What support did he/she get from his/her environment?


1. Raun, son of Susie and Barry Kaufman, is a boy who was born with autism. He is not the normal boy
that you can see. He is a child that has his own world. As he grows, his parents noticed his unresponsive
behavior towards them.

2. Raun is not your typical little boy. He does not understand language and appears to be blind or deaf
sometimes, that is why he can’t speak. He has repetitive movements like spinning, rocking, and even
moving his fingers. He tends to be aloof with the people around him. He only sees people as objects and
likes quiet surroundings. He is not your normal boy that cries and moves around a lot. He simply stays in
one place and keeps on doing his repetitive behavior of spinning the plate, rocking back and forth, and
moving his fingers.

3. Raun has difficulty in communication and making eye contact. He does not speak. He tends to focus
and follows objects visually. He is completely oblivious to the objects and people around him. He does
not know how to respond. He also does not know how to express himself, like using gestures to
communicate. He does not smile or make facial expressions. He also has difficulties with interacting with
people especially to his parents and siblings.

4. Raun’s parents are the number one who sought and provided support for him. His mother, Suzie
spends most of her time looking for Raun. His mother provided him activities that may improve his
cognitive and sensory response. She incorporated puzzles and games, as well as music. She also imitates
Raun's actions to show him that he and his world are accepted. She also taught him slowly how to
mingle and engage with others, as well as gradually teaching him words. Raun's father, Barry, keeps track
of all of his observations and he and Suzie would discuss over it. They, Suzie and Barry, even sought help
from doctors and institutions, however only got negative response. Their nanny, Nancy, also helped with
Raun and now they are taking turns with Susie to teach and look after him. Their daughters, Bryn and
Thea, also express their eagerness to help with their brother’s condition and actively participated in
helping Raun with his activities.

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