Translate Pt.4

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Alamat: JL Palembang-Jambi Kec.Betung Kab.Banyuasin Palembang SUM-SEL

CLASS : ELEMENTARY SMP EXAM NO : ....................

1. I am very........, So I buy a noodle in the 9. Ayu and Shinta.........a teacher in my school

store A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Does
A Hungry C. Angry
B. Sleepy D. Thirsty 10. ..... Sindi wash my blouse?
A. Do B. Am C. Tobe D. Does
2. There are .......days in a week
a. Four C. Five 11. Joko Widodo is the Indonesia
b. Seven D. Six A. Vice president C. President
B. Prime president D. Minister
3. The number after eighteen is........
a. Seventeen C. Twenty 12. Rani & Rina ......fruits in the market
b. Twenty one D. Nineteen A. Buy B. Bring C. Eat D. Cook

13. Ant is small but elephant is........

4. Seven thousand and five hundreed =...... A. Long B. Slim C. Big D. Small
a. 750 C. 750
b. 7500 D. 75 14. She does not use ......oil
A. Many B. Few C. Much D. A
5. The meaning word “kamus” in English is....
15. Soto and gado-gado are kinds of.......
a. Book C. Dictionary
A. Food B. Vegetables C. Drink D.
b. Note book D. Novel

6. I like to play .......... 16. I like to eat ......... For breakfast

a. Guitar C. Shoes A. Bread B. Poridge C. Potato D.
b. Blouse D. Glass Candy

17. Kami seharusnya tidak menasehati dia

7. Manggo, apple, watermelon and banana
A. We ought to not advise her
are the names of......... B. We had not better advise her
a. Vegetables C. Animals C. We would not rather advise her
b. Flowers D. Fruits D. We ought not to advise her

8. Saya melihat bunga hari ini 18. my mother ?

a. I sees flower today A. Am B. Are C. Is D. Tobe
b. I see flower today
c. I am lookIng flower today 19. They.......not write my name in this book
d. I does not look flower today A. Does C. Do
20. We can see monkey in ........... 28. Kami akan mencuci mobil putih nya Minggu depan
A. Zoo C. Hospital A. We will wash her white car next week
B. School D. Swimming pool B. We washes her white car next week
C. We did wash her white car next week
D. We will wash her car white next week
21. A : Do you want to drink a glass of water
B : ........., I want to drink a glass of water 29. Visit – you – in – me – village – my
A. Yes, I did C. Yes, I do not A. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 5
B. Yes, I do D. No, I do B. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 D. 6 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

30. S + have/has + V3 + O + Adv

Nama dari rumus di atas adalah .....
22. Kami lebih baik tidak melihat dia
A. Past Tense C. Past Perfect Tense
A. We had better not look her
B. Past future Tense D. Perfect Tense n.v
B. We had not better look her
C. We had better look her 31. They are being happy now
D. We not had better look her A. Present Tense n.v C. Perfect Tense n.v
B. Past Tense n.v D. Countinous Tense n.v
23. Do I buy ?
A. This C. An 32. I have .......pen
B. These D. Little A. Some B. Much C. Any D. An

24. Macam-macam Auxiliary 33. ..........many bags in my house

A. There are B. There is C. Am D. Is
A. Am, is, are C. Do, does, tobe
B. May, are, do D. Must, dare, use to
34. Rika......not watch that movie
A. Do B. Is C. Does D. Dare
25. I .......angry to her now
A. Will be. C. Can be 35. Must we be........tonight ?
B. Am being D. Would be A. Cook B. Play C. Sad D. Cry

26. She was not beautiful last night

A. Present Tense C. Perfect Tense n.v
B. Past Tense n.v D. Future Tense n.v

27. Roy ........with me yesterday

A. Play B. Playing C. Played D. Player
Alamat: JL Palembang-Jambi Kec.Betung Kab.Banyuasin
Palembang SUM-SEL

A. Lengkapi kaliamat dibawah No. Exam :.............

Many Does house That be

Is his For Do child

2. We can make ............... cakes today

3. Roni does not advice ...............younger
4. Must I read book in................. every morning ?
5. He is not a prince in................. castel
6. ................ Shinta meet with Rama in the forest ?
7. Mother Will............... angry to my brother
8. He................ a strong person
9. Can they cook pempek............... me ?
10. Rasya and Risa............... not play with me
11. Are You a good................ in house every day ?

B. Susunlah kalimat dibawah agar menjadi kalimat yang benar

1. And – you – are – family – I
2. Fruits – steal – may –they – those
3. Life – to – my – sky – goes
4. Are – Karin – best – and – friend – Ruka
5. Doll – you – their – are

C. Pasangkan kata di bawadengan tepat

1. Flower .................
A. Wash & cook
2. Adjective ..............
B. Book & pen
3. Noun ..................
C. Cat & Rabbit
4. Subject ...............
D. Rose & Orchid
5. Day ......................
E. Sad & angry
6. Wild Animal .........
F. I & you
7. Object ..................
G. Lion & Monkey
8. Verb ....................
H. Me & us
9. Month .................
I. Sunday & Friday
10. Pet ......................
J. March & August
Alamat: JL Palembang-Jambi Kec.Betung Kab.Banyuasin Palembang SUM-SEL

CLASS : ELEMENTARY SMP EXAM NO. : ....................

1. Mereka mengunjungi rumah nenekku hari ini

2. Apakah mereka guru?
3. Dia (pr) mencuci banyak baju di sungai yang bersih itu
4. Kamu sepatutnya belajar untuk ulangan hari ini
5. Nenekku dan kakekku tidak pergi ke Bali
6. Apakah dia (lk) dulunya seorang nelayan?
7. Kami tidak pergi ke pesta itu pagi ini
8. Ibuku membeli sepatu-sepatu ini di pasar yang jauh itu
9. Nelayan itu menangkap banyak ikan di sungai ini bersama pamanku hari ini
10. Aku menemukan seekor kucing di antara banyak rumah yang kotor
11. Would you rather come to his house with me?
12. We must finish our homework today
13. Andre swims in that wide pool with his friends
14. She is smart student in our class
15. Do you drink a glass of tea this morning?
16. I eat many fruits among my cats
17. Are you a nurse in that hospital?
18. My mother will buy much oil at market this afternoon
19. There are many students at that school this morning
20. She is diligent and beautiful today
21. There is no your pen here
22. Apakah kamu bahagia pagi ini?
23. She is not my girlfriend but my friend
24. Dia (lk) membaca buku-buku baru di perpustakaan itu
25. Apakah dia (lk) akan menjadi seorang dokter yang bijaksana?

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