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|p Comptia tapas | Subrniftes “wo: Ms ae ao Reg A: as “" 2019- CH -424___ c “Types of Boundary : Conditions, ODE and Mélhods to Solve Dre's Assignment _ _ Ass nmenl. SS — -_ : “Compilation oJ Fut) Dynamics | Submifooto_: Engn: Me denn Submited by: Muharnmad Saad — Reg 4 _ 204% CH-424 ~ Beundhy Condliline ,Whol__ove Boundary conciime. — Beindany conclilumn are “tH conglrainty Nectabsony dor (he _Soluuen beg oe —Value_ problem —_ Boundary Natve Problern: | AR boundary —Watue problem is ayy pled ~ quai (or _cyilons + appet u) $e be —Holvéd in a" domain On_ whose : -banduy—at _wnoions’ is tnown - I His Opposee_40 “Ihe " wit) _vatue — nich Tey ite a etlreme MWe “erlervad are_ten wl ; ar “erin as Wy model a vas anouyil ' | oa o Melo! mechanics To — hel “pratt yet toi 16 | - aemila dil. Scanned with CamScanner anise _malluraltiy ia ow etppealied enucition ‘to Pe Sselved in sexe j| a“ wuhiol_problenne usuailiy reper “lo problems | Te Pe Sued fp Tria * — he voundony | fowl dehjon “ts “we beara S Compl: = oe “Wee paml 07 Toa civcte (2-rol | eed Matus probuns have been eilesuly Muaee by Jacques Charles Francois |__ ae The Eourdlauy, points be Tee tir \ [z-20| 44 | eebe | Starr (903-195) ana Joseph Lowi aoe (2%) ey LUMA“ WABD) une stuaied tee g { 1 \2-%Jey) a a Hiaaad—aele eres quali -*p- The — tecendd orden = ext Sluciod Thea lovcidions Belin orcinansp ard potiad cole) which Qurajlee Te existence and unig wena’ qvaliory ree boundary cortlilesry “le bo ue g0leition fpererlad_protlem, and sed + Diypanl “yper of, beourcouy cordial row “ih _cphestasd by boundasy comctieos + We Sturen = Lijouinlte 1 esleorve Can be _innpates) en Tet_toowrolasy 2}, “Uae | “ampeitawil gor Cg. conputtiveed robles, orntin fay D- tue cherce py ee be tua _| beawee U_ enabler “lo nolersland be is furcamenied to “We sotulcors — ——_|_ Prom _ is “wetl-pecec! ard how “a _it compuitatlsee _provlem AL bao lomposition | tee boundary. Onalele or rag lag © Pegible “Lo folve Te problem. o==s|E Boundary Poiet: “We _dworgence oT Tue _folibuim or -ceniogenig —_ eae b 4 _ Sotto [ut ¢ be a nen-emfly sa_- A print_2_ a} — ~ = §S_cotteed a looardoay poul_op | = j | eso borhece! ae = tein dese _| magh ob | moh bound — | least_one pont op 6 ond op lost | | | ae — |e pi_oct in $. The totality ann | L 1 a __ = Scanned with CamScanner > “Wn Fluid mechaniet: Tyas Sp Boundary Condilone ; Nel _beurdany covdlibion ed) Dyiehut 6c * : In_ctieaputitie) use) eaachonet fe | | ul) Nevenonn Be ctourte Dich an [RF Dobinte Bie | | onal Yas value 4 “ete 7 W Mid Bt : | presture to be fates by a cole a'4| = W) caucny Bt | nedes IC common to wpgh te ¢0 ob %_Divichiet Goundary Conilinas-- Db aumcting Te tte Hoseobgy, —|_Te_Piirichbel. rourdony corcidiin a tyne e © Sip_bourtiay condition «the velocly |" a | 7h bourctany conctiliin romeo! aplin Pitera__\ _ |___mecmect “To. | uilas Lefeuna Dirichlel (1806-1954) | 3ae Thit_conclelivm tpecifyes Tae vextue “teil 2 10 -sty julio, «boty veto |e enknewn _peinétion 0 take on L Normal To The bruno ang We woe along The_ a Aencainsb.| Jeattal to tee org él 7 Sinan. foe example Tuc Leplate ecpyalin cu) Yeo. “ine eounclany vartue PRbemn eurh Pivichia 7 At least ore hemogenoaut be. on tte — feet saitten: ‘ap - | Prewie Crespo) hay Te be poo — | ay m=o v xven—i Qo hance. open Aemoins, Fh _ pl) = fix) Vv x € dd il “taflanee in “re hi el tarcony oy —esrore_p_M6 nurewn _gfunchiomn tt tha) Ue tir domain x ——[inctoponctont umritoe” (e.g Te Said | | - f s—_| comaiattal -). pi ee 2 | bt : { = t The Clmanin ano! | Pe ela Ce Cr Scanned with CamScanner Se Condiilttn Wertman Bottoaany condlifiio uo ty emnetiheo , named! aglor RE a a, bounce! ? "Cork ndumann (1932-195): Inher | Kalan fie geo On an orctinan (00) er patil equ (PDE), EL specipiey The verlves | | ‘hal Tho _abriveitive ©), Q fOlution it | “_getg ‘take_on “the boaundlowuy % i Te _clomain. Cyuen, fee acacia he _| ony p we “c giuon a s fusion MS male ——f treles— away pent razaon. for inslonee “ta Aerie! digpution in > once the “lent | | 20 _comypression. —2 beam: Ke pile — Clore mpthoe _consifir in _70-wiuie, + erie para cid (deny ) bon | Laplae quail The boundary va | tooo inlegra (0). Somme Ts problem _wilhin The Mewmnann 6:6 ie Van, itr fe olome Dh wpb boy 2, L Ayld) so Vzen ay “etl ang iad wi 1 210s) = bot) Yzxeon _f gnale, ss E 7m aL ew vt aire “frre = where an i The war number to re oa véw) jt Tie he i | e Ly I piney cue —p BE EE 2: Faye gran Drown a Incare of One (ie ACLU: Te Urifpacs dillitultia anol auaict_h ; _| Copialwe noroonl te tre brarcteury ecineéte uiin_ Tee global cortiaiuie 9! tn the ware | aaget_in wtih Oc Teropeiot Ependtencerg , dbo fe pi) wes) 7 ye Ja Ce e = yg] pitty bes Tha mal common = tanner conch 13 Olio calle, wad" Vecoute “1h ral tool. Appts. ‘a. ae Tae awa Mh bomntaiuin, Ge aur Luis Thur. a Yon jaa a ene} sg “he si = nh Robin bourdeiy coreidtim: |__| on Sa onitwos waa. ‘age Ne 2 ie sees) toate. sen |} pd, tc decwnes ard Srecfen 3 | _ hich _poflialley alarm waves. Ub ig cot cel | eigaatoet appraaches to Dinciiuil be - teenecon_appliilin and it can be sed only _ 42 : pt prose loaed made) - is raddily | | —used or _aeovitie appliation. || Ipphealamns in Thérmedyrarcies_ _Denichtel bow _eendelint, | _ tn Thermodynamics ; The Nletnans , DridleL | : be Consist sian SuJacos jn 3D prebloms) | Scanned with CamScanner Te Bipuion EQuahon:- aaa Dippuee Won ave Antecidted —tivfin moteaslOr mation Yn a contionwn pid. A smple Wnear model equabion fer diphysue no) exprass He eru' , Modal ODE for Sehfusion or» In Simple cewtes «wa can Sena he space. doswaluis yuth elitfereet cbi's wi 2 BI fomelalion UYsiog Spend lot rove ae, ae > whore) Kea peraee LH consent For _ertarnp\e 1 with 1 wprererling Te orp Pris perabetic. Por qoenast the hac _in ove dimension . Bamctouy The Stoomo! in Tho Scextocs, | POE Gouesrmng. Heb perio leaclt te arr SPE Atpputivn modes ee) acntead~ Ath |, an schame Yeproreed | veep Bote a cords Can be poioctc, Dirichlet (epmatea u) - Nemane Copaitied 2). [Ta reer sling | | er vane _Disehlel_/ Aumann. _& ae l folded ssl (5) wackot « | “s. Example Noumonn : az | tuppese ult) ts @ Top ino oo || a ou. vf ee =e Sf tengin (O° Tee ved! Lec et ax | mmtadeo af x20 and xot bee id)eo foal feat Ase puch 6 jen ty wo agar} Ba Ath yee ualion be eat +e ging) From eorolicltor, | pouiort' Low Heat H Yotow tua’ “Np ropricte bovntbug | __cormaiums are whore Gluy) w paca "Tons | corre sper Ov (oti=o uo du (r,t) oe on i gop oe: Peet et te Scanned with CamScanner Date: B-C.- These WelSf Commen buf are toteatly | tmpesed on _anoblem % Sure Mal a mique soliilion ons : dts KO _| nc, Ee | A alhperentiad equaivin 18 00 epuiuies 1 aad i doivalins saseluing. urchins Mw. an equation Wa “jaa a initia) ceorctilits ted (ot) 7 med fo7\-6 | oe 4 oe aed tse ac. (%t) losis: | | Yeqo al t= %q it called a Athporonlia) eq uabion tere yin | | called Te dependant variable and x is We | L Wom 2}, Olen lio! crying is 4 salalum ship bly The Aepercloull and = ndependtent pvan iy sabicts, ongino) Aebbowerliad aeyalin = __Clasipicaion o Diklewntial Eqn | | ovdiany, anipeaite ecysn _ I | ww Paftiod ub etl) equalur 1 | uit) ly hpeontiod equals - _ _ 1 i) Non linger csfyomitad equals | I S Homegenecus ale quali a Non- Hom cout iS eqyalun | _—-——— Scanned with CamScanner Dats Lf) Owke ital Ro Wy saat Oe ectpert is onl rarabe y Ve eqyyaiion x cattled | an 4 Sita eu (abbrevidled at | ODE) __equAllusn _Digeustton_ orden Des. on tae dolutiim op Ast- L D) Linear and_non- linear ODEs :-| Teg _eqyyjtion ars yemjeo | y'= Be pema 5 subjedt te yo 1 ig You “le be Dinar, Fie a Noe jplin e| ta ried ay" ino oe eee at a ag Bp a 0 fd UW) Patia) Ditiprenlid equ: Than_one indoperclent variate ede vmny. be qreser oR exirlt, Me anrivalass myst be poiliod | [mp || We Fir agree with sespuel “to The _ 1 —qyd “re —_aqualion called pavtiad || dopentud viable ano! “elt gbijunbles equ. _(Pbe) l Taal Can be _expresed in ihe hoon Cy eS ina Meh 24s ptedy = gcd with tnd’ Arcipendent § Mndables & and AX ie sit 10 _be_linagr tard pilin ble | Nonlineor aie tg aL gu = Las Su dys toy SU_cesiloms Toms Such as yy, Cikegories of ope 2 ey ayiyh ele. Te Oe is cated ren. | (Q) Due To ener frngak = The OBES can be wile gonads L OR a a ort Te odo | [| tw ‘eonad degree.+ ee hight ike Ban OBE iS deynae) 4a on _vilopen seipal “0 _dopondtenl vadabes ono its | Gad we max number oy times she | vy wenolerl _varinbe iS ay pyntifled . AY (SE) any =e eOpt Flaniaias = ym yeo | | ae 1 Scanned with CamScanner | _ bute Le on © _ Condon A ee! we arnt also_closirby Tha 2_probions + fy e The uilien _oblarve/ by Gung act Natu i Apparsied equntions, aewoing Te Me) ta tre arbitrary costal tn the genera) 1 ondture beunctiry conotitins || | toleibiom Solution cletpecentiad equation |__| = “Uy all Te “quied valves am. | | : given Simply. clove rie, Te __| Spanethoott fr onwing Orffeceniial i radthemaltad problenn it called Eb _eualiens - | A! witiel_ value Problems ( abso |_| B)_ Loliitum by inspection callec! _§6rting protlern——__|___ Ai)_—_Variable pes | =| ee_ marching parser) et it)__tomogencars | t Qs the Solufim ig _ACvaread ,, —___| Po} ky “ch a) aa {| 7 io_Saps | w Sond vero. = Jip “ite! _setve_perbtern cone L_ tt) Setitdin by taspection . - 4 pacts_1 To Aub bproried _ eqyplibo yan = ft The DE ss 5, w 7. I : ished gies ba atlalianey bv yl and | ff Lug) A (pity) +e fbatuy) ; tf) and the ‘wiliad condliin_ytis)=yo.| | | __altat pit then each “leom | _| feat "ne. —epaciled 1 ee wala * { _ Soltition of Diener eau: | The_soluliom te Oley shal equ. can i ob Geral Gudion | [te jeud_ung srspeclion Mec Ut} Pactiuter Sotiluin — five Separate _Mefroe); | | @qunion can be Men such HS Gnerat Slim ion. | oa ceciables are ped fpr {—it_tontai rau a iy corthaiclt nigel fan The equation can be f a the ernter ke, 4 | ee fppeerls Sep itis “

ane x cn _homegedgovt oa caiizc! 25 hemegenaous. _ fulting ys v0 __| 5 i i Hemme gortout 1 = uvandu | in Tee _fpunétiin *_(ay) tt calla at _ | . fpeclias: So, if . wendy = (ata) a ; 7 +e tthe dul= Af (uy) ttt teen} | i $ Guy. wf CH) on x3 | vit] stog-tt lope F Guy = yt Cty) Homegeneout De: a Veltt °F | sr 4 Lig x = Lege ln Fast orc, fist _cegra exppresied raha fom _ eg ve > Lege | 7 ag fluy) _ pele Tie [3 | ts wel 192] Ye] fest Scanned with CamScanner Mineae alfgereitiad ceuiion Kqudice Tue spor T + 2s a wy _ A_Difherestio? €@ t+ 15 trroay 4 Fel elepencterit waigbte (9) ano’ r7 Lelaypeale he + bly» OC) filigrdiia bay alyuo, Py tm _parit olen rae asl lealeeal (eit pe ema amen = epeily = Qbuy aff alt= Abst) Jet cy "regan Ke tye e Seen f. @ eR Y/ ay Pg = Q. ar aca efter ~ fa Midne | Shy {Ab poo] y > Bparatte war COM i an “itegnalcg foto —_ ¢ fre Je fQ Pare | Melade to Some ODES | y_m# 6.1 “row case (Romeaitiecas} vo duuple b “Cl | wt oe epi) gh? = QW) (AQ) Anaty leas wratrade l ©) Craphicas Mejhaty oe “sn subtitles i (D pumersicaf Metrads in —— —4 4 Py aimdine"~ Oo > Aine feaiphel Menas: _0an Be wlued araliylicaliy | 47 yt Alou amg Ve Pla: Qty) = 7d Lat _ uate congarel “lo be Be matt —ccetvale olulejro Mo J, DE i easounleus) in practivie eter canndl Fe polewne oy Gnd ed wrt” Grapriet_Metce : Thee a st usepeul insight tno ene readure Bi a sellin ODBs , but tay Hef a Seal Seritye isadvarlagey . Scanned with CamScanner Unt oo ww gooet y= yo f buy ar 7 esau Lilet ep Therein wt Hy, w judge? 1 Bbjectuco | yay weye an _ WWD |The ey ex etpfrtaall te Conpiles iy : FYore | ___| Numerical melhocts le Sve OOF 't:- | Ye ge oh pony”) == Numical valid) + gewaliy. Jato Be expt fey} | Cllouing Three Chases? L a atyepees ty | “Tao Baton eer | fo.cong) Pyne. ha nw 2 | Ce) | Taylor rier Metnod | Anclher alas. abate feat momteal Matt ia charge tng. alte a guise ; & -_@ Euler ang acct y mnt meliod -_ bo) Range - Keito belid : Picaense Meher. “i auudlin f= = iesy) | can be wvillen ww) yout fn pagar | fo hab —a a | | Bue secons sine ar ye gen J ee | yo) — ater fet {pny de | by Tayo. Sorios Scanned with CamScanner = I Fotidbalins We=0, yar e, go tue Bh yan Tops i —|-¥, He) fot lp ae ye une td | | hen sy. darrt oy gry Ms fol) aron tne teat pyouhins tn. Carsten 7 stout pyre 2 nation 2 yi? ty (auteg tid)ete SO WOM Y ooa Ut us) sth e640) + 9 Example | ahs 7 Solve The equ: Py ~teCrryip) | | 37 (I= 73 [ a que _ L ; Tie) Own > Suare_weih siclad 220 sy | 4 = Ks 90 BEY wm UFO on bee, us Grd = G7 7 And) mesh rorntan\ length) rt Sine Rese value ave pean Latin — Here het 7 foul Verbs 16 (uy, > 8-4 hid Viewed t Win Sift) toga tury = Wu tly 276 ~ =10(- 9x4 10) - Moshe) Euler Méboo — fier Wi fda} $4) Pies compe Ot Ur 4 OF u3-4ey, - tof 14H) 2H = Ba Umry) yore pon P bt ols %, ‘ b= fy (%r+uy+ 150) 2 Yu_( 4p +04 +180) flr) hed |b vs? “yf usu tro) — [gma _= %y ( wta 34180 fur got bt Cverya )- (mena) 2 fy Ur = tn Cer) 4 “se b = hh @) > rome | He = 2102) toa 96) | I eae) us? Wy (u460) ) NOW, folie oy gaupy Seidel Teabags Melluc? | f= UTE \ | | Euis show lial Yyels —|- | FFL Scanned with CamScanner By compu terete a Al 4 2 EWle't Wasa —_ ow gn gee Up lunged €hlu po Perecry [ pooper pert, b Ut, Dua = Ly Cr rt2 1001) = Rag” Gr = VB sotdien ne Runge —wuno hu) Menop: “Wt Rk Mather’ ve @ fenity *), Bay -0'ta OV =7EF ——, Aloe froma tee “laylo | oly + Jap - 632 * 4q73 D3 ORY — loxy TVG Sayin 9 3-0) ox 18s] | Naa - Seams Gun one fH ysl 38s ay Use RK: esve of 1%” Me] 1 <0-aagF -COly uta oe Solution : of Fes ag — Hor Or yoxl « hee T o oh mt | Kp = bb (roy | = a f 2] ”] ae ey Ge ree | “| TH a —_— = ol CPI y= o-] _ 6 aoe = fue bf ( tbh > lo “uy, | | a cht [or ros}: ! = [of 1.00) = 0.0909, Scanned with CamScanner

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