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Test N1

Task 2: Read the questions (1-8) and find the answers to them in the
paragraphs (A-F) of the text. Some paragraphs correspond to more than
one question. (8 points)

Which paragraph
1. mentions that Charlotte is the junior member of the competition?
2. says that most students start university at the age of eighteen?
3. describes her brother’s ability?
4. mentions that all members of her family encourage her?
5. states everything has its time?
6. describes Charlotte’s parents’ attitude toward their offspring’s
7. Could have the title: “sibling love’’?
8. Could have the title: “successful family’’?

A very clever family

A. The Smiths are possibly the cleverest family in the country, and now the
youngest member, ten-year-old Charlotte, has won a national spelling
competition to add to the family’s successes. Charlotte is the youngest ever
winner of the National Young Spelling Bee Competition.
B. She is the youngest winner before her was her older sister, Helen, who won
it when she was eleven. Charlotte and Helen’s older brother, Mark, is also
very clever. He finished school early and went to university at the age of
fifteen, three years before most young people start their university studies.
C. The children’s parents, Charles and Vivien, are both teachers and say their
children’s success comes from working hard, playing hard and following
strict rules about homework and bedtimes. Other people think that Charles
and I don't let the children have any time to relax and play, and that we're
always making them do their homework.
D. But it's not true!' says Vivien. ·we have lots of fun time in the family. But
there's a time for fun and there's a time for work, and we make sure the
children understand that work comes before play.
E. When Charlotte took part in the spelling competition the whole family,
including her grandparents, went to watch her. Everyone was so pleased.
F. Helen took off a day from school - the first day in her life that she missed
going to school. I felt bad about missing school, Helen said, 'but I think it
was important to Charlotte that I was there.

Task 3: Read the text and the questions which follow. For each question
mark the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (8 points)

In 1924 both the summer and the first winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix. The new
winter games were very small compared to the winter Olympics we know today. There were
only six competitions, including skiing races, ice skating and ice hockey.
At Chamonix there were 300 athletes, but only thirteen of these were women. At the first
games of the 21st century in Salt Lake City in 2002 there were over two thousand sportsmen
and women in seventy-eight competitions but still only around a quarter of these were women.
The number of countries taking part has not grown very much because there are not as many
countries that have the right weather to do winter sports.
Norway won the most gold medals at Chamonix but their most famous sports star didn’t win
anything. In fact she came last! However, this was because Sonja Henie was only 11 years old at
the time. She was so depressed. She went on to win three gold medals for skating in the next
three Winter Olympic games.
Both the winter and summer games were in France in 1924 but that soon changed. Since 1928
the summer and winter games have always been in different countries and since1994 they have
not even been in the same year.

1. Where did the first Olympic Games take place?

A. In Norway
B. In France
C. In the USA
D. In the UK
2. How many women were there in the first Olympic games?
A. 30
B. 33
C. 13
D. 23
3. Why some countries can’t participate in Winter Olympic Games?
A. Because of the financial problems
B. Because of the weather
C. Because of the inexperienced sportsmen
D. Because there aren’t any places to practice
4. How many athletes competed in the 2002 Winter Olympic?
A. 300
B. 3000
C. 2000
D. 2500
5. Which country got the most gold medals at Chamonix?
A. France
B. Norway
C. Canada
D. Italy
6. The winter and summer games were not in the same year in
A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1986
D. 1994
7. How did Sonja Henie feel when he didn’t do well at Chamonix?
A. Scared.
B. Cheerful.
C. pleased.
D. Disappointed.

8. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Famous sport stars

B. Women in sport

C. Olympic in France

D. The Winter Olympics

Task 4: Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given. Use each word only
once. Two words are extra. (12 points)

Babies (A) black (B) kill (C) size (D) surprisingly (E) means (F) died
(G)fact (H) unusual (I) little (J) bite (K) people (L) interesting (M)
growing (N)

The Tasmanian devil

The Tasmanian devil is an . . . . . . (1) animal found only on the island of Tasmania in the
southeast of Australia. Most . . . . . . (2) know the devil from the popular cartoon character, but
this . . . . . . (3) animal is in . . . . . . (4) a real animal. What does a real devil look like? It is
the . . . . . . (5) of a small black dog and just as cute. But don't let its size fool you. The devil
can . . . . . . (6)! In the wild, it is a carnivore, which means it must eat other animals. It does not
often . . . . . . (7) the animals it eats though. Rather, it eats animals that have already . . . . . . (8)
from some other cause. Like many other Australian animals, these little . . . . . . (9) animals are
marsupials. This . . . . . . (10) that like kangaroos, for example, they carry their babies in a
pouch. ………………….,(11) the mother devil can look after four little . . . . . . (12) at a time!

Task 5. Read the text and mark the correct choice A, B, C or D (12 points)

Baking and Me
I've always been keen ………………………. (1) cooking and you'd often find me in the kitchen
preparing the evening meal. But my love of baking only began a few years ago. It started
…………………. (2) of my young children, who were always ready to bake and loved the chance to
make cakes at the weekend. I never realized at the time how important it would become
………………. (3) my life. What started as a way of entertaining the kids became a passion for me
and one that I love to pass on to others. So, what is it that makes baking such ………….. (4)
enjoyable experience?
To begin with there's the preparation. Unlike normal cooking, baking requires a great deal of
care. Ingredients need to be measured out exactly. Cooking a spaghetti ………………… (5)a curry
does not require ………………. (6) same degree of attention. I find this interesting as being careful
like this is not something that I have ever been strong at. Baking gives me the opportunity to
challenge myself to get things right.
Then there's baking itself. Whether it's a loaf …………………. (7) bread or some of my favorite
cakes, ………………. (8) around 30 minutes my attention is on the oven. I love going back into the
kitchen every so often to check to see if the cake or loaf is rising as it should do, and my eyes
are always on the clock …………… (9) make sure I don't leave it in too long. The smell of freshly
baked bread makes a house feel like home. This is ……………. (10) people selling a house or flat
are often advised to have a loaf baking in the oven when buyers arrive!
And finally, there's the chance to eat what you've made. The cake or loaf might look perfectly
cooked from outside. But cutting ……………. (11) slice and discovering it's just right inside as well
is always extremely pleasing. After testing to see if it's OK, I love calling the family out to the
kitchen to invite them all to try a piece. So yes, it's a hobby I think will stay with me for life,
despite the fact that it might mean I put ……………… (12) weight!

1. A. in B. on C. at D. out
2. A. because B. since C. despite D. as
3. A. on B. of C. in D. at
4. A. an B. the C. a D. that
5. A. and B. or C. but D. as
6. A. an B. a C. the D. those
7. A. with B. on C. for D. of
8. A. for B. during C. at D. in
9. A. that B. to C. for D. and
10. A. that B. what C. why which
11. A. that B. an C. a D. the
12. A. out B. of C. on D. in

TASK 6: Complete the conversation. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-
H. Two sentences are extra. (6 points)
Dr Robertson: Hello, you must be Peter Jones. What's the problem?

Peter: ……………………… (1)

Dr Robertson: Oh yes, it's the right one, isn't it? Where does it hurt?

Peter: ……………………………. (2)

Dr Robertson: Can you move it?

Peter: ……………………………. (3)

Dr Robertson: Does it? And how did you do this, Peter?

Peter: ………………………………… (4)

Dr Robertson: Did you leave the match when that happened?

Peter: …………………………………. (5)

Dr Robertson: That wasn't a very good idea, was it?

Peter: …………………………………. (6)

Dr Robertson: It's not that bad! But don't play any football for two weeks.

Peter: Right, I won't.

A. I suppose not. Will I need to go to hospital?
B. The left one's fine.
C. I was playing football this morning and I fell badly.
D. It's my leg, doctor, it really hurts.
E. How long will it take?
F. The pain's here, just above my foot.
G. Well I wanted to, but I had to play until the end.
H. I can, but it hurts when I walk.

TASK 7: Read the essay task and write between 120-170 words. (16 point)
Some people think that the world would be a better place without tourism. Do you agree or disagree
with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.
TASK 2. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.E 5.A 6.D 7.F 8.C
TASK 3. 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6. D 7.D 8.D
TASK 4. 1.I 2.L 3.J 4.H 5.D 6.K 7.C 8.G 9.B 10.F 11.E 12.A
TASK 5. 1.B 2. A 3.C 4. A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8. A 9.B 10. C 11. C 12. C
TASK 6. 1. D 2. F 3.H 4.C 5. G 6.A

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