From The Place of Research To The Research of Place: New Digital Technologies For Simulating Future Architectures in Building Environments

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From the place of research to the research of place: new digital technologies for
simulating future architectures in building environments

Conference Paper · June 2010


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3 authors, including:

Roberta Spallone
Politecnico di Torino


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Portici View project

'Planterian' Vaults View project

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From the place of research
to the research of place:
new digital technologies
for simulating future
architectures in building
Roberta Spallone, In the most of West towns, some projectual themes, like
Politecnico di Torino, I Faculty of Architecture, Dept. of reconstruction of empty spaces inside historical
Human Settlements Science and Technology Torino, centres and rehabilitation of abandoned industrial areas
Italy inside urban settlements, seem to need new
methodologies and tolls for checking design proposals
Massimiliano LoTurco, which could have, as frequently have had in the recent
Politecnico di Torino, I Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of past, disastrous impacts on the image of the city. These
Building Engineering and Territorial Systems Torino, themes today strongly involve architects in their
Italy professional works and students in their learning activities.
and Marco Sanna, In this paper we would like to present the results of our
Politecnico di Torino, I Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of research and related didactic activity, about digital
Building Engineering and Territorial Systems Torino, representation techniques for simulating future
Italy architectures in building environments.
Two principal aims address our research. The first one is to
propose future developments of low cost devices useful
both to professionals and students for checking the effects
ABSTRACT: New digital technologies offer some
of their design ideas. The second one is to provide our
powerful tools for evaluating the impact that future
present students with some critical and operative tools in
architectures could have in existing settings.
order to give them the whole control of their projectual
Historically established techniques like coloured hand
proposals towards the surroundings.
drawing perspectives and photomontages have been Anticipating future developments, we can foresee the
superseded by digitally based static and dynamic implementation of 4D interactive and immersive
representations which blend virtual models with representations in simulating future architectures in their
photographs and videos. Besides some new techniques, context.
that offer different levels of interactivity and immersivity,
like navigation through virtual models and augmented Conference theme: Design research
reality, still have to fully demonstrate their undoubted Keywords Digital, Modelling, Representation, Design,
potentiality in this field. Research
I often say that design comes from the ENVIRONMENTS SINCE THE ANALOG
professional tradition and the disciplinary ERA UNTIL THE DIGITAL ERA
rules, but only the encounter against the
site gives concreteness to design. Hand drawing perspectives, rendered with different
(Gregotti 1986: 151) techniques, and photomontages were used in the past
The relevance of representation tools in the prefiguration of since today for evaluating and communicating the project in
relationships between future architectures and existent the existing context.
environment was deeply felt by architects since the origin, While thorough perspective drawings, often coloured, were
if we accept the interpretation, given by Mario Docci, of the more frequently drawn by illustrators than by architects and
term scaenographia in Vitruvio’s treatise, whose meaning realized primarily to communicate the design idea to clients
could be “perhaps a promenade architecturale ante or juries, photomontages can be realized directly by
litteram, solved thanks to the graphic simulation which architects when they were imaging new buildings and
offers a wide-ranging vision”. (Docci 1997: XII) evaluating different solutions referred to the existent
While contemporary architectural culture, as in the words of settings. In this case some architects painted their
Gregotti, underlines the role of the site in every design concepts directly on the photograph or applied the collage-
process, architectural practice of last decades was montage technique (Fig.1).
characterized by realizations not ever careful to the In the composition of perspective drawing the drawer
peculiarities of site. chose eye-level viewpoint for showing the perceptive
This has had dramatic consequences in the most of West effects of proportional relationships between new buildings
towns, in which the main projectual themes are the and existent ones or aerial viewpoints for representing
reconstruction of empty spaces inside historical centres large urban areas in which was foreseen a requalification
and the rehabilitation of abandoned industrial areas inside intervention. The level of detail depended on the drawing
urban settlements. scale and on the distance between viewpoint and object.
Digital representation today develops overall techniques Textures and/or colours contributed to the truth likeness of
and tools aimed to communicating architectural designs these kinds of rendering, suggesting the presence of lights
when it is completely defined. and materials.
On the contrary we believe that new digital representation Realizing photomontages, the camera viewpoint had
technologies and tools, today in use and new low cost generally a human-eye height, while the inserted design
devices of future development, could offer innovative drafting was obviously less detailed than the photograph
methods for checking design proposals in their with resulting major abstraction effect.
relationships with the environment, recognizing the values
of the existents.

Figure 1: Mies van der Rohe, collage-montage Figure 2: Studio Baietto Battiato Bianco, digital
of a concert hall, 1942. rendering of rehabilitation proposal of “Officine
Grandi Riparazioni (OGR)” in Turin, 2003.
The complexity in creating these images has often to face century Rail Plants of singular architectural value to new
a separation of jobs and responsibilities between exhibition areas and headquarter of Urban Center.
architectural atelier and rendering studio. For this reason In the image, representing a new coffee restaurant in the
they are essentially produced for communicating and building of Urban Center, the designers chose to model the
publishing the project. plant interiors characterized by a modular structure of steel
But 3D modelling fully demonstrates its capabilities about pillars and trusses, attributing to them the same level of
the control of relationship between existent and new detail of new intervention. The viewpoint is set in order to
settlements, when it is worked out inside the atelier, emphasize the new internal façade and the horizon line
following the whole design process. For example, during corresponds to the level of new façade’s windows. This
the buildings shaping phase, volumetric 3D models of façade is characterized by the alternation between
existing townscape could be created with the aim to insert translucent surfaces, which reflect the opposite ancient
alternative architectural proposals and evaluate the façade, and transparent surfaces, which allow to see the
proportional ratios, the effects of the shadows cast by a designed interiors. The technique selected, of whole
new structure on the surrounding area during the year, the modelling, although requests times for modelling the
visual effects coming from the existent approach roads. context, offers the vantage to automatically calculate
Going on in defining design proposal, 3D models could be reflections and refractions.
sharpen adding the details which allow to compare the
façade rhythm of new and old buildings, and then, applying
lights and materials, chromatic and texture effects (Fig.2).
This practice, which needs to spend lot of time principally in
modelling works, in comparison with hand drawing
rendering, offers the opportunity to set infinite views and to
try infinite design alternatives. Besides it could be the basis
for producing movies, and creating interactive and
immersive experience, as we will see below.


Today the montage of rendered model of new buildings Figure 3: Jean Nouvel, photo inserted
inside a photograph of existing context has principally a rendering for “One New Change”, 2003.
communicative aim: it is requested both in architectural
competitions and in building permits, and it is one of the The photo inserted rendering in figure 3 shows Jean
most diffuse medium in architectural magazines. Digital Nouvel’s design for “One New Change”, a redevelopment
photomontage implies some problems, similar to these of intervention close to St Paul’s Cathedral (2003),
traditional photomontage, in respect to the models detail, characterized by retails and offices faced on a pedestrian
which has to be enhanced to the photographs level, to the road along an axis aligned with the historical monument.
lightening, which has to be calibrated on the natural light in As Jean Nouvel affirms, “the design of One New Change is
the moment and climate condition of snapshoot, to the about enriching the city with a new sort of modernity, one
viewpoint, which has to reproduce the same of the camera. that reaches beyond itself to speak, to contemplate and to
The renderings presented (Fig.2-3), assumed as case reveal the diverse character of its surroundings”. In figure
studies, show different capabilities of static digital 3, the building volume creates an outdoor glazed courtyard
representation for simulating future architectures in building that looks to the cathedral, functioning as theatrical
environments. settings, and reflects the life along the road. This image,
The rendering in figure 2 illustrates the rehabilitation reproducing a eye-view central perspective, is realized by
proposal of “Officine Grandi Riparazioni (OGR)” in Turin the montage of the rendered model on the background of
designed by Studio Baietto Battiato Bianco (2003). It St Paul’s photo, then post produced with the addition of
consists in an intervention of refurbishment of a 19th people.
3D digital modelling adds, as a specific prerogative, the The Masterplan consists in a 15-year city regeneration
possibility to enter the fourth dimension, which represents project and focuses on developing four new
an innovative toll, used since about 10 years for simulating neighbourhoods. As the city’s website says: “It is both
future architectures in building environments. radical and far reaching. Its aim is to reposition and reveal
This important aspect is underlined by Moriconi, who Bradford, by opening up its hidden views, historic
observes that “with the digital support the drawing architecture and buried watercourses. Based on a unique
simulates the hypothetical reality, overcomes static ‘park in the city’ concept, this vision for Bradford will
limitations and allows interacting with any kind of sign. By change people’s perceptions of living, working and playing
creating virtual images, digital graphics is probably the in the city centre”.
most suitable tool to interpret the complexity of reality”. (
(Moriconi 2001:22) Alsop's work with the Bradford Centre Regeneration team
We can identify different production techniques for realizing creates an opportunity to let Bradford breathe with quality
these kinds of architectural videos: open space that optimises Bradford's existing fine qualities,
- compositing different 2D images, mixed with rendered 3D views and built inheritance. About the scheme, Will Alsop
models, photographs and texts, using stop motion states that “Bradford has the topography to allow every
technique, thanks to post-production software, citizen to wake up to a view - both physical and mental.
- modelling the new buildings and the existing environment, Their collective ambition can create a placed of
then setting the virtual camera path and rendering, extraordinary difference”.
- modelling the new buildings and inserting it into real (
environment using camera tracking technique. The film starts individuating four squared sectors inside
Beside the representation techniques vary depending on Bradford’s city centre, in which the project will be
the different aspects of knowledge they want underline and developed. The peculiarities and the values of the
the different messages they want convey. settlement and the multiethnic society who lives there, are
In comparison with static renders, the present limit of these showed by a series of photos, sometimes collaged with
media, assumed the long times of their production, consists sketches and texts. The accelerate montage, frame by
in the fact that they are worked only in the communication frame, contributes to give the idea of a frenetic life. Some
phase. On the contrary, they could be useful also in the monuments like the city-hall, the cathedral, the mosque
concept phase for checking the perceptive effects on a and very numerous listed buildings confer to the city centre
moving visitors, perhaps in a Gooch shading model. a historical connotation, but some other derelict buildings,
Three architectural movies, selected as case studies, show ancient and recent, prestigious and ordinary, some roads
some of these different communication styles. and traffics besiege the city. The solution to this problem
The film commissioned by Bradford Centre Regeneration could be the demolition of some concrete buildings, which
to Squint/Opera presents the realization of Alsop’s 2003 is simulated by their animated elimination inserted in the
Masterplan (Fig.4). images of existing context.

Figure 4: Alsop architects, film for Bradford Figure 5: 3XN architects, video for
Centre Regeneration Masterplan, produced by architectural competition for the Students
Squint/Opera, 2003. Union at The London School of Economics,
produced by Cadpeople 2009.
In this way many areas could be available for new architects, invited to the architectural competition (Fig.5).
interventions in which the green flows like lava on the 3XNs illustrate the aims of their submission, underlining
asphalt. their attention to the historical context. “Focused on the
Created the new park, which works as a connective tissue, interaction between students from around the world in a
architectures, infrastructures and amenities complete the unique environment hosting recreational, academic and
Masterplan. Views and site lines are as important as actual social functions, 3XNs vision for the New Students’ Centre
new structures. Many of these spaces already exist and is about encouraging synergy and social behaviour in a
are just hidden. space the students can call their home. Programmed with
The narrative construction clearly highlights problems and the most efficient layout for the site, meeting the highest
solutions confirming its communicative efficacy. environmental standards and aesthetically taking its place
The video of Rex’s proposal for Museum plaza, a riverfront in the historic city of Westminster, the New Students’
cultural centre in Louisville (Kentucky), realized by Centre will confirm the University’s global reputation for
Brooklinfoundry in 2006, shows the design of a gigantic excellence”. (
business-culture complex destined to transform the skyline The movie shows the architectural design inserted in the
of downtown. The movie maker describes the project: “This historic centre, modelled by simple geometries less
57-story robot-like shaped building is structured by a detailed and not rendered. The video camera moves
massive box dubbed the "Island" which is poised above the describing a eye-levelled circle around the new building: in
ground and has three towers, and four supporting legs”. this way it’s evident the perceptive effect of the intervention
( coming from the access roads. Only the proposed
Challenging the preconceptions of an urban development architecture is detailed, represented with textures of real
this multi use structure aims to revitalizing the downtown materials and soft rendered.
district while giving the city a new iconic landmark, which The relationship with the existing setting is underlined by
will house a new contemporary art museum and residential moving views from inside to outside, which demonstrate
condominiums. their efficacy in showing the students’ life inside the all
This mega complex will be a work of art itself and serves glazed building and the architects’ wish to open their
as an icon, which extends and connects the arts and architecture to the city.
entertainment corridor in Louisville. 3. SIMULATING DESIGN IDEAS IN
The video shows a synthesis of architects’ diagrammatic THE EXISTENTS: A DIDACTIC
design process, and assumes the job of demonstrate the ACTIVITY
values of this bold intervention on the urban context.
It starts with a dynamic shoot of work inside the architects’ The research above illustrated, constitutes one topic of a
atelier, in which the building concept, realized by digital teaching, entitled Digital representation techniques for
volumes, takes life in the large plastic model of the city, survey and design, given in the University degree of
confronting with the surroundings. Immediately the new Science of Architecture (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) and
shape interacts with the context, needing the connection involves also continuous updating about software /
with new roads. hardware potentialities and the critical use of these tools by
Then the digital model of the complex, detailed with architects.
constructive elements and rendered, is inserted in a Every year, about one hundred students, attending 2nd
wireframe digital model of the city and finally in some aerial and 3rd year of study in Science of Architecture, constitute
photographs which emphasize the meaning of the new the class. In this course they are invited to show their
landmark. Moving closer the building, the video camera design ideas developed in the Design Studios, simulating
goes ashore and shoots the historical settlements blended to participate to a professional architectural competition.
with the digital model, thanks to camera matching In particular, related to the topic of the present paper, they
technique. An elevation static view, changing the light have to demonstrate the relationships between the existing
conditions from daytime to night, shows the impressive site and new buildings.
complex height in comparison with other high buildings and In fact Design Studios, coherently with the main
downtown settings. professional charges in our cities, always work on historic
The short presentation video, produced in 2009 by city centre or abandoned industrial areas.
Cadpeople, illustrates the proposed design for the Students During the practical part of the course, students learn how
Union at The London School of Economics by 3XN to create 3D models, render, static photomontage and
The results of this didactic activity today consist of digital
3D models, photomontages and videos (Fig.6).



The well-established technique of walk-trough, defined by

the designer, around and inside virtual models inserted,
thanks to camera tracking, in real environments, could
became active when the user is free to move inside mixed
spaces, to explore them, and interact with the environment.
These mixed spaces, if created in Augmented Reality,
could also contain other information fundamental for the
knowledge and comprehension of the project and
environment: in this way the user could interrogate the
models while he is sensorially experiencing the space.
Similar explorations are carried out by the research named
SARC “Spatial Augmented Reality for Architecture”
(Schneider, Tonn, Petzold, Donath 2007), developed in
Bauhaus-University of Weimar. It investigates the
conceptual and technological foundation for the ad-hoc
visualization of interactive three-dimensional (stereoscopic)
and two-dimensional (monoscopic) data on arbitrary
surfaces in real-world indoor environments using a mobile
hardware setup. As the researchers affirm, SARC is a
modern kind of trompe l'oeil “painting” in real-time, and
onto arbitrary surfaces whilst also offering the possibility of
direct interaction with the user.
The process is quite similar to photomontages, but while
these are currently limited to two dimensions, by extending
the same principle into the third dimension, collages can be
spatially experienced.
Figure 6: Composition of students’ work.
Planning with images and photos allows the designer to
short videos, using principally the last release of AutoCAD, compose photorealistic spaces in the early phases of the
3D Studio Max, Photoshop and paying attention to some
useful plug-ins and open source software. design process. This project supporting the architectural
Students start from evaluating the relationship between the design process from survey to design, allows to capture
actual intervention area and new buildings, modelling optical impressions and to work with them in the design
urban context and alternative solutions for new shapes and process.
applying solar studies during solstices and equinoxes in The technology, developed by the group, makes possible
different day times. to provide both purely immersive virtual environments as
Proceeding in their projectual activities they have to go into well as to augment real situations with additional virtual
dept, relating their design idea with context, for example data and to show changes in surfaces of objects.
about the façades modularity. In this phase generally they Other tools of possible future application in the architectural
model more detailed buildings in the context and clay design field are offered by low cost devices and free
render them in static or dynamic views. downloadable services and sofware that allow a
Then, when their concept is quite defined, they have to preliminary check of a design proposal for simulating future
verify it on a very detailed model, rendered with materials architectures.
and lights and inserted in a photograph of the ambit. Up to a little while ago the exploration of the city from
above was allowed only by the highest buildings presents
in the urban settings upraised in recent years; nowadays more active use of the 3D city context of the intervention
the pervasive popularity of some Web programs offers a area (terrain and 3D buildings) taken from some freeware
new way to interact with the urban environment, furthering applications, in order to insert the own design proposal
a new kind of exploration to the city as a bird flight, both for inside the urban context modelled by the web community.
people not involved in the work, (using these tools as a sort Online 3D models are increasing: in this regard some
of virtual tourism), and for professionals, in order to deeply recent applications (such as Google Building Maker, in
analyze the existing urban context. As a consequence of which the software provides the tools and photos of
that, lately the roofs are losing more and more their buildings) allow you to use Google Earth associating
connotation of forgotten corners of the urban landscape, to simplified models of 3D buildings, where each user can
rise to the very heart of architectural practice: on the wave enforce the database made available to the community;
of increasing interest for observations cities from above, Today some cities sample were taken as pilot cities and
the architecture of last times is characterized by such have completely modelled by the Google employers such
examples: in the city of San Francisco, renowned city for its as Philadelphia, Milan and Valencia, while other cities have
panoramas, what it is enjoyed from the tower of the De only a partial context modelled in three dimensions, but it is
Young Museum allows to observe one of the most radical easy to believe that soon they will cover at least the greater
transformations that are affecting the world of architecture: city centres, providing a useful support to designers both in
little beyond the De Young tower there is the seat of the the initial decision-making phases in the subsequent ones
California Academy of Sciences, designed by the Italian to blend the virtual model with the existing context.
architect Renzo Piano. The academy is dominated by from In a free market scenery competition is cutthroat even for
a green roof wavy of 2.5 hectares, in which wildflowers and open source applications: Microsoft's response to Google
other local species will be planted. SketchUp is an application named 3DVIA Shapes, useful
In many great cities the population growth means that the for creating qualitative three-dimensional models, in order
inhabitants of a building have more and more probability to to simulate the future architectures in building
see towards another smaller building. environments. In fact this software enables similar solution
And then there's the Google Earth technology: using for inserting simplified model inside the urban context:
images taken from satellites and aerial photographs, this “3DVIA Shapes for maps” blends the model with Bing’s
program and its competitors, such as Bing Maps 3D, have maps owned Microsoft. Thanks to the combination "Bing
made possible a new kind of virtual survey, allowing both to Maps 3dViaShapes" even in the 3D world of Microsoft
the professionals and to the students to zoom in on the there are a lot of 3D city already complete, including
world to watch from above as the buildings are: "we want to Philadelphia. These software have also application for
create a democratic access to views of places where smartphones: so it is allowed to upload any three-
people live and work," said John Hanke, director of Google dimensional model and to link them with a digital image
Earth. placing any 3D model into a picture, using zoom and rotate
The architects say that the influence of a bird's eye views pan to place 3D model into the photo: in other words it is
grow exponentially, in agreement with the thought of Le possible to prefigure a functional use in the field of
Corbusier, who wrote a lot about the potentialities of roofs architecture, using a simple (but not so accurate) for the
to become the "fifth facade" of a building. Customers arrive easy sharing of the project idea into three-dimensional
at preliminary meetings after studying images on the web, model, saving it into a library online where you can share
on which their buildings will arise. the work with anyone.
In the most of West towns, some projectual themes, like The analysis of the urban context is always the starting
reconstruction of empty spaces inside historical centers point of any design intervention. As regards other freeware
and rehabilitation of abandoned industrial areas inside applications can help the work of the professionals: Google
urban settlements need new methodologies and tools for Street View is a feature of Google Maps and Google Earth
checking design proposals which could have, as frequently that provides panoramic views from a row of positions
have had in the recent past, disastrous impacts on the along the street (one every approximately 10 or 20 metres)
image of the city. for many streets in the world, from a height of about 2.5
These tools enable you to quickly evaluate the impact that metres. It has gradually expanded to include more cities,
future architectures could have on existing settings. and in these cities more streets, and also some rural areas.
Using these new tools it is possible not only to observe the Google Street View gives a large documentation of the
city from the sky, in a passive way. Nowadays there is a
existing urban context, easily usable by students and Gregotti, V., 1986. Questioni di architettura. Einaudi: Torino.
professionals. Manovich, L., 2001. The Language of New Media. MIT
A complete and exhaustive photographic survey, both Press: Cambridge, Massachusset.
made by user or directly downloadable by the web, can
also used in the design phase: the software named Moriconi, C., 2001. Il modello virtuale. In Soletti, A., Belardi,
P., Cataliotti, F., Claudio Moriconi professione infografico,
Photosynth (developed by the Microsoft Research Center
Università degli Studi di Perugia, p. 20-30.
Live Labs), apart from being useful for photo slide show on
the web and in 3D mode, can take a collection of Porter, T., 1993. Architectural drawing masterclass: graphic
photographs or virtual images and reconstruct the scene or techniques of the world’s leading architects. Scibner’s Sons:
New York.
object included in a 3D environment (renamed "synth"),
explorable with simple commands; so everyone can easily Schneider, S., Tonn, C., Petzold, F., Donath, D., 2007.
create their own Synth, that can be used both by students Designing with images, ASCAAD, Alexandria, Egypt.
during the survey/inspection of the site, as well as
supporting material to the design professionals in the
competition or for any beginning of professional
As we have seen below, some new techniques, that offer
different levels of interactivity and immersivity, like
navigation through virtual models and augmented reality,
still have to fully demonstrate their undoubted potentiality in
this field.
Regarding to augmented reality, also in this case some
technologies created for different purposes could be
applied to the architectural representation in its many
features, starting from the project communication to the
representation both for educational and for professional
Other tools are today offered by increasing developments
of web mapping services and related modelling free
downloadable software.
In fact these new web mapping services can constitute an
effective knowledge base in order to hypothesize and
check design proposals. Beside, they allow to blend
together simplified 3D digital models of design ideas,
quickly realized using free software, with the existing urban
context, making the concept phase easier.

Ciotti, F., Roncaglia, G., 2000. Il mondo digitale.
Introduzione ai nuovi media. Laterza: Roma-Bari

Crowe, P., 1991. Architectural rendering. Mies-Rotovision:


Docci, M, 1997. Prefazione, in Cigola, M., Fiorucci, T.,

(editors), Il disegno di progetto dalle origini al XVIII secolo.
Gangemi: Roma.

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