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Analytica Chimica Acta, 284 (1993) 419-433 419

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Determination of the fat, protein and lactose content

of milk using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
H.J. Luinge, E. Hop and E.T.G. Lutz
AnaiyyiicalMolecular Spectrometry, Urrecht University, P.O. Box 80083, 3508 TB Utrechr (Netherlands)

J.A. van Hemert

Milk Control Starion “West-Nederland”, Gouda (Nerherlands)

E.A.M. de Jong
Nerherlands Instirurefor Dairy Research (NIZO), Ede (Nerherlandr)
(Received 27th May 1993)


In this paper the quantitative in-line determination of the composition of milk using Fourier transform infrared
spectrometry is described. The fat, protein and lactose content are predicted of which the former two are compared
with R&e-Gottlieb and Kjeldahl reference values respectively. Fat, protein and lactose are also determined using a
MultiSpec infrared filter instrument. Calibration techniques such as classical and inverse least squares regression,
principal component regression and partial least squares regression are applied and the results are compared. All
methods appear to perform comparably with respect to prediction error and are equivalent to the conventional filter
based method.
Keywords: Infrared spectrometly; Fats; Lactose; Proteins; Milk, Fourier transform

Milk is mainly composed of water (85.S88.7%, the analysis of milk. Currently, milk is analysed
w/w>, fat (2.4-5.5%, w/w), protein (2.3-4.4%, routinely with respect to fat, protein and lactose
w/w>, lactose (3.8-5.3%, w/w), mineral sub- content using dedicated infrared filter instru-
stances (0.53-0.80%, w/w) and organic acids ments. Interlaboratory studies and evaluations of
(0.13-0.22%, w/w) [l]. In the Netherlands milk is various instruments have been reported [3-61.
paid for according to fat and protein content. An infrared spectrum of milk ratioed against
Furthermore, processing of milk into dairy prod- water as background is depicted in Fig. 1. Usu-
ucts requires information on the components pre- ally, the fat content is determined from ab-
sent. Thirdly, knowledge of the composition of sorbances at approximately 2854 cm- ’ (CH, sym-
milk is important from a viewpoint of quality metric stretching) and 1746 cm- ’ (CT=0 stretch-
control. ing). Protein is measured at 1548 cm-’ (amide
Goulden [2] outlined the basic principles of II), and lactose at 1041 cm-’ (C-O stretching).
the application of infrared (IR) spectrometry for Furthermore, spectral regions close to the ab-
sorbing regions are used in order to correct for
Correspondence to: H.J. Luinge, Analytical Molecular Spcc-
background absorption and scattering. The band-
trometry, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80083,3508 TB Utrecht width of the filters used is approximately 30 cm-‘.
(Netherlands). The concentration of the components is calcu-

0003~2670/93/$06.00 0 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0003-2670(93)E0457-I
420 H.J. Luinge et aL /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

lated from the absorbances using multiple linear of such methods to milk analysis have been
regression models. Usually, initial predicted val- demonstrated in the field of near-infrared spec-
ues are further corrected by using so-called inter- trometry [8,9].
correction factors. The parameters in the models In order to alleviate the drawbacks mentioned
and the intercorrection factors are set by calibrat- the possibility of applying Fourier Transform
ing absorbances with potentiometers to conform mid-infrared spectrometry to the analysis of milk
with reference methods [7]. has been investigated. Initially, spectral windows
The infrared filter method has the advantage corresponding with the filter regions in filter in-
of being fast, accurate and robust, which makes it struments were selected from the spectra. With
well suited for large-scale monitoring of fat, pro- the resulting data inverse least-squares (KS) re-
tein and lactose in raw farm tank milk. There are, gression models for fat, protein and lactose were
however, several drawbacks. Filter instruments constructed and validated. Subsequently, full
do not allow the analysis of other components spectrum methods such as ‘classical least-squares
(e.g., urea, citrate, phosphate). Furthermore, out- (CLS), principal component (PCR) and partial
her detection can be difficult due to the fact that least squares (PLS) regression were applied and
only small spectral regions are measured. This results were compared.
also prevents the application of advanced regres- Preliminary investigations [lo-121 have already
sion techniques such as partial least squares or shown that results comparable with those ob-
principal component regression. The advantages tained from filter instruments are feasible. Van

.6 r- -

3oal 2800 2600 2400 2200 2aKI 1800 16cm 1400 1200 1000

Wavenumber (cm-l)
Fig. 1. Infrared spectrum of milk ratioed against water as background.
H.J. Luinge et al /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 421

Statistics for total, calibration and validation set expressed in %, w/w
Total set (n = 55) Calibration set (n = 20) Validation set (n = 35)
Average Standard Average Standard Average Standard
deviation deviation deviation
Fat 4.63 0.28 4.64 0.35 4.63 0.23
Protein 3.46 0.15 3.49 0.20 3.45 0.12
Lactose 4.48 0.10 4.46 0.12 4.48 0.09

de Voort et al. [ll] based their conclusions on a regarded as a linear summation of absorptions of
rather small set of artificial samples from com- the components in the sample. In formula:
mercial calibration powders. Lanher [12] presents
a more elaborate investigation covering the analy- Aj = k, + f: cikij
sis of various dairy products. With respect to the i=l

analysis of major components in milk, he applies where ci stands for the concentration of compo-
ILS, PCR and PLS for the prediction of fat and nent i, A, for the absorbance at wavenumber i,
protein. and k, for the product of the optical pathlength
In this paper a systematic investigation on the and the absorption coefficient corresponding with
determination of fat, protein and lactose using component i and wavenumber i. The number of
several multivariate regression techniques is pre- components present is given by 1. Background
sented. Use is made of a representative set of absorptions can be accounted for by including an
farm tank milk samples measured in-line with an intercept k,. For m samples the equation can be
PI-IR and a filter instrument. In a subsequent rewritten in matrix notation as:
paper the effects of seasonal variations in the
composition of milk on the calibration models
will be addressed. Here A is an m X IZ absorption matrix with I?Z
spectra (rows) consisting of II wavenumbers. C is
an m X 1 concentration matrix and K an 1 X n
matrix. During calibration samples with known
THEORY contents are used to calculate matrix K according
CLS regression is based on the assumption
that the overall absorption of a sample can be K = ( CTC) - ‘CTA.

Validation results of all models compared with reference methods.
Fat - 0.003 0.031 0.001 0.025 0.013 0.029 0.002 0.025 0.004 0.024
Protein - 0.012 0.037 -0.008 0.041 0.003 0.039 0.001 0.036 0.001 0.035
Lactose ’ - - - 0.017 0.032 - 0.005 0.025 -0.006 0.027 - 0.005 0.029
* MD = Mean difference with the reference data (in %, w/w). b SDD = Standard deviation of the differences with the reference
method (in %, w/w). c Values for lactose are calculated using Nter-IR data as reference.
422 H.J. Luinge et at! /AnaL Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

CT is the transposed matrix of C (i.e., rows and the number of wavelengths and samples both
columns interchanged). Matrix K gives a least- have to be equal to or exceed the number of
squares approximation of the spectra of the pure components. Hence, the method can be used as a
components. full-spectrum method.
In the prediction stage C is calculated from A When applying ILS regression, also known as
and K: multiple linear regression (MLR), use is made of
the fact that Beer’s law can be rewritten into the
c =AKT(KKT)_l following equation:

ci ‘pi0 + i Ajpij
The calculations require two matrix inversions of j=l
matrices with dimensions equal to the number of
components (I X 1).In case two or more compo- where pij stands for a proportionality constant
nents are highly correlated, problems may arise corresponding with component i and wavenum-
as the determinant of the matrices equals zero ber j and pi0 represents an intercept. When
(collinearity). For CLS it is obligatory that the samples with different composition are available
concentrations of all components contributing to one can write in matrix notation:
the overall spectrum are known. Furthermore, c=AP

Wavenumber (cm-l)

Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of (a) fat, (b) protein and (c) lactose obtained from CLS regression.
H.J. Luinge et al./AnaL Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

Again, C is an m x I concentration matrix, A an ones. PCR and PLS both apply this principle.
m X II absorption matrix, and P an II X I matrix. The data matrix A is decomposed into two matri-
During calibration P is solved as: ces T and B as:
P = ( ATA) - ‘ATC
where B is an h X n matrix representing a set of
For prediction of unknown contents the origi- h principal component loading spectra and T is
nal calibration equation can be used. Hence, only an m x h matrix containing the corresponding
one matrix inversion is required for ILS. In order scores. Data reduction is achieved by using only k
to be able to calculate the inverse, the number of principal’ components with k < n. Subsequently,
wavelengths should be equal to or less than the PCR uses the reduced matrix T’ instead of the
number of samples. In contrast to CLS, applica- original data matrix A in the regression equation
tion of ILS to full spectra is hampered by the used for ILS.
large number of samples required. PLS regression is performed similarly to PCR
A reduction of the number of variables (i.e., with the exception that in PLS concentration
wavelengths) can be obtained by principal compo- information is used during the decomposition
nent analysis, where new variables are con- process. A more elaborate discussion of the tech-
structed as linear combinations of the original niques mentioned is beyond the scope of this




Wavammbcr (cm-l)
Fig. 2 (contmuect).
424 H.J. Luinge et al. /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

paper. However, an excellent overview is given by ences (SDD) will be used, where the difference is
Haaland and Thomas [13]. defined as the reference minus the infrared value.
In order to compare the results of the differ-
ent calibration models, use is made of the root-
mean-square error of estimation (RMSEE), which
is defined as:

A set of 55 raw mixed tank milk samples,

RMSEE = C (ci-‘i)2/[m - (f+ ‘>I collected from the South-Holland area during
J i=l
wintertime, was analysed. Infrared spectra were
Here m stands for the number of samples in the recorded between 3000 and 1000 cm-’ on a
calibration set, ci is the concentration of sample Perkin-Elmer 1600 FI-IR spectrometer by aver-
i, ti is the predicted concentration, and f is the aging 4 scans with a resolution of 8 cm- ’ (data
number of factors used in the calibration model. point resolution: 2 cm-‘). Demineralised water
In order to assess the quality of the predictions was used as background. The region between
obtained from the validation set, the mean differ- 1700 and 1600 cm-’ contained much noise due to
ence between the reference and infrared data strong water absorptions and was zeroed there-
(MD) and the standard deviation of the differ- fore. The sample compartment was equipped with

Wwewmbcr (cm-l)
Fig. 2 (continued).
H.J. Luinge et al./AnaL Chitn. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 425

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4

ROse-Gottliebfatcontent (mlm%)

0.04 - 0 00
0 0
g 0.02 - 0 00 0
B 0 +;
g 0.00 ___,_______~______~~~_~~________________.__. .I

1 0 0 0
3 .
d -OIL? . 0 0
-0.04 -
0 l

-0.06 I. I. 1. I - I. I.
4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4
R&e-Gottlieb fat content (m/m%)
Fig. 3. Plots of (top) predicted versus R&e-Gottlieb fat content using a 2-factor PLS model and (bottom) residual (reference minus
predicted) versus reference fat content.

a temperature stabilised (40.0 f O.l’C) CaF, cell calibrated according to routine procedures. Ref-
with an optical pathlength of 40 pm. Prior to cell erence values for fat and protein were obtained
injection samples were heated to 45°C and ho- from Rose-Gottlieb [14] and Kjeldahl (N x 6.38)
mogenised with a two-step homogeniser (Delta [15] analyses respectively. The fat content ranged
Instruments) at pressures of approximately 17 from 3.88 to 5.27%, the protein content from 3.07
and 8.5 MPa. to 3.77% and the lactose content from 4.24 to
Also the fat, protein and lactose contents of 4.67%. Detailed statistics are shown in Table 1.
the samples were determined with an infrared There is a weak correlation between the fat and
filter instrument (MultiSpec MAK2), which was protein content (r = 0.57), whereas lactose is nei-
426 H.J. Luinge et al. /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

ther correlated with fat (r = 0.03) nor with pro- cluster analysis [17] that was performed to yield
tein (r = -0.04). an arbitrary number of 20 clusters; (3) in order to
For ILS regression use was made of the inte- compose a calibration set, from each cluster a
grated areas of spectral regions corresponding sample was taken randomly with the only restric-
with the bandpass of the filters in the filter in- tion that the samples with the extreme fat, pro-
strument. tein and lactose contents had to be included; (4)
the remaining 35 samples composed the valida-
tion set. The clusters had sires ranging from 1 (5
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION clusters) to 8 (1 cluster) samples; the average size
was 2.8 samples per cluster. For calibration and
Selection of the calibration set validation set the statistics in Table 1 were calcu-
The total set of 55 samples was divided into a lated.
calibration and a validation set according to a
procedure based on the method described by Filter-infrared versus reference data
Isaksson and Naes [16]: (1) principal component Comparison of the Rose-Gottlieb and the in-
analysis was applied to all spectra; (2) the scores frared filter data for fat showed that the mean
of the samples on the five most important princi- difference (MD) for the samples in the validation
pal components (explaining 99% of the total vari- set was - 0.003% with a standard deviation (SDD)
ance in the spectra) were used in a K-means of 0.031%. For protein an MD of -0.012% was


0 2600 2400 2200 2ooo 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000

Wavemunber (cm- 1)
Fig. 4. Loading spectra of (a) first and (b) second PLS factor of fat model.
H.J. Lknge et al. /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 421


3aaa 2800 2600 24M 2200 2ooo 1800 1600 1400 1200 lOCKI

Wavenumber (cm-l)
Fig. 4 (continued).

found when comparing the Kjeldahl and filter mixtures. CLS regression was applied to the spec-
data. Apparently, the filter instrument gave val- tra in the calibration set using the Rose-Gottlieb,
ues which were significantly too high (level of Kjeldahl and filter-infrared data for fat, protein
significance: 0.069%). The SDD was found to be and lactose respectively. The resulting K-matrix
0.037%. At the time, for lactose only filter-in- contained the least-squares estimates of the pure
frared data were available. fat, protein and lactose spectra as shown in Fig. 2.
The mean and the standard deviation of the The fat absorptions corresponding with the
difference between reference and instrumental asymmetric and symmetric CH, stretching at 2922
results obtained from the analysis of m samples and 2852 cm-’ respectively, the C=G stretching
of milk should be I 0.14/G and I 0.07%, of the triglycerides at 1746 cm-’ and the CH,
respectively [18]. Roth fat and protein infrared deformation at 1466 cm-’ are clearly visible in
determinations meet these requirements (Ta- Fig. 2a. (Intensities are 0.090, 0.051, 0.059 and
ble 2). 0.007 a.u. per % fat respectively). The absorption
of ester C-O stretching vibrations appears around
Classical least-squares regression 1160 cm-’ (0.018 a.u. per % fat).
Since the main constituents of milk are water, In Fig. 2b the spectrum of protein is displayed.
fat, protein and lactose and measurements are The amide I band (C=G stretching) at 1670-1630
corrected for the solvent, samples can - as a first cm-’ is blocked by the strong absorption of wa-
approximation - be regarded as three-component ter. As this region is zeroed the band is not
H.J. Luinge et aL /AnaL Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433




3.6 3.8

Kjeldahl protein content (m/m%)

‘0 l 0
f 0
5 0


0.0 - -- . . ...*.....
..I.. “11.““-.-“....” .._. “..

8 0

‘a *-
c2 0

0 0

-0.1 I I . I I I
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

Kjeldahl pmtein
content (m/m%)
Fig. 5. Plots of (top) predicted versus Kjeldahl protein content using a 4-factor PJS model and bottom) residual (reference minus
predicted) versus reference protein content.

visible. The amide II band however appears in- to an increasing baseline from 2500 cm-’ up-
tensely at 1544 cm-’ (0.055 a.u. per % protein). ward.
The lactose spectrum is shown in Fig. 2c. Reproduction of the original spectra gave an
Strong absorptions (C-O stretching) appear in average root-mean-square-error of 0.002 a.u.
the region 1100-1000 cm-’ with a maximum at which corresponds with the average noise level in
1074 cm-’ (0.082 au. per % lactose) and around the spectra. Hence, it appears that the assump-
1400 cm-’ (C-O-H in plane deformation, ap- tion of a three-component mixture is reasonably
proximately 0.018 a.u. per % lactose). Further- valid. It should be noted that actually the noise in
more, overtones and combination bands give rise the spectra is heteroscedastic, i.e., it differs for
H.J. L,uinge et aL/Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 429

different wavenumbers. Hence, applying a lar component, optimum models were obtained.
weighted regression technique may further im- In the fat model both the CH, and the C=O
prove the predicted results. stretching region are present. Furthermore, one
Prediction of the calibration set values using reference region appears to be sufficient to cor-
the K-matrix gave an RMSEE of 0.027,0.038 and rect for baseline contributions. The protein model
0.033% for fat, protein and lactose respectively. contains the amide II region and a baseline cor-
Fitting the spectra in the K-matrix on the valida- rection embodied by a reference region. Lactose
tion data resulted in an SDD of 0.025, 0.041 and can be predicted by using its characteristic ab-
0.032%. The mean difference for fat and protein sorption regions between 1100 and 1000 cm-’
were 0.001 and -0.008%. For lactose a small but and a reference region.
significant bias of -0.017% was found (level of For fat, protein and lactose prediction of the
significance: 0.003%). contents in the samples of the calibration set
yielded RMSEE values of 0.017,0.035 and 0.027%
Inverse least-squares regression respectively. For the validation set correspond-
ILS regression was performed using spectral ingly SDD values of 0.029, 0.039 and 0.025%
regions corresponding with those of the filters in were calculated. The mean differences amounted
the filter instrument. I3y deleting regions con- to 0.013, 0.003 and -0.005%. The SDD values
tributing insignificantly to the model of a particu- for fat and protein correspond well with the re-

3ooo 2alm 2600 2400 2m 2axl 1800 1600 1400 1200 lam

Fii. 6. Loading spectra of (a) first and (b) second PL.S factor of protein model.
430 H.J. Luinge et al. /AnaL Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433


xlcm 2800 2600 2400 2200 2ooo

Fig. 6 (continued).

sults obtained from the filter instrument. For fat, Partial least-sqzu s regression
however, a small but significant bias was found 7
PLS regression yielded a two-factor model for
(level of significance: 0.013%). fat giving an RMSER of 0.027% for the calibra-
tion set and an MD and SDD . of 0.004 and
Principal component regression 0.024% for the validation set. In Fig. 3a the
PCR applied to the samples of the calibration predicted fat contents are plotted against the
set with fat as dependent variable resulted in a reference values. Inspection of the residuals (i.e.,
3-factor model with an RMSEE of 0.028%. Ap- reference minus predicted fat content, Fig. 3b)
plication of the resulting model to the validation revealed that there was no significant correlation
samples yielded an MD of 0.002% and an SDD between the residuals and the fat content (r =
of 0.025%. For protein a 4-factor model was 0.125).
found with an RMSEE of 0.037%. The validation The first loading spectrum of fat (Fig. 4a)
set yielded MD = 0.001% and SDD = 0.036%. clearly shows the absorptions corresponding with
Lactose, finally could be predicted optimally us- the CH, and C=O stretching of the triglycerides
ing a 2-factor model. The corresponding RMSEE at 2922 and 2852 cm-’ and at 1745 cm-’ respec-
and MD and SDD values were 0.031, - 0.006 and tively. The absorption of the CH, deformation
0.027%. appears at 1466 cm-’ and of ester linkages around
H.J. Luinge et al. /Anal. C&n. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 431

1164 cm-‘. The second loading spectrum (Fig. tose content confirmed this by yielding a straight
4b) reveals contributions of unmodelled fat baseline.
(3000-2800 and 1745 cm-‘), protein (around 1550 PLS regression resulted in a 4-factor model for
cm-‘) and lactose (around 1070 cm-‘) variations. protein with RMSEE = 0.024%. Prediction of the
As was stated earlier, the curved baseline from validation set yielded MD = 0.001 and SDD =
2500 cm-’ upward appears to be related to the 0.035%. There was no concentration dependency
presence of lactose. Subtraction of two spectra of of the residuals (r = 0.102, Fig. 5). In Fig. 6 the
samples with different composition but equal lac- first two loading spectra are shown. The first

4.3 4.4 45 4.6 4.1

JR filter lactose content (m/m%)

4.4 45 4.6 4.7

IR film 18ctose content (mlm%)
Fig. 7. Plots of (top) predicted versus infrared filter lactose content using a 4-factor PL.S model and (bottom) residual (reference
minus predicted) versus reference lactose content.
432 H.J. L.uinge et aL /AML Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433

loading spectrum looks very similar to the corre- rects the model for the fat and protein contribu-
sponding one of fat. Obviously, the main varia- tions from the first factor.
tion in the spectra is due to the variation in fat
content. However, an intensive amide II band Conchsion
around 1550 cm-’ is also clearly present. In the Comparison of the SDD values of the refer-
second loading spectrum the model is corrected ence minus I?I’-IR and reference minus filter-IR
for the fat contribution of the first loadings and data reveals no significant differences (at the 1%
again the band at 1550 cm-’ is visible. level) for any of the four multivariate methods.
PIS regression on lactose resulted in a 4-fac- Furthermore, for none of the components a sig-
tor model with RMSEE = 0.021%. The validation nificant difference between the multivariate
set values were predicted with MD = - 0.005 and methods was found. For fat and lactose a signifi-
SDD = 0.029%. There was no concentration de- cant bias was found when using ILS and CLS,
pendency of the residuals (r = 0.123, Fig. 7). As is respectively. However, all approaches give values
shown in Fig. 8 the first loading spectrum of that are within the limits imposed by the IDF
lactose clearly shows the importance of the C-O standard for mid-infrared instruments [18].
stretching region for this component. Due to the Data acquisition, data transfer from the spec-
major variation of fat and protein in the samples trometer to the PC and subsequent mathematical
characteristic triglyceride and peptide bands are computations require approximately lo-15 s per
also visible. The second loading spectrum cor- spectrum. Hence, it can be concluded that Fourier

- -

.I5 -i




wavemmlbor (cm-l)

Fig. 8. Loading spectra of (a) first and (b) second PL.S factor of lactose model.
H.J. Luinge et al. /Anal. Chim. Acta 284 (1993) 419-433 433

3oal 2800 2600 2400 224w 2oal

Fig. 8 (continued).

transform infrared spectrometry is well suited for 6 D.A. Biggs and D.A. McKenna, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.,
the in-line analysis of fat, protein and lactose in 72 (1989) 724.
7 D.A. Biggs, G. Johnsson and L.O. Sjaunja, Bull. Int. Dairy
milk samples. Fed., 208 (1987) 21.
Future investigations will be focused on the 8 P. Robert, D. Bertrand, M.F. Devaux and A. Grappin,
effect of seasonal variations in the composition of Anal. Chem., 59 (1987) 2187.
milk on the reliability of the FT-IR method. 9 R.T. Carl, Nicnlet FT-IR Spectral Lines, March, 1989, p.
10 H.J. Luinge, E. Hop, E.T.G. Lutz, J.H. van der Maas, A.
Holstra, J.A. van Hemert, J. Koops, H. Wonldrik, E.A.M.
REFERENCES de Jong and G. Ellen, SPIE, Vol. 1575 (1991) 505.
11 F.R. van de Voort, J. Sedman, G. Emo and AA. Ismail, J.
1 P. Walstra and R. Jenness, Dairy Chemistry and Physics, Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 75 (1992) 780.
Wiley, New York, 1984. 12 B.S. Lanher, Thesis, UniversitC de Bourgogne, 1991.
2 J.D.S. Goulden, J. Dairy Res., 50 (1964) 273. 13 D.M. Haaland and E.V. Thomas, Anal. Chem., 68 (1988)
3 M.F. Kerkhof Mogot, J. Koops, R. Neeter, KJ. Slangen, 1193.
H. van Hemert, 0. Kooyman and H. Wooldrik, Neth. Milk 14 International Dairy Federation, IDF Standard lC, 1987.
Dairy J., 36 (1982) 195. 15 International Dairy Federation, IDF Standard 2OA, 1986.
4 L.O. Sjaunja and I. Andersson, Acta Agric. Stand., 35 16 T. Isaksson and T. Nazs, Appl. Spectrosc., 44 (1990) 1152.
(1985) 345. 17 J.A. Hartigan, Clustering Algorithms, Wiley, New York,
5 F.R. van de Voort, S. Kermasha, J.P. Smith, B.L. Mills 1975.
and K.F. Ng-Kwai-Hang, J. Dairy Sci., 70 (1987) 1515. 18 International Dairy Federation, IDF Standard 141, 1988.

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