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1) If with plant type - more likely, they'll skip 1st round.

2) If with 2 plant types - they're likely to skip twice.

3) if plant type is hidden - then, it's nuke. ATTACK, relentlessly. KILL THAT

3) At 2nd round, if you have enough to kill - kill.

3A) if not enough, boilster defense. And, look for free ways to cause damage.
3B) causing damage by way of energy is also detrimental

The point is - you need to starve the other person with energy - if you can do that
effectively, then you should receive less combos.

Whatever happens, you should be the 1st one to have enough energies to kill,
provided you have the right cards.

If you don't have the right cards, starve him with energy.

If that's not possible with the cards at hand, boilster defenses - and look for
free ways to damage.

If that's not possible, receive the attack. And, pray to Papa Jesus to give you the
correct circumstance. You're fucked.

MID GAME: First Blood.

The moment you, or your opponent, reaches the right circumstance to kill, then to
kill, they should. Do not allow your tank to die, before your deal the 1st blow on
your opponents 2nd flank.

Scenario 1: Your opponent is about to give you the 1st combo.

> Boilster defenses
> Starve him with energy
> Pray to Papa Jesus

Scenario 2: You have the energy and cards to kill, KILL, and make sure they don't
rise from the grave.

Scenario 3: You have the energy, but cards can't deliver the killing blow, 1)
starve your opponent with energy, 2) boilster your defenses - keep your tank alive,
3) look for free ways to damage your opponent.


Special Tanks To Kill - those that can heal themselves are annoying.


Assuming you did your best in the previous stages, your opponent should have less
energy than you. If at any case you are still at par, be very careful when chosing
your moves.

Check your 2nd flank if it can hold up a combo - if not, be careful in putting
attacks cards on your 2nd flank.

If at the last step - you find yourself lacking in energy, don't skip - ATTACK!

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