Mass During Night

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Year 36 No.

35 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) December 25, 2022

Mass during the Night — White

Let Us Go to Bethlehem!
H.E. Jose F. Cardinal Advincula Jr. D.D.
Archdiocese of Manila

A s we contemplate the mystery

of Our Lord’s Nativity, let us
learn from the experience of the
of the angels,
the shepherds
told each other,
shepherds who heard the angel’s “Let us go to
announcement of the Lord’s birth Bethlehem.”
and went to Bethlehem to see In the original
the Christ-Child. We can learn Greek, the
three spiritual virtues from those verb used was
shepherds: keeping watch, crossing diélthomén,
over, and going in haste. which can be translated as “let nila, o nakapag-practice ng script
The first is keeping watch. Verse us cross over.” “Tumawid tayo. na sasabihin nila. Nagmamadali
8 of the Gospel reading tonight Magtungo tayo sa ibayo. Let us go silang pumunta sa Bethlehem upang
indicates that the shepherds are beyond. Let us transcend.” matunghayan ang Mesiyas. They
out in the field, keeping watch by This implies going beyond eagerly went forth in order to see
night. Sa kanilang pagbabantay sa borders, transcending our the Christ-child. Indeed, those who
tupa, nagmamasid sila, nanonood, comforts, being open to personal watchfully attend to God’s revelation
at nagmamatyag. Kahit inaantok conversion, transforming our would feel the urgency to respond
o nababagot, matiyaga silang society, penetrating through walls to his invitation.
nagmamasid upang mapansin of division, and building bridges The mystery of the Incarnation
nila agad ang anumang pagkilos of solidarity. Contemplation leads of the Son of God is not our own
o pangyayari na kailangan nilang to self-transcendence, for as our making; rather, the birth of the Savior
tugunan. vision deepens and widens, we at Christmas is pure gift that we
In order to genuinely celebrate are led to encounter and embrace receive from God, a gift of light and
Christmas, we too need to keep the other. Love leads us beyond redemption for this dark and fallen
watch. In the face of mystery, our our petty ambitions, conventions, world. And so let us rush, not to the
stance must always be contemplative. and comforts, towards building consumption and entertainment that
Let us take a long loving look at the communion and going on mission. the world lures us, but to mission
real. Let us intently and honestly This Christmas, let us all give and encounter with the Lord. Like
listen to the truth. Let us be sensitive our “yes” to mission. Ibigay natin the shepherds, let us go in haste
to the signs of the times. Let us ang sarili natin sa paghayo mula to meet and see Jesus, our Savior.
have hearts that are attentive and sa ating mga sarili, patungo kay Dear brothers and sisters, the
receptive to God’s revelation and Hesus, patungo sa kapwa. Like the eternal Son of God is Emmanuel,
intervention in our lives. shepherds, let us embrace the spirit God-with-us; this is the essence of
Kung hindi tayo marunong of “crossing over” to encounter the Christmas. Jesus Christ, our Lord
magmamasid at kumilatis sa Christ-child in the other. and Savior, is with us and within
katotohanan, hindi natin totoong The third action of the shepherds us, here and now, even as many
maipagdiriwang ang Pasko, dahil was going in haste. In verse 16, later of us go through tough times. Like
hindi natin mapapansin ang pagsapit in the Gospel, it is indicated that, the the shepherds, let us keep watch
sa atin ni Hesus, at mawawalan tayo shepherds “went in haste” towards at his revelation, let us cross over
ng malasakit sa kapwa. Sa Paskong Bethlehem, and there they found beyond our petty selves towards
ito, magmasid tayo. Let us discern Mary and Joseph with the baby God’s greater glory, and let us go
the truth. Let us contemplate the Jesus lying in a manger, wrapped in haste for mission. Hopefully, we
presence of Jesus in our brothers and in swaddling clothes, just as the too may share in their joy as they
sisters, especially the needy and the angels had told them. Hindi na sila “returned from Bethlehem, glorifying
suffering. Like the shepherds, let us nagpatumpik-tumpik pa, o nag- and praising God, for all they had
recover the art of keeping watch. alangan sa mensahe ng anghel, o heard and seen, just as it had been
The second action of the nagdalawang-isip, o nagdiskusyon told them” (v 20): the glory and
shepherds was crossing over. Later in pa nang mahabang mahaba. mercy of the Lord, in the frail frame
the Gospel, in verse 15, it is said that, Siguro hindi na rin sila nakapag- of a Child in a manger. Amen.
after they heard the news and song ayos ng damit, hitsura, o amoy Maligayang Pasko po sa inyong lahat!
you, we glorify you, we give of their taskmaster you have
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES you thanks for your great glory, smashed, as on the day of
Entrance Antiphon (Ps 2:7) Lord God, heavenly King, O Midian. For every boot that
(Recited when there is no opening song) God, almighty Father. Lord tramped in battle, every cloak
The Lord said to me: You Jesus Christ, Only Begotten rolled in blood, will be burned
are my Son. It is I who have Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, as fuel for flames. For a child
begotten you this day. Son of the Father, you take is born to us, a son is given us;
away the sins of the world, upon his shoulder dominion
Greeting have mercy on us; you take rests. They name him Wonder-
(The sign of the cross is made here)
away the sins of the world, Counselor, God-Hero, Father-
P—Grace to you and peace receive our prayer; you are Forever, Prince of Peace. His
from God our Father and the seated at the right hand of dominion is vast and forever
Lord Jesus Christ. the Father, have mercy on us. peaceful, from David’s throne,
All—And with your spirit. For you alone are the Holy and over his kingdom, which
Introduction One, you alone are the Lord, he confirms and sustains by
(These [or similar words] may be used you alone are the Most High, judgment and justice, both
to address the assembly) Jesus Christ, with the Holy now and forever. The zeal of
Spirit, in the glory of God the the LORD of hosts will do this!
P—On this most holy night,
Father. Amen.
Jesus, our Savior, is born to — The word of the Lord.
give joy to the world and to Collect All—Thanks be to God.
save us from sin.
P—Let us pray. (Pause) Responsorial Psalm (Ps 96)
Th o u g h a l m i g h t y a n d
O God, who have made this
powerful, God strips himself R—Today is born our Savior,
most sacred night radiant with Christ the Lord.
of his glory and makes himself
the splendor of the true light,
small. This God-become- E. C. Marfori
grant, we pray, that we, who
man is the one we welcome
  
     
have known the mysteries of
tonight. He is our Emmanuel,
his light on earth, may also      
our God-with-us.
delight in his gladness in To day is born our Sa vior,
Penitential Act heaven.
 
Who lives and reigns with


P —Brethren (brothers and

you in the unity of the Holy  
sisters), let us acknowledge
Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Christ the Lord.
our sins, and so prepare All—Amen.
ourselves to celebrate the 1. Sing to the L ORD a new
sacred mysteries. (Pause) THE LITURGY song;/ sing to the LORD, all
P—You were sent to heal the OF THE WORD you lands./ Sing to the LORD;
contrite of heart: Lord, have First Reading (Is 9:1–6) (Sit) bless his name. (R)
mercy. 2. Announce his salvation,
All—Lord, have mercy. Long ago, the prophet Isaiah foretold
the birth of a child who would be day after day./ Tell his glory
P—You came to call sinners: the Messiah and Prince of Peace. among the nations;/ among
Christ, have mercy. Tonight, we witness the fulfillment all peoples, his wondrous
All—Christ, have mercy. of that prophecy in the little child deeds. (R)
born in a manger, Christ the Lord.
P — You are seated at the 3. Let the heavens be glad and
right hand of the Father to A reading from the Book of the earth rejoice;/ let the sea
intercede for us: Lord, have the Prophet Isaiah and what fills it resound;/ let
mercy. the plains be joyful and all
All—Lord, have mercy. THE PEOPLE who walked in that is in them!/ Then shall all
P—May almighty God darkness have seen a great the trees of the forest exult. (R)
have mercy on us, forgive light; upon those who dwelt 4. They shall exult before
us our sins, and bring us to in the land of gloom a light the LORD, for he comes;/ for
everlasting life. has shone. You have brought he comes to rule the earth./
All—Amen. them abundant joy and great He shall rule the world with
Gloria rejoicing, as they rejoice justice/ and the peoples with
before you as at the harvest, his constancy. (R)
All — Glory to God in the as people make merry when
highest, and on earth peace to dividing spoils. For the yoke Second Reading (Ti 2:11–14)
people of good will. We praise that burdened them, the pole The apostle Paul tells us that, in
you, we bless you, we adore on their shoulder, and the rod response to the grace of salvation
offered through Jesus Christ, we must watch over their flock. The proceeds from the Father and
reject godless ways and live a just and angel of the Lord appeared the Son, who with the Father and
devout life. to them and the glory of the the Son is adored and glorified,
A reading from the Letter of Lord shone around them, and who has spoken through the
Saint Paul to Titus they were struck with great prophets.
fear. The angel said to them, I believe in one, holy, catholic,
BELOVED: The grace of God
“Do not be afraid; for behold, and apostolic Church. I confess
has appeared, saving all and
I proclaim to you good news one Baptism for the forgiveness
training us to reject godless
of great joy that will be for of sins and I look forward to the
ways and worldly desires and
all the people. For today in resurrection of the dead and the
to live temperately, justly,
the city of David a savior life of the world to come. Amen.
and devoutly in this age, as
has been born for you who Prayer of the Faithful
we await the blessed hope,
is Christ and Lord. And this
the appearance of the glory P—Brothers and sisters, in
will be a sign for you: you
of our great God and savior God’s coming as man in Jesus,
will find an infant wrapped in
Jesus Christ, who gave himself hope, peace, joy, and love can
swaddling clothes and lying
for us to deliver us from all now reign supreme in our lives.
in a manger.” And suddenly
lawlessness and to cleanse for Let us, then, ask the Father
there was a multitude of the
himself a people as his own, to help us strive to remain in
heavenly host with the angel, this life of abundance and
eager to do what is good.
praising God and saying: fulfillment as we say:
— The word of the Lord. “Glory to God in the highest
All—Thanks be to God. and on earth peace to those R—Savior of the world, reign
on whom his favor rests.” in us.
Alleluia (Lk 2:10–11)
— The Gospel of the Lord. C—May Pope Francis, bishops,
All — Alleluia, alleluia. I priests, deacons, and the lay
proclaim to you good news All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Christ. people, remain in loving
of great joy: today a Savior is service to all Christians, other
born for us, Christ the Lord. Homily (Sit) religions, and all people of
Alleluia, alleluia. good will. We pray:(R)
Profession of Faith (Stand)
Gospel (Lk 2:1–14) C — M ay p u b l i c s e r va n t s
All—I believe in one God, the become constant reminders
P—A reading from the holy of your love for us. We pray: (R)
Gospel according to Luke Father almighty, maker of heaven
All—Glory to you, O Lord. and earth, of all things visible C—May all families gathered
and invisible. here today remain in faith, hope,
IN THOSE DAYS a decree went I believe in one Lord Jesus and love, as we celebrate the
out from Caesar Augustus that Christ, the Only Begotten Son birth of your Son. We pray: (R)
the whole world should be of God, born of the Father
before all ages. God from God, C—May you welcome those
enrolled. This was the first who have gone before us into
enrollment, when Quirinius Light from Light, true God
from true God, begotten, not your loving arms. Console those
was governor of Syria. So all who grieve their departed loved
went to be enrolled, each to made, consubstantial with the
Father; through him all things ones. We pray (R)
his own town. And Joseph too were made. For us men and for
went up from Galilee from the C —May our brothers and
our salvation he came down sisters who cannot be with their
town of Nazareth to Judea, to from heaven, (All kneel at the families tonight­­—frontliners
the city of David that is called following words) AND BY THE in hospitals, migrant workers
Bethlehem, because he was HOLY SPIRIT WAS INCARNATE abroad, soldiers on duty,
of the house and family of OF THE VIRGIN MARY, AND prisoners in jails­—experience

David, to be enrolled with BECAME MAN. (Pause. Stand.) the comfort of your presence
Mary, his betrothed, who was For our sake he was crucified through the generosity and
with child. While they were under Pontius Pilate, he suffered companionship of the people
there, the time came for her to death and was buried, and they encounter. We pray: (R)
have her child, and she gave rose again on the third day in C—Let us pray for the urgent
birth to her firstborn son. She accordance with the Scriptures. concerns of our community
He ascended into heaven and and our personal intentions
wrapped him in swaddling is seated at the right hand of
clothes and laid him in a (pause). We pray: (R)
the Father. He will come again
manger because there was no in glory to judge the living and P—Almighty, ever-living God,
room for them in the inn. the dead and his kingdom will the wickedness of the earth is
Now there were shepherds have no end. destroyed today and the eternal
in that region living in the I believe in the Holy Spirit, reign of your Son, the Savior
fields and keeping the night the Lord, the giver of life, who of the world, in our lives is
ushered in. Remain in us until the highest. Blessed is he who THE CONCLUDING RITES
our lives become a constant comes in the name of the Lord.
remembrance of your coming Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) P—The Lord be with you.
into the world through Jesus All—And with your spirit.
Christ, our Lord. Acclamation (Stand)
All—Amen. Solemn Blessing
All—When we eat this Bread
THE LITURGY OF and drink this Cup, we P—Bow down for the blessing.
proclaim your Death, O Lord,
THE EUCHARIST until you come again.

Presentation of the Gifts (Stand) May the God of infinite

THE COMMUNION RITE goodness, who by the
P—Pray, brethren… Incarnation of his Son has
All—May the Lord accept the The Lord’s Prayer
driven darkness from the
sacrifice at your hands for the
All—Our Father… world and by that glorious
praise and glory of his name,
P—Deliver us, Lord… Birth has illumined this most
for our good and the good of
All—For the kingdom, the holy night, drive far from you
all his holy Church.
power and the glory are yours the darkness of vice and
Prayer over the Offerings now and forever. illumine your hearts with the
P —May the oblation of this Invitation to Peace light of virtue.
day’s feast be pleasing to you, All—Amen.
Invitation to Communion
O Lord, we pray, that through (Kneel) P —May God, who willed
this most holy exchange we that the great joy of his Son’s
may be found in the likeness P—Behold the Lamb of God, saving Birth be announced to
of Christ, in whom our nature behold him who takes away shepherds by the Angel, fill
the sins of the world. Blessed your minds with the gladness
is united to you.
are those called to the supper
Who lives and reigns for of the Lamb. he gives and make you heralds
ever and ever. All—Lord, I am not worthy of his Gospel.
All—Amen. that you should enter under All—Amen.
Preface I of the Nativity of my roof, but only say the P—And may God, who by the
the Lord word and my soul shall be Incarnation brought together
healed. the earthly and heavenly
P—The Lord be with you. realm, fill you with the gift of
Communion Antiphon (Jn 1:14)
All—And with your spirit. his peace and favor and make
P—Lift up your hearts. The Word became flesh, and you sharers with the Church
All—We lift them up to the Lord. we have seen his glory. in heaven.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God. Prayer after Communion All—Amen.
All—It is right and just. (Stand) P—And may the blessing of
P— It is truly right and just, P—Let us pray. (Pause) almighty God, the Father, and
our duty and our salvation, Grant us, we pray, O Lord the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
always and everywhere to give our God, that we, who are come down on you and remain
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, gladdened by participation with you for ever.
almighty and eternal God. in the feast of our Redeemer’s All—Amen.
For in the mystery of the Nativity, may through an Dismissal
Word made flesh a new light honorable way of life become
of your glory has shone upon worthy of union with him. P—The Mass has been offered.
the eyes of our mind, so that, Who lives and reigns for Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
as we recognize in him God ever and ever. by your life.
made visible, we may be All—Amen. All—Thanks be to God.
caught up through him in love
May Jesus, the Prince of peace, be truly born in our hearts
of things invisible.
And so, with Angels and Have a Blessed Christmas!
Archangels, with Thrones and —Sambuhay Editorial Team

Dominions, and with all the

hosts and Powers of heaven,
we sing the hymn of your glory,
as without end we acclaim:
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God
of hosts. Heaven and earth are
full of your glory. Hosanna in

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