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task 7

Safety issues on the Use of ICT

including e-safety rules
How knowledgeable are we when it comes to safety issues and e-safety rules on the use of ICT?
We all know that ICT in the 21st Century is a fundamental asset to help to learn and educate, just as
assuming a significant part in the daily existences of us, teenagers and grown-ups. There is a lot of
information on computer technology (ICT) in all situations of learning and practices and it is clear that
educators are eager to jump on board to promote the kind of skills most predictive of success. An article
online defines safety issues as "any information suggesting an emerging safety concern or possible change
in the risk-benefit balance for a drug, including information on a possible causal relationship between an
Adverse Event and a drug, the relationship being unknown or incompletely documented previously".
Based on the video recorded lesson entitled "Lesson 5: Safety Issues and E-safety rules on the
use of ICT" of Ma'am Maricon D. Rempillo, I have learned that there are lots of forms of safety issues and
e-safety. When it comes to some risks in the use of ICT and e- Networking includes violence, cyberbullying,
privacy and issues, gambling and gaming, privacy issues, theft, and many more. These mentioned risks are
the things that we need to know and, avoid risk. In school, we have also the misuse of ICT like copying the
information into an assignment and failing to acknowledge the source ( plagiarism and copyright
infringement), downloading materials that are not relevant to the studies, misconduct, such as using some
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else's password and leaving a phone turned on during the class period. The mentioned misused ICT are the
things that we should be aware of and be avoided. In my high school days, we were restricted to use mobile
phones because it can cause distraction and as mentioned about the misuse of ICT, the students can do
anything through accessing their mobile phones that may cause an unwanted situation. When it comes to e-
safety, it is said that it takes care of not only the internet technologies but also communication via mobile
phones, game consoles, and wireless technology. This e-safety will help us to know the benefits, risks, and
responsibilities of using information technology. It will educate the children about the risks as well as the
benefits so we can feel confident online and supports young learners and adults to develop safer outline
behaviors, both in and out of school.
Learning different information from video recorded lessons has made me realize that even I, as a
young woman with a dream to become a future educator of TVET, can make a small difference in my class
through knowing the safety issues that involve ICT. The lesson that I gained contributed to my life to
become aware and be safe in using information technology. As a future educator, I think that it's important
to be engaged with the student and give them guidance about the safety issues and e-safety on using the
ICT. There are lots of strategies to teach the learners through the use of technology but the question is
how the learner can apply those strategies they learn from us, the teacher. With the technology, students
can collaborate with other students and their teachers in and outdoors of the classroom quickly and
simply. But it is really important to know the relevance and importance of using ICT. We will use
technology as a teaching tool but it will never replace us, as a teacher it will just serve as a tool that
will lighten our work as a teacher. Today we were still developing the skills of the 21st century but we
will make sure in the future that we will be productive and understanding teachers who will produce a
quality of education in our students with the help of the technology

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