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Assalamualaikum wr.


Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin wabihi nasta'in waala ageiddunya waddin wassalatu wassalamu

asrofil ambiyai walmursalin wa'alaalihi wassahbihi wabirik wassalam amma ba'du.

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of
grace and the joy that all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in
good health. Not forgetting the salawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad
SAW who has brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam.
May we all get intercession in the end, amen. 

the honourable head of the madrasa, Mr. Aam Rudin S.Ag. MMPd. the honourable teachers
and staff, And my dear friends. When I stand here, I will deliver a few speeches with the
theme of etiquette.
What is etiquette?
Etiquette means applying everything that is praised by people, both in words and deeds.
Some scholars also define etiquette is to apply "noble morals"
The urgency is that we must have good manners or morals before knowledge. 
Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:

‫أكم ُل المؤمنين إيمانًا أحسنُهم ُخلقًا‬

“"The believers whose faith is most perfect are those whose morals are the best" (HR.
Tirmidhi no. 1162, he said: "Hasan sahih").
It is clearly said that the best human being is the one with the best morals. Therefore, want to
be the best human being?
Namely by improving his morals.
 There are saying

"Civilized people are certainly knowledgeable, knowledgeable people are not necessarily

we know that the difference between humans and animals is reason and
knowledge but a

 a higher level of knowledge is etiquette or morals. Because no matter how

much knowledge is not accompanied 

by good manners,

 it can make humans behave like animals (example: greed, greed, cruelty and
other reprehensible behaviours)

Imam Malik Rahimullah once said to qurais youth

"Learn manners before learning a science."

Why do the ulama prioritize
learning over manners?

As Yusuf bin Al Husain said,

"By learning manners, you will easily understand knowledge."

Is it so important to learn manners, only knowledge later???

Well, for example, in real life, have we ever met someone who is very smart, 

but arrogant. Smart, but not well-behaved. Smart, but manners towards parents/teachers are

Surely, we also look down on such people, because their behaviour is not in sync with their

Regarding the conditions in Indonesia, high-ranking officials who are knowledgeable but
corrupt. Many times,

 we also hear some cases of students who are not polite to their teachers, 

or because their parents have a high position so they can treat the teachers as they please.

That is why manners are preferred to be learned first.

Actually, the scope of etiquette is very wide. Not just in learning. 

In this case, prioritizing manners before seeking knowledge makes the knowledge, we have
learned so far

 full of blessings.

 I definitely don't want to be tired, almost a dozen years of seeking knowledge has only been
obtained in vain. 

Good manners and morals make it easier to understand knowledge.

Do the attendees know any manners before studying?

Okay the first one

- Sincere intentions in learning. Simply hoping for God's pleasure, not worldly goals. 

Because in fact everything must be done sincerely so that God always provides ease

 Clean yourself from reprehensible morals, and a dirty heart such as; hasad (envy), Riya, ujub

 belittling others, revenge and lies.

 Because that is also what makes slave knowledge accepted by us. And there are still many
examples that you can apply.

Well, that's a short speech from me,

 I hope what I said earlier will work and beneficial for all of us,thankyou for listening and

 wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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