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Half Yearly Examination 2022-23

SUBJECT: Biology GRADE: 12th

1. Write your name, class and subject clearly on the front page and every page top of your
answer sheet page number is mandatory.
2. Read the questions and write the answers against the question number in your
Answer sheet.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions (5X1=5)
a. The fusion of male gamete with the secondary nucleus of the embryo sac is a process of.
i. Parthenocarpy ii. parthenogenesis
iii. Double fertilization iv. Fertilization
b. A typical embryo sac is eight nucleat and ….
i.Seven celled ii. Four celled
iii. Six celled iv. Eight celled
c. Germ pore is the place where exine is.
i. Thin ii. Thik
iii. Uniform iv. Absent
d. What helps in the penetration of egg by the sperm.
i. Acrosome ii. Antifertilizin
iii. Spermlysin iv. Fertilizin
e. Clitoris in mammals is .
i. Functional penis in female ii. Same to penis
iii. Non functional penis in male iv. Is a sexual organ
f. From which of following layer liver and pancreas develop.
i. Mesoderm ii. Endoderm
iii. Ectoderm iv. Non of these

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g. Which cells in the testes secrete testosterone.
i. cells of Leydig ii. Sertoli cells
iii. Corpus luteum iv. Seminiferous tubules
h. The study of human population statistically is known as .
i. Sonography ii. Populationgraphy
iii. Demography iv. Chronologys
i. Oral contraceptives are made of hormone.
i. Estrogen ii. Progesterone
iii. Testosterone iv. Both i and ii
j. The technique by which sex of foetus can be determined.
i. IUCD ii. Test tube baby
iii. CT scan iv. amniocentesis
k. World population day is.
i. 5th June ii. 21st March
iii. 11th July iv. 2nd October
l. Klinefelter’s syndrome has.
i. 44+xxy ii. 44+xo
iii. 45+xy iv. 45+xx
m. What is not true about hemophilia.
i. Royal disease ii. X- linked disease
iii. Bleeder’s disease iv. Y- linked disease
n. A cross between F1 hybrid and a recessive parent (Tt x tt) gives a ratio of.
i. 1:1 ii. 1:2
iii. 1:2:1 iv. 1:3:1
o. Recessive gene present on one X – chromosome of humans will be:
i. Lethal ii. Sublethal
iii. Expressed in males iv. Expressed in female
p. Transcription involves.
i. Synthesis of RNA from ribosome ii. Synthesis of RNA over DNA
iii. Synthesis of DNA iv. None of these

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q. Nitrogen base present in a codon are.
i. 5 ii.4
iii.3 iv.2
r. Reverse transcription was discovered by.
i. Watson and Crick ii. Khorana
iii. Beadle and Tatum iv. Temin and Baltimore
s. A connection link between reptiles and birds is.
i. Archaeopteryx ii. platypus
iii. Java Ape man iv. Whale
t. Which of these cells are immortal .
i. Germ cells ii. Liver cells
iii. Neurons iv. Rbc

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