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Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering

“Challenges and success driversof

Entrepreneur Ventures”

Submitted by:

Mark Andrew Mariquit

Submitted to:

Lucille Gahol
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering



When it comes to the nature and behavior of entrepreneurial firms, significant growth in the
quantity and quality of published research in entrepreneurship over the last three decades has
produced relatively few general laws, law-like generalizations, empirical regularities, or agreed
upon principles (Busenitz et al. 2003;Gartner 2007; Wiklund et al.
2011; Zahra and Newey 2009). Some of this lag can be attributed to how researchers approach
"context." The term "context" refers to "situational opportunities and constraints that influence
behavior" (Johns 2006, p. 386). Scholars study entrepreneurial behavior in a variety of geographic,
institutional, organizational, economic, social, and temporal contexts,referring to
"entrepreneurship as a research context" (Alvarez and Busenitz 2001) and the "entrepreneurial
context" (Harrison and Leitch 2005). (Welter 2011).

However, proper contextual attention is still lacking in much of the entrepreneurship

literature (Welter2011). According to Hjorth, Jones, and Gartner (2008), entrepreneurship
always emerges from a specific context, but researchers have spoken insufficiently about
context. Instead, the dominant approach has sought general laws that can transcend context,
which has been tempted by decontextualized accounts of entrepreneurship (see also Langlois
2007; Zahraet al. 2007).Of the many aspects of context mentioned in theoretical, conceptual,
and empirical studies, the organization setting or venture context—small business, new venture,
family business, emerging enterprise, technology venture, established company—is arguably
the most emphasized (Shane 2012;Ucbasaran et al.
2001; Zahra 2014). Thus, the venture context refers to the organizational arrangements or
formation in which new venture activities are restrained or encouraged in a specific direction.
Consistent with this view, Shan

The Philippines is an entrepreneurial nation, with small and medium-sized enterprises (SME),
including micro-enterprises, accounting for 99 percent of all business establishments
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering

Philippine labor force and contribute 30 percent of total domestic sales volume, according to the
Department of Trade and Industry.

Among the current issues that Filipino entrepreneurs face are insufficient access to technology,
financing capital, marketing advice, and logistical issues in establishing and maintaining their
competitiveness in their community. As a result, the Philippine government has identified the
need to foster entrepreneurial spirit in order to jumpstart the country's sluggish economy.

Inadequate access to technology, financing capital, marketing advice, and logistical issues in
establishing and maintaining competitiveness in their community are among the current issues
that Filipino entrepreneurs face. As a result, the Philippine government has identified the need to
encourage entrepreneurial spirit in order to kick start the country's sluggish economy.

Challenges Encountered

Preperation, first prepare to organize the flow and materialize the plan. Planning, organizing,
financing, and positioning are all aspects of preparation. This is a serious task that must be
completed ahead of time in order to sustain and complete business operations. A lack of
preparation may result in a painful business failure.

The most important aspect of preparation is the resources, specifically monetary resources.
Without money, nothing can move, including a good business plan, a good location, and good
personal skills. Everything in the business preparation process will be based on money. There
should be enough budget during preparation to mobilize everything. It's like going to a war zone
and having to prepare all of your armaments and people in order to survive and win the battle.
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering

Action Plan

Cash Management - The process of collecting and managing cash flows is known as cash
management. Cash management is important for both individuals and businesses. It is an
important component of a company's financial stability in business. Individuals require cash for
financial stability, and it is typically regarded as part of a total wealth portfolio.

Individuals and businesses can find a variety of offerings to help with all types of cash
management needs in the financial marketplace. Banks are typically the primary financial
service provider for cash asset custody. There are also numerous cash management solutions
available for individuals and businesses seeking the best return on cash assets orthe most
efficient use of cash overall.

Term loan - a short to long term loan given by banks to business. Businesses utilise this amount
to meet its working capital requirements, asset purchase, expansion, etc. The period and interest
of term loan depend on the type of loan product selected by the business.

Term loans are also known as instalments loans. Instalment loans are the credit facility in which
bank makes full payment to the business. The repayment is in form of monthly, quarterly, half-
yearly or on annual instalments depending upon the kind of agreement. Theinstalment loans
help to meet all type of business expenses. The rates of interest on these loans vary depending
on the period of the loan.


 An evaluation of existing subjects with practical requirements must be made,

focusing on addressing the challenges and problems that dwell on the following:
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering

 Financial Management with special concern to capital sourcing, budgeting and

maintaining liquidity and solvency;
 People Management with special concern to hiring and selection as well as effective
work delegation;
 Stress Management (both physical and emotional); and Business Leadership And
 The national government through its enabling agency, the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) in coordination with relevant other relevant agencies and government
units such as, but not limited to, the Board of Investments and local government units,
implement and/or support programs which objective is to create opportunitiesas well as
aid young entrepreneurs in order to encourage entrepreneurs starting at a young age.
 A formal and recognized association of Young Entrepreneurs in the locality must be
incorporated to boost their morale and serve as a body which addresses various issues
and concerns affecting its members.
 Focused Group Discussions could be intensified including more diversified respondents
by profile (i.e. by type of business, by form of business organization, bysize – micro,
small, medium or even large enterprises).


Allison, M. (2016). Youth entrepreneurship in the Philippines: issues and challenges.

Retrieved from
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
Katapatan Subdivision, Brgy. Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

College of Computing and Engineering

Baik, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, C. (2015). Entrepreneurial firms’ choice of ownership
forms.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(3), 453-471.

Broude, P. D., & Levangie, J. E. (2006). Entrepreneurial financing-alternatives for raising

capital. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 9(2), 55-62. Retrieved, August 8,2019,

Center of Asia Pacific. Entrepreneurship In The Philippines. (2016, Oct 15). Retrieved from

Department of Trade and Industry. Entrepreneurship In The Philippines. (2016, Oct 15).
Retrieved from

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