Cla 60

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TEST #60


Page 1. Index.

Page 2. Introduction to the First part of CLA

(For AMS instructors, used to explain the rules for the students).
Page 3. First Part of CLA (Reading).
Text with mission-related story in five parts, total of 700 – 800
Page 5. Reading Test, Question Paper A.
10 questions related to the key facts in the text (to be given for
Page 6. Reading Test, Question and Answers Matrix A.
10 questions and answers (for AMS instructors)
Page 7. Reading Test, Question Paper B.
Same 10 questions related to the text (to be given for students), but
in different order
Page 8. Reading Test, Question and Answers Matrix B.
10 questions and answers (for AMS instructors)
Page 9. Reading Test, Question Paper C.
Same 10 questions related to the text (to be given for students), but
in different order
Page 10. Reading Test, Question and Answers Matrix C.
10 questions and answers (for AMS instructors)
Page 11. Introduction to the Second Part of CLA
(Report Writing).
Used to explain the rules for the students and to adjust the volume
of speakers.
Page 12. Narrative.
The story based on the information from the First part of CLA, but
provides crucial newly revealed 10 key facts necessary to
understand and write the final report accurately. Total of 350 – 450
Page 13. Dialogue.
The conversation between two persons repeating the information
from the narrative, possibly in a different order.
Page 15. List of 20 key facts (for AMS instructors)
TEST #60

Welcome to the United Nations Police English Language Assessment. This

Assessment consists of two parts, the Reading Comprehension and the Audio
Comprehension. The instructions to both parts will be clearly explained before we
The use of any computer devices, microphones, books, external notes or assistance
from others is not permitted. We expect full compliance and good conduct during
this test. Any candidates who fails to observe appropriate conduct will be
excluded from the assessment process and the incident will be communicated in
writing to the authorities of the Member State concerned and to the SAAT
Coordinator in the UN Police Division.

Part one is the Reading Comprehension.

You will be given a mission-related story with a Question and Answer Sheet
which contains ten questions related to the Key Facts of the story. You will also be
given a Blank Sheet of Paper for your note-taking. Any notes that you take on the
blank sheet you are allowed to keep throughout the exam.
Read the text very carefully. You may write on the test as you wish. You will not
be graded for any marking made on the test itself, only on the Question and
Answer Sheet.
After reading the test, answer the 10 questions on the Question and Answer Sheet.
Be sure to include the entire key fact in your answer. It is not necessary to write in
grammatically complete sentences.
It is highly recommended that you use the blank sheet of paper for important
notes from the Reading. These notes will be essential for Part 2 of the
Assessment. You will be able to keep only the sheet of paper with your notes for
the second part of the exam.
Keep the Test and Question and Answer Sheet face down until you are asked to
start. You will have 20 minutes to complete the Reading Comprehension. The
instructor will indicate when these 20 minutes begin. The instructor will then
announce when there are five remaining minutes and when there is one final
After the 20 minutes have passed the instructor will collect the Reading test and
the Question and Answer Sheet. You will keep the written notes that you made on
the Blank Sheet of Paper for the second part of the assessment.
Please write your full name and your individual test serial number clearly in the
spaces provided on the Question and Answer Sheet you receive.

Good luck!
TEST #60
FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)

On 16 August 2009, at about 09.00 hours the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Patrol Team from
Community Police Centre (CPC) Nyala arrived at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Kalma
Camp during their weekly patrol plan. The Patrol Team was composed of five UNPOL Officers
from CPC Nyala, travelling in two Toyota Land-Cruisers registration plates UN-23876 and UN-
23462. The Team was escorted by a section from the Nepalese Formed Police Unit (FPU) based
in Nyala Team Site (TS) lead by Mr. Kay Rabindra. The FPU Section was moving in two 4x4
pick-ups and one Armored Personnel Carrier (APC).
The Patrol Commander was the CPC Team Leader Ms. Halima Mwanga (CP-45763) from
Zambia. They travelled the 40 km distance between the Team Site and the IDP Camp in almost
two hours due to the difficulties encountered in the terrain and poor road conditions, in the rainy
season. The visit was of paramount importance because of the complete absence of UNPOL
presence in the area since the beginning of the rainy season and also in view of recent
information about the presence of militia groups operating in the area.

Upon arrival at the IDP Camp, the UNPOL patrol went directly to the house of the IDP Camp
Traditional Chief. However, they were informed that the Camp Chief had left very early that day
in order to visit the local governor at Nyala village. The UNPOL Team then moved to the IDP
Camp Manager’s Office, located at the “Area 51” within the IDP Camp. The location is well
known and visible from all parts in the Camp, because of the large World Food Program (WFP)
warehouse located there. Many of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) had established
their containerized Field Offices in that location, so it is also informally known as the
“Humanitarian Area”.
Once at the location, the UNPOL Team met the IDP Camp Manager Mr. Giovanni Bosco, the
Office of Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) representative, just outside his office.
Around 09.30 hours, the UNPOL Team was surprised by the sudden noise of what appeared to
be a gun battle. It appeared that the shooting incident was very close to the UNPOL location.
Immediately the UNPOL officers took protection by lying beside their UN vehicles, while they
saw the OCHA representative running away towards his office, seeking safeguard. The Nepalese
FPU immediately established a security perimeter around the location, using their APC vehicle
to secure the access road leading to the site. The FPU Section commander reported the incident
over the radio to the Joint Operations Centre (JOC) at Nyala TS. After several minutes of fierce
gunfire, the shooting stopped.

After verifying that all the members of the UNPOL Patrol Team were accounted for and in good
health condition, as well as the humanitarian officials at the OCHA Office, the Patrol
Commander decided to investigate the causes of the gunfire. She requested some of her UNPOL
colleagues stay at the OCHA Office, while she left accompanied by UNPOL Officer Dario
Garcia (CP-5478) on board the Nepalese FPU APC Vehicle. At about 50 meters away from the
OCHA Office, and just around the corner of the WFP warehouse, they noticed the presence of
several local military personnel. They also noticed a KAMAZ military vehicle equipped with a
heavy machine gun, positioned at the corner of the warehouse.

The UNPOL Team was informed that at about 09.30 hours one of the security guards posted at
the WFP warehouse saw the unauthorized entry of a large truck moving towards the warehouse.
The truck was carrying several armed personnel. The security guard warned the driver to stop the
truck, but the armed men started shooting at him. He repelled the aggression by using his AK-47
rifle. The exchange of fire caught the attention of the military garrison stationed outside the IDP
Camp. The military personnel immediately got onboard their KAMAZ vehicle and engaged the
assailants. The exchange of gunfire between the local military personnel and the assailants lasted
for about 15 minutes. The attackers left the place on board their truck.
FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)

Family name: ……………………. First name: ……………………. Test Serial #: …………………….
Country: …………………….
Date: …………………….

Q 1. What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 2. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?


Q 3. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?


Q 4. At what time and date did the attack take place?


Q 5. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the IDP Camp?


Q 6. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?


Q 7. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?


Q 8. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?


Q 9. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?


Q 10. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?


Q 1. What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 2. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?

A.2 About 40 Km

Q 3. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?

A.3 At “Area 51” / (Humanitarian Area)

Q 4. What time and date did the attack take place?

A.4 At around 09:30 hours on 16 August 2009

Q 5. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the
IDP Camp?
A.5 With the IDP Camp Traditional Chief

Q 6. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?

A.6 A KAMAZ (military) truck

Q 7. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?

A.7 Nepalese

Q 8. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?

A.8 5 Vehicles (2 patrols, 2 pick-ups, 1 APC)

Q 9. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?

A.9 About 15 Minutes

Q 10. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?
A.10 To the Joint Operation Centre.
FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)

Family name: …………………..…….. First name: ……………..…..………Test Serial #: ……………….
Country:……………………………..…….. Date:……………….

Q 1. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?


Q 2. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?


Q 3. What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 4. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?


Q 5. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?


Q 6. At what time and date did the attack take place?


Q 7. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?


Q 8. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the
IDP Camp?

Q 9. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?


Q 10. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?


Q 1. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?

A.1 5 Vehicles (2 patrols, 2 pick-ups, 1 APC)

Q 2. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?
A.2 To the Joint Operation Centre.

Q 3. What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 4. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?

A.4 About 40 Km

Q 5. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?

A.5 Nepalese

Q 6. At what time and date did the attack take place?

A.6 At around 09:30 hours on 16 August 2009

Q 7. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?

A.7 About 15 Minutes

Q 8. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the
IDP Camp?
A.8 With the IDP Camp Traditional Chief

Q 9. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?

A.9 A KAMAZ (military) truck

Q 10. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?

A.10 At “Area 51” / (Humanitarian Area)
FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)

Family name: …………………………..…….. First name: ……………..…..………Test Serial #:

Country:……………………………..…….. Date:……………….

Q 1. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?


Q 2. What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 3. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?


Q 4. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?


Q5. At what time and date did the attack take place?


Q 6. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?


Q 7. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?


Q 8. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the
IDP Camp?


Q 9. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?

Q 10. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?


Q 1. What is the nationality of the FPU personnel involved?

A.1 Nepalese

Q .2 What agency does Mr. Bosco work for?


Q 3. How long did the exchange of gun fire last?

A.3 About 15 Minutes

Q 4. How far is the IDP Camp from the Nyala TS?

A.4 About 40 Km

Q 5. At what time and date did the attack take place?

A.5 At around 09:30 hours on 16 August 2009

Q 6. Where is the WFP Warehouse located at the IDP Camp?

A.6 At “Area 51” / (Humanitarian Area)

Q 7. Who did the UNPOL Team report the incident over the radio to?
A.7 To the Joint Operation Centre.

Q 8. Who did the UNPOL Patrol Team want to talk to when they arrived at the
IDP Camp?
A.8 With the IDP Camp Traditional Chief

Q 9. What type of vehicle was found at the spot of the incident?

A.9 A KAMAZ (military) truck

Q 10. How many vehicles comprised the UNPOL convoy?

A.10' 5 Vehicles (2 patrols, 2 pick-ups, 1 APC)
Second Part of CLA (Report Writing)


This is the second section of the UNPOL Combined Language Assessment.

It is divided into two parts. In the first part you will hear one person describing the
mission-related topic you have just read about in the Reading Comprehension – it
will be introduced as the Narrative. In the second part, you will hear a
conversation between two people who are discussing the same mission-related
topic – it will be introduced as the Dialogue.
Please be reminded that the use of any computer devices, microphones,
books, external notes or assistance from others is not permitted. Candidates who
fail to observe appropriate conduct during this test will be excluded from the
assessment process. Such actions will be duly noted and communicated in writing
to the authorities of the Member State concerned and to the SAAT Coordinator in
the UN Police Division.
You will be given a Report Writing Form and another Blank Sheet of paper.
Take careful notes on the Blank Sheet of paper of both the Narrative and the
Dialogue. Pay attention to the important facts and key information. You will hear
the recording only one time.
Once the Narrative and Dialogue are finished, you will be asked to use your
notes from both the Reading and the Audio parts to write your own complete
police report.
You will have 30 minutes to complete your police report. The instructor will
indicate when these 30 minutes begin. The instructor will then announce when
there are 5 minutes remaining and when there is one final minute.
Please do not forget to write your full name and your individual test serial
number clearly in the spaces provided on the Report Writing Sheet.

Good Luck!

When reaching the spot of the incident, the UNPOL Team noticed the presence of an armed
KAMAZ military vehicle belonging to the local military forces and personnel that were very
nervous and exasperated. By interviewing the Sudanese military commanding officer at the
scene, Captain Mohammed Bashir, the UNPOL Team Leader learned that the gunfire originated
when a Mercedes-Benz truck carrying several armed men, allegedly belonging to one of the
militia groups operating in the area appeared in the Camp with clear hostile intentions. The truck
didn´t stop at the military check-point at the IDP Camp and attempted to break into the World
Food Programme (WFP) warehouse. The Sudanese soldiers stationed just outside the IDP Camp
were alerted of the situation, they moved to the location and engaged in a fierce gun battle that
lasted about 15 minutes, forcing the attackers to leave the place. No military personnel were
injured during the attack, however one of the WFP security guards sustained a bullet wound to
the left shoulder. He was given first aid by military personnel and then evacuated to the medical
clinic of the Medecins-Sans-Frontiers (MSF) at “Area 51”. According to the military personnel
the local security guard should be commended as he faced and confronted the attackers alone
until the arrival of the military forces. He was seen being taken to the clinic, and was doing fine.
Someone informed that he is a former member of the military or a policeman. Not one of the
attackers was apprehended, killed and/or left behind, however the local military discovered some
emergency bandages and traces of blood at the location where the attackers were engaging the
military forces. The attackers were identified as members of one of the militia rebel groups
operating in the area since a few months, known as "Intihari", and the reasons for the attack were
believed to be because of the recent delivery of fuel and medicine supplies to the WFP
warehouse. The attackers are being pursued by a Special Operations Platoon from the military,
with the support of a helicopter, and personnel dispatched from Nyala Regional HQ. They intend
to chase, locate and apprehend the perpetrators of this attack. The local military forces have not
ruled out any possibility; however they do not believe that the attackers may come back again to
the IDP Camp. The following is the dialogue between UNPOL Team Leader Ms. Halima
Mwanga and the Army Commanding Officer Captain Mohammed Bashir, of the Sudanese
military detachment.

UNPOL Officer: Al Sallam Allaikoum, good morning. I am the UNPOL Team Leader of
the Community Police Centre (CPC) Nyala, and would like to ask you the
details of what just happened here.

Capt Bashir: Good morning to you too. I am Captain Mohammed Bashir, from the 103
Regiment of Northern Region, and I am the Commanding Officer of the
military detachment stationed outside the IDP - Kalma Camp.

UNPOL Officer: We were just outside the OCHA Office at Area 51, when we heard the
shooting. Can you tell us what happened exactly?

Capt Bashir: Well, we were at the military camp, when some of my soldiers noticed
that a Mercedes-Benz truck carrying armed men was passing by the
check-point and entered the Camp without stopping, moving towards Area
51. My personnel realized then that it was an attack, and we came in full
force to protect the warehouse and to respond to this attack.

UNPOL Officer: Have you been able to identify the attackers, or their intentions?

Capt Bashir: We know that in the area there have been many rebel movements
operating for several months, however based on our gathered intelligence,
we are quite sure that these attackers are part of the newly organized
militia group known as "Intihari", that had been recently seen operating in
the area.

UNPOL Officer: Do you know the reasons or the motives for their attack against the WFP

Capt Bashir: We believe that most likely they realized that the warehouse received a
large supply of fuel and medicine a few days ago, and I am pretty sure that
they launched the attack in order to steal these goods.

UNPOL Officer: Were there any casualties as a consequence of this attack?

Capt Bashir: Unfortunately the WFP local security guard was hit by a bullet on his left
shoulder, nothing serious I believe. He was assisted immediately by our
soldiers and then transferred to the Medecins-Sans-Frontiers (MSF) Clinic
in the "Area 51". There are no casualties among our forces.

UNPOL Officer: And what about the assailants, was anybody injured? Were you able to
capture any of them?
Capt. Bashir: Well, I am not sure on the status of the attackers. You know very well they
do not leave their own people behind, even if they are killed. So everyone
was evacuated in the same truck they came in. We could not detain nor
find anyone left behind, however we found some traces of blood and first-
aid emergency bandages scattered all around the area from where they
were fighting us.

UNPOL Officer: Do you know anything about the status of the local security agent that was
on duty at the WFP warehouse?

Capt Bashir: Well that guy is a hero, he faced and confronted the attackers alone,
without his prompt reaction I am sure that the perpetrators would have
been able to gain access to the warehouse and take away all they wanted. I
remember someone told me that he was a former member of the military
or a policeman.

UNPOL Officer: Is there anyone following the attackers or trying to capture them?

Capt Bashir: I have dispatched one of my Lieutenants in charge of the Special

Operations Platoon to follow the attackers. We are also expecting that a
reinforced platoon will be dispatched from Regional HQ to assist in this
operation, even with the support of a helicopter.

UNPOL Officer: What about the security of the IDP camp? Do you believe that the IDP
population might be targeted by this same group in the future?

Capt Bashir: This is very difficult to predict. However we are not ruling out any
possibility. We know these groups do not attack the camps unless there is
something attractive for them, like in this case, the fuel and medicine.
Anyhow we are very close, also the police are working with us, so I do not
believe they will come again.

UNPOL Officer: Captain Bashir, many thanks for your time, we are heading back to "Area
51." Have a nice day!

Capt Bashir: Enjoy the rest of the day and wishing you a safe journey back to Nyala
village. Please inform the Humanitarian officials they do not have to
worry; we are here to protect the IDP camp.

UNPOL Officer: Many thanks for your reassurance. I will pass your message to them.

Capt Bashir: Massalamah.

Second Part of CLA (Report Writing)


16 August 2009, at around 09.30hoursDISTANCE FROM THE NYALA
KAMAZ armed/military truckLOCATION OF WFP WAREHOUSE7Area 51 / Humanitarian






11.With Sudanese military CommanderWHO RESULTED INJURED ON THE ATTACK

12The WFP security guardNATURE OF INJURY13Wounded in left shoulderVEHICLE USED


14.Mercedes-Benz truck



16.The recent supply of fuel and medicines



Believed to be the militia rebel group ("Intihadi")


18Military platoon (from Special Ops)MILITARY SUPPORT


20.To the MSF Clinic

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