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Building your online empire

Ron Stewart
Copyright © by Ron Stewart. All rights reserved.

You may distrubute this e-book freeley to anyone you desire,

as long as you don't change anything in it.
Table of Contents


1. Step: Choosing your way of success

2. Step: Market research

3. Step: Building a web page

4. Step: Optimizing your web page

5. Step: Marketing your web page

Final words

Welcome to Building your online empire - 5 steps to success e-book. You are about to learn the
easiest and most effective techniques used in building an online money factory. The road to success
is not so long but neither very short, so first of all arm yourself with good will and a lot of patience.

This e-book is not written from the ground up which means you will have to know some basic
things if you would like to understand and use my advices fully and completely as they are written.

These 5 steps of success are just a guide, and after you read it you must react. No one will do the
whole work for you. Most of people that read this kind of books just read it – that’s it. If you are
one of those “readers” I challenge you to not just read it, use it and try it! And if you like it, you can
give it away to your friends for FREE. Giving valuable info is the best gift you can find.

Ok, let’s not waste time, let’s get started…

1. Step: Choosing your way of success

This might sound confusing but, you are the one that will choose what to do and what will you use
to earn profit. Internet is full of opportunities, you just have to find one that you like the most and
use it into your advantage.

To help you get started here are few things you can do on the internet (by using a computer with
internet connection):

Things with more necessary knowledge:

- web designer
- programmer (PHP, Java…)
- online marketing agent/manager
- web developer
- copywriter

For these things you have to learn and practice for some time (probably for months or years) if you
want to call your self a web designer or a programmer. After you learn it you can start looking for
jobs in those positions (for starters as a freelancer). Those jobs are highly recommended and if you
can and have time I suggest you to do some of the above. You can pay someone to tutor you or you
can learn by yourself, all the necessary info is already on the internet. Try to give your best and your
effort will be noticed.

Of course, there are always easier things which you can do and much easier things to learn. Again,
for those things you will have to have some basic knowledge but if you don’t have it, it’s not hard to
learn it either. Below are some examples of things which you can easily do or learn to do, and
things which can help you earn some money:

- professional blogging
- affiliate programs
- PPC programs (Pay Per Click – Adsense, Bidvertiser…)
- MLM programs (Multi Level Marketing)
- GPT programs (Get Paid To – read, click, write, buy…)
- starting your own business (creating something new on the web)

Some of these things might look weird but here’s an explanation...

There are more and more bloggers coming every day now. Some of them have turned their blogs
into money making machines. How? They gave people what they need, the right information. If you
give people free and useful info they will come again and again to your blog. Later, you can
monetize that traffic by selling advertising (banners or links) on your blog. You can even put some
affiliate products and sell them or you can write sponsor posts (product reviews…). Most often
people put Google Adsesnse ads on their blogs.

When we speak about affiliate programs we can say that affiliate programs are half way to your
money. If you become an affiliate you have a complete product (you don’t need to create your own)
and now you just have to sell it and take your part of the money.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is very similar to affiliate programs except in MLM you have to
build your network and the bigger it gets the more money you will get. It sounds easier than it really
is, but you can try it too. You can found more info on this page dedicated to MLM.

PPC (Pay per Click) programs are programs like Google Adsense (the most recognizable),
Bidvertiser and others, where you put sponsored ads on your web page / blog and with every click
that your visitors make you get a percent of the money earned. This can bring you a lot of money
but only if you have a lot of traffic.

GPT (Get Paid To) programs are the easiest programs you will find. But be careful, there are many
frauds in this kind of online money making. You don’t need special skills to join these programs,
you just have to click on ads, complete some offers and similar things.

Starting your own business – well, that’s the best thing you can do. If you have skills or money
you can easily turn you ideas into money. Of course, you would have to have some really good and
unique idea(s) to make them profitable.
To check if your ideas are great and if people need your offers or products you will have to take a
research, which leads us to the next chapter…
2. Step: Market research

When you start doing business online, and doing it for money, you have to decide what are you
going to offer to people, what are you going to sell them. There are three ways you can choose what
to do.

First, you can do (write, create) something what you do best and something about you know the
most. Well, most would say that that’s great idea because what ever you choose you will do it with
more passion and with more will. But, what if there is no need for that information or that product
of yours? Than your hard work will not worth much will it?

The second way is to choose something that people wants the most, something that is hard to find.
But again, there is a problem. If you choose something that is needed by the community and you
don’t know nothing about it how are you going to give them that and how will you motivate
yourself to keep doing it? Not impossible, but hard.

The third way is the best way. Try to find something that will please your needs and the needs of the
community. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about if you are interested in it. You can
learn about and again with passion and will represent it to the people.

To find out what people want and what they search for the best way is to use Google Adwords
Keyword Tool. You just write words or phrases and that tool will tell you what words are more or
less searched on Google. That way you will find out what people search the most and what
keywords are more valuable. After that you have to search through Google and see what info is
around there. If you search for a specific term just use “ “, just type the words between. For
example, if you search for weight loss products you will type “weight loss products” into the search
bar. If the competition is weak (if there is not much info about the product) and if people are
searching for it, than go right ahead. Your market is wide open and waiting for you.

Just remember, this step is very important, maybe the most important one. If you don’t do a research
and pick a bad niche, all your work will be for nothing. So choose carefully and choose wisely.
3. Step: Building a web page

Whatever you choose to do, creating a web page or a blog is a must. Someone said once: “If you
don’t have a website it’s like you don’t exist” and that’s absolutely true. Well, at least it's true on the
internet. That’s why it is so important to have a web page.

There was a time when not everyone could have a web site, and I don’t have to mention that not
many of them knew how to build it. Today the picture is little bit different. Technology evolves and
so the web design tools follows. From most popular ones like Microsoft’s Front Page and Adobe’s
Dreamweaver to easy-to-use CMS’s like Joomla, Drupal and others.

So, the choice is yours, you pick the most appropriate one for you and start building your web page.
Of course you can have a blog to. If you choose to be a blogger you should use WordPress for, it’s
the most popular and the best blog platform at the moment.

You can also have your web page or a blog on a free host, but if you want to do some serious
business you will need your own domain and hosting service.

After you decide what is your page going to be about you should start looking for some good and
cheap web hosting and a web domain. That’s the least problem because today you can find great
hosting services for as low as $5/month and buy a domain for as low as $2/year.

After you have picked your hosting and a domain you can start building (designing) your web
page.. Than you have to put some content in it because the content is the most important thing.
Without good content no one will find you on Google or at any other search engine.

When putting content on your web site you can create it yourself, you can pay someone to write it
for you or you can find free articles on the net. You can search on various article directories for free
content but remember to always put the author info with it. You can also find cheap articles all
around the net, just search carefully.
After you put the content on your site you should work on bringing the visitors…
4. Step: Optimizing you web page

Optimizing your web page for search engines is very important thing. If you optimize your web
page good, the visitors will come in more numbers to your web site, and more traffic means more

There is a thing (well, it’s getting more to be like a science) called SEO (Search Engine
Optimization). We can say that SEO is a collection of rules and directions for your site (on site and
off site) optimization.

It’s hard to explain what SEO really is in a few lines of text, but I will give you few hints for
example. It’s much more complicated but you should (for starters) worry only about links and
keywords. Those are two top things in SEO.

When you write your content try to be as much as descriptive as you can with a lot of keywords.
Also take care of your titles; they should contain few main keywords (but not too long, 5-8 words
max.) and it should be written in a bigger font than the other text. Google sees it in a specific way,
the bigger it is the important it must be (but not too big, it should fit with the rest of the text and

Links are as important as keywords. Without links web would not exist. Link is a connection
between two different sites or a connection between pages on the same site. The more links from
other web sites you have, the more will Google think of your web site as important. So, your main
task is to get more links (back links). You can do it by trading your web site link with some other
web master, or putting your link in a forum signature, in comments and on any other place where
you can put your link. Of course there has to be limit, so follow the rules if they exist on a certain
web page and don’t spam. If you would like to check the number of your back links on Google just
type in the search bar and the number of back links, along with the web sites
that contain your link, will be shown. You can also try Yahoo Site Explorer to check your (back)
links there.
There is much more you should know about SEO like optimizing your META tags and so on, but
unfortunately there is not enough space for it in this e-book. I suggest you to read a great blog from
a SEO master and learn everything about SEO in SEO Fast Start.
5. Step: Marketing your web page

Like I said in the previous chapter, traffic is money. The more traffic you get the more money you
can earn. Ok, you will do the SEO for your web page and that is great, but SEO is more a long term
investment. You will need some traffic right away from the start. There are various ways to do that.

Maybe the best thing to sponsor your web page is through social networks. And when I say social
networks I mean all of them – social bookmarks, social video sites and every other social website.

Have you heard for My Space? What about Facebook? Or maybe YouTube? How about Digg?
Those are all web sites where you can promote your own web page totally free. Isn’t that great?

There are also other ways like, you can comment on other sites and leave your link, you can put
your link in forum signatures or you can even write articles and put your link in them.

There are unlimited ways of promoting your web page; you just have to search and use a little bit of
your imagination.

There is a great article called Laws of (website traffic) attraction that will help you get started.
From that point your job is to research and try to find out the best ways you can for promotion.
Final words

Ok, you have all that you need. Basic info is in your hands, it all depends now how much effort will
you put in it.

I hope you have enjoyed this e-book and that it will help you at least to get started.

This book is free so you can give it to who ever you want, and recommend it to your friends without
any obligations to the author.

Thank you and good luck.

Ron Stewart

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