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2022, 20:28 环球英语 — 38: Listener Mail 74_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

Voice 1
Thank you for joining us for today’s Spotlight 1  I’m Liz Waid
Voice 2
And I’m Ryan Geertsma. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to
understand no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Here at Spotlight, we often talk about people who live all over the world. We love to learn about different
cultures. And we also love to hear from you. Today’s Spotlight is about you, our listeners 3 . Welcome to
Spotlight’s Listener 2  Mail Program.
Voice 2
Let’s get started! Our first letter comes from Czeslaw in Poland. Czeslaw enjoys Spotlight programs. But he
thinks the programs should be shorter.
Voice 1
Czeslaw, we are happy that you enjoy the programs. Spotlight is currently 4  fifteen [15] minutes long. We
do not have plans to make a shorter Spotlight program. But if you do not have time to listen to a whole
program, there may be an answer. You can download the programs on our website. Then you can listen to
them later. Or else you can read the scripts 5  of the programs when you do have time!
Thank you for writing Czeslaw!
Voice 2
Our next letter comes from Quito, Ecuador. Augusto wrote about the program “Look Long Range”. This
program was from the series 6 , “Ten Ways to Fight Hate”. “Look Long Range” was the eighth program in
that series. It encouraged people to plan for the future of their communities. Communities can work together
to reduce hate today and in the future.
Augusto writes:
Voice 3
“You taught me to start with myself, to not have biases 7  against foreign people, to begin a circle group in
my community.”
Voice 1
Augusto says that sometimes our differences separate 8  us. He says that people do not get along because
of fear, pride, and differences in skin color. Augusto gave an example of this separation 9 . He said that in
the city shopping centres, you see rich people and poor people. He says the rich people do not want their
children to be friends with the poor people. Augusto believes this is wrong.
Voice 2
Augusto wants people to communicate. He wants them to get along. Spotlight agrees with Augusto. We pray
that someday there will be peace in all areas of the world. And we encourage Augusto to keep working for
peace and communication in his community. Anyone can help reduce hate in his or her community. Here are
some easy ways to fight hate in your own community. These come from the “Look Long Range” program.
Voice 1
Communities can celebrate their differences. People can eat together and talk about what makes them
unique, what makes them different. You can start a circle group. These groups talk about
community issues 11  and problems. It is important to respect what everyone has to say. What ways are you
fighting hate and bringing peace to your community?
Voice 2
Let’s move on to our next letter. Giathahn wrote to Spotlight from Vietnam 12 . He is interested in the area
of IT, or Information Technology. He says that someday he wants to be a “white hat” hacker 13 .
Voice 1
Some computer “hackers 14 ” cause many problems. They use information for bad purposes. They steal
money, ruin other people’s computers, and cause problems. But there are some hackers that work on the side
of good. These hackers are called “white hat” or ethical 15  hackers.
Voice 2
These people work to make the internet, and computer programs safer. They make sure that other hackers do
not misuse 16  their knowledge of computers. White hat hackers stop bad hackers.
Voice 1
This sounds like a very interesting and exciting area of study, Giathahn! Thank you for writing to us and 1/2
15.08.2022, 20:28 环球英语 — 38: Listener Mail 74_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

letting us know about “white hat” hackers. We encourage you to work to improve the lives of others with
your computer skills.
Voice 2
Our next letter comes from a listener in China. This person cares very much for animals. He hopes that
programs will encourage people to recognize animal rights.
Voice 1
Animal rights is an important issue 10  for people all over the world. Many countries have particular rules
that protect animals. These laws protect the animals from bad treatment. Sadly, people often treat animals
Voice 2
These laws protect the rights of the animals. Animal owners should feed their animals properly. They should
make sure that their animals have a good place to live. And no-one should hurt animals unnecessarily 17 .
These laws even protect animals that will be killed for food. They make sure that the animals do not
experience too much pain when they are killed.
Voice 1
This year on December nine [9] people all over the world will celebrate International Animal Rights Day.
People will gather in groups and light candles. In London, people plan to walk in a line through the streets.
They hope to increase knowledge about animal rights around the world. If you are interested in animal rights,
you can look for an animal rights event near you on that day also.
Voice 2
The listener from China believes that animal rights laws are important. Christians 18  believe that God put
people in charge of his creation 19 . We must care for it with respect. Caring for the rights of animals is
part of caring for creation.
Voice 1
And finally today, we want to answer a question that we have received from many Spotlight listeners. Many
people want to hear old Spotlight programs. Maybe you want to hear more programs in a series of programs.
Perhaps you missed a program and want to listen to it. Or maybe you just want to listen to a particular
program more than once.
Voice 2
Well, on our website, you can find all of our old programs. There, we have the scripts to every Spotlight
program. We also have the audio 20  to many recent programs. Every week we play four brand new
programs, and three old ones. We cannot send the programs to you, but we can help you find a program that
you are interested in.
Voice 1
If you have any questions about Spotlight, you can e-mail us. Our e-mail address is radio @ english . net. Do
you have an idea for a Spotlight program? Send us your ideas! 2/2

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