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CORDS ~A Ritual You Need To


Attachment without RELEASE...

loops our emotions and experiences!

This is a ‘NOW’ for deep Release, as our existence, reality & world takes New Form in
beginning a new cycle for the next 3 years to 2023. With each Moon Cycle within
these times, directs and surfaces your intuition and body of release to receive. Allot of
what we need to release, comes in the energetic cord of attachment or trauma. A
beautiful way that anyone can do this form of release for themselves is to have a
‘Cutting of the Cords Ceremony.’
At any time through our lives, we may need to go deeper within to lean in to release
deeper issues, where a practice of ‘cutting the cords’ is necessary, especially in these
ambiguous times we are all together living through, of so much going on in our
experiences, that creates lower vibrational connection, that then attracts more of the
same energy to penetrate our aura, body, mind and spirit! Over time these energies
start to change our moods, thoughts, and wellness! I whole heartedly believe this is a
self care ritual that can be used ongoingly, for a regular Spiritual Hygiene Practice.

How to Cut Etheric Cords

‘A Ritual You Need to Know’


Have you ever seen the etheric cord

that connects you to everything on this planet?

You may get a glimpse of it every now and again, especially in your most meaningful
relationships. When we connect with another person, especially romantically we
activate an energetic cord with them. As we continue through the relationship every
interaction, thought, emotion and feeling is added to the cord.
This cord has the ability to share energy and transmit a high frequency of
communication, which may explain why we often feel and connect telepathically to
our partner’s thoughts and emotions.

When the cord is healthy, it can create a vibrant, energetic source exchange
however, when the cord is unhealthy, it can often lead to feeling controlled or
drained in energy, which can over time, may develop into illness of the body.

Most of us will intuitively know how strong our cord is with someone, but if you are
unsure, a good measure is how strongly or how often you think or feel towards
someone, especially if the thoughts are obsessive, manipulative or fearful.

Our etheric cords are generated from our chakras / energy centres. When these
connections are imbalanced that is when issues can occur.

We are constantly creating cords with many people and even objects, but if you feel
drawn back to an unhealthy relationship (friends, family or lovers), Karmic
contracts, breaking negative patterns, addictions, or feel a strong psychic connection
to someone that is draining your energy, a cord cutting ritual may be beneficial.
Especially when it comes to relationships, cutting the cord can help break the
energetic attachments created and can help you to move on to receive new
opportunities in your life.
Cutting the cord can help you recharge your energy, feel a sense of peace and
release for you to let go! It may manifest in subtle change, feeling lighter and
happier, so more flows through your energy and then gently leaves ....instead of
attaching it to triggers of older stagnate trauma.

Have you ever felt this experience when after interacting with someone that has left
you feeling drained?

There are many more signs to watch and feel for below, that you can associate in

clearing & cutting the cords of that energy!

10 Signs of Unwanted Energy Cords

1. Obsessive thoughts of person, place, or thing.

2. Negative self-talk or feelings from said person, place, or thing.

3. You feel sick or drained when you think or spend time with
certain people, places, or things.

4. Despite cutting contact, the attachment reappears.

5. You avoid places the attachment may appear or come up, or you
no longer do things you once loved doing.

6. You have repeating dreams about the attachment.

7. You feel like less of a person from the attachment's influence.

8. Even though you feel you've moved on from an attachment, you

find scenarios or life lessons repeating in your life that just don't
seem to go away, regardless of how much Sage you use. This
becomes a karmic loop.

9. You cannot find peace or forgiveness with your attachment.

10. Any thought of the attachment makes you anxious, tired, or

physically sick.

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We are all spiritual beings. Every minute of every day (including when we sleep in
dream state or astral), we are sharing energy with fellow humans, animals, and
nature. Sometimes we can pick up attachments to others that do not serve ours, or
their highest good. Energetic bonds can happen with any chakra, or multiple
chakras, within your energy body.

Most of these bonds happen naturally, as they are with our friends, family, children,
co-workers, neighbours, and they are welcome bonds. Helpful energy bonds consist
of mutual sharing, respect, trust, and love. Yet, because we are always in a state of
growth, sometimes bonds can outlive their purpose. When this happens, cord-
cutting can be majorly beneficial to both parties involved.

Cords and attachments can become very problematic for anyone doing energy or
psychic werk, highly sensitive people and Empaths.

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These type of cords and energies are even MORE important then words and actions
and even physical Contact (in reality) This is also a reason, Worldwide Meditation’s
done by millions of people at the same moment- can end wars or heal a country.

Massive fear, created by the media & Agenda’s, will create a massive fear and
depression collective trauma. Sending out hating someone, may bring the person you
send it to, a weaker aura system that can then infiltrate your energy that creates a
physical reaction such as your mood, health, thoughts. Remember that it is ALL
energy. And NOBODY should be IN your energy- Only You!

When one person thinks of you the whole day, or everyday on certain times and you
have created, or received cords from the other person to you... You feel another
person 24/7 in your aura field. You feel their needs/thoughts/illnesses or wake up at
the same time they do, no matter where they are. Someone creating cords to you,
without knowing it, means a daily energetic prisonship on all chakra’s. It changes
your system. YOU may be the receiver of cords, because you are ‘open’ to feel vibes,
to feel safe in this world.

A cord is created by thought and emotion ~ whether that progresses to a physical

relationship has no bearing on the cord existing. Energy is not restricted by time or
space. Often, if a relationship also becomes physical, the cord only strengthens. A
good example of this is sharing your body in an intimate relationship. How much
energy invested in the relationship will also affect how easy it is to remove or sever
an unwanted or outgrown bond.
Many people consider this topic new age,
but it's actually based on universal lores
and physics.
The majority of energy cords that become problematic are those that attach to the
heart chakra or solar plexus. Your heart emits an electromagnetic field that actually
changes based on your emotional state. When we are in the womb, the heart forms
before the brain. The magnetic field of the human heart can be measured several feet
from the body. It is stronger than the brain. The solar plexus is a very strong energy
point in the body that regulates personal power and life purpose. Even when you
intentionally remove an energy cord with someone, they can come back by thought,
in which case you will need to repeat the process of cutting them. Cords are created
by thought, emotion, contact or contracts, and material & psychic possessions.

The Cord Cutting Ritual

Cut and Remove Unwanted Energy Cords

1. Find a quiet place where you can sit for at least 20 minutes, undisturbed. If you
need to strengthen the intent, light some incense, or smudge around the sacred space
you will reside in. Trust your innate intuition and power in self healing beautiful
one! Will and belief hold great Healings!

2. Close your eyes and begin focusing on your breathing. Inhaling for 4 seconds ~
hold for 3 ~ exhale for 5 seconds ~ hold for 3 and Repeat 4 rotations. Then breathe
into your normal relaxed pace of breathing. You can always use this breathing
exercise to focus into clarity at any time and moments of anxiousness. You may like
to as you breathe feel into the love of any benevolent spiritual guides, ancestors,
archangels, ascended masters and your higher self for support.

3. Once you feel suitably relaxed, envision a thick red or black cord coming from
your tailbone, going deep into the earth, and tying you safely to the core, of the Earth
Star Chakra. This is to ground and also protect you during the ritual.

4. Now draw to mind the person, place, or thing that you wish to cut cords with.

5. Visualize the cords with this person, place, or thing and then imagine cutting
them. You may imagine scissors or a knife to visualize the cutting experience, or
alternatively if you have a Selenite Sword or crystal that is terminated on one or both
ends, this brings a physical action to the practice and release, by cutting the cord,
while envisioning their presence, face or silhouette. The cords may appear black,
thick, heavy, or like frayed ropes or a spiralling dusty dark DNA strand. Healthy
energy cords usually manifest visually as gold, silver, or white. Negative cords will
"feel" negative and often look that way as well. Do not question your instinctual
intuition in this practice. Cutting cords can be symbolic with scissors, a sword,
burning them off, dusting them like cobwebs, or you removing them by hand. Tell
this person place or thing that you love them, you wish them well, but no longer will
be tied to them. Then CUT the cords, while reciting this mantra below…
“Dear Spirit Guides of love and healing and higher self, I call upon you to help me
heal, let go, cutting all etheric cords that are no longer serving my higher purpose. I
ask that all cords attached to me that are not aligned with love, light and positive
intention, be immediately identified and released. I call upon your assistance for me
to release the attachment of _________ (said person, place or thing) and surround
me with a healing light to protect me from future attachments past, present, future,
in all time, space and dimensions. I am grateful for your blessings and guidance…
Thank You.”

6. Repeat this process as often as needed until you feel they are all cleared. Especially
if there is more than one person, place or thing! If multiple, do it 1 at a time, so you
can have more detail to connect to the said person, place or thing, for a more potent

7. Now, visualize the cord you attached to the core of the earth, being untied and
slowly ascending back up into your tailbone and slowly rock and move gently.

8. Bring your awareness back to conscious reality, and have a slow long stretch. You
may feel heat in the tailbone area that is ignited.

9. Thank your higher self, spiritual guides, ancestors, archangels, ascended masters
and YOURSELF, and go about your day.

10. Repeat this exercise as often as needed if you feel said person, place, or thing
invading your thoughts.

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After the ritual is over, I highly suggest to smudge your self and surroundings with
Sage, Herbs Resins, Palo Santo or any other protective Spiritual Practice you may
regularly action. Take a warm bath or shower, to rejuvenate and clear off any
energetic residue from the ritual and remember to drink plenty of good water and
relax in a peaceful comfortable setting, for a little while. You will know
instantaneously of your ritual werking in your energy, as you will be feeling lighter,
more energized and more balanced in peace, you may also have clearer eyes in the

This is a beautiful practice of Spiritual Hygiene for anyone and especially for those
Brothers and Sistars, who are servicing the collective, Shaman Sisters and Brothers,
Reiki, Energy Intuitive’s, Energy Practitioners, Psychics, Channelers, Tarot Readers,
Mystic Seers, Clairvoyants, Yogi’s, Meditation Facilitators, Empaths, Motivational
Speakers or Supersensory Sensitive Beings, and those who feel awareness of their
energy & Spiritual Hygiene. Clear yourself ‘before’ EACH interaction and 'after' so
you may werk at your highest vibrational potential and your safest force field energy
in your Auric Field while doing so!
Everyone ‘always’ needs a regular ‘Spiritual Hygiene
Practice’ EACH day to ‘Action’ of Energy Release and
Clearing, as we are ALL Energy, our vibrations change with
ALL interactions throughout our days.

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Crystals Assist in Deeper Cleansing ~ Selenite is the Clearing Crystal & Master
Healer Stone of clearing blockages & dark Stagnate Energy from the vessel &
environment. Selenite is named after Greek Goddess Selene 'σεληνη' "the Moon".
Perfect for any type of Energy Healing, (to clear yourself and 'others' energy)
Assisting ALL in their energy practice, to stay clear and at your highest vibrating
frequency for the magnificent WERK that you service to the collective community
and putting a force field in your daily life style for ANYONE.

Swiping the body Morning and Night or anytime with clearing crystals, you can feel
the lift instantaneously. It feels like a magnate that draws out what no longer is
needed! I love to lay down and place my Selenite Sword and Crystals across my heart
& other chakras and feel instantaneous calmness and protection.

Selenite also evokes protection from the Angelic Realm (A must for any Self Healer)
and also dispels negative energy. ... The powerful vibration of Selenite Clears, Opens,
and Activates the 3rd Eye, Crown and Higher Chakras first, that then activates and
charges all other chakras in the lower dantian.
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Perfect to also adorn as an ornamental crystal in any sacred space, dressing table,
altar or reading table, or even just waving it over your body each day for clearing
and cleansing. Selenite loves to connect in the Moon light after the Goddess she is
named after.

“I personally believe that Selenite and Clear Quartz Terminated crystals need to be
Cleansed As well as all crystals do. Especially with these crystals being spiritual
werk crystals, in my experience, it catches and attaches energy removed from any
energy session healings. A simply way to cleanse your Selenite Wand / Sword is to
Smudge it with White Sage, however if you are wanting a deeper more thorough
cleanse, which I use after each Session, I have an easy ritual to action.”

Clear Quartz Terminated is my go to in my sessions for its clearing of energy or

entity and really responds to a Fire Sage! I recommend to stringently clear the crystal
after every use on others and self. Hold the Clear Quartz by finger tips of each
terminated sides and carefully run it through the fire (ground or candle fire) passing
it through quickly a few times, as the heat dispels the lower energy of entity to be
released from the crystal to the Aether to be transmutated or back to the earth,
To cleanse your Selenite Wand / Sword
1. Light Sage leaves or incense.
2. Draw a circle with a white chalk.
3. Keep the gypsum crystal Selenite Wand in the middle.
4. Now, take a clear quartz (terminated if you have one), and hover it over the circle in
a clockwise direction around the selenite wand to clean it.
5. Repeat the circle 7 times…. You’re done!

Thank you for connecting to your inner Self in the Spiritual Hygiene Practice of
Cutting the Energetic Cords

‘Wùuti Muuyaw, Taaqa Taawa, Suukya Katsinas Mongwa'

(“Women of the Moon, Men of the Sun, together with Protector Owl, we are ONE’)

x DoYouEvenSage

Lovingly sharing our Intentioned handmade Treasures in all area's of 'Spiritual

Hygiene' and 'Energy Techniques' for cleansing the Aura, Body, Mind, SoulSpirit,
Home and Hearth.

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