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W I N T E R U P DAT E 2 0 1 1

ACTS what I have seen and heard. 4:20 For I cannot help but speak of
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Brothers, pray for us. 1 Thess 5:25

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Always Going August

A month of extreme outreach
Everyday there is an event occurring on campus, in an attempt to reach 10,000 students. We also have an internet ministry going on. Pray students link up and ask good questions. Pray for our conversations.

in d u s! b T h a t is a z e t era ibce h s e d i t ! ha r, la
2 minutes

A city united.
Soccer united us for the World Cup, we are praying this will unite us now. John 17:23 promises great things with unity. Pray our campus and churches from Durban unite in an effort to reach our campus.

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3
Su mme r P r oj ec t
t seems like only yesterday that the summer project was simply an event on a piece of paper that we were praying for, but now they are names and faces written on my heart. The team of 23 Americans arrived in May to help us close out our semester. We were able to split them up onto 3 of our 4 campuses and spend 2 weeks talking to students about who Christ is and what He did on the cross. The students on every campus were very excited to talk to Americans and even more excited to hear about Christ. As they shared between 20-25 students decided to follow Christ with their lives. One day Becca, from the SP, and I met 2 Zulu girls. As we shared with them they claimed to be Christians but had no idea about the forgiveness of our wrongdoings that came from Jesus dying on the cross.

Leadership Meeting
Replacing ourselves
One of our last times of good direction. Pray for complacency to end and students to catch vision to take over ministry here with force!

They had heard the story and knew about Heaven but thought they had to be perfect to get there. I was able to share with them knowing God only happens by loving God and it is simply because of His love and grace for us that we can be with Him. I explained that in our times of wrongdoing all we must do is agree that it is wrong and turn away from it, relying on God to help us. Then we are forgiven and can do good things because we love God not because we want anything in return. Both were so excited to hear this good news and they prayed to ask Jesus for forgiveness. I met with them the next day and they had already told 4 others what I told them and brought a friend with them to hear it again. Pray for them as their passion increases!

One Question
What would you ask God?
Its our big campaign for this August, online and on campus. Students will be asked this question to start conversation. It will end with a big open air event on August 26 to answer the top question.

Love the Lord
Pray for me to fall passionately in love with the Lord in order to stay refreshed throughout this month. Pray this love strengthens my self-discipline.

Religion that is pure and undeled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their aiction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27

A side from the projects time on in campus we also did some work
the community. We were able to partner with 2 organizations in the community, Heart-2-Heart and Ukukhanya. H-2-H is run by our friends Abby and Sandile. They are trying to help rebuild a community by starting with the youth. We were able to spend time playing with the 12 children who live in the house as well as with many others from the community who came to have help with homework, and learn to play sports. Most days I spent rolling around in the dirt wrestling with the kids. We also formed a soccer team to play against theirs and they were tough competitors. Sandiles vision is to keep them out of trouble by giving them a goal to work towards as he helps them try to reach their goal of playing professional soccer. Some of them denitely seemed good enough to do it. We were also able to go out into the community and speak with people who lived there helping them with anything they needed as well as praying for their needs. Each day we spent there was wonderful!

We worked here at Heart-to-Heart ministries. It is a place where 12 children live and others come after school to play, get help with homework, and learn to play soccer.

At Ukukhanya our time looked much dierent. Every day we did something new. At rst we played with the kids there and helped clean the building. Then we spent time doing HIV testing for the community. We had around 100 people tested and only a few were positive. Those were hard times of

praying and counseling as people stood face to face with death. The time there was hard as complications caused the government to remove a few children and we saw one woman pass away. It made the realities the common hard lives in this country so much closer to home and broke our hearts repeatedly.

O rp han a nd vu lne r ab l e c hi l dr e n c amp

We also spent time at Ukukhanya preparing for OVC camp. Our students helped us host over 100 children, 5-18, from Ntuzuma who are orphaned or in rough situations. As it came together it seemed like we pulled o a miracle! I helped with the 13-16 year old girls that I worked with last year. It was great catching up and seeing how they had grown. It was also really hard to see the new situations they were going through and the hardships they came across in the last year. Many students experienced God for the rst time and all of them had fun! It was so hard to send the children home as we learned more about the realities of their lives. Lives lled with abuse, little food, and even less love. It was great to spend a week loving them and allowing them to be children, but it makes it so much harder to send them home knowing they may not experience it for another year. A video from camp is on my blog.

The Summer Project team out for their last night in Durban at a fun African Restaurant named Moyo. It was a great time to celebrate while watching people dance, having our faces painted, and eating some great South African food! Our table tried Kudu, a big game buck.

Always Going August: How long will you put o taking possession of the land I have given you? Joshua 18:3
is crazy! you Augustnotabout to getLord hasIfgiven have heard the us a vision to unite our campus ministries and churches from the city and spend a month going hard trying to tell 10,000 students about Jesus! We are beginning by inviting everyone we know to an evangelism training session where we will cast vision, train everyone in sharing their faith, and challenge them tell at least 1 person each day about Jesus. After the training ends we begin bringing all of our plans together. We have planned an event or talk for everyday at Westville that will need to be planned and led. These range from talking about questions we have for God, talking about sex, oering free coee, shining peoples shoes, or painting their nails. You name it we are being creative and trying to do it. We have even started several ways of using the internet to try to reach people by getting them talking online about big issues. It will be a fun and busy month and I am so excited to see what God will do!

Please pray for us as we go! Pray that this weekend all who are invited attend and that many more people will be excited to join us. Pray for the people who are ghting uniting and giving up their programs and church names to simply be one church this month, Christs church. Pray for our logistics as already we have seen many things go wrong with booking rooms and organizing everything. Pray for us to do this only because we love God and want to make Him known!

This is Alex, a friend on summer project, and me in the Drakensberg Mountains. We took the team up there for a day trip and were surprised by all the snow!

I f i nal ly jumpe d o f f the go r g e !

email: monda143@g phone: 0765372373

C o n t a c t Me !

Meet Giovanni Monda!

This is my new nephew who was born on June 10, 2011 around 10:17 South Africa Time. I am so thankful for the technology that allowed me to be a part of his wonderful day! I was able to skype into the hospital room all night while we awaited his arrival and all throughout the birth. It was as if I was really there with my family! He is growing up quickly and mommy and daddy are loving being parents! They keep me up to date by posting pictures of everything they do!

address: 12 Edinburgh Cres Westville, 3629 KwaZulu-Natal, So uth Africa This was how we sta rted our car all throughout Summer Project. Car trouble was our the me. We borrowed 4 different cars durin g those 5 weeks. cent

https://give.ccci.or g/give/ VirtualCommonLink s/process/ newGift/0618930?D esig=0618930

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