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2022, 20:17 环球英语 — 32:Debating School Uniforms_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

Voice 1
Thank you for joining us for today’s Spotlight 1  program. I’m Liz Waid.
Voice 2
And I’m Rebekah Schipper. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to
understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Some wear blue.
Voice 2
Some wear green.
Voice 1
Some wear skirts.
Voice 2
Others wear pants.
Voice 1
What are we talking about?
Voice 2
School uniforms! Children all over the world wear special clothes to school. Uniforms make all the children
of the school look the same. Some people believe that it is good to make children wear the same clothes to
school. But other people believe that school uniforms are a bad idea. Today’s Spotlight will discuss the
debate about school uniforms.
Voice 1
Recently, in Germany, school officials sent two [2] young girls away from school. The girls were wearing
Muslim burkas, or head coverings. Officials of the school did not think the girls should wear the burkas to
Voice 2
After the incident the country’s Justice Minister suggested an idea. She said that a national school uniform
would solve the problem. Every child would have to wear the same kinds of clothes to school. The Justice
Minister said that the uniforms would hide the differences between rich and poor children.
Voice 1
But many people in Germany believe that the school uniform is a bad idea. They think that it is linked to
the Nazi 2  era 3 , when Hitler was leader, during the Second World War. Hitler killed
many innocent 4  people during the war. Many children worked for Hitler. They wore special uniforms
during Hitler’s rule. So, many people in Germany today do not like what uniforms represent. The uniforms
make them remember the time of Hitler.
Voice 2
Germany is not the only country debating about uniforms. You can find debate about school uniforms all
over the world! In fact, legal courts in France have had to settle many cases over school uniforms! In 2004,
France finally had to pass a law. The law banned children from wearing any religious clothes or symbols to
French State schools. This ban included symbols from any religion. The children were only permitted to
wear the school uniform.
Voice 1
These kinds of court cases make many people wonder about how religion and education mix. Many people
believe that children should be able to wear religious clothes to school.
Voice 2
But the debate about school uniforms is not just about religion. Children in Japan wear uniforms. Their
uniforms model army uniforms from other countries and from different time periods! Many boys’ uniforms
look like nineteenth century Prussian army uniforms. And many girls’ uniforms model
European navy 5  uniforms!
Voice 1
The uniforms have nothing to do with Japan’s own military past. And they do not represent Japanese culture
either. But, Japan established its education system in the eighteen seventies [1870s]. At that time Japan
looked to countries like Germany, France, and Britain for ideas. So today, Japanese school uniforms still
model those old ideas. This concerns many Japanese people. They do not like the uniforms and what they
represent. Many people want to create new uniforms that are more Japanese.
Voice 2
This example from Japan leads into the next reason why many people do not like school uniforms. They 1/2
15.08.2022, 20:17 环球英语 — 32:Debating School Uniforms_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

believe uniforms take away individuality. That is, uniforms do not let children express who they are. These
people believe that children should wear what they want to school. Choosing clothes is a way to express
Voice 1
The BBC website asked people what they think about school uniforms. One man from Singapore had this to
Voice 3
“Students, especially teens, should let their creativity flow. One’s character can be seen in the clothes they
wear. Students should have the freedom of showing other people who they really are.”
Voice 2
Other people believe that uniforms cost too much money. Susan works 6  for the United Nation’s children
department in Kenya, in Africa. She says that uniforms are a mixed blessing 7  for many poor families. She
Voice 4
“The idea behind the uniform was that it brings students together. Rich children and poor children look the
same. But, in truth, uniforms often cost parents more than what they can pay for. Many children only have
one uniform. The uniform may be the only clothes they have. By the end of a school year the uniform often
looks old. This can bring shame to a child.”
Voice 1
So, are school uniforms a bad idea? Well, there are many people who think that school uniforms are a very
good idea! Vinod is from Kannur in southern India. He said,
Voice 5
“Individuals will always shine. It is the majority that needs looking after. Children should not feel afraid
because of differences in society. In uniform everyone looks the same. There is no religion, no rich, no poor.
All are equal.”
Voice 1
Peter is from San Diego California in the United States. He said
Voice 6
“Uniforms often cost less money and are easier to provide than popular clothing.”
Voice 1
EunYoung Cho is from Seoul, Korea. She said
Voice 7
“There are good reasons for wearing uniforms. Students feel united and attached to their school. Poor
students do not have to worry about their old looking clothes. All students can save time by not having to
choose what to wear in the morning. Uniforms do not (prevent) individuality. Individuality does not come
from one’s clothes. It comes from what is inside a person.
Voice 1
And Fasahath is from Madras, India. She said
Voice 8
“Uniforms have to be sensitive to different cultural values. Simple solutions are seen in many schools in
India. The uniforms for schools include different designs for girls. There are two kinds. One
design fully 8  covers the head and body of the girl. The other is usually a skirt and a shirt. The girls can
choose to wear either design. The cost is pretty much the same for both designs!”
Voice 2
So are school uniforms a good idea for children? Or are they a bad idea? The debate is sure to continue as
long as schools and children exist!
Voice 1
Sometimes during a debate or conflict there is no clear answer. In situations like these it is good to remember
what is most important. Is a child’s individuality most important? Is the child’s right to wear religious
clothing or symbols most important? Is making sure all children get along together most important? Or is a
child’s education most important?
Voice 2
Education is very important. And every child deserves 9  a safe environment where he or she may learn.
That could mean sending children to school in a uniform. Or it may mean children go to a school where there
are no uniforms. But always remember what is most important. Remember that the debate should never be
more important than the education. 2/2

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