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“The Fall of Bataan”


 The Battle of Bataan ended on April 9, SOURCES

1942, when Army Major General
Edward P. King surrendered to  Secondary sources
Japanese General Masaharu Homma.
About 12,000 Americans and 63,000
Filipinos became prisoners of war.


CONTENT OF PUBLICATION * What would happen if Douglas Mc. Arthur

didn't return to the Philippines?
 The Fall of Bataan is a historical event
in the Philippines in the time of WW II * Is there a chance to win if the Americans and
it is a battle of Americans and and Filipino soldiers continue to fight?
Filipino soldiers against Japanese
imperial army, but April 9, 1942 the * If ever the reinforcement arrives in the
Filipino and Americans soldiers Philippines is there possibility they can defend
formally surrendered. Through the and survive the battle in Bataan?
Voice of Freedom radio broadcast,
* What happen to those thousands of Filipino
Third Lieutenant Normando Ildefonso
and American soldiers in prisons?
Reyes reading a message prepared by
Captain Salvador P. Lopez informed the * Are they being tortured, became a slave,
Philippines and the world from Malinta etc?
Tunnel in Corregidor: “Bataan has


 The method used is to allowed all of

the people and world in the past on
the time of Japanese invasions and
WW II on how destructive, how many
millions of live have been taken, how
many people have suffer to this war.

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