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2022, 20:02 环球英语 — 31:Special People_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

Voice 1
Hello. I’m Christy VanArragon.
Voice 2
And I’m Elizabeth Lickiss. Welcome to Spotlight 1 . This programme uses a special English method of
broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Some scientists are studying something very strange. It is something they have never seen before. They are
studying five young adults who cannot walk upright. They bend over and use their hands and their feet in
order to move along. The scientists want to find out why these people cannot stand up straight. Some of the
scientists believe they are sick. Other scientists have a different theory.
Voice 2
These five people are members of the Ulas family. They live in Turkey. Their parents had nineteen children.
Most of them learned to walk in the usual way. But three girls and a boy have never been able to stand up
straight or to walk. Another girl can stand for a short time. She can walk a few steps but she also uses her
hands and her feet.
Voice 1
Since early in the year 2005, scientists and doctors have been studying this family. The five young people
have spent time in hospital. They have had many medical tests. They have other problems as well as their
difficulty with walking. They have very limited language. They are unable to count from one to ten. And the
different parts of their bodies do not co-operate well with one another.
But what is causing these problems? There has been much discussion and disagreement about them. Did they
just lack good food and the right kind of care when they were babies? Or are their problems genetic 2 ?
Voice 2
The scientists discovered that these five young people suffer from a rare genetic condition. It is called
cerebellar hypoplasia. This condition is caused by a group of damaged genes 3 . The damaged genes
prevent an important part of the brain from developing. It is the part of the brain that affects how the parts of
the body co-operate with each other.
Voice 1
Some scientists think that the damaged genes may be the ones that cause human beings to walk on two legs.
If that is true, it would explain why the five young people cannot walk normally. These scientists think that
other genes may have started working instead of the damaged genes. The scientists suggest that these genes
are ‘older’. They may be the genes that cause animals to walk on all four legs. They think that these genes
could have existed in our ancient ancestors.
Some scientists are saying that these five young people of the Ulas family represent a missing link with our
ancestors. Uner Tan, a Turkish scientist, believes they are like a model. He thinks they demonstrate how
human beings developed.
Voice 2
Mr and Mrs Ulas have had many difficulties. They have struggled to care for their large family. The people
who live near them have been hostile towards them. They drive the five young people away when they see
them. These local people do not like the Ulas children because their behaviour is different from normal.
Voice 1
All parents want their children to be loved and accepted. The Ulas parents are no different. Mr Ulas said, ‘I
would give everything I have to help my children walk normally’. Mr and Mrs Ulas were very unhappy
when they heard what the scientists were suggesting. They were angry that these scientists seemed to be
saying their children were not really human.
Voice 2
But other scientists explain the problem in a completely different way. Dr Stephen Jones is a professor of
genetics at University College London. He agrees that the problem is genetic in origin. But he says, ‘You
cannot say that because people walk on their hands and feet they must represent a link to animals such as
Dr. Jones believes that other facts combined with the genetic problem. He thinks the two things together have
caused the sad condition of the Ulas children.
Voice 1
Mr and Mrs Ulas are very close relations. Two people like that can be in danger of producing unhealthy
children. Mrs Ulas had seven children in the space of five years. It is possible that this would cause the
children to be weak. The Ulas family live far away from a town or a city. There was no-one to help their sick
children when they were born. These facts could easily explain why these young people have suffered 1/2
15.08.2022, 20:02 环球英语 — 31:Special People_在线英语听力室_免费在线英语听力学习网站

such tragic 4  lives.
Voice 2
The scientists continue to argue over the case. It raises very important questions and they cannot agree about
the answers. A team of scientists from Germany believes there is one main difference between humans and
animals. It is the fact that humans can walk on two legs. These scientists say that this is what
really defines 5  a human being. Other scientists believe there is much more to being human than that.
Voice 1
The Bible teaches that God created people to be special, and separate from the animals. This is something
more than the way we walk. The Bible says that God made people to be like himself. He gave them the same
qualities that he has. The Bible calls it ‘being made in the image of God’.
Voice 2
People love other people and show kindness and care. This is a quality from God. The Bible says God is
love. And to some degree, all people desire to know God. This shows that human nature is spiritual. The
image of God in us searches for the God who made us.
Voice 1
Christians 6  believe that every person is made in the image of God, even people who have minds or
bodies that do not work normally. But the Bible teaches that the image was ruined when humans rebelled
against God, and started to sin. Only one person has ever truly represented the image of God and that is Jesus
Christians believe that Jesus Christ never sinned. He came to the world in order to repair that ruined image.
Jesus begins to recreate the image of God in the life of any person who believes in Jesus as the way back to
Voice 2
The scientists will continue to discuss the issues surrounding the Ulas family. They will probably continue to
disagree! But their interest has already brought the family help. Doctors are working with the young people
to improve both their speech and their walking.
The worst affected 7  child is a boy called Hussein. He hated not being able to walk upright. He was angry
and very unhappy. But Hussein began using a device on wheels. It supported him while he learned to walk.
After much effort, he can now stand up and walk alone. He is a happy man! Life is getting better for Hussein,
his sisters and the whole Ulas family. 2/2

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