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University of Algiers 2/Department of English/2nd year English Grammar/

Week 5: Practice with Pronouns

Exercises 1: Insert appropriate pronouns

1. Amelia Earhart was 34 years old when ---- received the USA Distinguished Flying Cross as the first female
2. The storm caused a lot of damage when ---- hit the coastal areas.
3. Unless ---- want to fail in your exam, you had better study.
4. Don’t be angry with ---- , as this new system is not familiar with Harry, he can make mistakes easily.
5. If you want to improve your students' creativity, don’t restrain ---- .
6. I came across with a friend of ---- while walking down the road.
7. I believe that’s not Maria’s car; ---- is white.
8. I just can’t understand the reason why you want to live ---- .
9. As newborns can’t feed ---- they rely on their mother.
10. George has been living ---- since he was a teenager.
11. The movie ---- wasn’t very good however I quite liked the songs.
12. Since the kids couldn’t lift up the table ---- , I helped them.

Exercise 2: Insert a definite pronoun

1. There is ---------------- to get help. Where is everybody?

2. We can eat at ---------------- you wish as long as there’s red meat.
3. --------------- in the world is as beautiful as my home town, I love this place.
4. I couldn’t find ---------------- to ask, so I just left.
5. There’s --------------- at the door who wants to talk to you.
6. I am so sick that I feel ----------------- but pain.
7. We don’t have ---- -------------to eat, we need to go out to get some food.
8. I know he bought you ---- -----------very special but I can't remember what it was.
9. --------------- gets what they deserve as long as they work for it.
10. I’ve checked --------------------, yet I cannot find my slippers.
11. The witness said he saw ------------------- (negative)from his bedroom window.
12. I need -------------------- in the afternoon but I will see you afterwards.

Exercise 3:Circle the correct personal pronoun.

1. They saw Steve and me / I at the movies last night after class.

2. He is going to the party with you and me / I, if you don't mind.

3. You and her / she ought to return the books to the library because they are already overdue.

4. Prof. Molina left a message for you and me / I. He needs to see us.

5. Ron invited Mary and me / I to have dinner with him.

6. Emily is a good basketball player. I watch Betsy and she / her carefully during games.

7. Tom and me / I, both want to marry Ann. She has to choose between he and I / him and me.

8. Nick ate dinner with the Robertsons and we / us.

9. The new student has been assigned to work on the group research project with you and I / me.

10. He rang Mary and invited she / her to dinner.


1. Mothers had to go out to work and leave the children in the house __________.

2. It is a horror film so children aren't allowed to see it __________.

3. The town __________ was so small that it didn't have a bank.

4. He was tired out but he forced __________ to go on.

5. It is difficult for me. I can't do it all __________.

6. She had cut __________ so badly that she had to be rushed to hospital.

7. It looked extremely heavy. I knew I couldn't lift it __________.

8. I hate living __________.

9. They are making fools of __________.

10. It was the SSG reporter __________ who told me.

Exercise 5: Supply either REFLEXIVE or OBJECT pronouns.

1. I cut me / myself shaving this morning.

2. They put the book between them / themselves on the kitchen table.

3. We got out of the river and dried us / ourselves.

4. Mrs. Bixby went out, slamming the door behind her / herself.

5. I was thoroughly ashamed of me / myself.

6. I will take it home with myself / me.

7. Have you got money on you / yourself?

8. You only think of you / yourself.

9. There is a big truck in front of me / myself.

10. Come and sit beside me / myself.

Exercise 6: Choose the word that best completes the sentences.

1. Hello Henry, Kate, Peter. Help _______ to some food and I'll be with you in a moment.

A) you B) yours C) yourself D) yourselves

2. A student of _______ has just been to see me.

A) your B) yours C) yourself D) you

3. Her parents were in Malaya. So were _______.

A) mine B) your C) my D) myself

4. The cat caught _______ tail in the door.

A) it's B) itself C) its D) it

5. When Sally won the lottery, she pinched _______ to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

A) hers B) herself C) her D) himself

6. _______ in the village went to the party but _______ enjoyed it very much.

A) Someone / no one B) Nobody / no one C) Everyone / nobody D) Everyone / somebody

7. Steffi Graff is _______ who I have always admired.

A) someone B) no one C) everyone D) anyone

8. You mustn't blame _______. You are the guilty one.

A) yourself B) me C) myself D) you

9. Almost no friend of _______ came to the funeral.

A) her B) myself C) theirs D) them

10. It's partly finished. There is _______ left.

A) nothing B) everything C) anything D) something

11. I didn't buy _______ in the end.

A) nothing B) something C) everybody D) anything

12. It's no good if everyone _______ to get _______ own way.

A) wants / theirs B) want / their C) wants / their D) want / theirs

13. He was an only child, so he had to learn how to amuse _______.

A) himself B) him C) anybody D) each others

14. They always defend _______. If you blame one, the other will spring to her aid.

A) themselves B) one another C) him D) them

15. He claimed to be an expert, but he knew almost _______ about it.

A) everything B) nothing C) anything D) something

16. If _______ had called, they would have left a message.

A) anybody B) nobody C) everybody D) no one

17. No one can find Alcie and Dave _______.

A) everwhere B) somewhere C) anywhere D) nowhere

Exercise 7: Read this letter from Ben to his friend Sheila. For each space, put a relative pronoun:

whose - where - when - who - which - that

 Where it is possible to leave the empty space without a relative pronoun, write 0 (zero) in the box.
 Where both which and that can be used, use that.

Dear Sheila,

In your last letter, you asked me to tell you about all the things I did during my summer vacation.

We went to Vancouver (1) I have some old friends (2) I haven't seen for about three years. My friend

Tim, (3) mother I wrote about in my last letter to you, came with me and we had a great time. We flew into

Vancouver on Monday 24th, (4) was also my birthday.

The first thing we did was to visit the wonderful aquarium in the city center (5) there are three killer whales and

a whole crowd of seals, penguins and dolphins. We arrived in the late afternoon (6) all the animals are fed so it

was wonderful to see the dolphins leaping out of the water to get the fish (7) they love to eat so much. The

following day, (8) was cloudy and rainy unfortunately, we went to a museum (9) they have some

dinosaur skeletons (10) local people have found in the area. The horrible weather never improved all day so we

visited a superb seafood restaurant later in the afternoon and had an early dinner. The waiters, (11) were all

dressed in traditional fishermen's clothes, were very friendly and told us about the history of the restaurant (12)

name was The Jolly Whaler. The restaurant, (13) has been open since 1888, was once visited by the American
President J.F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie. The skies were blue on Thursday and we spent some time out on the sea

in a large boat (14) we hired. I caught a big fish (15) the captain said was the biggest he'd seen this year.

I felt very proud! We left on Thursday evening after a mini-vacation (16) helped me to relax a lot and now I

have returned to work. The next time (17) you write to me, you must tell me about YOUR last vacation.

Bye for now Sheila,

Exercise 8: Use the appropriate antecedent pronoun.

1. The couple are separating on ................fifth wedding anniversary

2. She ordered a dozen of the chocolate-filled doughnuts, and ............. was exactly the right number
3. Neither of the managers planned to keep ................... inventory lean.
4. Some of the income will find .................way into the accounts of other companies.
5. None of the organic farmers felt that an increase in consumer interest would threaten ......profitability.
6. Few of today’s teenagers are loyal to one brand of clothing even though ................. may prefer one
brand to another.
7. Only one of the managers who gathered at the Ocean City convention expects to pay ........expenses.
8. All of this new market stability owes .............strength to a few courageous investors.
9. Anyone can make a good impression on ................prospective employer.

Exercise 7: Look at this letter of complaint that Daniel writes to the owner of a hotel company. For each space,
write the correct relative pronoun. If no relative pronoun is required, simply put "x" as the answer.

Dear Mr. Jeffries,

I want to complain about the hotel (1) I stayed last week, one of your company's hotels. I spent
nearly $200 on the hotel, (2) I assumed would guarantee me some level of quality. That is a
mistake (3) I won't be making again!This was going to be a second honeymoon for my wife and I,
which I think you can understand the importance of. The first problem we encountered was finding the
place. The address given on your website was wrong. I asked someone who told me there were always
tourists who were lost in the area. Please correct the address immediately to prevent other situations such as
that (4) we suffered.On arriving at the hotel, which had taken more than an hour, we were
informed (5) we didn't have a reservation. Another twenty minutes passed before the receptionist,
(6) name I cannot recall, found our e-mail and told us "there was an administrative error" by
(7) I presume she means "the hotel is run like a circus". We were finally shown to the room by a
porter (8) was wearing a very dirty T-shirt. It was cold and there was a wind coming under the
door, which all made my wife feel very upset. I would like at the very least a refund of the money we spent
so foolishly by staying in your hotel. I would also appreciate an honest explanation of why we had to tolerate
such treatment during a stay that was supposed to be relaxing.


Daniel Marston

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