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Project 3

Three dimensional Geometry.

Finding the coordinates of different points identified in your classroom using concept of three dimensional geometry
and also find the distance between the identified objects (points).

Work to be done by students in group:

1. Choose any of your classroom
corner as the origin (ie., intersection of two edges of walls and floor)
Corner of the room


Door O A Corner of room


2. Find the coordinates of e ch corner of the room, corners ofí window, doors, smart board etc.
3. Find the coordinates of the tip of ceiling fan, projector etc. in the space of the classroom.

4. Measure the distance between the different points actually and by distance formula.

5. Find lengths of the diagonals of the room using distance formula.

Project 4
Differential Equations

Formation of differential equations to explain rate of change of temperature of water at a given room temperature.

Work to be done by students in group of 3

1. Note the room temperature using thermometre.
2. Boil 1 litre of water in a beaker.
3. Note the temperature of boiled water.
4. Note the temperature of boiled water at an interval of every half an hour till temperature reaches to room

temperature. Prepare a table for this.

Time () at an interval of h hr. Temperature of Room temperature Difference

water (T) (P) T- P

Remains constant
(a) 9:00 O' clock
(b) 9:30 O clock
(c) 10:00 O' clock
(d) 10:30 ' clock

5. Rate of change of temperature T with respect to t.

- k (T-P).(k is constant of proportionality and minus sign denotes that temperature is decreasing).
Solve it using variable separable,

On integrating both sides, we have

log |T- Pl = kt + C.

6. The value of 'c' and k can be calculated by using two initial values of T and t from observation table.
7. In this way get differential equations.

Follow up
This project can be done for other situations like
() growth of bacterias in different environment
(ü) to examine the profitability with production of new
product in a
(ii) amount of the salt in a tank of brine water at
any time.

92 Tagether wth Mathematics Lab Manual-12

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