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Year 36 No.

14 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)—Green October 16, 2022

Sunday for Cultures

Standing Firm
in God
by Fr. Norman Melchor R. Peña, SSP

T he war between Amalek

and Israel recounted in Ex
17:8-13 relives the tension command: “Proclaim the his child. In prayer, one should
between two brothers—Esau word, be persistent [stand stand firm not only in asking
and Jacob, sons of Isaac. firm], whether it is convenient but also in believing sincerely
Amalek was the grandson of or inconvenient; convince, that God wants the best for
Esau, and Israel was known as reprimand, encourage through every person. It is allowing God
Jacob, patriarch of the Israelites. all patience and teaching” to embrace us who in reality,
Scripture narrates how Jacob (2 Tm 4:2). Moses and the because of our limitations and
got the blessings of Isaac who Israelites stand upon their weaknesses, cannot embrace
thought him to be his firstborn faith in God, continue to make God enough. Do we allow God
son (Cf. Gn 27:5-7). The root that faith present physically to embrace us? How much
of fighting was ownership of and spiritually, and through it of that embrace do we share
the birthright, and each party overcome the Amalekites. with others?
was determined to win – the The same ephistémi is The call of the coming
stronger Amalekites fighting manifested by the widow who Synod to DIALOGUE WITH
fearlessly, and the Israelites stands firm and never gives up, THE CHURCH AND THE
standing firm and inspired by to the point of pestering the WORLD in its diverse cultures
the praying hands of Moses judge for justice in her case is an invitation to share God’s
kept raised on one side by (Cf. Lk 18:3-5). Jesus links it to embrace, to stand firm, “in the
Aaron and on the other by an authentic attitude towards fullness of faith shared by all
Hur (Cf. v. 12). prayer. More than obtaining members of the People of God
It is this standing firm, what one asks for, prayer is and assist in handing it on to
ephistémi, recognized as about a Father, a God, who all people and all peoples”
a potent verb in the New caringly listens to his children (ITC, 58), to focus on what
Testament, which Paul originally and shows concern for what unites rather than what divides,
uses as an encouragement to they need most. Winning in and to embrace each other
Timothy amid the challenges, prayer means more than just a too in prayer. Ephistémi in the
difficulties, and problems in child showing love for God but embrace of prayer assures. It
proclaiming and living God’s discovering a God who loves guarantees victory!
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria Moses told him: he engaged
Amalek in battle after Moses
Entrance Antiphon All—Glory to God in the had climbed to the top of the
(Cf. Ps 17 [16]: 6, 8) highest, and on earth peace hill with Aaron and Hur. As
(Recited when there is no opening song) to people of good will. We long as Moses kept his hands
praise you, we bless you, we raised up, Israel had the better
To you I call; for you will surely adore you, we glorify you, we
heed me, O God; turn your ear of the fight, but when he let
give you thanks for your great his hands rest, Amalek had
to me; hear my words. Guard glory, Lord God, heavenly King,
me as the apple of your eye; the better of the fight. Moses’
O God, almighty Father. Lord hands, however, grew tired;
in the shadow of your wings Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
protect me. 
 so they put a rock in place for
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, him to sit on. Meanwhile Aaron
Son of the Father, you take and Hur supported his hands,
Greeting away the sins of the world,
(The sign of the cross is made here) one on one side and one on
have mercy on us; you take the other, so that his hands
P—The Lord be with you. away the sins of the world, remained steady till sunset. And
All—And with your spirit. receive our prayer; you are Joshua mowed down Amalek
seated at the right hand of and his people with the edge
Introduction the Father, have mercy on us.
(The priest addresses the assembly with of the sword.
For you alone are the Holy
these or other similar words)
One, you alone are the Lord, —The word of the Lord.
P—Today’s readings remind you alone are the Most High, All—Thanks be to God.
us to persevere in prayer and Jesus Christ, with the Holy
not to lose heart amidst all the Spirit, in the glory of God the Responsorial Psalm (Ps 121)
difficulties of life. Thus let us ask Father. Amen. R—Our help is from the Lord,
the Lord the grace to overcome who made heaven and earth.
suffering in love and truth. Collect
E. C. Marfori
As we celebrate Sunday for P—Let us pray. (Pause) E. C. Marfori

C Em F
Cultures, we pray for openness        C Em
 F 
 
Almighty ever-living God,
towards dialogue to all the grant that we may always     Our  is from
  help the Lord,
 
cultures we encounter. We also conform our will to yours and Our help is from the Lord,
pray for all cultural workers that serve your majesty in sincerity 4 Dm G C
they may reflect God’s splendor of heart. 4
 Dm
 
   
in their life and work. Through our Lord Jesus       and
 earth.

who made hea ven
Christ, your Son, who lives and who made hea ven and earth.
Penitential Rite
reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 1. I lift up my eyes toward the
P—Brethren, let us acknowledge
and ever. mountains;/ whence shall help
our sins, and so prepare our­
All—Amen. come to me? / My help is from
selves to celebrate the sacred
the LORD, / who made heaven
mysteries. (Pause)
and earth. (R)
P—Have mercy on us, O Lord.
Liturgy of the word
2. May he not suffer your foot
All—For we have sinned
First Reading (Ex 17:8–13) (Sit) to slip;/ may he slumber not
against you.
who guards you:/ indeed he
The outstretched hands of Moses neither slumbers nor sleeps, /
P—Show us, O Lord, your during the Israelites’ battle against
mercy. the Amalekites assure Israel’s
the guardian of Israel. (R)
A l l — A n d g ra n t u s yo u r victory, illustrating the power of 3. The LORD is your guardian;
salvation. prayer. the LORD is your shade;/ he
P—May almighty God have A reading from the Book of is beside you at your right
mercy on us, forgive us our Exodus hand./ The sun shall not harm
sins, and bring us to everlasting you by day, / nor the moon by
IN THOSE days, Amalek
life. night. (R)
came and waged war against
All—Amen. Israel. Moses, therefore, said 4. The LORD will guard you
P—Lord, have mercy. to Joshua, “Pick out certain from all evil;/ he will guard
All—Lord, have mercy. men, and tomorrow go out your life. / The LORD will guard
P—Christ, have mercy. and engage Amalek in battle. your coming and your going, /
All—Christ, have mercy. I will be standing on top of both now and forever. (R)
P—Lord, have mercy. the hill with the staff of God
Second Reading (2 Tm 3:14—4:2)
All—Lord, have mercy. in my hand.” So Joshua did as
The apostle Paul asks Timothy to in that town used to come to the Son, who with the Father
remain faithful to the teachings of him and say, ‘Render a just and the Son is adored and
Christ and to equip ourselves for decision for me against my glorified, who has spoken
good work through our recourse to adversary.’ “For a long time through the prophets.
the Scriptures. As Christians we are I believe in one, holy, cath-
called to do the same.
the judge was unwilling, but
eventually he thought, ‘While olic and apostolic Church. I
A reading from the second confess one Baptism for the
it is true that I neither fear God forgiveness of sins and I look
Letter of Saint Paul to Timothy nor respect any human being, forward to the resurrection
BELOVED: Remain faithful to because this widow keeps of the dead and the life of the
what you have learned and bothering me I shall deliver a world to come. Amen.
believed, because you know just decision for her lest she
finally come and strike me.’ ” Prayer of the Faithful
from whom you learned it,
and that from infancy you have The Lord said, “Pay attention P—Almighty Father, through
known the sacred Scriptures, to what the dishonest judge your Son’s paschal mystery,
which are capable of giving says. Will not God then secure you help us persevere in prayer
you wisdom for salvation the rights of his chosen ones and not lose heart. Empower
through faith in Christ Jesus. who call out to him day and and embolden our frail faith
All Scripture is inspired by God night? Will he be slow to as we say:
and is useful for teaching, for answer them? I tell you, he
will see to it that justice is R—Loving Father, you are our
refutation, for correction, and
done for them speedily. But strength and our hope.
for training in righteousness, so
that one who belongs to God when the Son of Man comes, C—Loving Father, grant us,
may be competent, equipped will he find faith on earth?” your Church, holy perseverance
for every good work. as we strive to become a perfect
—The Gospel of the Lord. mirror of your love and mercy
I charge you in the presence All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus in our charisms and apostolates.
of God and of Christ Jesus, who Christ. We pray: (R)
will judge the living and the
dead, and by his appearing and Homily (Sit) C—Loving Father, help our
his kingly power: proclaim the Profession of Faith (Stand) national and local leaders to
word; be persistent whether it not lose heart in what is true,
is convenient or inconvenient; All—I believe in one God, good, and beautiful. Inspire
the Father almighty, maker of them to see you in their
convince, reprimand, heaven and earth, of all things
encourage through all patience countrymen whom they have
visible and invisible. sworn to serve. We pray: (R)
and teaching. I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son C—Loving Father, make us
—The word of the Lord. more sensitive to the movement
of God, born of the Father
All—Thanks be to God. before all ages. God from God, of your Spirit in the different
Light from Light, true God from cultures we have and encounter.
Alleluia (Heb 4:12) (Stand) Sustain all cultural workers in
true God, begotten, not made,
All—Alleluia, alleluia. The consubstantial with the Father; their quest to make manifest
word of God is living and through him all things were your presence through the work
effective, discerning reflections made. For us men and for our that they do. We pray: (R)
and thoughts of the heart. salvation he came down from
heaven, (At the words that follow, up C — L ov i n g Fa t h e r, o p e n
Alleluia, alleluia. to and including and became man, all the gates of your heavenly
bow)and by the Holy Spirit was communion to our departed
Gospel (Lk 18:1–8) loved ones especially those
incarnate of the Virgin Mary
and became man. who have tirelessly persevered
P—The Lord be with you. for the greater glory of your
All—And with your spirit. For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered Kingdom. We pray: (R)
P—A reading from the holy
Gospel according to Luke. death and was buried, and C—Let us pray for the urgent
rose again on the third day in concerns of our community
All—Glory to you, O Lord. accordance with the Scriptures. and our personal intentions
JESUS told his disciples a He ascended into heaven and (pause). We pray: (R)
parable about the necessity is seated at the right hand of
for them to pray always the Father. He will come again P—Your word, Father, is living
in glory to judge the living and and effective, discerning
without becoming weary. He the dead and his kingdom will reflections and thoughts of the
said, “There was a judge in have no end. heart. Help us make the right
a certain town who neither I believe in the Holy Spirit, discernment and decision so
feared God nor respected any the Lord, the giver of life, who that we may become more
human being. And a widow proceeds from the Father and effective servants of your
Kingdom, through Christ, our
Liturgy of
the eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
P—Pray, brethren...
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good, and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Grant us, Lord, we pray, a
sincere respect for your gifts,
that, through the purifying
action of your grace, we
may be cleansed by the very
mysteries we serve.
Through Christ our Lord.
P—The Lord be with you. The Lord’s Prayer P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts. All—Our Father...
All—We lift them up to the P—Deliver us, Lord... Solemn Blessing
Lord. All—For the kingdom, the
P—Bow down for the blessing.
P—Let us give thanks to the power, and the glory are yours,
Lord our God. now and for ever. May your family always
All—It is right and just. Invitation to Peace rejoice together, O God, over
P—It is truly right and just, the mysteries of redemption
Invitation to Communion they have celebrated, and grant
our duty and our salvation, its members the perseverance
always and everywhere to to attain the effects that flow
give you thanks, Lord, holy P—Behold the Lamb of God... from them.
Father, almighty and eternal All—Lord, I am not worthy Through Christ our Lord.
God, through Christ our Lord. that you should enter under All—Amen.
For out of compassion for the my roof, but only say the word
waywardness that is ours, he and my soul shall be healed. P—And may the blessing of
almighty God, the Father, and
humbled himself and was born Communion Antiphon the Son, (†), and the Holy Spirit,
of the Virgin; by the passion (Cf. Ps 33 [32]: 18–19) come down on you and remain
of the Cross he freed us from with you for ever.
unending death, and by rising Behold, the eyes of the Lord
are on those who fear him, who All—Amen.
from the dead he gave us life
hope in his merciful love, to Dismissal
rescue their souls from death,
And so, with Angels and P—The Mass has been offered.
to keep them alive in famine.
Archangels, with Thrones and Go in the peace of Christ.
Dominions, and with all the Prayer after Communion All—Thanks be to God.
hosts and Powers of heaven, (Stand)
we sing the hymn of your glory, P—Let us pray. (Pause)
as without end we acclaim: Grant, O Lord, we pray, that, BE A PRIEST OR A
All—Holy, Holy, Holy...(Kneel) benefiting from participation BROTHER
in heavenly things, we may be OF MASS MEDIA.
Acclamation (Stand) BE A PAULINE!
helped by what you give in this
All—When we eat this Bread present age and prepared for Contact us:
and drink this Cup, we the gifts that are eternal. or
proclaim your Death, O Lord, Through Christ our Lord. Tel: (02) 8895-9701
until you come again. All—Amen.

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