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“Everything has its beauty, but not

everyone sees it.” – Andy Warhol.
01 02 03 04
“I dream of painting and
then I
paint my dream.” – Vincen
t Van
Painting is a way for artists to do so many things: express emotions, convey
ideas, and sometimes, make a change in society. And these works of art reflect
a nation’s culture. Just like what the talented Filipino famous painters do with
their masterpieces. Paintings in Philippines aren’t like any other art. More than
being aesthetically pleasing, the Filipino paintings show the country’s culture
and history that shaped the present times.

Just like real estate properties, pieces of art like Filipino paintings don’t
depreciate in value. Over time, the value increases as high as the cost of a
high-end house and lot already
“A man paints with his
brains and not with his
hands.” – Michelangelo
ks and pieces.
And their famous artwor
(May 30, 1892 – April 24, 1972)

This man is the country’s first ever

National Artist. He is known for
infusing lighting technique into his
works, making most of his designs
bright and sunny who is also
known as the Grand Old Man of
Philippine Art. Born in Manila, he
was educated at the Art School of
the Liceo de Manila, the University
of the Philippines School of Fine
Arts, and spent time abroad in
Spain and the United States.
● Some of his most famous pieces include Maiden in a Stream (1921), The Mestiza (1943), and
Planting Rice (1946).

Planting Rice
This painting captures the
traditional Filipino occupation
of farm life in a community of
men and women on a hot
sunny day.
Botong is the poet of Agono whose eye for
structure, choice of color, and folk values
are so distinct in his art. A muralist who
brought the art form back into the
limelight, his work graces the City Hall of
Manila and the National Art Gallery of the
Philippines. He was also one of the first
Filipino modernists, breaking away from
the Romanticism of Amorsolo to make use
of geometric forms and linear painting.
Harana is a painting that illustrates
a certain musician who is in the
process of wooing a Filipino woman.
Way back during the Spanish
occupation, harana (serenade) was a
widely-used process of men to get
the affectionate feelings of a woman.
Guillermo Tolentino (1973)
(July 24, 1890 – July 12, 1976)

This artist well-known UP School of Fine Arts professor.

He brought The Bonifacio Monument into life. He also
designed the gold and bronze medals for the Ramon
Magsaysay Award and did the seal of the Republic of the
Philippines. Some of his other works are UP Diliman
oblation statue, venus 1951, Filipinas on bondage etc.
The Bonifacio Monument was both
valedictory of the Revolution of 1896 and
pledge to future generations that
independence would one day be
(January 26, 1930 – February 16, 2018)

He is not only the Father of Modern
Philippine Sculpture but also is the
youngest recipient of this award. He
also used many forms of materials
in his craft.
Abueva’s sculptures have been
installed both in the Philippines and
abroad, and include Kiss of Judas
(1955), Nine Muses (1994), and the
death mask of slain politician
Benigno Aquino, Jr.

Kaganapan literally interprets the

female reproductive function as a
fulfillment to women
(December 23, 1895 – March 7, 1985)

the Father of
Edades is tagged as
inting. He is
Modern Philippine Pa
d subdued
known for his dark an
es. He invited
shades in his art piec
d Galo B.
Carlos Francisco an
professors of
Ocampo to become
e three were
the university, and th
later known as the Tr
works are The
Included among his
e Professor, and
Sketch, Portrait of th
Poinsettia Girl.
Builders" (1928)
His painting "The
dirty construction
portrayed tough, t.
in grime and swea
workers drenched st
me known as the fir
The painting beca try.
inting in the coun
ever Modernist pa like
n h is n u d e p a in tings were nothing
Eve er
rs o lo ’s p o rt ra ya l of the Filipina at h
t. ("T h e B u ild er s" is now part of the
ct io n o f th e C u lt ural Center of the
p p in es in M a n ila ). Center of the
Phili ila).
Philippines in Man
(January 22, 1910 – August 22, 1981)

He is an alumnus of
Fine Arts course at the
University of the
Philippines. Indeed, his
works mirror reality
that reels on the verge
of perception. This
style is exemplified in
his works Kalabaw,
Mother and Child,
Madonna of the Slums,
and Still Life with
Green Guitar.
The image of mothe
r and child
summons up many
feelings of
warmth, love and pr
otection. The
mother and child im
age has . been
a strong symbolic m
otif of
fecundity, maternity
and creativity
throughout the hist
ory of art.
(April 2, 1917 – April 7, 1994)

This artist is the Philippines’ first

neo-realist. He indeed used the
geometric technique in his
daring-themed arts. His work is
among many that led to the
acceptance and later popularity
of modern art in the Philippines.
These include Gadgets I, Diggers,
Bayanihan, and The Survivor.
Descent is not just a
brilliant masterpiece in
BUNNY BOO and of itself, but it is
also a testament to
Cesar Legaspi’s
tenacity and resolve to
overcome his personal
limitations for the love
of his art.
(April 28, 1911 – December 28, 1978)

Ocampo is a self-taught painter. In

particular, his arts portray harsh social
truths to give knowledge after the Second
nickname World War. Among his works are his
masterpiece Genesis, Slum Dwellers, Man
and Carabao, and The Resurrection.

he wanted to express his expression by painting the man

and carabao. Carabao represent a man or something
that is so industrious
(November 20, 1926 – present)

As a painter, a sculpt
or, and a
designer for over 40
years, he
elevated the Filipino
vision through seriou
s expression
and form in his art.
Included in his
best works are Bago
ng Taon,
Candle Vendors, Nig
ht Glows, and
Imaginary Landscap
es. His mural
Black and White is di
splayed in the
lobby of the Cultura
l Center of the
Philippines’ Bulwagan
g Carlos V.
i c a t e grids
g e s f r om int und and
emer so
urally ds a fictitio
A city s t r u c t l
white, u ro L uz bui h pagodas
w e r f u l, Ar t
i s h i n g wit
po u r .
i t y o f old, flo omes alike te
c and d he elabora esign,
d by t ural d
Inspire of architect se, using
n if e s tation lores his mu s how a
ma x p e t o
Luz e uctur al
Arturo zed built str rational ide .
ali he lizatio d
minim t between t c t u a
n na se
tange ro b a bility i ctly compo t
sp rfe he pas
and it es in his pe t y o f t
eat a ci eal.
Luz cr s a utopia – ia for the id
in g
doma ike a nostal
t r
that s
(May 22, 1924 – June 10, 1999)

He is famous as a versatile and expert

painter and sculptor. In fact, he
devoted four decades for visual arts. A
few of his major mixed media works
include I’m Sorry Jesus, I Can’t Attend
Christmas This Year (1965), Homage to
Dodjie Laurel (1969), and A Flying
Contraption for Mr. Icarus (1984).
This sculpture dwells on the subject of a car racing champion who lost his
life in an international sports event.
(March 1, 1931 – May 9, 2005)

Ang Kiukok’s works show nationalist

fervor and agendas vital during the
‘60s. His work was noted for depicting
rage and violence, with subjects such
as rabid dogs or the crucified Christ in
agony. Included among his works are
Geometric Landscape (1969), Pieta
(1962), and Seated Figure (1979).
a work of art that shows inanimate objects from the natural or man-made
world, such as fruit, flowers, dead game, and/or vessels like baskets or
(June 3, 1931 – May 11, 1995)

This talented man is a painter and

multimedia artist. Consequently, he
shows the country’s landscapes and
authentic Filipino abstract idiom in his
works. Among his masterworks include
Nanking, a collage rendered with
distinctly Asian forms and influences,
the Granadean Arabesque (1958), and
Biennial (1964).
Jose Joya's Granadean Arabesque (1958) The brightest color that the human
eye can see, yellow is color. between orange and green in the visible light
spectrum. Associated. with sunshine and brightness, as well as happiness
and optimism, it.
(June 3, 1931 – May 11, 1995)

This talented man is a painter and

multimedia artist. Consequently, he
shows the country’s landscapes and
authentic Filipino abstract idiom in his
works. Among his masterworks include
Nanking, a collage rendered with
distinctly Asian forms and influences,
the Granadean Arabesque (1958), and
Biennial (1964).
Listen Carefully.
“Art is a line around yo
thoughts.” – Gustav Klim
to make a piece of artwork.

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