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- EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Several basketballs, chronometer, a whistle and cones

- OBJECTIVE / AIM / PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: learn to play a little more basketball, improve
team play and have fun


1. WARM-UP (10min and 15s)

Continuous running (6´) which will include :

● Normal continuous running (3’)
● High knees (30”)
● Back Kicks (30”)^
● Defensive displacement changing sides every three steps (1’)
● Continuous running, but jumping every time the whistle blows (1’)

Stretching (4’15”):
● Stretch the calf muscles leaning the feet on the wall (15” each side)
● Stretch the quadriceps grabbing your foot using your hand, and pull it towards your butt (15”
each side )
● Stretch the forearm using the opposite hand to pull the wrist back toward the body ( 15” each
● Stretch the triceps grabbing your elbow with your hand and pull it toward your head with light
pressure ( 15” each arm)
● Stretch the abductor stretching the leg to one side while the other is bent (15” each leg)
● Stretch the biceps pressing you palm against a wall or sturdy object (15” each arm)
● Arms forward (15”) and backward (15”)
● Wrist twist (15” each direction)
● Finger movement (15”)

1ºCone circuit: (5’)

In the first cone a change must be made from the front, in the second cone a change between the legs,
in the third cone a change from the back and in the fourth cone a double change from the back.

2º Cone circuit + an entry (5’)

We will do the previous exercise but including two steps and a shot.

3º Shooting competition (8’)

Several cones are placed around the field, the one closest to the basket has a lower score and the
furthest one has a higher score. Each player has one minute to get the highest possible score and finally
whoever has the most score wins.

4ºMatch (10’)

5º Game “caos” (7’)

The players line up for the free shot, the first and the second have the ball so that the second player
takes the shot before the first in order to eliminate him, if the first player hits, he passes it to the third
and so on. If the first shot is missed you can catch your rebound and shoot again.

3. COOL-DOWN (4min 45s)

● Sit on the floor stretching your legs forward trying to touch your toes ( 40”)
● Do the butterfly exercise (20”)
● Stretch the dorsal passing the hand over our head and leaning sideways (15” each side)
● Standing with legs spread, bending down until we touch the ground and then bending over until we
touch our feet (45”)
● Supraspinatus stretch:we stretch our arm diagonally and bring it to our chest with the opposite arm
(15” each arm)
● Trunk movement to the right and left (30”)
● shoulder forward (15”) and backward (15”)
● Slowly move the neck from side to side and then make circular movements (30” each exercise )

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