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Iloilo City

Name and (Group No.): ______________________________ Date:________________


Directions: Read each question carefully and write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each
number. One (1) point will be given for every correct response.

1. Which of the following statements best supports the idea why the cell membrane is semi-permeable?
a. The cell membrane is composed of molecules that are constantly moving.
b. The cell membrane is composed of phospholipid bilayer.
c. The cell membrane can seal itself when it is broken or damaged.
d. The cell membrane can regulate what particles moves in and out of the cell.

2. The volume enclosed by the plasma membrane of plant cells is often much larger than the corresponding
volume in animal cells. The most reasonable explanation for this observation is:
a. Plant cells can have a much higher surface-to-volume ratio than animal cells because of the cell wall.
b. Plant cells have a much more highly convoluted (folded) plasma membrane than animal cells.
c. Plant cells contain a large vacuole that occupies a lot of the space inside the plasma membrane.
d. Animal cells are more spherical, while plant cells are elongated, hence, making plant cells more compact.

3. Of the following organelles, which group is involved in manufacturing substances like proteins needed by the
a. ribosome, rough ER, nucleolus c. nucleolus, ribosome, vacuole
b. vacuole, rough ER, nucleolus d. rough ER, lysosome, vacuole

4. Under which of the following conditions would you expect to find a cell with a predominance of free ribosomes?
a. a cell that is secreting proteins
b. a cell that is producing cytoplasmic enzymes
c. a cell that is constructing its cell wall or extracellular matrix
d. a cell that is digesting food particles

5. The fact that the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope has bound ribosomes allows one to most reliably
conclude that:
a. At least some of the proteins that function in the nuclear envelope are made by the ribosomes on the
nuclear envelope.
b. The nuclear envelope is not part of the endomembrane system because it is not made by the ribosomes.
c. The nuclear envelope is physically continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum that’s why it has bound
d. Small vesicles from the Golgi fuse with the nuclear envelope which develop into bound ribosomes.

6. Why isn’t the mitochondrion classified as part of the endomembrane system?

a. It only has two membrane layers. c. It has too many vesicles.
b. Its structure is not derived from the ER. d. It is not involved in protein synthesis.

7. Why is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum mostly found in organs like the liver?
a. They help in detoxification of poisons and drugs.
b. They are primarily used to metabolize carbohydrates.

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Iloilo City

c. Protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum forms the structure of the liver.
d. They release calcium ions resulting in contraction of muscles of the liver.

8. Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic abnormality that results in cells accumulating and becoming clogged with
very large and complex lipids. Which cellular organelle must be involved in this condition?
a. the endoplasmic reticulum c. the lysosome
b. the Golgi apparatus d. the mitochondria

9. A biologist grinded some plant leaf cells and then centrifuged the mixture to fractionate the organelles.
Organelles in heavier fractions could produce ATP in the light, while organelles in the lighter fraction could
produce ATP in the dark. The heavier and lighter fractions are most likely to contain, respectively:
a. mitochondria and chloroplasts c. peroxisomes and chloroplasts
b. chloroplasts and peroxisomes d. chloroplasts and mitochondria

10. Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is true?

a. All eukaryotic cells have actin, microtubules, and intermediate filaments in their cytoplasm.
b. The cytoskeleton provides a rigid and unchangeable structure important for the shape of the cell.
c. The three cytoskeletal filaments perform distinct tasks in the cell and act completely independently of one
d. Actin filaments and microtubules have an inherent polarity, with a plus end that grows more quickly than the
minus end.

11. The differences among the three categories of cytoskeletal elements would suggest that each of the following
has specialized roles. Which of the following is a correct match?
a. microfilaments and the nuclear lamina
b. microtubules and cleavage furrow formation
c. microfilaments and ciliary motion
d. microtubules and chromosome movement

12. The peroxisome gets its name from its interaction with hydrogen peroxide. If a liver cell detoxifies alcohol and
some other poisons, it does so by removal of hydrogen from the molecules, what, then do the enzymes of the
peroxisome do?
a. combine the hydrogen with ATP
b. use the hydrogen to break down hydrogen peroxide
c. transfer the harmful substances to the mitochondria
d. transfer the hydrogens to oxygen molecules

13. The nuclear lamina is an array of filaments on the inner side of the nuclear membrane. If a method were found
that could cause the lamina to fall into disarray, what would you expect to be the most likely consequence?
a. the loss of all nuclear function
b. the inability of the cell to withstand enzymatic digestion
c. a change in the shape of the nucleus
d. failure of chromosomes to carry genetic information

14. Among the given choices, which is NOT a characteristic of a prokaryotic cell?
a. absence of cell organelles c. presence of ribosomes
b. absence of nucleus d. presence of cell organelles

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Iloilo City

15. In which region of the prokaryotic cell can we find its double-stranded, circular DNA?
a. proto-nucleus b. nucleus c. nucleoid d. nucleoplasm

16. How would the small size of prokaryotic cells best affect its mechanism of nutrition?
a. The small size will allow prokaryotic cells to digest its food at a faster rate as compared to eukaryotic cells.
b. It will allow ions and organic molecules to enter and quickly spread to other parts of the cell while waste
products can quickly move out.
c. More energy is being conserved because of its small size, leading to a decrease in dependency from ions and
organic molecules for nutrition.
d. It allows the cell to move faster and quicker to grab all the molecules and ions it needs for nutrition.

17. Cells seem to be microscopic in nature. What could be the best reason why “giant” or over-sized cells are
unavailable or seldom found in nature?
a. Giant cells would also require a much larger organism and the ecology of the earth does not support large
b. Giant cells will have trouble in cell division due to its enormous size and will probably cease to exist and
become extinct.
c. Giant cells will have a hard time to protect themselves in the environment and could be target for certain
predators which could feed from them.
d. Giant cells need a larger surface area to obtain nutrients and perform other processes making it hard for
them to accomplish these activities.

18. Which is the best reason why there is compartmentalization among eukaryotic cells?
a. allows different metabolic processes to occur simultaneously
b. divides the cell into two equal-sized halves
c. allows the cells to store different organelles of different sizes
d. it lets the cell grow and expand as it is being nourished

19. In eukaryotic cells, when the ribosomes of nucleolus leave the nucleus, what is the next step for these
a. synthesizing cell wall c. synthesizing glycogen
b. making of epithelium d. synthesizing proteins

20. Cells need locomotion and absorption of nutrients to survive. Which of the following pairs of organelles performs
these functions best for eukaryotic cells?
a. cilia and flagella c. cell walls and plasmodesmata
b. nucleus and nucleolus d. cytoplasm and cell membrane

21. Based on the information that you know about eukaryotes, which of the following options is the best advantage
it offers as compared to prokaryotes?
a. Improved cell motility due to protein-based flagella.
b. Increased compartmentalization to allow specialization.
c. Streamlined transcription/translation process due to its complex structures.
d. Increased stability of genetic information due to double-stranded DNA.

22. “Eukaryotes are larger in size compared to prokaryotes to accommodate their cell organelles. Prokaryotes are
larger in number because they are smaller and can divide their nucleus faster”. What could be concluded from
the two statements given?

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Iloilo City

a. Statement one is TRUE, while statement two is FALSE. c. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Statement one is FALSE, while statement two is TRUE. d. Both statements are FALSE.

23. “In the field of medicine, what is the significance of prokaryotes and eukaryotes having different structures in
their ribosomes?
a. Bacteria cannot spread easily because they have lower subunits in their ribosomes.
b. Eukaryotes can use the structure of their ribosome to immediately act on foreign bodies.
c. Antibiotics can target a specific ribosome because of their difference in structures.
d. Medicines can be easily produced for eukaryotes since they contain more unit of ribosomes.

24. Which statement does NOT correctly summarize a difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
a. The electron transport chain of aerobically respiring prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is found across the
cytoplasmic membrane.
b. Whereas prokaryotes generally have a single chromosome, eukaryotes usually have more than 1
chromosome for the storage of genetic material.
c. eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus whereas prokaryotic cells have only a gel-like mass called
the nucleoid.
d. Whereas prokaryotic cells secrete enzymes to digest macromolecules, eukaryotes generally bring in large
molecules via endocytosis.

25. “Plasmids are circular, double-stranded genetic material found in bacteria. They usually function for
communication and reproduction of the bacterial cell”. Based on the given statements, what can you infer?
a. Statement one is TRUE, while statement two is FALSE. c. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Statement one is FALSE, while statement two is TRUE. d. Both statements are FALSE.

26. In the field of genetic engineering, scientists prefer to use bacteria as subjects for their experiments. What could
be the best and most logical reason for this?
a. In terms of number, bacteria greatly surpass other types of cells making them viable for experiments.
b. In terms of size, bacteria can easily be transferred from one host to another creating new breed of
c. In terms of structure, bacteria contain plasmids which serve as vectors that amplify or produce many copies
of a gene.
d. In terms of ethics, scientists can freely use bacteria as subjects rather than animal cells to avoid scrutiny
from the scientific community.

27. Which of the following components is present in a plant cell but not in animal cell?
a. cytoplasm b. cell membrane c. cellulose d. ribosomes

28. The several types of white blood cells are sometimes collectively referred to as:
a. erythrocytes b. leukocytes c. erythroblasts d. thrombocytes

29. Why does a plant cell have a fixed shape and an animal cell does not?
a. Plant cells have larger vacuoles than animal cells.
b. The process of photosynthesis causes plant cells to have a rigid shape.
c. The cell membrane of a plant cell is surrounded by a cell wall.
d. The dependence of plant cells to water makes the cells stiff and maintain the cell shape.

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Iloilo City

30. The condition in which there is a DECREASE in the number of white blood cells in humans is known as:
a. Leukocytosis b. Leukopenia c. Leukemia d. Leukohyperia

31. Which of the following options best describes parenchyma tissues in plants?
a. They facilitate in the movement and support of plant cells.
b. They protect the plants and maintains the shape of the cell wall when it becomes mature.
c. They are involved in photosynthesis, assimilation, and storage of food.
d. They help the plant cells in the transport of the materials going in and through diffusion and osmosis.

32. In the plasma membrane of a few animal cells, what could be the significance of having cholesterol?
a. Makes the membrane less flexible permitting it to sustain greater pressure from within the cell.
b. Enables the membrane to stay fluid more easily when the temperature of cell drops.
c. Enables the animal to get rid of hydrogen atoms from saturated phospholipids.
d. Enables the animal to feature hydrogen atoms to unsaturated phospholipids.

33. “Sclerenchyma cells die and can be found in mature parts of plants like wood. They also facilitate in
transportation of water and other nutrients”. Based on the given information, what can you conclude?
a. Statement one is TRUE, statement two is FALSE. c. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Statement one is FALSE, statement two is TRUE. d. Both statements are FALSE.

34. Sex cells are found in animal cells and perform many functions, mainly reproduction. Among the following
options, which is not used to determine the sex of an individual?
a. sex chromosomes c. external genitalia
b. gonads d. blood type

35. Meristems are essential in the growth of plants. Based on the information, which of the following statements
given below best describes meristematic tissue?
a. is made of cells that are incapable of cell division
b. is made of cells that are capable of cell division
c. is composed of single type of cells that is responsible for photosynthesis
d. is composed of more than one type of cell and performs several functions

36. Which statement(s) correctly describes meristematic cells in plants?

I. Cells possess the ability to grow and divide
II. Cells have dense cytoplasm with prominent nucleus
III. Well-developed mitochondria are present
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. I, II, and III

37. In the field of biotechnology, stem cells are greatly helpful to solve many problems. Which of the following
statements is the best advantage that stem cells can provide in the production of new drugs?
a. Stem cells can be useful in experiments since they provide specific cell types to test new drugs.
b. Stem cells can alter the cells of organisms which will make them more susceptible to new drugs.
c. Stem cells can create new specialized cells to lessen the dependence on the use of drugs.
d. Stem cells can cure the disease through cell-based therapy and will enable the drugs to change their forms
to fully heal a cell.

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Iloilo City

38. Differentiated cells express the genes and proteins characteristic of their final identity in the adult, and that
identity can be altered only under special circumstances. How does the concept of differentiation, as described
here, differ from the concept of determination?
a. Determined cells have begun to differentiate but are not fully differentiated making them hard to classify as
any cell.
b. Determined cells are embryonic cells that will give rise to all the cell types of the adult organism but have
not yet begun to express the genes and proteins characteristic of their final fates.
c. Determined cells will continue to follow their fate if grafted into a different place in a host embryo, even
though they do not yet express the genes and proteins characteristic of their final fate.
d. Determination describes fully differentiated cells whose identity can no longer be altered.

39. What is the role of stem cells with regards to the function of adult tissues and organs?
a. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that divide asymmetrically, giving rise to one daughter that remains a
stem cell and one daughter that will differentiate to replace damaged and worn-out cells in the adult tissue
or organ.
b. Stem cells are embryonic cells that persist in the adult and can give rise to all the cell types in the body.
c. Stem cells are determined cells that reside in fully differentiated tissues and can, when needed, differentiate
to supply new cells for growth of the tissue.
d. Stem cells are differentiated cells that have yet to express the genes and proteins characteristic of their
differentiated state and do so when needed for repair of tissues and organs.

40. What is the scientific term for the type of cell modification found on the top layer or surface of the cell?
a. apical b. basal c. lateral d. axial

41. These cell modifications are usually short, hair-like structures that move in waves. What do we call them?
a. flagella b. microtubules c. cilia d. microvilli

42. A scraping of a material from a person's tooth revealed many bacteria found on the tooth surface. Such bacteria
remain attached to the tooth surface with the help of which of the following?
a. pili b. fimbriae c. flagella d. microvilli

43. Microvilli are one of the cell modifications that happened due to continuous changes in the environment. Which
of these reasons is the mechanism used by microvilli to help in the cell’s survival?
a. Since they are small, they can increase the surface area to absorb nutrients at a more efficient and faster
b. They are hair-like projections that contain mucus which is used to stop foreign substances from entering the
c. They are long, whip-like structures that move in a wave-like motion and allows the cell to move at a faster
rate, avoiding potential harm.
d. Since they are irregular lobes, they can bulge and move outward to extend the cell’s reach and engulf the

44. Which of the following statements is not true about the difference between the cilia from flagella?
a. Cilia are shorter compared to flagella.
b. Flagella are less in number compared to cilia.
c. Cilia are distributed throughout the cell surface.
d. Flagella are made of microtubules while cilia are not.

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Iloilo City

45. Which of the statements are incorrect regarding plant cell wall?
a. Middle lamella is made up of pectin and lignin.
b. In certain plants, tertiary cell wall is also present which has xylem beside cellulose.
c. Secondary cell wall consists of three concentric layers (S1, S2 and S3) one after the other.
d. Primary and secondary walls are present in meristematic cells

46. Which of the following cell junctions is involved with anchoring the extracellular matrix to the cell?
I. Adhering junctions
II. Desmosomes
III. Hemidesmosomes
IV. Gap junctions

a. I and III
b. III and IV
c. I, II, and III
d. I, II, III, and IV

47. Urine is confined to the human bladder in part due to the structure of junctions that connect the cells lining the
bladder. These junctions form a barrier that prevents the exchange of ions and solutes between the blood and
urine. What is the likely identity of these junctions?
a. Gap junctions c. Tight junctions
b. Desmosomes d. Plasmodesmata

48. Which of these correctly matches the cellular junction with its function?
a. Gap junctions prevent the flow of ions and water from one part of the body to another.
b. Gap junctions are connections that directly connect the cytoplasm of two cells.
c. Adhering junctions are branched network of proteins that are impermeable to fluids.
d. Tight junctions are random, spot attachments between cells that prevent tearing of tissue.

49. “Glycoproteins are composed of proteins and carbohydrates that is involved in many functions such as immunity.
However, many viruses also have glycoproteins that help them enter the cells”. Based on the given information,
what is your generalization?
a. Statement one is TRUE, statement two is FALSE. c. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Statement one is FALSE, statement two is TRUE. d. Both statements are FALSE.

50. “Pseudopods serve the amoeboid cells through locomotion and ingestion. They can also sense the targets to be
engulfed in a process called pinocytosis”. Given this information, what can you conclude?
a. Statement one is TRUE, statement two is FALSE. c. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Statement one is FALSE, statement two is TRUE. d. Both statements are FALSE.

51. Tight junctions are responsible for the permeability of molecules through the cells. In which of these situations
can this function be most useful?
a. Efficiency of drugs c. Breakdown of drugs
b. Diffusion of drugs d. Absorption of drugs

52. Flagella, centrioles, cilia, and basal bodies possess evident similar structural elements and arrangements. What
hypothesis can you generate from this information?
a. Loss of basal bodies should cause loss of all cilia, flagella, and centrioles.

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Iloilo City

b. Disruption of one of these types of structure should necessarily disrupt each of the others as well.
c. Survival for motility must select for microtubular arrays in circular patterns.
d. Motor proteins like dynein must have evolved before any of those four sorts of structure

53. Which among the following options best defines cell cycle?
a. Series of events that cells go through from birth to reproduction.
b. Period between the birth and death of the cell.
c. Time from prophase to cytokinesis.
d. Time it takes for one cell to undergo mitosis.

54. Which of the following is TRUE about the events of the cell cycle?
a. Little happens between G1 and G2 phases.
b. DNA replicates during cytokinesis.
c. The Mitotic phase is usually the longest phase.
d. Interphase is consisting of the G1, S, and G2 phases.

For questions 55-57, refer to Figure 1.1

55. List the correct order for the diagrams of the mitosis process
in Figure 1.1
a. A, B, C, D
b. D, C, B, A
c. D, A, C, B
d. D, B, A, C

56. What would be the diploid chromosome number of the cell

shown in Figure 1.1?
a. 4 b. 8 c. 2 d. 16

57. What is the phase shown in diagram C of Figure 1.1?

a. prophase b. metaphase c. anaphase d. telophase

58. What would most likely result if mitosis was not accompanied by cytoplasmic division?
a. Two cells, each with one nucleus. c. One cell, with two identical nuclei.
b. Two cells, each without a nucleus. d. One cell without a nucleus.

59. How many chromosomes will be found in each of the two new cells formed because of mitotic cell division?
a. Only one-half as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
b. Twice as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
c. Three times as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
d. The same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

60. Supposed that a cell is unable to replicate its DNA, which of the following would not be present in the cell?
a. sister chromatids b. centromere c. DNA d. Genes

61. If the sperm of an animal contains 5 chromosomes, which of the following is true?
a. The animal normally has 5 chromosomes in its body cells.
b. Each sperm cell contains 10 sister chromatids.
c. The animal’s cells normally contain 10 homologous chromosome pairs.
d. There are 20 sister chromatids per cell in G2 phase.

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Iloilo City

62. The diploid chromosome number in a certain species of fish is 20. How many chromosomes would normally be
found in the bone cell of this fish?
a. 10 b. 20 c. 23 d. 40

63. Which is a characteristic of the group of diseases known as cancer?

a. uncontrolled cell division c. meiotic cell division in body cells
b. the formation of monoploid cells d. the rapid formation of zygotes

64. What is one difference between mitotic cell division in plants and mitotic division in animals?
a. Chromosomes are replicated in plants but not in animals.
b. The replicated chromosomes separate in plants but not in animals.
c. A cell plate divides the cytoplasm in plants but not in animals.
d. The nuclear membrane reforms in plants but not in animals.

65. A student is using a compound light microscope to observe cells undergoing mitotic cell division. If the cells are
from a bean plant, which process could the student observe?
a. The formation of a cell plate between two new cells.
b. The replication of centrioles.
c. A pinching-in of the cell membrane to form new cells.
d. The pairing of homologous chromosomes.

9|P age
Iloilo City


Direction: Read each statement carefully and check the box that corresponds to your attitude towards
biology (Strongly Disagree -1, Disagree -2, Agree - 3, Strongly Agree -4). The test should reflect your true
attitude in biology.

Strongly Strongly
Statements Disagree Agree
disagree agree
1. I like biology more than any
other subjects.

2. Biology helps the development of

my conceptual skills.

3. I would like to have biology lessons


4. Biology is essential for understanding

other subjects and phenomena.

5. The advancement in biology improves

the quality of life.

6. Biology plays an important part

in our lives.

7. I feel confident in a biology class.

8. I find biological processes fascinating.

9. The work involving living organisms

during biology lessons is
very interesting.

10. Biology is one of the easiest subjects

for me.
11. Learning biology is important
especially during this pandemic.

12. I see myself pursuing a

biological-related course in college.

13. My background knowledge helps me

grasp concepts in biology.

14. I prioritize studying my modules and

lessons in biology.

15. I always get high scores in biology

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Iloilo City


Description Numerical Value

Strongly Disagree = 1 point
Disagree = 2 points
Agree = 3 points
Strongly Agree = 4 points
(Note: negative statements are scored in a reversed order)

Dimensions of Attitudes Items

• Interest 1, 5, 17, 18, 21,
• Difficulty 16, 19, 22, 26,
• Importance 4, 7, 10, 13, 20, 24

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