The World of Work Is Changing

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The world of work is changing.

The future of work will demand more efficiency towards workers. Productivity will be
measured. More productivity will mean more money.

The most important thing in the working places will be communication. It is the way you talk
and convince the others to buy what you are selling. Last but not the least, Listening. Listening
is one of the most important aspects of communication because the idea of working in the
future is teamwork. So, you need to know how to listen other ideas and perspectives in order
to grasp the other’s person necessity and come out with the best solution.

The future of work is competitive. Degrees won´t guarantee you a job. In the generations of
our parents and grandparents having a degree was synonymous of getting a good job with a
good salary. But now, informal education is more accessible and competition is increasing
exponentially. To keep your future job, you will need to stand out.

I would like to have an activity in which I could develop my skills and feel fulfilled. For me,
team work is the basis to success and my fear is that competition will ruin it. I also think that
people should have the proper time to develop their projects; and this is not what we will have
in the working environment. Today things happen too fast.

My last fear is not to be able to enjoy life at the fullest because I am going to be stressed all
the time with deadlines.

How is the world of work changing with technology? Now I am going to answer this with the
benefits and drawbacks of technology in the world of work. The first advantage is a fast
increasing production; technology has greatly increased effectiveness and has helped
companies developing their projects quickly and massively.

The second benefit is the increase in Employment Opportunities. The development of

technology has created a large number of new jobs in the market. In this age of technology, a
new group of employees is required to keep all systems functioning and protected of pirate
hackers .

The last advantage is better communication nowadays. Today the world has come closer and
it's easy to connect with a person who is in another corner of the world, all thanks to
technology. So, it's possible to be in a business meeting with a client in any country, instead of
travelling physically and spend all those hours in an aeroplane

Now, I am going to expose the drawbacks. The first one is shortage of jobs. An increase in
technology will ensure that tasks that humans could do earlier can now be performed by
machines and technology. Thus, a shortage of jobs is created.
Another disadvantage is loss of communication in the workplace. Loss of physical closeness to
peers affects a person's ability to improve their interpersonal skills and, therefore, their ability
to build relationships.

The last issue I would like to refer, is the fact that as we rely so much on technology we have
become vulnerable to it. We are absolutely dependent on it and our safety is , many times put
in danger.

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