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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


The use of argument based science inquiry learning model by using

science writing heuristic approach to build students argument ability in
environmental pollution theme
To cite this article: A N Taufik et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1157 022048

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 022048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022048

The use of argument based science inquiry learning model by

using science writing heuristic approach to build students
argument ability in environmental pollution theme

A N Taufik1, T Rahman2 and H Solihin2

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. Given the importance of the ability to argue for students in Natural Science learning,
it was necessary to find a solution, which is a method and learning approaches that are
expected to develop students’ argumentation. One of the methods that could be apply was the
Argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) learning model with Science Writing Heuristic
(SWH) approach. The object of this study was learning natural science by using webbed-based
with the theme of environmental pollution. This study aims to obtain a description of students’
argument ability in SMPN 1 Malingping. This research was the Quasi Experimental research
with Non Equivalent Pre-test Post-test Design type. The subject involved of students’ class VII
in SMPN 1 Malingping. Experimental class and control class were given the same test, they
were pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the N gain score of students' argument
ability in the experimental class was 0.40. While the value of N gain students' argument ability
in the control, class is 0.25. The researcher recommended that this research should be done in
schools that have excellent classes and regular classes in order to make comparisons clear.

1. Introduction
The research of natural science plays a very important contribution, especially in students' thinking
ability. The learning of natural science is an active process in which students have to do something,
not something done to students [1]. Therefore, the learning process of natural science in schools
should be emphasize the provision of direct experience inquiry so that students can be actively
involved in constructing their own knowledge. The scientific discovery process that conducted by
scientists involves various scientific skills through lab work in the laboratory. Inquiry learning with
practicum activities will involve students directly in various activities such as hypotheses, planning an
experiment, predicting, interpreting data, processing information and making conclusions [2]. The
purpose of science education is not only on the mastery of scientific concepts alone, but also learn how
to engage in scientific discourse. To achieve the implementation of scientific discourse, students must
have the ability to argue in the learning to train the students to get used to argue.
The purpose of science education is not only on the mastery of scientific concepts, but also learning
how to engage in scientific discourse. To achieve the implementation of scientific discourse, students
must have the ability to argue that in learning to train students to get used to argue. The practice of

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 022048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022048

argumentation as a center in science education and recently enforced as an essential need for scientific
instruction to enhance students' understanding of scientific concepts. Therefore, developing the ability
of students to understand and practice the ways of argument in scientific context through science
learning becomes important. With the students' argument ability, the learning process in the classroom
will be more interesting because the students will actively either participate in the class, in the form of
opinion, rebuttal, and question or answer the teacher's question [3]. Based on previous research the
mastery of argument ability for all students is not satisfactory. This is due to the lack of experience
that students have in building arguments in the classroom. In addition, teaching and learning science in
the classroom still focuses on teacher orientation and does not expose students to argue [4].
Based on these problems is needed a solution in overcoming the problem. One of them is by
applying a model and learning approach, which is expected to develop students' argumentation.
Therefore, it is necessary for learning that can provide inquiry experience as well as train and develop
students' argumentation. In addition, from the interview results, the teacher suggested that learning
with inquiry model has not been applied before in natural science learning. With the application of
learning with inquiry model becomes a new thing for students. This learning model is needed to be
able to accommodate the development of argumentation ability. Argument based science inquiry is an
argumentation learning model that integrated science inquiry in learning. Argument based science
inquiry is a learning model that aims to improve the ability of critical thinking, argument ability,
reasoning, and tools to develop students' understood of the nature of science. This argument based
science inquiry model tried to integrate students' argumentation and writing skills in laboratory
activities. Students are also required to engage actively in the practice of constructing scientific
arguments as an integral part of laboratory activities [5]. Argument based science Inquiry is an
argumentation model intended to build students' understood of scientific practice as well as to raise an
understood of ideas within a discipline [6]. The learning approach used is the science heuristic
approach. The science writing heuristic (SWH) approach is one form of argument-based approach
intended to give students the opportunity to engage in science practice [7]. The SWH approach
provided a supportive learning environment for the development of metacognitive students because
the inquiry based approach built on a series of questions and student centered [8].

2. Method
In this research, the researcher used Quasi Experimental with the nonequivalent pretest posttest
Design. This design was used for experimental class which using existing classes as a group, by
selecting classes with similarly expected conditions [9]. This design was chosen because during the
research it was not possible for the researcher to change the existing class. The research design of The
Non Equivalent Pretest Posttest Design showed in table 1.
Table 1. The non-equivalent pre-test post-test design.
Pretest Treatment Posttest
O1 X1 O2
O3 X2 O4

A: experimental class
B: control class
O1: pretest experiment class
O2: posttest experimental class
O3: pretest control class
O4: posttest control class
X1: argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) model with Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach
X2: guided inquiry model with contextual approach

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 022048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022048

Subjects in this study were seventh grade students as many as two classes, amounting to 56
students. These two classes consist of control and experimental class; it amounts 28 from each class.
The control class was a treated class that used by guided inquiry model with contextual approach
while the experimental class was a class that gets treated by using argument based science inquiry with
Science Writing Heuristic approach. Researcher conducted the research at SMP Negeri 1 Malingping,
which is located in Lebak regency school years of 2018/2019.
The research procedure was divided into 3 stages; they are planning stage, implementation stage,
and data processing stage. The planning stage was 1). Conducting interview with teachers of the field
of study especially IPA in the school which is intended as a place of research to know which methods /
strategies / approaches / learning models that have been used, student activity in the classroom and any
difficulties experienced by teachers, 2). Make observations to the target school as a place of research
to see the problems to be studied. 3). conducting studies and literature studies on the argument based
science inquiry model, the science writing heuristic approach, the ability to document, socio scientific
issues, and integrated Webbed type IPA learning, 4). Preparing learning tools such as lesson plan
(rpp), teaching materials, and student activity sheets (LKS). 5). preparing research instruments in the
form of test and non-test. The instrument was essay consisting of the ability to argue. Non-test
instrument consists of observation sheet of the implementation of researcher and student learning,
interview of science teacher of class VII and questionnaire of student responses to learning using
argument based science inquiry model with science writing heuristic approach, video recording was
used for viewing elements of argument that arise during the process of group discussion and class
discussion. 6). perform test instrument validation. 7). conducting tests on test instruments, instruments
of argument ability.
Implementation stage was 1). Carry out preliminary tests of student’s argument ability (pretest) to
determine the level of students' initial ability on the theme of environmental pollution, 2). Carry out
the learning process by using argument based science inquiry model with argument based science
inquiry with science writing heuristic approach in experiment class. While in control, class of learning
process with inquiry model is guided by contextual approach. 3). carry out the final test of students’
argument ability (posttest) to find out the learning outcomes after being given treatment through the
learning process using argument based science inquiry model with science writing heuristic approach.
Stage of data processing that is 1). Process and perform data analysis of research results obtained from
the implementation of research. The data obtained will be analyzed through normality test,
homogeneity test, hypothesis test and correlation test, 2). Making conclusions from the results of data
analysis researchers.

3. Result and discussion

The result of students 'argumentation capability shown in Figure 1 shows that there is an improvement
in students' ability to argue in writing after learning using argument based science inquiry model with
science writing heuristic approach applied in experimental class and guided inquiry model with
approach contextual applied in the control class. However, the average acquisition of n-gain in the
experimental class and control class indicates a difference, meaning that the increase in students'
written argument ability in the experimental class is higher than in the control class. The gain of n-gain
from the experimental class of 0.40 means that the average n-gain of students' argumentation ability in
the experimental class increases with the medium criterion. While the gain of the control class of 0.25
means that the average n-gain students' argument ability in the control class increases with the low
criterion. The average difference between the n-gain of the experimental class and the control class of
0.15 means that the increased ability to argue both classes is quite different. This is in line with the
results of research with the opinion that the application of the argument based science inquiry model
enhances the ability to think critically, argumentative skills, reasoning, and tools to develop students'
understanding of the nature of science [10].

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 022048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022048

Figure 1. Average n-gain argument ability written overall in control and experiment classes.
The argument based science inquiry model also seeks to integrate students' argumentation and
writing skills in laboratory activities. Students are also required to be actively involved in the practice
of constructing scientific arguments as an integral part of laboratory activities. In addition, the science
writing heuristic approach is a form of argument-based approach intended to give students the
opportunity to engage in science practice. The SWH approach facilitates conceptual change through
argument based inquiry activity. Students are able to negotiate and construct knowledge, reflecting on
their understanding through writing. Then share and compare it with the knowledge of a group of
friends [11].

4. Conclusions
Based on the results of this study it can be seen that the average n-gain value of the control class is
0.25 with the low criterion while the average n-gain value of the experimental class is 0.40 with the
medium criterion meaning the average of n-gain in the class the experiment is higher than in the
control class. This research should be conducted in schools that have excellent and regular classes so
that the n-gain cell is so different that the comparation are clear.

The researcher would like to thank as advisors, part of school, mother, father, big family, and friends
who have helped and supported researcher in this study.

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 022048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022048

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