Rizal Task Performance

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“National Affair”


In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements In the Subject of Rizal

Rizal’s Life and Words

To be Submitted to

Mrs. Ruby Reyes

Submitted by

Gasulas, Brent Jeyamelle A

Section: BSA302

Date of submission:

November 14, 2022


Even in the modern world, there is persistent inequality. It worsens or becomes more severe as

expected. People with higher intelligence use their intelligence to harm others. Money, Power, and

Influence are the devils that drive people to make bad decisions. Those who are weak should be stepped

on, and team up only to those who can accommodate their level. A sad reality of life that demonstrates

how cruel people can be. Where their mind is filled with the desire to achieve higher standing. That is

why weak people will do anything to get to the point where they will no longer be labeled as weak.

It is very disheartening to say that sometimes people collaborate with each other solely to achieve

their personal goals. Politicians are an excellent model for discussing this issue. By the time elections are

scheduled to take place. Many of these politicians are deeply religious, and they regularly attend Sunday

mass gatherings and other activities designed to elicit public sympathy. No hard feelings, but it does

exist; to demonstrate this, open your eyes wider. Examine the happenings outside and investigate the

existence of this matter.

I'm not saying I'm perfect because I myself is also judging what they're doing. I'm just curious

how they manage to participate in such activities. Sometimes an opportunistic mind suddenly creates a

brilliant idea, which drives the weak to seek it, because the moment this disappears, they will revert to the

status they previously held. In general, I applaud those who help those in need without expecting

anything in return. We all knew that people have a positive attitude even when they are walking down a

dark path. After all, there is an ending and beginning.

Chapter 9: National Affairs

Characters Involved:

Crisostomo Ibarra, Maria Clara, Aunt Isabel, Captain Tiago, Father Damaso, Father Sibyla, Captain


Chapter Summary

Father Damaso stops on Captain Tiago’s home, passing Aunt Isabel and Maria Clara. Informing

him they are heading to convent collecting Maria Clara’s belongings. Then entered and told

Tiago to talk privately. Meanwhile, Father Sibyla visits an old unnamed priest. Sibyla gives

information about the incident between Damaso and Ibarra. Where they both agreed having

Ibarra, since he is wealthy and influential. Hoping he marry Maria Clara, following Tiago

undying devotion. Ibarra turns attention to Captain General, who heard Damaso spoke

unfavorably about him. He laughs and says, “Women and friars can do no harm. I mean to live in

peace during the time left to me in this country, and I want no more problems with men who

wear skirts.” In private, though, he laments the fact that the Philippines give friars so much

power. In Captain Tiago’s house, Damaso and Tiago having conversation about the marriage of

Ibarra and maria clae, for he was completely against it. When Dámaso leaves, Tiago rushes to his

household shrine and extinguishes the candles he lit for Ibarra’s safe passage to San Diego.

“There’s still time, and the road is very long,” Ibarra says to himself.
Interpretation of your Junior High School Teacher for this Chapter
Highlighting the friar's power and influence Where Filipinos cannot assert themselves, they are affected

significantly. For whatever the friar says must be followed, and all authorities must direct whoever they

want. Where they find numerous ways to carry out his plans in accordance with what or how it was started.

They show no mercy and use all resources to achieve their goal. Because of the Spaniards many Filipinos

are being subject to discrimination.

Reflection of the issue in the Chapter to Modern Society

i. Existence of the Literary Dilemma in the Modern Society

Cruelties and injustices are still present in the Modern Society. Where crimes are

rampant and the biggest issue was Drugs, Human Trafficking, prostitution, and

many others. This includes the extra judicial killing of the Duterte regime. It

might take a long process to resolve these situations. But the bright side is that

there is solution in every issue.

ii. Implied Topic Covered in this Chapter

It implies of what level of cruelties and injustices of Filipino people take from the

friars. Our fellow men are forced to take labor, and many are being oppressed.

The sufferings they able to intake for they do not have yet the courage to take

revenge. Friars were giving so much dilemma to the Indios to take the option to

kill their fellow men or to be killed. It measures how heartless Spaniard was-

towards Filipino people.

Personal Reflection

History does indeed repeat itself. Why? It's because the injustices, cruelties, influences, and

power of the wealthy are reoccurring. Forced labor, taxation, oppressed servants, and other events that

occurred during the Spanish era. It is still happening today. When we compare today's government to the

government of the Spanish era, we can conclude that there are significant differences and some

similarities. In today's system, the government does not intervene in any religious activities of the church,

and the church cannot intervene in government propaganda. During the Spanish era, the government and

the church were fully committed to any activities in which Filipinos were victims. How does Spanish era

have a little bit similarity of today’s Government System? In a way that politicians enter to the picture.

Especially when elections are about to arrive. Money is present where it speaks and works on their behalf.

Making so many promises to do projects and to improve this and that. So many flowering chitchats just to

get many voters. In the end the bounce back is still on the people. A sad reality that everybody can tell

anyone. The inhuman activities in our era which is the Extra Judicial killing that happen in Duterte

regime. The saying of Jose Rizal that “youth are the hope of society”. But to looking the activities of

youth they are using the illegal drugs, member of a gangs and one of the robbers and swindlers. Very

hopeless to intake but in every darkness, there is a rainbow that continuous to appear “saying be strong

for there is always a silver lining to hold into”. It may sound dramatic, but it is true, darkness will soon

disappear. We have no control over the events that occur in our daily lives. This is one of many simple

trials bestowed upon us by God. To assess our faith and strength in dealing with such a situation. A

chance to show off our skills, swords, and shields in order to overcome this test of life. Facing this

defines you as mature enough to face another bearable trial, or even more- trials that will come in due

time. A simple problem at home, school, or in society should be resolved immediately. If you didn't deal

with it, it would grow even bigger.



2. The paper must answer and discuss the following

questions: How does Noli Me Tangere impact our current


Noli me Tangere was regarded as one of the instruments that sparked Filipino

nationalism, ultimately leading to the 1896 Philippine Revolution. The novel not only awoke

dormant Filipino awareness, but also laid the groundwork for aspiring to independence. Just like

how it awoke the awareness of Filipinos in that era, it teaches the current generation the struggles

and cruelty of the past. So that they will never allow it to happen again.

Are the problems presented in Noli Me Tangere somehow present in our current society

Cruelties, injustices, power, and money are all happening nowadays. Cruelties and

injustices in that we are all aware of the extrajudicial killings related to the drug war that have

spread throughout the country. Bodies are abandoned and sometimes thrown away. Power and

money, because there are many criminals who are still at large and have not been sentenced.

Money covers everything, where innocent people can be sentenced to "Reclusion Perpetua," or

twenty years or more in prison, or life imprisonment. This was our society's incurable disease,

and all we needed to do was stay safe, always remembering that there is someone supervising and

protecting you behind you.

3. The paper must also cover and discuss at least one (1) of the following topics discussed in

this subject as implications of the novel:

Land Ownership in the Country

The ownership of land, particularly in Calamba, Laguna, where Rizal was born. It was one of the

additional reasons why his rebellious mind makes comments on the friars' policies. Where Rizal began

writing his novels as a silent retaliation against the Spaniards. Because he sees his fellow men being

forced to work on the field. Where there was nothing left for them because it was already settled as

payment for taxes and rent to landowners. Aside from that, the original landowners were disposed of for

various reasons. When they do not pay their depth on time, their source of income is confiscated. The

inhuman activities of Spaniards to the Filipino people, if we try to assess they are only foreigners in our

country and yet they all have the authorities to condemn us to in this kind of situation. This inspires Rizal

to take moves in finding ways to let his fellow men remove from these injustices and cruelties.

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