Applications of Transforms in Image Processing and Machine Learning

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Applications of transforms in image processing and machine learning.

Laplace Transform

What is Laplace transform used for in image processing?

The Laplacian is a 2-D isotropic measure of the 2nd spatial derivative of an
image. The Laplacian of an image highlights regions of rapid intensity
change and is therefore often used for edge detection (see zero crossing
edge detectors)

Laplacian filter kernels usually contain negative values in a cross pattern,

centered within the array. The corners are either zero or positive values.
The center value can be either negative or positive. The following array is
an example of a 3x3 kernel for a Laplacian filter.

The following example uses the CONVOL function. This example data is

available in the examples/data directory of your IDL installation. The
code shown below creates the following three images, each displayed in
separate windows.
; Select the file.
file = FILEPATH('nyny.dat', SUBDIRECTORY = ['examples',
orig_imageSize = [768, 512]
; Use READ_BINARY to read the image as a binary file.
orig_image = READ_BINARY(file, DATA_DIMS =
; Crop the image to focus on the bridges.
croppedSize = [256, 256]
croppedImage = orig_image[200:(croppedSize[0] - 1) +
200, $
180:(croppedSize[1] - 1) + 180]
; Display the cropped image.
im01 = IMAGE(croppedImage, $
   TITLE = 'Original cropped image')
; Create a kernel of a Laplacian filter.
kernelSize = [3, 3]
kernel = FLTARR(kernelSize[0], kernelSize[1])
kernel[1, *] = -1.
kernel[*, 1] = -1.
kernel[1, 1] = 4.
; Apply the filter to the image.
filteredImage = CONVOL(FLOAT(croppedImage), kernel,
; Display the resulting filtered image:
im02 = IMAGE(filteredImage, $
   TITLE = 'Laplacian-filtered image')
; Display only the negative values (ridges) within the
im03 = IMAGE(filteredImage < 0, $
  TITLE = 'Negative values of Laplacian-filtered


Data mining/machine learning:

 Machine learning focuses on prediction, based on known properties learned from

the training data. Data mining (which is the analysis step of Knowledge Discovery
in Databases) focuses on the discovery of (previously) unknown properties on the
data. Where the Laplace equation is used to determine the prediction and to
analyse the step of knowledge in databases.

Signal processing:
 Laplace Transform is heavily used in signal processing. Using Laplace or Fourier
transform, we can study a signal in the frequency domain. Laplace transform is a
subset of the Fourier transform which is used in the processing of data signals
during their transmission. For instance, if the signal is smooth over time, it means
that, in the frequency domain, we are very likely to find only small frequencies.
Similarly, the concept of filtering signal/data is based on a frequency domain
interpretation. That is catching and cleaning of errors generated during
transmission of computer data.

The Fourier transform is a representation of an image as a sum of
complex exponentials of varying magnitudes, frequencies, and
phases. The Fourier transform plays a critical role in a broad range of
image processing applications, including enhancement, analysis,
restoration, and compression.
How do you calculate the Fourier transform of an image?
The recipe for calculating the Fourier transform of an image is quite
simple: take the one-dimensional FFT of each of the rows, followed by
the one-dimensional FFT of each of the columns. Specifically, start by
taking the FFT of the N pixel values in row 0 of the real array.
What is Fourier transform in machine learning?

The Fourier transform is a way of splitting something up into a bunch of

sine waves. As usual, the name comes from some person who lived a long
time ago called Fourier. In mathematical terms, The Fourier Transform is a
technique that transforms a signal into its constituent components and

Coupling a fast fourier transformation with a machine

learning ensemble model to support recommendations for
heart disease patients in a telehealth environment

Rapid and quantitative detection of the microbial spoilage of

meat by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
and machine learning

Facial Emotion Characterization and Detection using Fourier

Transform and Machine Learning

Z-transform in signal processing converts a discrete time domain signal which is a
sequence of
real or complex numbers into a complex frequency domain representation. Z
defined in two ways, unilaterally or bilaterally.

forward transformation on 2x2 mask of cover image in a row major order,

four frequency component generates such as lower, horizontal, vertical and
complex conjugate
pair of horizontal frequency as shown in figure 1.a which is similar
frequency coefficient in lower to higher frequency bands are complex number in
the format of ‘a
+ j b’. Separation of real and imaginary parts is shown in figure 1.b and 1.c

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