Abadir Research 2013

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ID NO: 0408/11


APRIL ,2021

First of all I would like to thank God for everything. In addition, I would like to express my deep
gratitude to my advisor Kahsu . Not only for spending here valuable precious time in reading
every portion of the paper, but also for his valuable comments suggestions, and criticism that
guided to doing the research.

And also special gratitude to department of marketing management for giving us such type of
opportunity to do this senior essay. Finally I would like to say thank the manager of commercial
bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch for providing us valuable data and information and
customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia.

The researcher study was conducted on the “assessment of service delivery and customer’s
complaint handling practices of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch”. The general
objective of the study is the assessment of service delivery and customer complaint handling
practice in commercial bank of Ethiopia. To achieve the objective of this study data was
collected through questionnaire and interview from a sample of 87 bank customers, employees
and manager. The researcher used both primary and secondary data. Primary data collected
through questionnaire and interview. The questionnaires was instead of were distributed to
customers of bank, employees of the bank and the researcher was conducted interview with
manager of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch. The secondary data was instead of
were collected through reading books, Internets, commercial bank website, journal and prior
study. This study helps to fill the gap related to service delivery and customer complaint
handling. This study was used descriptive tools like tabular, frequency and percentages. Finally
the collected data was analyzed and present for conclusion and recommendation.

Key words: Service delivery, Customer complaint handling, Customer satisfaction

Table of Content

Contents Pages

Table of Content.............................................................................................................................iii
List of figure....................................................................................................................................v
List of table.....................................................................................................................................vi
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1
1.2. Background of the organization............................................................................................2
1.3. Statement of the problem......................................................................................................3
1.4. Research objective................................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General objective............................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific objective...........................................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................4
1.6. Scope of the Study................................................................................................................4
1.7. Limitation of the Study.........................................................................................................4
1.8. Organization of the paper......................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
2.1. Definition of service delivery and customer complaint handling.........................................5
2.2 Services..................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Definition of customer satisfaction and customer value........................................................5
2.3.1 Customer Satisfaction......................................................................................................5
2.3.2. Customer Value..............................................................................................................6
2.3.3. Observations on Customer Satisfaction.........................................................................6
2.3.4. Parameter of Quality service to Customer Satisfaction..................................................7
2.4. Customer Loyalty and Retention..........................................................................................7

2.5. Handling Customers Complaints and Services Recovery.....................................................7
2.5.1 Handling Complaints through Building Good Relationship...........................................8
2.5.2 Handling Complaints by Improving Quality of Service.................................................8
2.6. Manage Complaints to Enhance Loyalty..............................................................................9
2.7. Understanding Customer Behavior.......................................................................................9
2.8. Benefits of Effective Complaint Handling Process............................................................10
2.9. Basic Steps for Effective Management Complaint.............................................................10
2.10. Handling customer complaints..........................................................................................11
2.11. A suggested customer complaint procedure.....................................................................12
2.12. Commonly used external disputer solution techniques.....................................................12
2.13. Characteristics of effective internal complaint.................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................14
3. Description of study area...........................................................................................................14
3.1. Research Design..................................................................................................................14
3.2. Research Approach.............................................................................................................14
3.3 .Total Population..................................................................................................................14
3.4. Target population................................................................................................................14
3.5. Sampling Techniques..........................................................................................................15
3.6. Sample Size.........................................................................................................................15
3.7. Source of data......................................................................................................................16
3.8. Data Collection method......................................................................................................16
3.9. Data analysis and presentation............................................................................................16
3.10. Ethical consideration.........................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FOUR:........................................................................................................................17
DATA ANALAYSIS AND INTERPRTATION..........................................................................17
4.1. Biography of respondents...................................................................................................17
4.2. Biography of Employees.....................................................................................................27
4.3. Result from the interview with the Manager......................................................................33
CHAPTER FIVE:..........................................................................................................................34
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................34
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................34
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................35

List of Figure
Figure : Conceptual framework for service delivery.....................................................................13

List of Table Page

Table 4.1.Background of Customer Respondents.........................................................................17
Table 4.2.This table shows about related to kind of service delivery...........................................19
Table 4.3 this table show about service delivery system of the bank............................................21
Table 4.4: this table shows about the bank complaint recovery methods.....................................23
Table 4.5: this table shows about the bank complaint Handling ways..........................................25
Table 4.6: Background of employees............................................................................................27
Table 4.7: employee’s fairness and reality....................................................................................29
Table 4.8: employee’s performance..............................................................................................31



1.1 Background of the study

Service delivery means the act of providing a service for customers. It is also a component of
activity that defines the interaction between providers and clients where the provider offers a
service, whether that was information or a task, and the clients either find value or lose a value as
a result. (Anderson R.2004)
Complaints are great keep them coming most companies consider customer complaints a primary
source of their ongoing corporate headache. It is the part of the job that most people engage in
this type of activity in the business or organization. After all, who enjoys talking to upset people
who are on the verge of screaming? “But most companies do not understand the nature of
complaints and what they truly represent. Complaints have a completely different meaning from
the customer viewpoint and the company view point. Complaints professionally and smoothly
increase customer loyalty and retention. (LiorArussy, 2005)
Michele Schermerhorn also said that improving customer service have to minimize customer
complaints often results in the design of a prevention process. See what the author recommends
as a four step process that was reduces customer complaints. Reducing the time, effort and
money used to resolve customer issues was increasing your organizations bottom line.
Customer complaints are actually helpful to the organization for several reasons. First .they give
the organization chance to recover its organizational customer in deeded, there is some evidence
to suggest that customers whose complaints lead to a successful service is growing even faster in
the world economy making up quality of the value of international trade .The service sector
contributes the major portion of a domestic market in developed nation than developing
countries. The contribution of service sector comprises like ATM (automated tailor machine),
mobile banking, insurance, dahabshill, money grams and other financial service was growing
rapidly (Kotler, 2006).
The Service Delivery Indicators program is an application of the principles of the 2004 World
development report making services work for poor people. The service delivery indicators
project is a new Africa-wide initiative that tracks service delivery in education and health across
countries and over time. This partnership between the World Bank, the African development
bank and the African economic research consortium brings together development economists
and sector specialists. The objective is to reposition the dialogue on human development in
Africa within the context of effectiveness of public spending and accountability for service

Ethiopia which is one of the developing countries was shown tremendous nation , the activity of
service delivery occur by providing different service to customer such as loan , checking
account, saving account , transfer. In recent years, to minimize problem related with waiting time
of customers, the bank began automated tailor machine service.
Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customer is happy or unhappy with the
product and service provided by a business and the outcome felt by buyers who have
experienced a company performance that has fulfilled expectation. The probability of being loyal
longer is high in customer (Philip Kotler 2004).
Organization was develop the tendency of providing service quality in a way that satisfy the
customer be achieved the organization profit goal (Philip Kotler 2004).
Therefore, this study was focus on the service delivery and customer complaints handling
practice in commercial bank of Ethiopia Chiro branch. Service complaint handling is the
company deliver the services for their customer at that time the customers are not satisfy by their
provided service because of time shrinking, insufficient service deliver for customers, then
after these the company is handle any type of service complaint through effectively interview the

1.3. Statement of the problem

Most organization today do not understand how to challenging and depends on many factors that
cannot be continued by the service provide on careful inspection and diminution of service
When the organization deliver sufficient service for customers the satisfaction level of customers
was increasing but the reverse is true because service delivery and customer complaint handling
was go direct proportionally. When the bank meets or exceeds the customer expectations, the
customers start to put confident and trust towards the organization ability and thus inclined and
willing to spend more time.

Mostly when there is lack of sufficient service it appears customer complaint. Many companies
do not pay sufficient attention to handling complaints effectively.
The ultimate goal of the bank is to satisfy customers through good service delivery and handling
the complaint of customers. Customers are dissatisfied, if the service performance of the bank is
lower than what they have expected.

organizations especially service ones; work hard to find effective ways to counter external
changes in order to survive and they enhance their effectiveness by means of activating their
services and creating and developing new ones. Some of the reasons for customer’s

dissatisfaction that affects bank services are decreasing in service quality, less competent, high
waiting time in sending and taking money, not fully computerized service and from an increase
in customer expectations, Problems related to competency and willingness of debtors to pay back
their loan according to the expected terms also factors that affect the service delivery practice.
Building relationships is a challenge, often millions of customers who interact with the firm in
many ways from e –mail to call centers to face-to face interactions.

Research question
This study is intended to answer the following question.
1. What kind of service delivered to their customer from the bank?
2. What are the bank service delivery systems for their customer?
3. What are the methods used to recover the complaint of the customer?
4. What are the ways of the company, used to communicate customer to handle their

1.4. Research objective

1.4.1. General objective

The researcher aim to assess the service delivery in the commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda
bultum branch.

1.4.2. Specific objective

This study is also addresses the following specific objective.
1. To assess the kind of service delivery of bank and company service delivery
system for their customer.
2. To identify and examine the method used to recover the complaint of

1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of the study was providing an opportunity for the bank to view the existing
customers for the services rendered. So, the bank may take a corrective action accordingly.
 To help the organization to identify the problems, take corrective actions and handle their
customer’s properly.
 To improve service delivery systems for their customer and strength the CBE with regarding
service delivery to implementation.
 To help the Bank to build strong relationship with customers.

 identifies some basic service delivery and customer complaint handling practice to improve
customers service and creates profit that generate from customer complaint handling practice
 It (this research) uses as corner stone for researchers to make further analysis on this subject.
 To give deep understanding for researchers about customer complaint handling practice
 It helps the department as a document in order to prepare some educational materials.
 It helps the researcher to get his BA Degree in Marketing Management from the
1.6. Scope of the Study
The study delimit into geographically, conceptually and methodologically.
Geographically:- the study is limited to Chiro town Oda Bultum branch. Because of stuff
competition found in service sector where choose only the bank service even though there are
many banks either private/governmental found in country, we only give an emphasis on the
governmental bank (CBE).
Conceptually:- this research entirely focuses on the role of financial institution in the growth of
assessment of service delivery and customer complaint on customer customer complaint
handling practicen case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch
Methodologically:- the student researcher will use descriptive research design with both primary
and secondary source of data.
1.7. Limitation of the Study
While preparing this researcher I have faced many challenges like time constraint, luck of
experience to gain accurate information, poor internet connection and stress of the academic
1.8. Organization of the paper
The research paper was providing five chaptersK. The first chapter is introduction that covers the
background of the study, background of the organization, statement of the problem, objective of
the study, significance of the study, scope, limitation of the study, and organization of the paper.
The second chapter deals with literature's that are related of the topic of the study (service
delivery and customer complaint handling).
The third chapter contains methodology part. The fourth chapter concerned about data analysis,
presentation and interpretation. The fifth chapter concern about research conclusion and
recommendation of the study. All these chapters are emphasized about the assessment of service
delivery and customer complaint handling practice in case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda
bultum branch.



2.1. Definition of service delivery and customer complaint handling

Service delivery means the act of providing the service to customers. It is the distribution of
basic resource citizens depend on like information or necessary task of the bank.
Customer complaints expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization, managers or other
person related to any or more of its products, service or the manner in which it has deal with any
such expression of dissatisfaction. Where a response is either provided by or behalf of the
organization at which contract is made (Kotler and Keller, 2006)

Complaint offer business on opportunity to correct immediate problem. In addition they

frequently provide constructive idea for improving product, adopting marketing practices,
upgrading services, modifying promotional materials and product information while occasional
problem as with service of merchandise are to some extent, inevitable dissatisfied customer are
not complaint can learn to revolver from mistake. A good recovery cans turn angry, Frustrated
customers in to loyal one (Graham, 2002)

2.2 Services
Is an activity that is not separately identifiable, intangible and the main objectives is of a
transaction designed to provides want satisfaction for customers.-service has its own identified
1) Intangibility-Is characteristic of service is that it has no physical water bus and as a result, is
impossible for customers to test, feel, see, hear, or smell before buying.
2) Inseparability -Is a feature of service which tells that it cannot be separated from the
creator/seller of the service?
3) Heterogeneity-Is a characteristic of service which indicates that each unit is somewhat
different from other “unit” of the same service?
4) Perish ability-Is a characteristic of service that it is highly perishable and cannot stored for
future (Stanton et.all), (1991, p.20).

2.3 Definition of customer satisfaction and customer value

2.3.1 Customer Satisfaction

Weather the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends up on the other performance in relation to
the buyer’s expectation.

Is the level of a person’s felt state resulting from comparing a product perceived person
performance in relation to the person’s expectation (Kotler, 1994, p.40).
Since, satisfaction level is a function of the difference between perceived performance and
expectation a customer could expectation one of three broad levels of satisfaction. If the
performance falls short of expectation, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds the
expectation the customer if highly satisfied or delighted. Expectation are formed on the basis of
the buyers post buying experience statement made by friends and associates and marketer and
competitor information’s and promise. If marketers raise expectation too high, buyer is likely to
be disappointed. On the other hand if the company set expectation too low it were no attract
enough buyers although it was satisfied those who buy.
Some of today’s most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performance
to mach. The companies are aiming for total customer’s satisfaction because customers who are
just satisfied was still find it difficult to switch their customer shape even when better offer
comes along. Highly satisfied customers are much left ready to switch and also high satisfaction
or delight creates on emotional affinity with the brand not just a rational preference and this
creates high customers loyalty.

2.3.2. Customer Value

Customer value is the value that customer expects to receive from the good or service he\she
buys to compensate the payment he\she makes for the products “Customer value is difference
between total customers value and total customer cost. And total customers value is the bundle of
benefits customers expect from given product or service” (Kotler 1994, p.37).

2.3.3. Observations on Customer Satisfaction

Some industry levels that uses for observing customer satisfaction are:
Customer satisfaction was lower industry where the industry offers a homogeneous product to a
homogeneous market. On the other hand, industries that supply a high quality homogeneous
product to a homogeneous market was register high satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction is lower in industries where repeat buyers face high switching costs. They
have to buy from the supplier even through their satisfaction in low.
Industries which depend up on repeat business generally create higher levels of customer
As a company increases its market share, customer’s satisfaction can fall. This is because more
customers with heterogeneous demand are drawn into buying fairly homogeneous product.

2.3.4. Parameter of Quality service to Customer Satisfaction
According to Mud rick, if we can know the customers perception of a service relative to a seat of
characteristics important to him or hire, we may uncover ways to improve the quality of service
as a whole. It is found that customers assess quality intermesh of:-
 Reliabilities: Is the ability to perform the service dependable accurately and consistency
reliable is performing the service right at first time.
 Responsiveness: Is the ability to provide prompt service the ultimate in responsiveness
is offering service 24 H/7D in a weak.
 Assurance: Is the knowledge and courtesy of employees and ability to trust?
 Empathy: Is carrying Individualized attention to customers, affirms whose Employees
regime customers call them by name and learn their customer specify requirement are
provided. (Mc Daniel Lamb 2002,)
 Tangibles: Are physical evidence of service include facility tools and equipment is used
because of service are intangibles, the company tangibles service by physical evidence
like décor, color environment neatness etc.

2.4. Customer Loyalty and Retention

Highly satisfied customers produce several benefits like, less price sensitive, talk favorable to
others about the company and its products; remain loyal for a long period of time. In any case as
satisfaction increases so does loyalty, in highly competitive markets there is surprising little
difference between the loyalties of less satisfied customer those who are merely satisfied. There
is a tremendous difference between the loyalty of satisfied customers and completely satisfied
customer. Even slight drop from complete satisfaction can create an enormous drop in loyalty.
However, the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty varies greatly across
industries and competitive situation (Armstrong 2001; p.6720).

2.5. Handling Customers Complaints and Services Recovery

According to ridge(1980;184).well run services business responds quickly and generously to
complaints because customers complaints uses as sources of information so it is good thing to
bring each individual complaints to a satisfactory conclusion but it can also be useful to keep a
record of complaints over a period of time and from it identify possible causes “studies of
customer dissatisfaction show that 25% customer are dissatisfied with their purchase the
surprising finding is that the only about 5% of customers who complaint only about 5% report
are satisfactory resolved”. Later the need to resolve customer’s problem in satisfactory manner is
Where anon average a satisfied customer tells three people about good product experience and
dissatisfied customer tells to eleven people. If each of them tells still other people the number to
word of mouth grow exponentially.

Customers who are most upset are the companies best customers, customers whose complaints
are satisfactorily resolved often becomes more company loyal than who were never dissatisfies.
Therefore, companies need to develop service recovery program.
The first requirement is that companies make it easy for dissatisfy customers to complaint. This
can be accomplished by providing customers satisfaction forms and prominently featuring a
large number of “hot line”.
The second requirement is that the company employees who receive complaints are were trained
and empowered to resolve customers’ problem speedily and satisfactory faster the company
responds to the complaints the higher the demands of offered and better the attitude the higher
the customers’ satisfaction with the company.
The third requirement is to go beyond satisfaction particular customers and discovering and
correcting the root casus of frequent problems by studying the pattern of complaints the company
can correct system failures which are typically the sources of these problems (kotler;1994,p.479).
Customers handling complaints is handling company’s problem. Therefore, service provider
should have to focus on gathering and resolving customers complaints. The best ways of
resolving (handling) complaints are, building good relationship, providing quality service and
dealing with dissatisfy customers.

2.5.1 Handling Complaints through Building Good Relationship

There are five different levels of bulging relationship with customers.
Basic; the sales person sells the product but does not contact the customer again.
Reactive: the salesperson sells the product and encourages the customer to call if he or she has
any questions of complaints.
Accountable: the salesperson phones the customer a short time after the sale to check whether
the product is meeting the customer expectation. The salesperson also solicits from the customer
any product improvement suggestions and any specific disappointment. This information helps
the company continuously it’s offering.
Proactive: the company salesperson phones the customer from time to time with suggestion
about improved product use of helpful new products.
Partnership: the company works continuously with the customer to discover ways to affect
customer saving or help the customer perform better (kotler1994; p.49).

2.5.2 Handling Complaints by Improving Quality of Service

Top service complaints are able to effectively deliver service because, they apply the basic
principles of quality service. There principles not promotions money, corporate directive are the
heart and soul of quality service. This include;-

 Managerial vision.
 Develop a static niche.
 Top management must demonstrate support.
 Understand your business.
 Apply operation fundamental.
 Understand, respect and monitor the customer.
 Use appropriate technology.
 The need to innovate.
 Hire the right people.
 Provide skill-based training.

2.6. Manage Complaints to Enhance Loyalty

Complaints, like death and taxes are inevitable even market leaders encounter them. But each
grievance represents a chance to correct a flawed process. Educate a customer and strengthen
loyalty. Multiple studies already show companies with high quality customer service and
effective complaint handling process can change a premium as well increase loyalty. The case
for in resting in improvement is clear or so it was seemed. Unless decision Maker fully
understand customer complaint behavior and can qualify there turn on investment of complaint
handling, they won't see the like between complaint handling and loyalty, profits and it's unlikely
they well ever allocate adequate resources for change.
This article was arm you with the necessary facts and high level calculation to establish
complaint handling as a priority at your company and part of its ongoing strategy to improve
loyalty and ultimately increase profits (Dell. Hawkins and Goodman, 2003)

2.7. Understanding Customer Behavior

Technical assistance research program first study for the white house office of consumer affairs
in the 10s revealed consumers with problems who did and had their issues resolved.
Subsequent studies for the last 20 years have continued to confirm technical assistance research
programs initial finding that every problem presents an opportunity to enhance both loyalty and
word of mouth. A few research highlights follow about half of all consumers usually complaint
about serious problems to a front line retail rep. in business to business environment three
quarters of all customers deem as serious. For less serious problem complaint rates drop
significantly .if front line rep is an employee of a distribution of retailer, chances are the problem
were never be reported to the manufacturer. Every grievance offers a chance to correct a process
educated a customer and strong then loyalty. Armed with facts you can convince organizational
leadership improved profits was come from allocating adequate resources to complaint handling

2.8. Benefits of Effective Complaint Handling Process

The five benefits of an effective complaint handling process

1. Soliciting and satisfying a complaint usually result in a 50% increase in loyalty.
2. Moving a complaint from dissatisfied to completely satisfied raises loyalty 30% to 50% and
produce significant word of mouth the source of 20% to 70% of all new customers.
3. Many problems leading to complaints can be prevented via proactive customer education. In
addition on, process changes can prevent unpleasant surprises and empower front line staff with
rational to with complaints.
4. An effective voice of the customer process can identify problem prevention opportunities that
can reduce your overall services expense by 10 to 15 %.Which, in turn pays for the voice of the
customer process many times over?
5. Loyalty can be further enhanced by identifying in expensive deliverers, which can be
implemented during the complaint and general customer service process. Once these give facts
are accepted your organization will be poised to implementing the following four best practices
and being to qualify the increase in loyalty they yield.

How can a complaint be made?

Ideally, most Complaints were resolved informally with the relevant employees. However,
Complaint can be made orally or in written form oral complaints that cannot be resolved
informally may need to be put in writing and help was provide if needed by the by the person
receiving the complaint (Adrian Palmer and clown, 2005)

Who can receive a complaint?

Any department made employee can receive complaint should be made where the problem
occurred (e.g. the college or school) unless there are can corn's about local principal. Manager or
supervision, in which case the complaint should be made to next supervision level research has
shown that only one out of twenty five dissatisfied customers complaint the firm.

2.9. Basic Steps for Effective Management Complaint

Designate allocation to receive complaint,
 customers need to know where and how to file complaint or make inquiries

 select a place to receive complaint that is visible and accessible to customer

 publicize the complaint system to encourage customers to voice their dissatisfaction and
to make the good intention of the company apparent

Develop a system for record keeping

Prepare forms for recording categorizing and finding complaint recodes, design system to
perform function such as the following
 Communicating complaint data to top management

 provide market research though complaint trends

 And enabling management to monitor the efficiency and management system

2.10. Handling customer complaints

 Act quickly: is the complaint is made during service delivery, time is the essence to
achieve a full recovery when complaints are made after the fact many complaints are
made after the fact many companies have established policies of responding within 24
hours or sooner even when full resolution is likely to longer, fast acknowledgement
remains very important.
 Admit mistakes but don't defensive: acting defensively may suggest they the
organization has something to hide or is reluctant to fully explore the situation.
 Don't argue with customers: the goal should be together facts to reach a mutually
acceptable solution not to win a debate or prove that the customer is an idiot. Arguing
gets in the ways of listening and seldom diffuses anger.
 Acknowledge the customers feeling: for example, "I am understood why you're upset"
This action helps to guild report the first step is rebuilding a bruised relationship.
 Give customers the benefits of the doubt: not all customers are truthful and not all
complaints are justified. But customers were treated as though they have avoid complaint
instill clear evidence to the contrary emerges. If also of money are at state loss in
insurance clime or potential law suits, careful investigation is warranted.
 Clarify the steps needed to solve the problem: When instant solutions aren't possible
telling customers how the organization plans to proceed shows that corrective action is
being taken. It also sets expectation about the time involved. So firm were careful not to
over promise
 Keep customers informed of progress: Nobody likes being left in the dark. Uncertainty
breeds an anxiety and stress people tend to be more accepting of disruption if they know
is going on and receive periodic progress reports.

 Consider compensation: when Customer don't receive outcome they have paid for or
have suffered serious in convenience and/or loss of time and money because the services
failed, either a monetary payment or offer of equivalent service in king is appropriate.

2.11. A suggested customer complaint procedure

Consider the following eight steps customer complaint procedure for handling customer
complaints in your organization:
1. Provide customers with the opportunity to complaint

2. Give customs your full and undivided attention
3. Listen completely
4. Ask the key question: "what else?"
5. Agree that a problem exists; never disagree or argue
6. Apologize
7. Resolve the complaint (Ask again: "what else?")
8. Thank the customer for bringing the complaint to your attention
As you examine these eight steps, determine which one your organization does most and least
effectively. Use your answers to determine where you need to improve your customer complaint
procedure (WWW.life hack.org/articles/ communication).

2.12. Commonly used external disputer solution techniques

Mediation: is a process in which disputing parties with the help of mediator a natural third
alternative and try to reach an agreement. The indicator facilitates the process but does not advise
parties nor impose an outcome.
Arbitration: is process in which disputing parties present argument and evidence to a nutrition
arbitration, who when decide the matter generally arbitration decision are binding on the parties.
Private tribunals or councils: are non-legislated adjudicative bodies usually consisting of more
than one individual with special knowledge of the area .the member of the tribunal or council
hear arguments and evidence from both parties in a dispute according to predetermined rules and
process and then make a decision that may be binding on at least one of the parties.

2.13. Characteristics of effective internal complaint

Handling and external dispute resolution initiative internal complaint handling and external
dispute resolution initiative are distinct approaches usually designed to operate sequentially ( I.e.
internal complaints handling techniques and exhausted before trying internal approaches)
nevertheless they share many characteristics and successful program frequently have similar

 The initiative is well publicized through retail out let's and in advertisements pamphlets
and literature.
 Employees are trained in handling complaints and resolving disputes and are courteous
with customer good list resend imagination problems solvers
 The process is adequately funded and appropriate logistical arrangements are in place to
make it work.

 Regular review and monitoring tend place to ensure that the program works and that
continues improvement occur s.
 The process is free for Customer.

Figure: Conceptual framework for service delivery



3. Description of study area

The study made at commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch with main targeting
service delivery and customer’s complaint handling practice at front level to clarify on main
performance gap on service delivery and initiation up on available banking services.

3.1. Research Design

The study was used descriptive research design. Descriptive research design enables the research
to describe the characteristics of the customer, performance of the bank and complaint handling
producers. Descriptive research design describes the service delivery and customer’s complaint
handling problem of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch.

3.2. Research Approach

The researcher was used both quantitative and qualitative research approach.
Quantitative research technique involves the calculation and presentation of statistical
information and also used numerical scores are calculating by asking their people. Quantitative
techniques used to make analysis by using tables and charts.

Qualitative technique is most relevant for my study. It involves a natural or observational

examination of the philosophies that governed customer behavior. The direction and frame work
of the research is often revised as new information is gained. Allowing the researcher to evaluate
issues and subjects in an in-depth manner is based on opinions, attitudes, beliefs and intensions.

3.3 .Total Population

The total study population is 330(sum of manager, employees of company and customers of the
commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch.

3.4. Target population

The target population of the study was all employees, customers and manager of commercial
bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch. The researcher was using this type of population to study
the research problem and distributed the questionnaire and interviews the manager.

3.5. Sampling Techniques

The total number of the bank employee are 5 the researcher will take all (5) of them including
manager of CBE in Chiro town Oda bultum branch by using purposive or séances method
because, the student researcher will get the relevant data from employees and manger. In
addition the student researcher will be selected and will ask 82 customers by using convenient
non probability sampling method. The main reason to use this method is because of the problem
in getting the accurate sampling frame of the respondents.

3.6. Sample Size

In order to make the feasible and scientific of the research determine sample size for its
appropriateness and simplicity to conduct the questioner.
The total study population is 330(sum of managers, employees of company and customers of the
bank).So the samples sizes was determined by using the following formula: Cochran, W.G,
(1997).Sampling theory, Third edition
Where: N= total population

n= sampling size

e= margin of error (e=0.1=10%)

Therefore,n= 2
1+ N ( e)

n= 2=
1+ 330(0.1)

n= =
1+ 3

n= =82

Using the calculated sample size the researcher was used convenience sampling to selected 82
samples for distributing the questionnaire, and interview manager of the bank and general
manager of the company total 87 sample sizes. The researcher takes selected to 5 employees
including manager and 82 customers. In order to gets relevant information for the study of
assessing effective marketing strategies for the increment of profitability.

3.7. Source of data

The researcher was used both primary and secondary sources of data to conducted the research
such as questionnaire from customer and interview employees of the commercial bank of
Ethiopia Oda bultum branch. This is considering as primary data. Hence, the rationale behind
using questioner is to get deep information from respondents. The researcher was employees
questionnaire to allow respondent free while they provide information as well as to save time,
on the other hand the researcher was visit library to review related literature, magazines and
other sources of data these are consider as secondary data source.

3.8. Data Collection method

The researcher is used structured type of questionnaires for the selected service receiver
customer so as to get adequate information from them. In addition to the questionnaire the
researcher was used interview especially personal or face to face interview was conducted with
the selected employees of the bank through constructed manner to acquire relevant and adequate
information and data.

3.9. Data analysis and presentation

The analysis was carried out after collecting the necessary data from different sources that are
mentioned above. There are different methods of data analysis of the respondents information
was performed by tabulation type of data analysis. It refers to the actual counting of observations
of that fall into each response category. The method was utilized to present data in tables,
numbers and percentages to make the research more easy, understandable and sensible.

3.10. Ethical consideration

In conducting the study the researcher was gather information from the respondent responsibly.
And the researcher try to secure the moral and ethical value of the businesses and the information
was required for academic purpose only.



All this section depends on the data collection from customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia
Oda Bultum branch on the customer relationship management provided demographic
background of the respondents.

4.1. Biography of respondents

The analysis would have included 36 male and 46 females’ respondent. This indicates most of
the bank customers are females and most of the respondent’s age is included in 18-25 years. This
shows most of the bank customers are adult while most of the customers education level are
degree because this indicate most graduate students are the customers of the bank.

Table 4.1: Background of Customer Respondents.

No Items Description frequency Percentage

1 Sex Male 36 43.9%

Female 46 56.1%

Total 82 100%

2 Age 18-25 49 59.8%

26-35 16 19.5%

36-45 11 13.4%

Above 46 6 7.3%

Total 82 100%

3 Level of education Uneducated 5 6.1%

10-12 complete 8 9.8%

Diploma 9 10.9%

Degree 54 65.9%

Above 6 7.3%

Total 82 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As show on the table 1, item 1 below, the male and female respondents of customers account for
male 36(43.9%) and 46 (56.1%) respectively. This indicates the majority customers of the bank
are female.
Table 1 item 2 indicates that the age groups of the customer respondents from the total of 82
respondents, 49 (59.8%) of them range from 18-25years while 16(19.5%) of them range from
26-35 years while 11(13.4%) of them range from 36-45 the remaining 6(7.3%) of them range
from above 46 years.
Besides, the same table item 3 specifies the level of education of customer respondents, out of a
total of 82 respondents, 5(6.1%) of them are uneducated while 8(9.8%) of them are 10-12
completed while 9(10.9) of them are Diploma while 54(65.9% them are degree and 6(7.3%) are
above respectively. This indicates most of the bank customers are degree the reason that most
customers are satisfied and in contrast very small number customer are uneducated the reason
behind the bank service delivery is not satisfied.

 Customer Responses
The following section emphasizes on the presentation and analysis of data gathered from the
customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch. In addition, some observation of
the researcher has also been included.

Table 4.2.This table shows about related to kind of service delivery

Items Description Frequency Percentage

1 The bank delivers any kind of Strongly agree 11 13.4%
Agree 29 35.4%
Neutral 8 9.8%
Disagree 22 26.8%
Strongly disagree 12 14.6%
Total 82 100%
The bank is delivering any Strongly agree 19 23.2%
service for needed time.
Agree 31 37.8%
2. Neutral 10 12.2%
Disagree 14 17%
Strongly disagree 8 9.8%
Total 82 100%
3 The customers are gained any Strongly agree 6 7.3%
kind of convincing service
from the employee of the Agree 29 35.4%
bank. Neutral 16 19.5%
Disagree 25 30.5%
Strongly disagree 6 7.3%
Total 82 100%
4 The bank is delivered accurate Strongly agree 14 17.1%
service for the customer in
Agree 29 35.4%
Neutral 11 13.4%
Disagree 19 23.2%
Strongly disagree 9 10.9%
Total 82 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As presented on the table the bank delivered any kind of service 11(13.4%) are strongly agree,
29(35.4%) agree, 8(9.8%) neutral, 22(26.8%) disagree and 12(14.6%) are strongly disagree.
These indicate that the majority of customers were agree on the bank delivery kind of service.
On the second items shown on the same table the bank is delivered any kind of service for
needed time 19(23.2%) are strongly agree, 31(37.8%) are agree, 10(12.2%) are neutral, 14(17%)
are disagree and 8( 9.8% )are strongly disagree. This implies that the majority customer of the
bank are agree on the bank is delivery any kind of service for needed time.
Another item of on commercial bank of Ethiopia customer to remind them of the customer are
gain any convincing service from the employee of the bank 6(7.3%) are strongly agree,
29(35.4%) are agree, 16(19.5%) are neutral, 25(30.5%) are disagree and 6(7.3%) are strongly
disagree. This indicates that the majority of the customer are agree about the customer are gain
any convincing service from the employee of the bank.
In addition the above, the bank is delivered accurate service for the customer in anywhere as
shown in the above table 14(17.1%) are strongly agree, 29(35.4%) are agree, 11(13.4%) are
neutral, 19(23.2%) are disagree and 9(10.9%) are strongly disagree. This implies the majority of
the banks customers are agree on the bank delivered accurate service for the customer in

Table 4.3 this table shows about service delivery system of the bank
No Items Description frequency Percentage

5 You have used any kind of Strongly agree 10 12.2%

service delivery system for
Agree 33 40.2%
their customer.
Neutral 14 17.1%
Disagree 17 20.7%
Strongly disagree 8 9.8%
Total 82 100%

6 You have satisfied by the bank Strongly agree 12 14.6%

service delivery system.
Agree 34 41.5%
Neutral 17 20.7%
Disagree 13 15.9%
Strongly disagree 6 7.3%
Total 82 100%
7 The bank is used best Strongly agree 20 24.4%
promotional tool system to
deliver the service. Agree 32 39%
Neutral 18 21.9%
Disagree 8 9.8%
Strongly disagree 4 4.9%
Total 82 100%
8 Willingness and readiness of Strongly agree 15 18.3%
employees to respond to
customers request about banks Agree 25 30.5%
service delivery system. Neutral 16 19.5%
Disagree 20 24.4%
Strongly disagree 6 7.3%
Total 82 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As shown on the above table customer of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch on
you have used any kind of service delivery system for their customer are 10(12.2%) strongly
agree,33(40.2%) are agree,14(17.1%) are neutral,17(20.7%) are disagree and 8(9.8%) are
strongly disagree. This shows that the majority of commercial bank of Ethiopia customers were
agree on the bank used any kind of service delivery system for their customer.
As indicated on the second item in the above table about the customers satisfied by the bank
service delivery system 12(14.6%) are strongly agree,34(41.5%) are agree,17(20.7) are
neutral,13(15.9%) are disagree and 6(7.3%) are strongly disagree. This implies that the majority
of commercial bank of Ethiopia customers are agrees on the bank service delivery system.
As stated on the above table the customer on the bank is used best promotional tool system to
deliver the service 20(24.4%) are strongly agree, 32(39%) are agree, 18(21.9%) are neutral,
8(9.8%) are disagree and 4(4.9%) are strongly disagree. This indicate that the highest number of
customer of the commercial bank of Ethiopia are agree on the bank used best promotional tool
system to deliver the service.
As presented on the above table the respondents on willingness and readiness of employees to
respond to customers requested about bank service delivery system 15(18.3%) are strongly
agree, 25(30.5%) are agree, 16(19.5%) are neutral, 20(24.4%) are disagree and 6(7.3%) are
strongly disagree. This indicates the majority or highest number of the customer of the bank are
agree about the willingness and readiness of the employees to respond the customers requested
about the bank service delivery system.

Table 4.4: this table shows about the bank complaint recovery methods
No Items Description frequency Percentage

9 Commercial bank is used Strongly agree 19 23.2%

different methods to recover
their complaint. Agree 22 26.8%
Neutral 16 19.5%
Disagree 15 18.3%
Strongly disagree 10 12.2%
Total 48 100%

10 You are satisfied by the bank Strongly agree 6 7.3%

complaint recovery methods.
Agree 24 29.3%
Neutral 21 25.6%
Disagree 20 24.4%
Strongly disagree 11 13.4%
Total 82 100%
11 The commercial bank of Strongly agree 14 17%
Ethiopia customer complaints
recovery methods are very Agree 20 24.4%
better than any other banks. Neutral 19 23.2%
Disagree 16 19.5%
Strongly disagree 13 15.9%
Total 82 100%
12 You know the strategic plan Strongly agree 16 19.5%
for complaint handling that the
commercial bank follows. Agree 21 25.6%
Neutral 27 32.9%
Disagree 15 18.3%
Strongly disagree 3 3.7%
Total 82 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As it shown the table, on the bank complaint recovery methods; for the commercial bank is used
different methods to recover their complaint 19(23.2%) of them strongly agree, 22(26.8%) of
them agree, 16(19.5%) of them neutral, 15(18.3%) of them disagree and 10(12.2%) of them are
strongly disagree. This indicates the majority of customers are agrees about the bank complaint
recovery method.
For the second item; the customer you are satisfied by the bank complaint recovery methods
6(7.3%) are strongly agree, 24(29.3%) are agree, 21(25.6%) are neutral, 20(24.4%) are disagree
and 11(13.4%) are strongly disagree. In this table shows more customer of the bank are agree on
you are satisfied by the bank complaint recovery method.
Another item of on the commercial bank of Ethiopia customer complaint recovery methods are
very better than any other banks 14(17%) of the respondent are strongly agree, 20(24.4%) of
respondent them agree, 19(23.2%) of the respondent them neutral, 16(19.5%) of the respondent
are disagree and 13(15.9%) of the respondent them strongly disagree. This indicates that the
majority of the customer are agree about the commercial bank of Ethiopia customer complaint
recovery methods are very better than any other banks.
In addition, on the item you know the strategic plan for complaint handling that the commercial
bank follows the respondent are 16(19.5%) are strongly agree, 21(25.6) are agree, 27(32.9%) are
neutral, 15(18.3%) are disagree, 3(3.7%) are strongly disagree. This implies the majority of the
bank customers are neutral about you know the strategic plan for complaint handling that the
commercial bank follows.

Table 4.5: this table shows about the bank complaint handling ways
No Items Description(option Frequency Percentage
13 You have the bank customer Strongly agree 13 15.9%
complaint handling ways are
very faster with compared to Agree 24 29.3%
others. Neutral 13 15.9%
Disagree 14 17%
Strongly disagree 18 21.9%
Total 82 100%

14 You have the company is Strongly agree 13 15.9%

used different ways to handle
the complaint their customer. Agree 28 34.1%
Neutral 15 18.3%
Disagree 21 25.6%
Strongly disagree 5 6.1%
Total 82 100%
15 The bank is used different Strongly agree 18 21.9%
complaint handling ways to
Agree 33 40.2%
saturate the customer.
Neutral 15 18.3%
Disagree 13 15.9%
Strongly disagree 3 3.7%
Total 82 100%
16 There is any customer Strongly agree 22 26.8%
complaint handle mechanism
toward customer handling Agree 25 30.5%
strategies. Neutral 16 19.5%
Disagree 8 9.8%
Strongly disagree 11 13.4%
Total 82 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As it show on the table, on the bank complaint handling ways; for the bank customer complaint
handling ways are very faster with compared to other 13(15.9%) are strongly agree,24(29.3%)
are agree,13(15.9%) are neutral,14(17%) are them disagree and 18(21.9%)are them strongly
disagree. This indicates the majority of customers are agree about the bank complaint handling
ways are very faster than other compared to others.
For the second item; the bank is used different ways to handle the complaint of their customers
13(15.9%) are them strongly agree, 28(34.1%) are agree, 15(18.3%) are neutral, 21(25.6%) are
disagree and 5(6.1%) are them strongly disagree. In this table shows more customer of the bank
is agree on the bank complaint handling ways.
As stated on the above table the bank is used different complaint handling ways to saturate the
customer 18(21.9%) of the respondent is strongly agree, 33(40.2%) of the respondent is agree,
15(18.3%) of the customer are neutral, 13(15.9%) of the respondents are disagree and 3(3.7%) of
the respondent are strongly disagree. This indicates that the highest numbers of customers of the
commercial bank of Ethiopia are agree on the bank used different complaint handling ways.
As presented on the above table the respondents about there is any customer complaint handling
mechanism toward customer handling strategy 22(26.8%) of the respondent are strongly agree,
25(30.5%) of the respondent are agree, 16(19.5%) of the respondents are neutral, 8(9.8%) of
respondent are disagree and 11(13.4%) of the respondent are strongly disagree. This indicates the
majority or highest number of the customer of the bank are agree about there is any customer
complaint handling mechanism toward customer handling strategy.

4.2. Biography of Employees

Table 4.6: Background of employees.

1 Sex Description Frequency Percentage

1 Sex Male 3 60%
Female 2 40%
Total 5 100%
2 Age 18-27 1 20%
28-37 3 60%
38-47 1 20%
58 and Above - -
Total 5 100%
3 Level of education Diploma - -
Degree 4 80%
Masters 1 20%
Others - -
Total 5 100%
4 How long have you Below 2 years - -
been in this bank?
3 years 1 20%
4 years 2 40%
5 years 1 20%
Above 6 years 1 20%
Total 5 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As show on the table 4.6, item 1 below, the male and female respondents of employees account
for male 3(60%) and 2(40%) respectively. This indicates the majority employees of the bank are
Table 4.6 item 2 indicates that the age groups of the employee respondents from the total of 5
respondents, 1(20%) of them range from 18-27 years, while 3(60%) of them range from 28-37
years, 1(20%) of them range from 38-47. This indicate that most of the employees are rang in
28-37 years, while according to the data 58 and above years employees are not gain in this bank.
Besides, the same table item 3 specifies the level of education of employee respondents, out of a
total of 5 respondents, 4(80%) of them are degree, while 1(20%) of them are masters. This
indicates most of the bank employees are degree.
While the bank employees respond about how long you have been in this bank 1(20%) are 3
years, 2(40%) are 4 years, 1(20%) are 5 years and the same that1 (20%) are rang in above 6
years. This indicates that most of employees are worked in 4 years, while according to the data
below 2 years employees are not gain in the bank.

Table 4.7: employee’s fairness and reality

No Items Description(option) frequency Percentage

1 You have serve your entire Strongly agree 2 40%
customer fairly and equality.
Agree 3 60%
Neutral - -
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
2 You have satisfied with the Strongly agree 1 20%
service or guiding principle of
customers handling policy to Agree 4 80%
concerning how to treat Neutral - -
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
3 How do you see the Strongly agree 1 20%
motivational tool you obtain
in producing opinions to Agree 2 40%
manage to set customer Neutral 2 40%
handling Policy.
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
4 You have to use customer Strongly agree 3 60%
inspired tool to request about
the bank service delivery Agree 1 20%
system. Neutral 1 20%
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%

Source: own survey (2021)

As it show on the table 4.7, on the bank employees reality fairness, you have serve your entire
customer fairly and equally 2(40%) are strongly agree, 3(60%) are agree, while other items are
not respond because every employees are serve the customers fairly and equally. This indicate
the majority of employees are agree about you have serve your entire customer fairly and
For the second item; You have satisfied with the service or guiding principle of customers
handling policy to concerning how to treat customers 1(20%) are them strongly agree, 4(80%)
are agree and other items of the table are not fill. This indicate that more employees of the bank
are agree on you have satisfied with the service or guiding principles of customers handling
policy to concerning how to treat customers.
As stated on the above table how you see the motivational tool you obtain in producing opinions
to manage to set customer complaint handling Policy1( 20%) of the respondents is strongly
agree, 2(40%) of the respondents is agree, 2(40%) of the employees are neutral and other items
of the table are not fill. This indicate that the highest number of employees of the commercial
bank of Ethiopia are agree and neutral about how you see the motivational tools you obtain in
producing opinions to manage to set customer complaint handling policy and according to the
data disagree and strongly disagree statement are not fill by employees because employees are
you have to see motivational tools of then bank.
As show on the above table the respondents about you have to use customer inspired tool to
request about the bank service delivery system3( 60%) of the respondents are strongly agree,
1(20%) of the respondents are agree, 1(20%) of the respondents are neutral This indicates that
the majority or highest number of the employees of the bank are strongly agree about you have
to use customer inspired tools to request about the bank service delivery system and disagree and
strongly disagree are not fill by employees because of the employees of the bank are strongly
agree about the bank used inspired tools.

Table 4.8: employee’s performance
No Items Description(option) frequency Percentage
5 Are the customers willing to Strongly agree 1 20%
honor the procedure of your
duty with keeping time, Agree 4 80%
waiting line and discipline Neutral - -
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
6 You have received training Strongly agree 3 60%
from the company to improve
your performance. Agree 1 20%
Neutral 1 20%
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
7 The bank prepared any type of Strongly agree 1 20%
Complaint handling Agree 3 60%
Procedure. Neutral 1 20%
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%
8 You have deal about angry Strongly agree 1 20%
customer and controlling your
own felling to communicate. Agree 4 80%
Neutral - -
Disagree - -
Strongly disagree - -
Total 5 100%

Source: own survey (2021).

As shown on the above table Are the customers willing to honor the procedure of your duty with
keeping time, waiting line and discipline are 1(20%) of the respondent are strongly agree,

4(80%) of the respondent are agree. This shows that the majority of commercial bank of Ethiopia
employees are agree about are the customers willing to honor the procedure of your duty with
keeping time, waiting line and discipline and according to the table neutrality, disagree and
strongly disagree are not fill because of employees of the bank are agree about the customers are
willing to honor the procedure of your duty with keeping time, waiting line and discipline.
As indicated on the second item in the table about you have received training from the company
to improve your performance 3(60%) of the respondents are strongly agree, 1(20%) of the
respondents are agree, 1(20%) of the respondents are neutral. This implies that the majority of
commercial bank of Ethiopia employees are strongly agree about you have received training
from the bank to improve your performance and according to the table shows disagree and
strongly disagree are not fill the reason behind most of the employees are strongly agree about
you have received training from the bank.
As stated on the table The bank prepared any type of complaint handling procedure policy
1(20%) of the respondents are strongly agree, 3(60%) of their employees are agree, 1(20%) of
their employees are neutral This indicate that the highest number of employees of the
commercial bank of Ethiopia are agree about the bank complaint handling procedure.according
to the table disagree and strongly disagree are not fill.
As presented on the table the respondents you have deal about angry customer and controlling
your own felling to communicate 1(20%) of the employees are strongly agree, 4(80%) of the
respondent employees are agree. This indicates the majority or highest number of the employee
of the bank are agree about you have deal angry customer and controlling your own felling to
communicate and from the table four description items are not fill because of most of the
employees of the bank agree about deal angry customers and controlling your own felling to

4.3. Result from the interview with the Manager
1, what kind of service does the bank offered to its customers?
The first questions for the bank were about what kinds of service the bank offered to its
customers. The manager says that the bank is offered different service for customers. Services
that commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum branch offers to its customers are: cash deposit
and withdrawal, opening an account, lending money to customers and employees, electronic
banking service and others.
2, what mechanisms does the bank used to check whether the customers are satisfied or not?
The second question of the interview with the bank is about what mechanisms the bank used to
check whether its customers have satisfied or not by the bank services. The manager says that the
bank can check customer satisfaction through referring customer suggestion book each time and
through supervising from office makers and all employee work in daily basis.
3, what are your measurements for the experiences and skills of the bank workers to serve the
The last question of the interview with the bank has designed to know what are the measurement
of the experiences and skills of the bank workers to serve the customer. The manager says that
the bank measures customer experience and skill through performance management system with
computer and update employee each time promote and demote customers based on performance
management system there is less manual evaluation in employee performance and skill more is
done with computerized system.



5.1 Conclusion
This research was conducted to assess the service delivery and customer’s complaint handling
practice in commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch.
To meet the objective, questionnaires were distributed and collected from customers and
employees of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch. The study has tried to observe
the customers satisfaction and the bank’s service delivery from the view point of customers and
What can be seen is that there is a both positive and negative aspect to that of the performance of
the bank and some of the positive points analyzed is stated below;
 As it is indicated most of the customers of the bank are females. And it means the bank
should be focus on what they should to attract them. As it is also shown in the data stated
above most of the customers range from the age group of 18-25. Most of the user’s
educational level also shows that the majority of the users are BA/BSC degree
 When coming to kind of service delivery, most of the respondents are agree this indicates
that customers are knowing the bank kinds of service delivery
 Most of the respondents are agree about the bank service delivery system. This indicates
that most customers are satisfied by service delivery system. All customers of
commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch agreed that the fee charged for the
service delivered for customers is fair. Therefore, this may enable the bank to keep the
existing customers and attract new customers to join the bank.
 Almost all of customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda Bultum branch agreed that
the employees are willing to listen to their complaint.
 The information received from employees is the crucial and the first source of attracting
new customers to the bank.
 The presently adapted and applicable work hour is satisfactory for all customers of the
 The majority of employee respondents are male.
 Most of the employee’s age is from the range of 28-37.
 The majority of the employee’s education levels are degree.
 Most of the employees are worked experienced 4 years
 The willingness of employees of the bank to attract new customers is very high, so the
employees of the bank are achieving its organizational goal.
 The banks motivation for employees who contribute a good idea or input for formulating
customers handling policy is weak.
 The majority of the employees are agree about provided service

Also, according to the findings, there are certain points that the bank should be improving .some
of the negative (weak) point of the banks are stated below.
 Some respondents were strongly disagree about the bank complaint handling practice
because of do not give sufficient attention about their complaint.
 Some customers of the bank were neutral about the banks complaint recovery methods
that shows the bank is not give known complaint recovery methods.
The above statements show that the bank has both strong parts to maintain and weak points to
correct. So as a conclusion I would like to state the major point to be mentioned.
 From my observation the bank are trying their best stand out in the banking business,
including different facilities like provided ATM(automated tailor machine) service,
money transfer, money Grahame, deposit and withdrawal service.
 They lack of certain crucial activity like complaint handling ways.

5.2 Recommendation
As the reason behind any researcher is to find out the major problems of the study and give
solutions based on the findings, this fact makes the recommendation part of any research more
valuable than others. Any organizations, company or institutions was always have a certain kind
of problem despite however they have been trying to deliver the service perfectly. Especially in
service giving organization it is really difficult to say the service would be excellent for every
user. Part of the literature review such that its intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability, and
There was much scope for improving the working efficiency of any company. The remedial
measures to overcome the above mentioned problems are suggested as follows.
 Training is a must for all employees at any stage because training boosts the morale of
employees by which efficiency, Productivity general awareness also increases and there
are no mismanagement what so ever. Nice businesses plan, unless the responsible bodies
implement it efficiently and effectively, it may not have enough capacity and skill to do
the work or achieve the intended objectives. Training is the means of achievement, and it
is a tool for developing knowledge and creating confidence. Hence, training is an
instrument for the realization of organizational goal or end.
 Employees are not confident enough to take or perform the work by themselves unless
their respective supervisors told them what should be expected of them. This situation
increases dependence or reduces confidence of employees to be competent in achieving
objective independently. Rather if there is re-determined guide line employees do not
keep supervisors to order them while they perform their work at any time with regard to
the guide line.
 Even though there is a good beginning to handle complaints of customers, there are some
kinds of delay that are raised by some of respondents. The bank is late in solving
complaints. The bank is advised to reform its speed of handling complaints so as to
increases customer’s satisfaction.

Questionnaire prepared for commercial bank customer on the title of assessment of service
delivery and customer complaint handling practice at commercial bank of Ethiopia Oda bultum

Oda bultum University

College of Business and economics
Department of Marketing Management
BA Program
Dear participants
The BA degree student at oda bultum University the researcher has conducting a research on ''
assessment of service delivery and customer complaint handling practice at commercial bank of
Ethiopia Oda bultum branch''. The researcher would like to invite you to participate in its
research study. Therefore, your valuable support and response to the questions raised are
paramount importance to the success of this study. Hence, we respectfully request your kind
cooperation in answering the questions clearly, honestly and objectively. Thank you for your

Part I: Personal Information: You do not need to write your name!

Please tick [√] the appropriate box for your answers. Please tick only one box.

1. Please what is your gender/sex?

[ ] male [ ] female

1. Please select your age group.

[ ] 18-25 years [ ] 26-35 years [ ] 36-46 years [ ] 46 and above

2. Select your highest academic qualification?

[ ] Uneducated [ ] 10-12 complete
[ ] Diploma [ ] Bachelors of degree and above degree

Part II: Questions Related to the customer retention strategy: Please fill out the following
information accurately and clearly. Please indicate on a five-point scale the extent you “strongly
disagree” to “strongly agree.” Tick (√) appropriately.
Strongly agree=5, Agree= 4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, strongly disagree=1

S. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Stro

N Disagree ngly
kind of service delivery
1 The bank delivers any kind of services.          
  The bank is delivering any service for needed time.          
3 The customers are gained any kind of convincing      
service from the employee of the bank.    
4 The bank is delivered accurate service for the      
customer in anywhere.    
service delivery system of the bank
5 You have used any kind of service delivery system      
for their customer.    
6 You have satisfied by the bank service delivery      
7 The bank is used best promotional tool system to      
deliver the service.    
8 Willingness and readiness of employees to respond      
to customers request about banks service delivery
complaint recovery methods of bank
9 Commercial bank is used different methods to      
recover their complaint.    
10 You are satisfied by the bank complaint recovery      
11 The commercial bank of Ethiopia customer      
complaints recovery methods are very better than
any other banks.    
12 You know the strategic plan for complaint handling      
that the commercial bank follows.    
complaint handling ways of bank
13 You have the bank customer complaint handling      
ways are very faster with compared to others.    
14 You have the company is used different ways to      
handle the complaint their customer.    
15 The bank is used different complaint handling ways      
to saturate the customer.    
16 There is any customer complaint handle mechanism      
toward customer handling strategies.    

Questionnaire prepared for commercial bank of Ethiopia of Front Line Employees on the title of
assessment of service delivery and customer complaint handling practice at commercial bank of
Ethiopia Oda bultum branch''.
Oda bultum University
College of Business and economics
Department of Marketing Management
BA Program
Dear participants,
The BA degree student at oda bultum University has conducting a research on '' assessment of
service delivery and customer complaint handling practice bank chiro town''. The researcher
would like to invite you to participate in his research study. Therefore, your valuable support
and response to the questions raised are paramount importance to the success of this study.
Hence, we respectfully request your kind cooperation in answering the questions clearly,
honestly and objectively. Thank you for your cooperation.

Part I: Personal Information

You do not need to write your name!
Answer by placing a tick mark (✔) in one of the boxes corresponding to each item.
1. Sex: Male Female
2. Please indicate your age: 18- 27 28-37 37-47 > 58
3. Work experience: less than 2 year 3 year 4 years bove 5 year
4. Level of education: Diploma Bachelor Degree Master’s Degree & above

Please fill out the following information accurately and clearly. Please indicate on a five-point
scale the extent you “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Tick (√) appropriately.
Strongly agree=5, Agree= 4, Neutral=3, Disagree=2, strongly disagree=1
S. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
N Disagree Agree

employee’s fairness and reality

1 You have serve your entire customer fairly and equality.      
2 You have satisfied with the service or guiding principle      
of customers handling policy to concerning how to treat
3 How do you see the motivational tool you obtain in      
producing opinions to manage to set customer handling
4 You have to use customer inspired tool to request about      
the bank service delivery system.    
employee’s performance 

5 Are the customers willing to honor the procedure of
your duty with keeping time, waiting line and discipline

6 You have received training from the company to

improve your performance.
7 The bank prepared any type of Complaint handling
8 You have deal about angry customer and controlling
your own felling to communicate.


Interview Questions for Commercial bank manager of Chiro branch on the title of
assessment of service delivery and customer complaint handling practice at commercial bank of
Ethiopia Oda bultum branch''''.
Oda bultum University
College of Business and economics
Department of Marketing Management
BA Program
Dear Mangers,
The BA degree student at oda bultum University has conducting a research on ''assessments of
Customer Retention and loyalty ''. The researcher would like to invite you to participate in our
research study. Therefore, your valuable support and response to the questions raised are
paramount importance to the success of this study. Hence, we respectfully request your kind
cooperation in answering the questions clearly, honestly and objectively. Thank you for your

Part I: Personal Information

You do not need to write your name!
Answer by placing a tick mark in (✔) one of the boxes corresponding to each item.
1. Sex: Male Female
2. Level of education: 12 Complete Certificate Diploma Bachelor Degree
Master’s Degree & above
3. Please indicate your age: less than 21 22-32 33-44 45-55 above 56
4. Work experience: Less than 1 years 1- 5 years 6 – 10 years More than 10 years

1, what kind of service does the bank offered to its customers?

2, what mechanisms does the bank used to check whether the customers are satisfied or not?
. 3, what are your measurements for the experiences and skills of the bank workers to serve the


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