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The Hindu News Analysis – 17th November 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T

1 Four tribal students who cleared NEET felicitated 4 - - - -

2 At COP-27, India and three others oppose ‘carbon border tax’ 1, 10 1, 8 1, 10 1, 8 1, 8

3 This unseating of vice chancellors is faulty (Editorial) 8 6 6 6 6

4 ‘Sea Vigil-22’ drill tests security forces’ preparedness in State 4 - - - -

5 PCI pulls up Gehlot over remark on ads to newspapers 12 10 12 10 10

6 Prelims Practice Questions

@ end of the video
7 Mains Practice Question
*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram


Pg: 4 – Chennai edition

• Munda Ulgulan or Munda rebellion.

Birsa Munda
• Most prominent tribal revolts.
• A tribal freedom fighter - Munda tribe.
Mundas • Aroused the tribal mind-set & mobilised
• Central Indian tribe. them.

• Immigrant tribe in Tripura. • A terror for the British Rulers.

• Original homeland - Chota Nagpur.

• Proto-Australoid tribe.

• Mundari - Austro-Asiatic family.



• Mundas followed Khunkhatti system.

 A joint ownership or land holding by tribal lineage.

 Cleared the forests & made it for cultivation.

 Land belonged to whole clan.

• British replaced with Zamindari System.

• Outsiders entered and started exploiting.

• Compelled to work as forced laborers on their own land.

• Great famine of 1895 broke out.

• Birsa Munda led tribals to prevent

non-tribals from taking land. Significance

• To prevent Mundas from working as bonded • Very prominent tribal revolt.

labourers. • Brought tribal community under a single

• 1st protest march for remission of forest umbrella.

dues. • To re-establish their own kingdom.

• 1894 - Birsa announced declaration against • Advocated to reject missionaries & return
the British and the Dikus. to traditional ways.

• Asked people not to pay taxes.

• Birsa arrested in 1895.

• 1899 - resumed armed struggle.


• British enacted Chotanagpur Tenancy Act,

• Razed police stations, government property,
churches & houses of Zamindars.
 Restricted transfer of tribal land to
• British caught him in 1900.
non-tribal people.
• Birsa Munda died on June 9th 1900.
 “Khuntkatti” rights recognized.
• Rebellion could not reach desired end.
• Tribals won a degree of legal protection
• Left a significant impact on Indian tribal for their land rights.
• Birsa Munda worshipped as 'Bhagaban’ in
• Capacity of tribes to protest against injustice. Jharkhand.

• Capacity to express anger against colonial rule.

Previous year Question – Prelims 2022

Q. With reference to the History of India,
Ulgulan or the Great Tumult is the
description of which of the following
a) The Revolt of 1857.
b) The Mappila Rebellion of 1921.
c) The Indigo Revolt of 1857-1860.
d) Birsa Munda’s Revolt of 1899-1900.


Pgs: 1, 10 – C, D;
Pg: 1, 8 – B, H, T;

Emissions Trading System

• Charges polluters for the carbon dioxide they emit.

• Also known as cap-and-trade system.

• Originated with the Kyoto Protocol.


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which of the following statements is not true
about the concept Carbon Border Adjustment
a) This tax would make Indian goods less
attractive for buyers and could shrink
b) The tax would create serious near-term
challenges for companies with a large
greenhouse gas footprint.
c) A new source of disruption to a global
trading system.
d) It favors the principles of equity and CBDR-
RC (common but differentiated
responsibilities and respective capabilities).


Pg: 6 – C;
Pg: 8 – B, H T, D;

Part A—Preliminary Examination

Paper I - (200 marks)
• Current events of national and international importance.
• Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj,
Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
Part B—Main Examination
General Studies‐ II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and
International relations
• Parliament and State legislatures—structure, functioning, conduct of business,
powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
• Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary—
Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and
formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.


Gambhirdan K. Gadhvi vs The State Of

Gujarat (March 3, 2022)

• Nullified - search committee did not form a

panel for the appointment of VC.

Prof. (Dr) Sreejith P.S vs Dr. Rajasree

M.S. (October 21, 2022)

• Search committee recommended only one

name - against the UGC Regulations.


• Governor - asked 11 VCs of other

universities of the State to resign

• Ground - their appointments become void

after the Supreme Court’s judgment.

• November 14 - Kerala HC quashed

appointment of VC of the Kerala University
of Fisheries and Ocean Studies.


Whether appointment of VCs should be made as per the UGC Regulations or the provisions
of the State University Act?

• Education - Concurrent list.

• Court’s conclusion is faulty.

254. Inconsistency between laws made by Parliament and laws made by the Legislatures of States.—
(1) If any provision of a law made by the Legislature of a State is repugnant to any provision of a law made by Parliament
which Parliament is competent to enact, or to any provision of an existing law with respect to one of the matters
enumerated in the Concurrent List, then, subject to the provisions of clause (2), the law made by Parliament, whether
passed before or after the law made by the Legislature of such State, or, as the case may be, the existing law, shall
prevail and the law made by the Legislature of the State shall, to the extent of the repugnancy, be void.
(2) Where a law made by the Legislature of a State 1*** with respect to one of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent
List contains any provision repugnant to the provisions of an earlier law made by Parliament or an existing law with
respect to that matter, then, the law so made by the Legislature of such State shall, if it has been reserved for the
consideration of the President and has received his assent, prevail in that State: Provided that nothing in this clause
shall prevent Parliament from enacting at any time any law with respect to the same matter including a law adding to,
amending, varying or repealing the law so made by the Legislature of the State.

• Reason - the repugnancy can arise only

between the provisions of the University
Acts & the UGC Act.
• Regulations -
• A state law can be repugnant only to the
 Do not require the approval of Parliament. central Act & not the regulations and

 Have an inferior status as compared to rules made by centre.

an Act.

 UGC Regulations - outside the scope of the

main provisions of the UGC Act.


Practice Question – Mains

Q. What is doctrine of repugnancy and how
it helps when there is inconsistency
between laws made by Parliament and
laws made by the Legislatures of States.
(150 Words, 10 Marks)

Pg: 4 – Chennai edition


Sea Vigil-22 • Undertaken along entire 7516 km coastline

& EEZ of India.
• National Level Coastal Defence Exercise.
• Involve all Coastal States & UTs +
• Conceptualized in 2018.
maritime stakeholders.
• Biennial pan-India coastal defence exercise.
 Fishing & coastal communities.
• Objective:
• Conducted by the Indian Navy + Coast
 To validate measures enhancing maritime Guard & ministries with maritime activities.

 To activate Coastal Security apparatus

across India.

 To assess overarching Coastal Defence


• Build up towards TROPEX.

• TROPEX - by Indian Navy - 2 years once.

Practice Question – Prelims
• Sea Vigil + TROPEX - Maritime Security
Q. The term ‘Sea Vigil – 22’ often in news
represents which among the following:
• Sea Vigil a) Joint maritime exercise between
 Assess preparedness in maritime security & South Africa, Brazil and India.
coastal defence. b) An annual naval exercise conducted
by QUAD countries.
 Provides realistic assessment of strengths
and weaknesses. c) A Pan-India Coastal Defense Exercise
conducted by the Indian Navy.
 To strengthen maritime & national
d) Biennial naval exercise conducted by
Indian and Russian navy.
• 1st - January 2019.

• 2nd - January 2021.


Pg: 12 – C, D;
Pg: 10 – B, H, T;

Press Council of India

• 1966 - Indian Press Council Act, 1965.
• A Chairman & 28 members.
• Re-established in 1979 - Press Council Act,
• Chairman - retired SC judge.
 Nominated by a Committee.
• Statutory & quasi-judicial autonomous
authority.  Rajya Sabha Chairman, LS Speaker &
person elected amongst 28 members.

• To preserve freedom of press.

 By maintaining & improving stds. of

newspapers & news agencies.


• 28 members
• To help newspapers & news agencies
 2 Rajya Sabha Members.
maintain independence.
 3 Lok Sabha Members.
 To build up a code of conduct for
 7 Working Journalists (other than newspapers, news agencies & journalists.
editors of newspapers).
 Accordance with high professional
 6 Editors of Newspapers. standard.

 3 - specialized knowledge on public life. • To ensure the maintenance of high

 1 - manages news agencies. standards of public taste.

 6 - managing newspapers. • Foster a due sense of both the rights and


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. With reference to Press Council of India,
• Undertake studies & express opinion - any
Consider the following statements:
bill, legislation, law or other matters. 1. It is a Constitutional body.
• May Suo motu take cognizance. 2. It receives substantial fund through
grants-in-aid of the Central
 In matters of public importance. Government.
 Constitute a Special Committee for spot Which of the statements given above
inquiry. is/are incorrect?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Which of the following statements is not true Practice Question – Prelims
about the concept Carbon Border Adjustment
Q. The term ‘Sea Vigil – 22’ often in news
represents which among the following:
a) This tax would make Indian goods less
attractive for buyers and could shrink a) Joint maritime exercise between
demand. South Africa, Brazil and India.
b) The tax would create serious near-term b) An annual naval exercise conducted
challenges for companies with a large by QUAD countries.
greenhouse gas footprint.
c) A Pan-India Coastal Defense Exercise
c) A new source of disruption to a global conducted by the Indian Navy.
trading system.
d) Biennial naval exercise conducted by
d) It favors the principles of equity and CBDR- Indian and Russian navy.
RC (common but differentiated
responsibilities and respective capabilities).


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. With reference to Press Council of India,
Consider the following statements:
1. It is a Constitutional body.
Answer – Prelims Practice questions
2. It receives substantial fund through
grants-in-aid of the Central Q1. Option d)
Government. Q2. Option c)
Which of the statements given above Q3. option a) – 1 only
is/are incorrect?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Quiz Question (17/11/2022)

Previous year Question – Prelims 2022
Q. With reference to the History of India,
Ulgulan or the Great Tumult is the
description of which of the following
a) The Revolt of 1857.
b) The Mappila Rebellion of 1921.
c) The Indigo Revolt of 1857-1860.
d) Birsa Munda’s Revolt of 1899-1900.


Practice Question – Mains

Q. What is doctrine of repugnancy and how
it helps when there is inconsistency
between laws made by Parliament and
laws made by the Legislatures of States.
(150 Words, 10 Marks)


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