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Chris Nelson 520 SE Sth Ave #1101 Ft Lauderdale, FL33301 954-380-0200 ‘snalsonftl@ November 20, 2022 Florida Commission on Ethics P. Q. Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, FL 92317 Hello, am filing an Ethies Complaint against Broward School Board Member Debbi Hixon, State of Florida financial documents (attached) show Broward Schaol Board Member Debbi Hocon worked for eryptoourrency giant FTX. The company filed for bankruptoy on Friday, Nov 11, and CEO Sam Bankman-Fiied resigned. Published reports say Bankman-Fried lost nearly $15 billon dollars over the last week. It has been revealed that Bankman-Fried is the nephew of Broward Democrat consultant Barbara Miller, who was an advisor to Hixon's Campaign in 2020. Oniher 2024 financial disclasure form (attached), Debbi Hixon listed $49,000 income from FTX in Berkeley, Califomia, Since 2021, Hixon repeatedly promoted the FTX events an her social media, She posted pictures taken at the FTX events. Some of people photagraphed with Hixon included Barbara Miller, School Board Member Lori Alhadoff and School Superintendent Vickie Cartwright. The FTX Foundation Group funded the FTX Hackathon, a contest fer Broward, Pain Beach and Miami-Dade students which offered a grand prize of one milion dollars. Information provided by FTX urged interested parties to contact Debbi Hixon at a gmail account. Democrat palitical consultant and lobbyist Barbara Milleridentified Broward School Board Member Debbi Hixon as part of her “team” that organized the FTX Hackathon and Crypto Summit in March (Post Attached). Published reports said FTX announced it was halting donations by the FTX Foundation Group amid “questions about legitimacy.” Marketwatch reported, “The senior staff of Bankman- Fried's philanthropic FTX Future Fund publicly quit Thursday night, saying that the fund could no longer operate or process grants, and that they ‘have fundamental questions about the legitimacy and integrity of the business operations that were funding the FTX Foundation and the: Future Fund.” Barbara Millers also the Aunt of FTX GEO Sam Bankman Fried. On the fiyer for the'$1 Million Hackathon (attached) it says “Come up with the best idea to imprave mental or physical health.” It promises "$1 Million funding for top idea” and “815k scholarships for all playoff contestants.” And “Tickets to Miami Heat at FTX Arena for top 50 teams.” Will the Broward students who won Scholarships or Prizes in this year's FTX Foundation contest be compensated? Will they hhave to retum the money? These students were promised these items from FTX and School Board Member Debbi Hixon acting as FTX's liaison. Who will be held responsible for giving aut Scholarships to Students who were promised Scholarships like Broward Students Chad Jordan, YeWande Shitta-Bey and Alexis Buggam? (Link: httns:chvwwinstagram.comén/Gh BKCWvhvEZ) Will Debbi Hixon have to return the $49,000 she got from FTX? What was the money for? | believe Debbi Hixon should be investigated for her rall in the FTX Hackathon thraugh her connection to former FTX President Sam Bankman Fried through Bankman Fried's Aunt Barbara Millorwho Served as a campaign consultant for Hicon. Why was shea id $49,000 from FTX and what was this compensation for? What responsibility does Hixon have far acting as a liaison for the FTX Hackathon between Broward Schools and Sam Bankman Fried? | believe this indicates a violation of her trust as a,public official, Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Sincerely, Chris Nelson,

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